Something About Nothing............ #14

Yep, me too Mac. 2 night ticket, that BOGO, still valid from bought last year. Hotel already booked, and waiting for SW to open flights. Excited to see HHN this year. Hope you are feeling good today.

Robo I like a Jewish apple cake. My mom used to make it. I never tried yet. Hope your nap was good, and enjoying your Saturday.

Oh my, almost dinner time. Bought chicken, so whatever chicken style dinner kids want, will be made. Sipping on some tea, as very cool feeling day. Not much warmer tomorrow either. Did go to the mall after lunch, and was almost too crowded for me. But used my coupons at BBW, and came home with some candles, good smelling soaps, and restocked my little hand sanitizers I throw in my purse, and did put in my fanny pack, when was at the parks. Like the smell of them, and don’t make hands sticky.

Hope all Saturday night homies do not include a fever. Yeah, not much of interest on the tube lately. Will have to see what movies we have.
I started a crockpot meal early this morning
Love the nice smell in the house.

(Hopefully it will taste as good as it smells)
I’m not the worlds best cook and some meals are more eatable than others

I did a double set of bogo hhn tickets last year.
Assuming prices won’t be cheaper at the presale this year and come out ahead on holding onto those tickets.

Hope all the homies are having a great weekend!
Keisha does make a good HHN sticky..........mac, I do like the sound of your dinner tonight.

Lynne, nice stock up on B&B products. I like those hand sanitisers for everyday use, not for covid, but they are ideal for everything else. Always have some in the car and all my handbags.......hope you had a nice dinner choice......and yes, tv is not as good as it used to be.........

Ended up watching latest season of Good Girls on Netflix.......well, 3 episodes.......both of us are sitting with our eyes closing......doubt we’ll finish this episode.

Bacon up in the morning..........
Weird night tonight. DH and I were on the other side of town and saw 2 fire trucks and 4 police cars drive to the university. I immediately texted B to see if she knew what was going on. I still hadn't heard from her after 45 minutes, so dh called. Fortunately she answered. She had no idea what was going on. On the way home we came across a car wreck right in the middle of an intersection where we needed to turn. Thankfully no one seemed to be injured. I still don;t know what happened at the university.

Shame about the tag....think we`ve all thrown away something we shouldn`t have.....last week I threw away a sharp knife I use for was orange and got thrown away with the carrot peelings......
I ended up buying a $1 tag at Walmart today and used the strap from that tag for my Disney tag. I still have the first Disney luggage tag I got for our trip back in 2007.

Ooooh, cheese curds! Fresh and squeaky! Or deep fried! You cannot go wrong!
I never know what cheese curds were until I moved to Florida and had a coworker who was from Wisconsin. He brought cheese curds to work one day and shared them with us. The nursery rhyme Little Miss Muffett made much more sense after that.

I took a picture to send to DD since it was too cute!
Adorable kitty.

I’m happy and looking forward to hhn

Keishashadow will be setting up a sticky when she returns from her vacation

Room booked last year and tickets I bought are valid for 2021 hhn

Just waiting to book the flight
Not going to HHN, but looking forward to meeting you and whoever else is there when I am. I booked my flight first. I'm so glad I did because it has already increased in price. I'm not anxiously awaiting the release of AP room rates.

Yep, me too Mac. 2 night ticket, that BOGO, still valid from bought last year. Hotel already booked, and waiting for SW to open flights. Excited to see HHN this year. Hope you are feeling good today.
Will you be there the same time I am? October 1-4.

Nothing worth watching on TV tonight, so dh and I are watching the original Muppet Show.
Good evening everyone!

I always feel so bad when I don't check in.

Quick updates on family...DH and I are fully vaccinated! Dose #2 of Pfizer side effects definitely paid a visit....fatigue, aches, and on-and-off headaches. But right after the 24 hour mark....they truly disappeared.

My mom got shingles on her face a few weeks ago...thankfully caught very early and did not have any pain. She goes for her #1 dose on the 18th...but I'm trying to see if I can get her an appt. for the J&J vaccine. The Javitz Center in NYC is open 24 hours, and she said she would go at 3 am if she could.

Today we took Hope for her first haircut. I was trying to hold off, but it was just way too out of control.Hope1.jpgHope2.jpg

Have a great night all and stay well!
Bacon breakfast !

count me in...

Bacon coming right up.........will make sure we leave some ::yes::

Weird night tonight. DH and I were on the other side of town and saw 2 fire trucks and 4 police cars drive to the university. I immediately texted B to see if she knew what was going on. I still hadn't heard from her after 45 minutes, so dh called. Fortunately she answered. She had no idea what was going on. On the way home we came across a car wreck right in the middle of an intersection where we needed to turn. Thankfully no one seemed to be injured. I still don;t know what happened at the university.

I ended up buying a $1 tag at Walmart today and used the strap from that tag for my Disney tag. I still have the first Disney luggage tag I got for our trip back in 2007.

I never know what cheese curds were until I moved to Florida and had a coworker who was from Wisconsin. He brought cheese curds to work one day and shared them with us. The nursery rhyme Little Miss Muffett made much more sense after that.

Adorable kitty.

Not going to HHN, but looking forward to meeting you and whoever else is there when I am. I booked my flight first. I'm so glad I did because it has already increased in price. I'm not anxiously awaiting the release of AP room rates.

Will you be there the same time I am? October 1-4.

Nothing worth watching on TV tonight, so dh and I are watching the original Muppet Show.

Glad to hear no one was hurt. tv is bad when you end up watching the Muppets on a Saturday night.

We often comment we have 85 million channels on and end up watching dvd`s or repeats of shows from the 80`s!

Good evening everyone!

I always feel so bad when I don't check in.

Quick updates on family...DH and I are fully vaccinated! Dose #2 of Pfizer side effects definitely paid a visit....fatigue, aches, and on-and-off headaches. But right after the 24 hour mark....they truly disappeared.

My mom got shingles on her face a few weeks ago...thankfully caught very early and did not have any pain. She goes for her #1 dose on the 18th...but I'm trying to see if I can get her an appt. for the J&J vaccine. The Javitz Center in NYC is open 24 hours, and she said she would go at 3 am if she could.

Today we took Hope for her first haircut. I was trying to hold off, but it was just way too out of control.View attachment 561011View attachment 561012

Have a great night all and stay well!

Hope is really growing up isn`t she! She looks so much like daddy and Christopher too....

Glad you have both been vaccinated, big relief for you. Good to see you Kfish.....

Sunday again, and it`s half sunny half cloudy cold-ish day, think the sun may make an appearance soon. 40F predicted, but if the sun is out, all good.

Family catch up day today, will facetime some and chat to others. But, popping out to get some new accessories for the master bathroom, just towel holders and some chrome hooks I saw I liked. Will pick them up from the store today.

And tomorrow we have one restriction lifted......well, schools are back but that doesn`t affect us, but we can meet one person outside again!

So I can meet up with one friend and go for a walk again, sit on a bench to have food or`t be eating food on a bench, but, can`t wait to meet my friends again. Hopefully the begininning of some real changes for us.......we are still being asked to stay home as it`s only "easing lockdown" but I`m sure there will be many who will ignore that and do what they have been doing.

March 29th sees some other restrictions loosened. And April 12th sees hair salons open up.......:cheer2:

Slow cooking a chicken today.......sometimes roast sometimes slow, slow cooker. Will make some chicken noodle soup with the extras for tomorrow.....and just been asked if I`d make rosemary bread to go with it.....of course.





Happy Sunday..........🥰

Morning all - we have 42 temperature already this morning - funny that can feel warm! We are going to do some tidying in the garden after I’ve box coloured Em’s hair as so nice out. She is walking later with her friend

Robo that recipe is similar but different to our Dorset Apple cake if that makes sense? I have screenshot it to try when we have overload of apples again.

Charade glad all was well after the sirens. Always a concern.

Kfish lovely curls! L has very curly hair too - has to be dried and brushed carefully to avoid the morning tangles and definitely needs a trim. Will be a good while until that’s possible.

Finished watching Firefly Lane this morning. It’s been my early morning weekend viewing the last few weeks. Left on a cliffhanger and look forward to series 2. Definitely a female show not something Kev would enjoy.

Will be egg and bacon brunch this morning. More coffee on the way for me but expect Lynne has her morning tea.
Ah why hello Julie and Schumi. I have a very sunny 27F out. But at least the wind won’t be as blowing as it had been these last two days.

Yum, bacon. Hope lunch was good, Schumi. Perfect the restrictions let you be able to at least meet up with one friend. Enjoy your coffee.

Julie, yeah does feel warmer when above freezing. Hope Em liked her refreshed hair color.

Yep, a typical Sunday start for me. Wash finishing up, and will be taking that hot shower after I bring the last load up to put away, which is soon now. And remote and tea cup with throw over me, as cool feeling in this otherwise very quiet house. And a typical Sunday to be too. Finishing up stocking the food pantry, getting the trash out, and alarm set, as also the getting ready for the week day routines.

Yay, pictures and post from Kfish. Great you received the vaccination. And what a cutie Hope is. Awww, the first official haircut. Sweetie no matter hair cut or not. Yeah, not a warm end to this Winter season.

Super Stupendous Sunday, homies. May this Sunday find you healthy and quite happy.

And hope whatever the reason that Charade heard police presence at B’s university, was nothing of interest, and no one hurt. And sadly no, was not planning on being there that weekend. May change my mind when the flight prices come out, or lower AP rates. Otherwise I was coming home on the 1st. So depending on both our flight times, we still may be able to meet.
Ah why hello Julie and Schumi. I have a very sunny 27F out. But at least the wind won’t be as blowing as it had been these last two days.

Yum, bacon. Hope lunch was good, Schumi. Perfect the restrictions let you be able to at least meet up with one friend. Enjoy your coffee.

Julie, yeah does feel warmer when above freezing. Hope Em liked her refreshed hair color.

Yep, a typical Sunday start for me. Wash finishing up, and will be taking that hot shower after I bring the last load up to put away, which is soon now. And remote and tea cup with throw over me, as cool feeling in this otherwise very quiet house. And a typical Sunday to be too. Finishing up stocking the food pantry, getting the trash out, and alarm set, as also the getting ready for the week day routines.

Yay, pictures and post from Kfish. Great you received the vaccination. And what a cutie Hope is. Awww, the first official haircut. Sweetie no matter hair cut or not. Yeah, not a warm end to this Winter season.

Super Stupendous Sunday, homies. May this Sunday find you healthy and quite happy.

And hope whatever the reason that Charade heard police presence at B’s university, was nothing of interest, and no one hurt. And sadly no, was not planning on being there that weekend. May change my mind when the flight prices come out, or lower AP rates. Otherwise I was coming home on the 1st. So depending on both our flight times, we still may be able to meet.

Yep, no coffee for me, it was just funny when they released the new rules of loosening the restrictions, they stipulated you could enjoy coffee on the

Oh that is cooler Lynne.......but no wind is nice, it makes such a difference.

Got what we needed this morning, and Tom has fitted the new accessories, looks good.

Roads were mobbed this morning strangely.......lots of idiots out there. More horsepower than brains for some of them.

Shrimp salad for lunch, it was nice and very fresh as we got some nice salad items on Friday. Chicken already smells delicious for later......trying to decide what to do this afternoon......sunshine has come out and looks lovely outside. Just still a little chilly, but March can still be quite cool here.

Time for tea........
What a cutie Kfish!

I’m so glad you checked in here as was about to call out the doggies to come find you...

I hope your mom can get set up with the injections
The sooner the better !
And hope all goes well for her with it

I get my second shot on Monday
I had a bad reaction to the first shot and was miserable for two weeks from it
Doctor already told me to expect same thing again.
My time is my own and my only job is feeding the cats,
so not a big deal for me
Seriously, I dread the second injection due to the side effects that complicate my autoimmunity issues, but no matter how ill from the side effects,
It’s worth it in the long run.
Holy cow!
Thought I sent my above post earlier yesterday to you

WeirdNot going to HHN, but looking forward to meeting you and whoever else is there when I am. I booked my flight first. I'm so glad I did because it has already increased in price. I'm not anxiously awaiting the release of AP room rates.

Will you be there the same time I am? October 1-4.

Nothing worth watching on TV tonight, so dh and I are watching the original Muppet Show.

Pencil me in to do a meet up with you!

we can eat ice cream together👍
German Apple Cake

3 large eggs room temperature
2 cups sugar (you can adjust per your taste)
1 cup canola or vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1teaspon baking soda
1teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 cups tart apples ( I used Fuji apples and chopped the in small pieces)
1/2 cup pecans
1/4 cup buttermilk

Spray baking pan with canola spray put in mixed cake pan and bake in 350 degree oven for 55 to 60 minutes.

When cooled frost with light buttercream frosting.
Saving this recipe!

I am going to try cheese curds at some point......maybe,, I of the ex club managers we keep in touch with is also originally from Wisconsin, and yes, she love cheese too! And knew an awful lot about cheese......haha.....
When we are able to meet again in FL, I'll bring some cheese from WI for you and Tom. Guaranteed you'll like it!

I’m happy and looking forward to hhn

Keishashadow will be setting up a sticky when she returns from her vacation

Room booked last year and tickets I bought are valid for 2021 hhn

Just waiting to book the flight
All good news!

Weird night tonight. DH and I were on the other side of town and saw 2 fire trucks and 4 police cars drive to the university. I immediately texted B to see if she knew what was going on. I still hadn't heard from her after 45 minutes, so dh called. Fortunately she answered. She had no idea what was going on. On the way home we came across a car wreck right in the middle of an intersection where we needed to turn. Thankfully no one seemed to be injured. I still don;t know what happened at the university.

I ended up buying a $1 tag at Walmart today and used the strap from that tag for my Disney tag. I still have the first Disney luggage tag I got for our trip back in 2007.

I never know what cheese curds were until I moved to Florida and had a coworker who was from Wisconsin. He brought cheese curds to work one day and shared them with us. The nursery rhyme Little Miss Muffett made much more sense after that.

Adorable kitty.

Not going to HHN, but looking forward to meeting you and whoever else is there when I am. I booked my flight first. I'm so glad I did because it has already increased in price. I'm not anxiously awaiting the release of AP room rates.

Will you be there the same time I am? October 1-4.

Nothing worth watching on TV tonight, so dh and I are watching the original Muppet Show.
Always scary when coming upon that many rescue vehicles...hoping all involved are ok!

Good evening everyone!

I always feel so bad when I don't check in.

Quick updates on family...DH and I are fully vaccinated! Dose #2 of Pfizer side effects definitely paid a visit....fatigue, aches, and on-and-off headaches. But right after the 24 hour mark....they truly disappeared.

My mom got shingles on her face a few weeks ago...thankfully caught very early and did not have any pain. She goes for her #1 dose on the 18th...but I'm trying to see if I can get her an appt. for the J&J vaccine. The Javitz Center in NYC is open 24 hours, and she said she would go at 3 am if she could.

Today we took Hope for her first haircut. I was trying to hold off, but it was just way too out of control.View attachment 561011View attachment 561012

Have a great night all and stay well!

Bacon coming right up.........will make sure we leave some ::yes::

Glad to hear no one was hurt. tv is bad when you end up watching the Muppets on a Saturday night.

We often comment we have 85 million channels on and end up watching dvd`s or repeats of shows from the 80`s!

Hope is really growing up isn`t she! She looks so much like daddy and Christopher too....

Glad you have both been vaccinated, big relief for you. Good to see you Kfish.....

Sunday again, and it`s half sunny half cloudy cold-ish day, think the sun may make an appearance soon. 40F predicted, but if the sun is out, all good.

Family catch up day today, will facetime some and chat to others. But, popping out to get some new accessories for the master bathroom, just towel holders and some chrome hooks I saw I liked. Will pick them up from the store today.

And tomorrow we have one restriction lifted......well, schools are back but that doesn`t affect us, but we can meet one person outside again!

So I can meet up with one friend and go for a walk again, sit on a bench to have food or`t be eating food on a bench, but, can`t wait to meet my friends again. Hopefully the begininning of some real changes for us.......we are still being asked to stay home as it`s only "easing lockdown" but I`m sure there will be many who will ignore that and do what they have been doing.

March 29th sees some other restrictions loosened. And April 12th sees hair salons open up.......:cheer2:

Slow cooking a chicken today.......sometimes roast sometimes slow, slow cooker. Will make some chicken noodle soup with the extras for tomorrow.....and just been asked if I`d make rosemary bread to go with it.....of course.





Happy Sunday..........🥰

Glad restrictions are easing in your area!
Do you have an appointment booked for the first day salons reopen?

Morning all - we have 42 temperature already this morning - funny that can feel warm! We are going to do some tidying in the garden after I’ve box coloured Em’s hair as so nice out. She is walking later with her friend

Robo that recipe is similar but different to our Dorset Apple cake if that makes sense? I have screenshot it to try when we have overload of apples again.

Charade glad all was well after the sirens. Always a concern.

Kfish lovely curls! L has very curly hair too - has to be dried and brushed carefully to avoid the morning tangles and definitely needs a trim. Will be a good while until that’s possible.

Finished watching Firefly Lane this morning. It’s been my early morning weekend viewing the last few weeks. Left on a cliffhanger and look forward to series 2. Definitely a female show not something Kev would enjoy.

Will be egg and bacon brunch this morning. More coffee on the way for me but expect Lynne has her morning tea.
It feels good to work outside on a pleasant day!

Ah why hello Julie and Schumi. I have a very sunny 27F out. But at least the wind won’t be as blowing as it had been these last two days.

Yum, bacon. Hope lunch was good, Schumi. Perfect the restrictions let you be able to at least meet up with one friend. Enjoy your coffee.

Julie, yeah does feel warmer when above freezing. Hope Em liked her refreshed hair color.

Yep, a typical Sunday start for me. Wash finishing up, and will be taking that hot shower after I bring the last load up to put away, which is soon now. And remote and tea cup with throw over me, as cool feeling in this otherwise very quiet house. And a typical Sunday to be too. Finishing up stocking the food pantry, getting the trash out, and alarm set, as also the getting ready for the week day routines.

Yay, pictures and post from Kfish. Great you received the vaccination. And what a cutie Hope is. Awww, the first official haircut. Sweetie no matter hair cut or not. Yeah, not a warm end to this Winter season.

Super Stupendous Sunday, homies. May this Sunday find you healthy and quite happy.

And hope whatever the reason that Charade heard police presence at B’s university, was nothing of interest, and no one hurt. And sadly no, was not planning on being there that weekend. May change my mind when the flight prices come out, or lower AP rates. Otherwise I was coming home on the 1st. So depending on both our flight times, we still may be able to meet.
Enjoying your tea and getting ready for the week! Happy Sunday to you too!!

Yep, no coffee for me, it was just funny when they released the new rules of loosening the restrictions, they stipulated you could enjoy coffee on the

Oh that is cooler Lynne.......but no wind is nice, it makes such a difference.

Got what we needed this morning, and Tom has fitted the new accessories, looks good.

Roads were mobbed this morning strangely.......lots of idiots out there. More horsepower than brains for some of them.

Shrimp salad for lunch, it was nice and very fresh as we got some nice salad items on Friday. Chicken already smells delicious for later......trying to decide what to do this afternoon......sunshine has come out and looks lovely outside. Just still a little chilly, but March can still be quite cool here.

Time for tea........
Wonder why coffee on a bench instead of tea? Isn't tea basically your national drink, lol?


What a cutie Kfish!

I’m so glad you checked in here as was about to call out the doggies to come find you...

I hope your mom can get set up with the injections
The sooner the better !
And hope all goes well for her with it

I get my second shot on Monday
I had a bad reaction to the first shot and was miserable for two weeks from it
Doctor already told me to expect same thing again.
My time is my own and my only job is feeding the cats,
so not a big deal for me
Seriously, I dread the second injection due to the side effects that complicate my autoimmunity issues, but no matter how ill from the side effects,
It’s worth it in the long run.
Hang in there Mac! Lots and lots of mummy dust headed your way!! Hoping the second shot goes much more smoothly!

I went through 3 closets and was able to get rid of a lot! It's astounding how much a person/family can accumulate without even realizing it! I have an ample load to drop off at the Goodwill tomorrow. Feels good to purge!
Our temps are due to get near 60 for the next few days. That will surely take care of most of the snow in the area. I will need to do a "dirty job" out in the yard....I don't clean after the dogs when everything is frozen and buried in snow. Thankfully we have a huge lot, so they have much space to roam. Ugh, no fun, but must be done!
We had a big brunch around 11:00 this morning and I'm stuffed, so will have a light supper. I'm thinking cobb salads will do fine!
Happy Sunday !!

Thanks for the HBD wishes for DH. He had a nice low key birthday. We went to a local seafood restaurant last night. He had the seafood platter and I had a salmon stack, which was salmon with grilled shrimp and a broiled crabcake topped with She Crab Soup. It was delicious but probably could have done without the She Crab. Definitely not a low carb when you add in the two hushpuppies :) Back to the diet today though. DH ended up returning his sunglasses. I kind of figured he would but it is the thought that counts, Lol. He bought a fishing rod instead.

Glad to see that they are going to start work back up on the new park at UOR. Exciting to see things get back on track.

Thinking buffalo wings and salad for dinner. That may change.....

A cold sunny day today. DH and DS are at my mom's house cleaning out the gutters. I am staying inside and doing a little housework. Will eventually make my way to the store. I will be so glad when it finally warms up. Looks we will get a little break next week with the temps.

Mac- I hope your 2nd jab is easy peasey with no bad side effects.

Schumi- glad the bathroom is coming along. Also, great news on some of your restrictions being lifted. I am sure it has been tough but hopefully the worse is behind us all.

J'amie- It is so nice to purge. Scary how fast it accumulates.
Saving this recipe!

When we are able to meet again in FL, I'll bring some cheese from WI for you and Tom. Guaranteed you'll like it!

All good news!

Always scary when coming upon that many rescue vehicles...hoping all involved are ok!


Glad restrictions are easing in your area!
Do you have an appointment booked for the first day salons reopen?

It feels good to work outside on a pleasant day!

Enjoying your tea and getting ready for the week! Happy Sunday to you too!!

Wonder why coffee on a bench instead of tea? Isn't tea basically your national drink, lol?

View attachment 561073

Hang in there Mac! Lots and lots of mummy dust headed your way!! Hoping the second shot goes much more smoothly!

I went through 3 closets and was able to get rid of a lot! It's astounding how much a person/family can accumulate without even realizing it! I have an ample load to drop off at the Goodwill tomorrow. Feels good to purge!
Our temps are due to get near 60 for the next few days. That will surely take care of most of the snow in the area. I will need to do a "dirty job" out in the yard....I don't clean after the dogs when everything is frozen and buried in snow. Thankfully we have a huge lot, so they have much space to roam. Ugh, no fun, but must be done!
We had a big brunch around 11:00 this morning and I'm stuffed, so will have a light supper. I'm thinking cobb salads will do fine!
Happy Sunday !!

View attachment 561076

I look forward to that, cheese is a big hit with us. I need to remember the Walkers crisps as an

I`ll call the salon the week before they reopen to check if they`re taking appointments, I`m sure the owner will be there......I want that appointment!!!

Yes, it was just the wording we were laughing at......Tea is definitely our national drink......I think I`ll wait till we can sit inside before doing that! Counting down till inside eating in restaurants commence too! We`ll be there........

You did well with the clearing!! You`ll see a big difference......glad you`re seeing some nicer temps again.....glad the snow will be disappearing for you. Enjoy that salad........

Thanks for the HBD wishes for DH. He had a nice low key birthday. We went to a local seafood restaurant last night. He had the seafood platter and I had a salmon stack, which was salmon with grilled shrimp and a broiled crabcake topped with She Crab Soup. It was delicious but probably could have done without the She Crab. Definitely not a low carb when you add in the two hushpuppies :) Back to the diet today though. DH ended up returning his sunglasses. I kind of figured he would but it is the thought that counts, Lol. He bought a fishing rod instead.

Glad to see that they are going to start work back up on the new park at UOR. Exciting to see things get back on track.

Thinking buffalo wings and salad for dinner. That may change.....

A cold sunny day today. DH and DS are at my mom's house cleaning out the gutters. I am staying inside and doing a little housework. Will eventually make my way to the store. I will be so glad when it finally warms up. Looks we will get a little break next week with the temps.

Mac- I hope your 2nd jab is easy peasey with no bad side effects.

Schumi- glad the bathroom is coming along. Also, great news on some of your restrictions being lifted. I am sure it has been tough but hopefully the worse is behind us all.

J'amie- It is so nice to purge. Scary how fast it accumulates.

Food sounded good Cam, I adore hush puppies since I discovered them, but a lovely way to celebrate your DH birthday..........and buffalo wings sound good too for tonight. Yes, it is the thought that counts.....hope he enjoys his fishing rods......

And yes, hopefully it can only get better from here....surely! Hope you warm up soon too.

Dinner over again, always enjoy a good Sunday roast dinner. Made a Bakewell Pudding for dessert.......sometimes called a Bakewell Tart outside of though and made some custard, perfect winter dessert.

It`s not dark now till just before 6pm.......and will get lighter earlier from now, and clocks go forward at the end of this month.....I`m positive this summer will be a good one. Hopefully.......

Going to watch the rest of Good Girls tonight from Netflix and don`t plan to get up at 1am to hear the Oprah interview.....I`m sure there`ll be plenty of recaps

Time for tea......again........
:wave2: Making a quick weekend stop in!

Just enjoying our weekend and beautiful weather. Finished our weekly shopping, all produce is washed and prepped for the week. Lunch was made, now to just clean up from that then onto some painting I think.
Had to take our youngest ds for a covid test. Got a phonecall from the school that someone in his class tested positive, so they recommend a covid test, and he is to isolate until the 17. So we moved him I to the basement, and the older Ds upstairs until after his quarantine is done. He is feeling fine...yet. I guess we will.see.what happens. If the school.was.doing their job of cleaning, he should be good and not get sick. Like I said, now we wait. I'm surprised that it didn't happen sooner with all his classes. That class is now transfered to an online platform until the quarantine is done. Hopefully nothing comes from it. He's very seldom gets sick, and has the strongest immune system in the house.

I am trying to decide if I will watch the " Big Interview" or not. Never cared much for her. Should be interesting to see how all the news outlets report on the questions. For a couple who stepped down from Royal duties because they wanted privacy...they certainly are NOT trying to stay private :rolleyes2 Just my two cents. I am just glad they are not living in Canada anymore and telling our government to provide their security.
Well, I should clean up the kitchen, open the window and enjoy the fresh air while putzing.

Have a great day everyone!!!
It’s Sunday which means Dominoes pizza and walking dead

Thats my only agenda for today

Sounds good to me! 🍕🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️😁

:wave2: Making a quick weekend stop in!

Just enjoying our weekend and beautiful weather. Finished our weekly shopping, all produce is washed and prepped for the week. Lunch was made, now to just clean up from that then onto some painting I think.
Had to take our youngest ds for a covid test. Got a phonecall from the school that someone in his class tested positive, so they recommend a covid test, and he is to isolate until the 17. So we moved him I to the basement, and the older Ds upstairs until after his quarantine is done. He is feeling fine...yet. I guess we will.see.what happens. If the school.was.doing their job of cleaning, he should be good and not get sick. Like I said, now we wait. I'm surprised that it didn't happen sooner with all his classes. That class is now transfered to an online platform until the quarantine is done. Hopefully nothing comes from it. He's very seldom gets sick, and has the strongest immune system in the house.

I am trying to decide if I will watch the " Big Interview" or not. Never cared much for her. Should be interesting to see how all the news outlets report on the questions. For a couple who stepped down from Royal duties because they wanted privacy...they certainly are NOT trying to stay private :rolleyes2 Just my two cents. I am just glad they are not living in Canada anymore and telling our government to provide their security.
Well, I should clean up the kitchen, open the window and enjoy the fresh air while putzing.

Have a great day everyone!!!

Glad you have some beautiful weather pumpkin.....and best wishes for DS, both of them. How scary to be so close.

I won`t be watching....well, 1am our time......I`d rather be sleeping! Will catch up....nope, not fond of either of them now. They couldn`t spell the word privacy.

Enjoy that lovely weather.....

Book group lady is still deciding next book, says she`ll tell us tomorrow and I can get them ordered. She usually makes good choices, so I`m looking forward to hearing what she`s chosen.


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