A Last Hurrah Trip! We just didn't know it at the time. (A Pre-COVID Trip Report)

Hi friend! It's Cloe :)
Cloe!!!! So good to see you here!!! Love the name.. Gwen and I went to a Five Below today looking for wishables. Sadly we didn't find any. ;( But I thought of you!

Do you have any plans to head back any time soon? Or just holding out for Hawaii in 2022?
We have a trip booked for February 2022! I was hoping we could go around Thanksgiving this year, but Gwen probably won't be vaccinated yet. And she has been super nervous with everything, and I don't want to go unless she would feel comfortable. Which is fine, we love going in February and this past winter with no trip was ROUGH! It will be extra nice to go in 2022! And then hopefully Hawaii in end of June 2022. (with a stop at Disneyland :) hopefully)
I am all caught up now, Andi loves the chocolate covered pineapple.
We really missed Storybook circus gift shop, it is a favorite area for us.
I‘m enjoying reading about your first 2 days. I do like the Farts Festival!
Cloe!!!! So good to see you here!!! Love the name.. Gwen and I went to a Five Below today looking for wishables. Sadly we didn't find any. ;( But I thought of you!

We have a trip booked for February 2022! I was hoping we could go around Thanksgiving this year, but Gwen probably won't be vaccinated yet. And she has been super nervous with everything, and I don't want to go unless she would feel comfortable. Which is fine, we love going in February and this past winter with no trip was ROUGH! It will be extra nice to go in 2022! And then hopefully Hawaii in end of June 2022. (with a stop at Disneyland :) hopefully)

Haha gotta rep my pup Joy!!

We are hoping to try and go in Feb too! I really enjoyed going this year with my sister. Hawaii and Disneyland will be awesome too!
I have no idea how I missed this trip report but I’m all caught up! Sounds like you guys were having fun so far and Gwen and Donald’s picture made me laugh!
All caught up!

Park: Hollywood Studios / EPCOT

  • Spaceship Earth 9:45 - 10:45
  • Soarin’ 9:45 - 10:45
  • Living with the Land 11:35 - 12:35

Aw, I miss seeing those in our plans :sad1:

And I think Andy didn’t believe me that they would go THAT fast. I think he really thought I was being dramatic. sigh....


But we entered Hollywood Studios JUST after 8:00, like 8:02..
And all boarding groups were gone already. They already had a sandwich board out saying they were all gone.

The way they do it now is soooooo much better!

I think that is debatable.

My future
This tech was probably pretty cool at the time but I think it's getting a little old... ha.


I don't think they were even taking the pics in April…likely because of the masks.

We got in line at 11:19, and asked fore B1.
Soarin b
And it took FOREVER!!!! If you have to wait on the side, it really ads along of time.

Can't ask to wait anymore either :sad2: We had really bad seats in April, like bottom and off to a side. But it is what it is. I stopped loving this ride when they changed it to Soarin' around the world anyway.

We really enjoy these classes and I think it is why Morgan likes the Festival of Arts the most.

That looks fun! I didn't know they had drawing classes!

We ended up about 3 tables away from the water. And it was find. Although I will say we were VERY close to the family next to us. In this picture there is a kid next to me and then that was the dad. Like uncomfortably close! like I felt like I was apart of there table!!!


A given for this dinner was Guacamole!
Which I was super happy came with the Chicharrones!

Yummy! But what are chicharrones?? We ate here in April but since I wasn't eating much we skipped the guacamole.

French Quarter Street
Either way, it was a peaceful walk to the main building.


Oh, WHEN will they reopen POFQ??

First order of business? A photo pass photo of course!

Nice! You're smart to stop in the morning. We are always rushing to our first ride and by the time we stop were are disheveled messes!

He was just kind of wandering around...


While we were waiting, I got a notification that Big Thunder Mountain was down. So, our first fast pass turned into an anytime fast pass. Which actually was good. It meant we didn't have to rush across the park after this.

Love that!

I guess Donald wasn't done with his revenge on Gwen...

:laughing: Cute!!
Love that interaction with Donald, that must have been so much fun!

Never seen the chocolate covered pineapple before, but it is on my list of things to try now! Thanks for the review!
We really missed Storybook circus gift shop, it is a favorite area for us
We just discovered it! We never bothered to go in. I feel like a lot of people don't, it's not as crowded as main street, which is nice.

We are hoping to try and go in Feb too!
Maybe we will overlap and we can finally meet.

I have no idea how I missed this trip report
Glad you are here now!

Sounds like you guys were having fun so far and Gwen and Donald’s picture made me laugh!
Donald was hilarious!

Aw, I miss seeing those in our plans
Right? It's strange to not do them. I guess there hasn't really been any talk about bringing it back in any form.

Can't ask to wait anymore eithe
Probably for the better.

Yummy! But what are chicharrones?? We ate here in April but since I wasn't eating much we skipped the guacamole.
So, I believe they are fried pork rinds. But in Disney I don't think they are actually pork rinds.

Nice! You're smart to stop in the morning. We are always rushing to our first ride and by the time we stop were are disheveled messes!
That is all Andy's doing. He is the one to stop and get those photo pass photos.

Love that interaction with Donald, that must have been so much fun!
He really was a lot of fun. Goofy was too, just not AS fun as Donald.

Never seen the chocolate covered pineapple before, but it is on my list of things to try now! Thanks for the review!
They also have them in Germany, But I haven't gotten to try that variety yet. Those have carmel and Chocolate.
Day Two: Snacks and more Snacks!

I left off with us trying the Chocolate Covered Pineapple. The girls were still hungry, so we headed out to find more snacks!

First stop was for Gwen.

We saw these 2 guys on our way!

Gwen wanted a Cheshire Cat Tail.
Gwen & Cheshire Cat Tail
So, we grabbed one of those, and then headed to Gaston's.

Morgan & Cinnamon Roll
Morgan wanted her beloved Cinnamon Roll. So, we got that and grabbed a seat and relaxed for a bit while they girls ate there goodies.

We were kind of hoping Big Thunder Mountain would come back up before we were done. But no such luck.

Before we left, we took some photos in our favorite spots in Gaston's.
Andy in Gastons' Chair
Andy in Gaston's Chair...

Gwen at Large Table
And little Gwen in the large table area... She REALLY wanted to sit there and a family got up, so I let her take a picture. The things that make her happy sometimes is so strange...

In an effort to not walk around in circles, I suggested we go and ride Little Mermaid before our 7DMT fast pass. (I will say, it will be nice to not be "killing time" before a fast pass. It might be the one nice thing if they don't come back....

Anyway, I think there was like a half hour wait and the girls didn't want to wait. And Andy and i had to basically tell them anything under 30 minutes was good! ugh, I think we had spoiled them by this trip!

Gwen ALWAYS wants to climb through this hole. And I apparently caved and let her climb through.

LMR Morgan Que
Morgan was more sensible and just sat on a ledge.

LMR Gwen Que
With there being a line, we got to interact with the crabs a little. Which is fun. If you wave at them, they will wave back.

LMR Skully Que
We saw Skully!

And then we went into this room that we had never been in before. And I looked up...
LMR Ceiling #1
There was a whole story on the ceiling!

LMR Ceiling#2
And some amazing art work!

LMR Ceiling #3
It really was cool to read them all. And kept us semi-entertained in this room.

LMR Ceiling #4

LMR Ceiling #5 \

The wait wasn't that bad, I have that Gwen climbed through that hole at 11:11 and we were on the ride at 11:36. 20 minutes,
LMR Scuttle Animatronic
This ride is super nostalgic for us. We rode this ALOT on our first 2 trips, when the girls were little.

Ursala is one of my favorite parts.

We had just a few minutes to kill before our fast pass time for 7DMT. So, we popped into the gift shop by Gaston’s, Bonjour Village Gifts.

Andy noticed the picture of the guy and wanted to know who this guy was.
Bonjour Village Gifts Portrait
The CM wouldn’t tell us! Not sure if it is to be a secret, or maybe he didn't know, so he pretended it was a secret. Anyone know?!? My guess is, that he is an imaginer?

Andy tried looking it up at lunch a little later but we had no luck.

Finally it was time for 7DMT!
Dwarfs House
Our fast pass was for 11:55, we buzzed in at 11:57 and were on a train at 12:02!

7DMT Ready to Ride

7DMT Mines
The mines is my favorite part of this ride. I wish we went a little slower in here. Or maybe it could be a little bigger?

Dwarfs House

7DMT Witch
We must have gotten in the front, since I was able to snap a photo of the witch. I think I had to tell the girls that it didn't really matter where we sat on this ride.

Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Ride Photo
Yup, in the front! This ride is fun but def too short. But we do like to go on it at least once.

We decided to ride BTM and then grab lunch.

Walking through the que it was HOT!!!! And the girls def needed real food for lunch. It was just after 12 and we all got hangry FAST!

BTM Ready to Ride

RTM Ride
But thankfully we didn't have to wait long to use our fast pass. As always, it was the wildest ride in the wilderness!

There was a Photo Pass photographer outside of the exit of BTM, so we grabbed a photo on our way out.

We headed straight to Peco Bills for Lunch. And I will make this a quick summary, as I have no good pictures of lunch today. Probably because we were hot and hungry!

We grabbed 2 orders of Candied Bacon from a cart on the way into Pecos Bills. Then Andy and I decided what we wanted to share. And I left Andy and the girls to get that food, while I ran to Golden Oak to get some waffle fries.

It was HOT waiting outside at Golden Oak and the line was moving REALLY slow. It wasn’t long but it felt like it was barely moving. I think when I got to the front to order, they were training a new CM.

I finally ordered got my food and quickly swung around to leave and dropped the cheese sauce all over the ground! The person waiting behind me was very nice and helped me pick up what we could and told the CM for me what happened. I felt pretty stupid! And thankfully the CM gave me a new cheese sauce quickly.

So, once I had my food, Andy and the girls had found a table and had all of the food already. I was glad to finally sit down out of the sun and in air conditioning.

Andy & Ariella Split 3 Tacos all Cauliflower
Taco Trio - Tacos topped with Lettuce, Tomato, and Shredded Cheese
These are really good. They aren't always on the menu though.

Morgan: Nachos with Beef & cheese (and literally nothing else)

And Gwen ate only waffle fries... Lunch of champions!

While we ate, we talked about what we wanted to do. We had a Space Mountain Fast Pass at 2:15. So, we had to make it till then. It was about 1:30 once we were done with lunch, so about an hour to kill.

So, we headed into Tomorrowland to do stuff in there.
First was a quick photo op at the Purple wall.

And then we went and did Carousel of Progress.
Which was nice as always. Nice and cool and relaxing.

Then we went and waited for the people mover.
At the time it was up and down on one belt. This was after the smoking insident at People Mover. I was just glad it was open. But it was slow moving getting on. As you had to wait in small batches to walk up the ramp.

That ramp is STEAP! Walking up it was a workout on the calves.

We got to see Tron construction at the time. They hadn't even started on the outside section yet!
We joked about the big pile of dirt and how it was the highlight of our trip.

After both of those items, it was time to ride into space! We of course pit stopped at the bathrooms before going into space.
I never noticed the signs going into the bathrooms near space.

Andy decided to skip Space. It bothers his back too much and it was too early in the trip to even try and tempt fate. So, he just waited for us.

We didn't wait long to get on.

Space was fun as always. The girls really like this one. I might have to start sending them by themselves at some point

We met Andy in the dump store and looked around a bit. Gwen purchased a Space Mountain Wishable.

And then we headed out to check out the iron bikes.
The girls were SUPER excited to try these out! Let me tell you, where the track come out of the show building and the angle you are on these bikes... This is going to be TERRIFING!!! You are practically laying down!

It was 3:00, so we decided to head out and rest. Possibly swim in the pool for a bit.

I Mobile Ordered a Mint Julep from Casey's as we were walking. The girls never had one, so I wanted them to try it. We split 1 between the 3 of us.

Frozen Mint Julep Lemonade - classically blended Mint Julep featuring Minute Maid® Premium Lemonade, topped with fresh Mint Leaves, Cherry and Lemon

We grabbed that and walked through the shops to stay cool and headed straight for the busses.

Up next relaxing and dinner.
First stop was for Gwen.

We saw these 2 guys on our way!

So cute! It seems funny to see them walking through Tomorrowland!

So, we grabbed one of those, and then headed to Gaston's.

Morgan & Cinnamon Roll
Morgan wanted her beloved Cinnamon Roll. So, we got that and grabbed a seat and relaxed for a bit while they girls ate there goodies.


We headed straight to Peco Bills for Lunch

My favorite! :love:

I finally ordered got my food and quickly swung around to leave and dropped the cheese sauce all over the ground!

Oh, no!

Then we went and waited for the people mover.


Andy decided to skip Space. It bothers his back too much

I feel like my Space Mountain days are behind me too…it's too rickety and jerky.
Love your update! My kiddos and I leave on Monday and we are so excited. Your reports have really got me through the past year waiting for our trip that had to be rescheduled. Thanks!
The CM wouldn’t tell us! Not sure if it is to be a secret, or maybe he didn't know, so he pretended it was a secret. Anyone know?!? My guess is, that he is an imaginer?
I know I've read about it somewhere with a better description of all the details in the painting, but couldn't remember, so I cheated and found this answer on Google:
Fun Finds: While looking at the back wall of Bonjour! Village Gifts you can find a painting of Phil Holmes, Vice President of the Magic Kingdom, in an outfit that fits with the theming of the area.
Gwen wanted a Cheshire Cat Tail.

I think I heard about these about a week after our last trip and now due to COVID that was three years ago. We will definitely be trying it!

The mines is my favorite part of this ride. I wish we went a little slower in here. Or maybe it could be a little bigger?

I agree that I wish the "dark ride" part of the ride was longer. It is such a cool addition to the ride, but I feel like a couple of more sections of it would take this ride even more over the top!

We grabbed 2 orders of Candied Bacon from a cart on the way into Pecos Bills.

Ok, I don't know how I never new about Candied Bacon, or is it new since we've been. Going to have to try this too! haha

I finally ordered got my food and quickly swung around to leave and dropped the cheese sauce all over the ground! The person waiting behind me was very nice and helped me pick up what we could and told the CM for me what happened. I felt pretty stupid! And thankfully the CM gave me a new cheese sauce quickly.

I feel like I've done the same thing a few times. You wait and wait for whatever reason as the line is taking so long and then something happens and all of a sudden you do something silly! We've all been there!

And then we went and did Carousel of Progress.

Which was nice as always. Nice and cool and relaxing.

Of course, no trip is complete without going on CoP at least once! And yes, it is cool and so relaxing on a busy park day!

This picture just makes me laugh! That is so "un-Disney" like!!!

The girls were SUPER excited to try these out! Let me tell you, where the track come out of the show building and the angle you are on these bikes... This is going to be TERRIFING!!! You are practically laying down!

This is going to be an awesome addition to Magic Kingdom! Some great coasters going in between this and Guardians of the Galaxy!
When are you going in Feb 2022? I should be there around 10-14th for cheer again.
As of now we are booked the 4th - 13th! hopefully we will have a park overlapping!

Sounds like a great time! I've never noticed that ceiling in the Under the Sea queue- so cool!!
I don't think we had ever even been in that room. It was pretty cool thing to notice,

I think I heard about these about a week after our last trip and now due to COVID that was three years ago. We will definitely be trying it!
I think right now they are selling them at Cosmic Rays?

Ok, I don't know how I never new about Candied Bacon, or is it new since we've been. Going to have to try this too! haha
I meant to reply to your trip report. But you get them at the cart in Frontierland. (or at least that was where they were pre-covid) There is a popcorn cart right by the bridge to walk to Splash and Big Thunder Mountian. And then there is another one right next to it. That one has hot dogs and the bacon. Fingers Crossed that they are there when you go. It's def a family favorite and I think totally under-rated!

This picture just makes me laugh! That is so "un-Disney" like!!!
right? I was just so glad that it was running!

This is going to be an awesome addition to Magic Kingdom! Some great coasters going in between this and Guardians of the Galaxy!
I can't wait!!! Sounds like constuction is starting to pick up again on things which good!
Gwen wanted a Cheshire Cat Tail.
I love those but I am a fan of all chocolate pastry.
Morgan wanted her beloved Cinnamon Roll. So, we got that and grabbed a seat and relaxed for a bit while they girls ate there goodiesSweet picture of Morgan!.
Yup, in the front! This ride is fun but def too short. But we do like to go on it at least once.
It is way too short. But super fun!
Andy & Ariella Split 3 Tacos all Cauliflower
Taco Trio - Tacos topped with Lettuce, Tomato, and Shredded Cheese
These are really good. They aren't always on the menu though.
I love those cauliflower tacos! Yum yum!


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