Deciding on Goofy v. Dopey

I first learned about Dopey from an article and decided to do it. Having no concept of how quickly it filled up (this was for the 2015 race) I waited until after work to register. Yeah, like 6:30pm. I ran Goofy in 2015. I had an absolute blast and fell in love with runDisney. But I am a FOMO guy and I was jealous of the runners out there for all four races. I have since run Dopey 5 times. I love the additional challenge of 4 races over four days and having to pace myself, manage park time, eat right, etc. That is fun for me; I am a dork…

But you really can’t go wrong with either. Just ask yourself which is calling to you more; do that one. Both will be challenging, both will be fun and both will come with the awesome snack pack at the end of the race. Of course Dopey would mean four mini bags of nacho chips!

One other thought, I believe next year is the Dopey 10 year? Dis’ers correct me if I am wrong. But you could always start with Goofy this year and then do Dopey at the 10 year anniversary.
I spent many years completely happy and content to never even consider the marathon. I would laugh when people asked me about running a marathon. In 2018, my mind set started to change. I had accomplished many previously "impossible to me" things in running and I began to want to take on the challenge I had never wanted to do before. I had always said that in the unlikely event I ever ran a marathon, my first would be at Disney World. That was non negotiable for me.

My own thought process went as follows.

1. I want to run the marathon. Worst case scenario I will hate it and never want to do it again, but at least I did it once.

2. If I only run it once, will I be haunted by not going for Goofy or Dopey because the training for those is not that much more intensive than marathon training alone?

After extensive internal debate and expressing my fears here on these boards, I came to realize that I wanted the marathon experience for myself and decided that Dopey made the most sense. I've learned that I actually do better during half marathons when I already have a race or two under me in the days beforehand. I believe that's because all my pre race nervous energy is worked off during the shorter distances and that leaves me better able to calmly focus on the longer distance. So I viewed the 5K and 10K as work out the kinks races. That strategy helped me tremendously after I came down with a nasty cold 1 week before leaving. While I was mostly better come race day, I still had lingering minor concerns. The 5K and 10K helped me to recognize that I was actually getting healthier each day. And while you never know what will happen on race day, I knew when I was finishing the half that I was in great shape for the full because I have never felt so strong when finishing a half as I did when running the full the next day.

I ran Dopey in 2019, 2020, and am giving serious consideration to coming back for 2022.

The first two races are definitely the least important for me, but they'll be good for getting my legs warmed up, maybe some photo ops (I want to just focus on just running for the last two races), and also get acclimated to 3 am wake-up calls. I had an awful time sleeping before my first marathon due to being hyped up (and the wake-up time wasn't nearly as bad) so I'm hoping resetting my sleep clock starting on Thursday makes things easier on Sunday.
I sleep so much better before major goal races when I have run a race the day before said major goal race. I fall asleep quickly because I'm too tired to lie in bed worrying about the next morning. Even worked before my first marathon.
I spent many years completely happy and content to never even consider the marathon. I would laugh when people asked me about running a marathon. In 2018, my mind set started to change. I had accomplished many previously "impossible to me" things in running and I began to want to take on the challenge I had never wanted to do before. I had always said that in the unlikely event I ever ran a marathon, my first would be at Disney World. That was non negotiable for me.

My own thought process went as follows.

1. I want to run the marathon. Worst case scenario I will hate it and never want to do it again, but at least I did it once.

2. If I only run it once, will I be haunted by not going for Goofy or Dopey because the training for those is not that much more intensive than marathon training alone?

This sound like so much of what I am thinking through right now!! I always said a firm NO to ever doing a marathon. Now I am saying a firm NO to a local marathon and a tentative maybe to the dopey. Seems like such a leap, but I can totally see the once in a lifetime kind of thinking around it and I absolutely am the type of person who is constantly looking to challenge myself. Honestly, I shouldn’t say once in a lifetime because I may end up like you, doing several times!
I've also been going through this. In 2020 I did the 10K and the Full and that was good. I enjoyed the break. But I also know I want to do Dopey "someday" and am not sure how many more marathons I have in me. I know I'm able (time and health wise) to train and do it now, so my gut is telling me just go for it instead of putting it off for "someday" that might never happen.
Tennessee Girl, keep in mind that you are asking absolute certifiable fanatics for their opinions here.
They will be biased for the more races, the merrier.
It's like asking a child if he wants a tablespoon of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup on his ice cream or the ENTIRE CAN.
(I'm old, they came in cans back in the day.)

These folks speak in strange tongues... acronyms and abbreviations.
They know what VGF, BLT, POFQ, PHM, etc. stand for... I have NO CLUE!
Is it too much to ask them to spell out the actual resort name?
Thankfully Walt defined EPCOT for me!

Between now and race day there will be 10,000 hand-wringing posts about proof of time and corral placement.
Folks will start checking weather forecasts in November.
"Registration anxiety" is a legitimate clinical diagnosis.
Nuts I tell ya!

I'm allowed to knock RD addicts... since I happen to be in recovery myself.
Just want you to remember your audience.

I've run several Goofy's- the third, fifth, seventh, eighth, tenth, the inaugural Dopey, etc.
This included 12 Walt Disney World Marathons in a row.
That said, the Marathon is KING, bar none!

This being your FIRST marathon, I would SAVOR it.
My first was the 2007 WDW Marathon. It was AWESOME! Got up to 84 degrees that day.
I'll never forget that race because I had never run that far and didn't know what to expect.
That and the support of the crowds. They were so welcome, I had tears along the course.
It was only the second year of the obscure Goofy Challenge so I didn't even know I had that option.
I know some people do Dopey when they haven't run a full before but I would never recommend that.
Your training should hold for all four races but why pre-fatigue yourself during your first marathon?
If you focus on the weekend races you will remember them forever and it won't be a stressful four race blur.

I would definitely agree you should do Dopey at least once.
You may want to wait for the 10th Anniversary in a few years?

Another consideration would be for a more favorable calendar year.
Race weekend the furthest away from January 1st, the better.

Some run for the bling and seek out a year when the race medals stand out.
I used to look for the preview medals at the Race Expos.
Let's face it, some years the designers phone it in.

Additionally, considering this January's races may not be back to 100% normal, I would hold off a year for Dopey and "just" do Goofy.
I plan to "just" do the Marathon... registration anxiety no mas...

That's my two-cents and I'm sure you will have a great time either way.
One of the things with doing Dopey, vs Goofy or a single race, is that it impacts your overall vacation even more. No one wants to wipe themselves out at the parks all day, then get up before dawn to run. I have yet to see many of the nighttime shows/fireworks because I'm always back at the resort in bed. So if you decide to do Dopey, give yourself a couple of days afterwards, if you can, to enjoy the parks.
For me, personally, I don't think I will ever do Dopey, because I am not a morning person, and getting up prior to 3 am for 4 mornings of vacation would totally diminish my vacation enjoyment. Plus, I'm not a Dopey/Snow White/7 Dwarves fan. The only reason I personally would do it is to not have to justify "only" doing the Goofy. I have done the marathon twice, and hope to someday run Goofy. My daughter loves Goofy and I once did the 10k and half in the same weekend, so 2 mornings of early wakeups didn't ruin the vacation for me. I have no interest in Dopey other than just the peer pressure of other runners. But as previous responses indicated, other people have different perspectives. It just depends what you want out of your runDisney vacation experience.
One of the things with doing Dopey, vs Goofy or a single race, is that it impacts your overall vacation even more. No one wants to wipe themselves out at the parks all day, then get up before dawn to run. I have yet to see many of the nighttime shows/fireworks because I'm always back at the resort in bed. So if you decide to do Dopey, give yourself a couple of days afterwards, if you can, to enjoy the parks.
For me, personally, I don't think I will ever do Dopey, because I am not a morning person, and getting up prior to 3 am for 4 mornings of vacation would totally diminish my vacation enjoyment. ... I have no interest in Dopey other than just the peer pressure of other runners. But as previous responses indicated, other people have different perspectives. It just depends what you want out of your runDisney vacation experience.

I personally see race weekends as not really being Disney vacations But rather their own experience. Even if you think you’re taking it easy at parks during the day you are walking several miles! For the shorter distances, if you were only doing 1 race, it’s probably not a huge deal. But when my husband and I did the HM, we really thought we were taking it easy. Not staying out too late, planning what we thought of as short park days (we are rope drop to closing people most of the time). Both of us were awake enough race day but our legs were trashed. My legs felt like lead the whole race and my knees were hurting from the first step. And that was “just” 13 miles. It’s hard for me to even predict the effect 40-50 miles over just a few days Would have on me, but I have to assume I would need some recovery between those races and walking parks is not recovery.
Personally, for one of the big challenges like Goofy or Dopey, I would second some of the earlier posters and recommend adding on some days after for an actual vacation. I would come into the weekend to enjoy the atmosphere, go to the expo, early to bed, early to rise, enjoy the resort and RELAX. Then save the parks for after the crazy physical feat. Unless you routinely run multiple days in a row of double digit distances, your legs will definitely be sore during and for a few days after this challenge. If you tack on the additional pressure of walking several miles around the park during the day, it would make the race itself so miserable for me that I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the experience at all.
I would be willing to bet if you do Goofy, you will want to go back to do Dopey. Whereas I think Dopey is satisfying as a one and done type thing. Yes, getting up early is rough, but it is satisfying knowing you did all the races. Also, you cited the 5k and 10k being crowded...I didnt even think of this when I was doing it since those races have a much smaller field. I think the shorter races are fun exactly because so much is packed into a smaller space and it takes on an even more festive atmosphere. I may or may not do Dopey again, but I am glad to have done it at least once.
It's really a personal decision based on time and preferences. As many others have said, from a training perspective, if you can do Goofy you can do Dopey. Then you just have to decide on your priorities for that specific race weekend.

I went with Dopey my first marathon weekend. The next year I didn't have the time to be there by Wednesday and did Goofy. Both were enjoyable. I'm not a big fan of the 5K and probably wouldn't do it if it wasn't part of Dopey (or if I wasn't running with my son). It's a lot of transportation time and waiting time for very little time on the course.
thanks all for your perspective! I can see myself eventually wanting to do Dopey if I did only Goofy this year, and since I do think I have time to train I am just going to go for it! If for some reason Dopey sells out I can register for Goofy as a second choice. This won’t be a “regular” Disney vacation for me, as I will be going alone without my husband and son (son would have to miss school and husband is NOT a fan of the early morning wakeup times for runDisney!). I think as a result of covid, I just want to take the opportunity now when it is available - YOLO! Now, fingers crossed for registration day, fingers crossed covid numbers don’t go up so much that things shut down again, and hope to meet many of you all at some Dis meetups during marathon weekend!!!
The great thing about Marathon Weekend is that whatever race you plan for should be an amazing experience. There’s really not a bad choice as long as you prepare and have fun. As much as we complain about rD, we’re all here because they do a pretty good job of putting on an enjoyable and memorable race.

My goal is Dopey again. If registration fills fast I’ll be more than happy running Goofy or the Marathon. They’re all good.
I ran Dopey in 2019 and Goofy in 2020. Training was basically the same. I just couldn’t commit to the extra hotel days and burdening DH with kid duties in 2020. I live 45 minutes away, but prefer to stay on site for race weekends. I didn’t feel like I accomplished anything less running just Goofy, but maybe because I already had completed Dopey? I’m hoping to secure a spot for Dopey 2022, but would be ok with just Goofy too.
This sound like so much of what I am thinking through right now!! I always said a firm NO to ever doing a marathon. Now I am saying a firm NO to a local marathon and a tentative maybe to the dopey. Seems like such a leap, but I can totally see the once in a lifetime kind of thinking around it and I absolutely am the type of person who is constantly looking to challenge myself. Honestly, I shouldn’t say once in a lifetime because I may end up like you, doing several times!
So a few thoughts from me about the leap. At least for me, the leap was far more about the half marathon to the marathon. When I registered for my first Dopey, I had already run 4 separate runDisney challenge weekends so I already had some experience in knowing how to balance spending time in the parks after the races without doing too much before the next race. And on a whim, I had signed up for the 2017 Avengers Half Marathon completely untrained with just 3 weeks to train. This is a crazy idea. I don't recommend it. But I will say that experience broke down one of my barriers about training for the marathon. Namely, a 5-6 day a week training schedule appropriately balanced is not as awful as I once feared.

And I think that to some degree racing at Disney gives you a different kind of adrenaline kick. You will probably not magically finish the race. Training is required to do that especially for a first timer, but there are enough familiar distractions that can help distract your mind as the soreness starts to mount.
I've also been going through this. In 2020 I did the 10K and the Full and that was good. I enjoyed the break. But I also know I want to do Dopey "someday" and am not sure how many more marathons I have in me. I know I'm able (time and health wise) to train and do it now, so my gut is telling me just go for it instead of putting it off for "someday" that might never happen.
Here's the other factor. You just don't know what the future will hold. For instance, I happily ran the 2017 Kessel Run Challenge (Star Wars Half at Disneyland and Disney World). It wasn't the ideal time to run it, but for that year the timing worked out to where I could justify the sacrifices I had to make to do it. Turned out to be the final Coast to Coast Challenge when Disneyland races were canceled later that year. While I ran the 2018 Dark Side races and was registered for both the 2020 and 2021 Star Wars race weekends, we all know what happened next. In hindsight, this huge Star Wars nerd is very, very happy that when the possible once in a lifetime opportunity came, I took it.

This is not so much a go for Dopey 2022 because it might never come back so much as it's a if you want to do it and things line up, go for it because the unexpected can alter everything.
Looking for some advice here :)
I regularly run half marathons but haven't tried a full yet. I've decided to try to register for the 2022 Marathon, and since I'll have time to train, I'm considering one of the challenges. I've read lots of reviews and it seems like the 5k and 10k are just really crowded (at least they were pre-covid), the courses aren't as interesting, and not sure if it really worth the extra travel time, cost, and early morning wakeups (!) to do the Dopey. Would I be seriously missing anything if I signed up for the Goofy challenge and skipped the 5k and 10k? I'm struggling to decide because this likely won't be a regular event for me; the only other runDisney race I've done was the Princess half and that was way back in 2016. So, given that this is the 50th anniversary year for the Marathon weekend I wonder if I should just bite the bullet and try for the Dopey...any thoughts/advice?
I may be weighing in too late, but here's my 2-cents:
I did the half in '09, and then decided I wanted to try a full marathon.
When I went to do the full, I decided why not push myself and do the Goofy, so I did it in '11
It wasn't until after the Goofy that I learned of the Dopey and it has lurked in my mind as something I needed to do at some point. Schedules aligned for 2022 and I signed up for the Dopey. I hate all the extra cost, but it is something to get checked off my list of accomplishments.
I'd say go for it.
After first deciding to sign up for Dopey, my family made plans to travel over NYE, returning Jan 3. I thought it was too much to turn around and leave again on Jan 5 to get to WDW in time for Dopey, so I changed my plan and signed up for Goofy. I feel fine about it since I’ll have less hotel nights, less time away from my family (they are staying home!) and still get to run the two races I am most excited about (half and full). We are DVC members and go to Disney a couple times a year so this will really be a short, run-focused trip for me (probably no parks). If I love it I will sign up for Dopey next time! I’m in my third week of training, my plan is to train for a half marathon that will be end of Sept to TRY to get a proof of time to submit. Then, I will start the Goofy focused training to get used to the runs on consecutive days. I can’t wait!
I think you made a great choice no matter how it came about.
You won't have those two additional pre-fatigue days and can devote all your energy to the 39.3

You only get to enjoy one 1st Marathon.
Subsequent marathons are fun but that "unknown" factor becomes a "been there, done that."
I cannot express how much emotion you experience during your first marathon.
It's a roller-coaster ride that ends in the pure joy of accomplishing something you had not done before.
YOUR MICKEY MEDAL will be waiting for you.
word of warning, you may think "oh it'll be a one-and-done bucket list thing"

Then every year you try to justify doing it again!

Dopey 2016 was my first marathon, and only my second half, so yeah, it was crazy (even crazier I did them all in various Star Wars costumes) and just finishing was good enough for me (just barely missed getting swept coming out of HS by like 3-4 minutes)
It's really a personal decision based on time and preferences. As many others have said, from a training perspective, if you can do Goofy you can do Dopey. Then you just have to decide on your priorities for that specific race weekend.

I went with Dopey my first marathon weekend. The next year I didn't have the time to be there by Wednesday and did Goofy. Both were enjoyable. I'm not a big fan of the 5K and probably wouldn't do it if it wasn't part of Dopey (or if I wasn't running with my son). It's a lot of transportation time and waiting time for very little time on the course.
Amen on the 5K. Personally I would love to see both the 5k and the 10K on Friday. Have the10K start 90 minutes later.
But from WDW's perspective, the 5K on Thur has us all there an extra day so more $$$ for Iger, Chapek, and Mickey...


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