Are WDW parks really overflowing with trash?

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There was a time you'd see suits walking around with one of those sticks picking up trash as they walked through the parks. I haven't seen that in years, but this kind of garbage piled up has moved to a whole new level of gross.
They still do it, I saw it on a regular basis. It's not the real suits that do it, it's mostly middle and lower managers making an impression. I've seen some upper managers carrying the stick but it was rare. The amount of trash they pick up is insignificant, it makes for "good show" though. New CMs are, or were, taught the proper way to pick up a piece of trash so as not to be overly obvious. The procedure even has a name. If I recall correctly it's the Disney Dip.
i don't even want to think about what the bathrooms look like.

I guess those "high standards for general cleanliness and sanitation" went out the window apparently. Either that or they have a different definition of high standards than I do.

As for emailing or tweeting- I don't tweet, but regardless, it's not my picture, I didn't personally see this and don't feel comfortable using 2nd hand information when voicing concerns directly to WDW. It's why I asked for first hand information here about it. Others may feel differently and of course are free to do whatever they choose. If I see this myself in the parks, I'll absolutely say something.
FWIW... Once while waiting for the parade, I sat on the curb on Main St. and noticed a piece of trash in the middle of the street. I counted the number of cast members that passed it by without dipping down to pick it up. If I remember correctly it was something like 15 cast members (including managers) ignored the trash before a custodian finally came along and swept it up. If other cast members are trained to pick up trash, well it certainly was not in evidence that day. This was almost 6 years ago.

I worked MK custodial for a time. Once I missed a trash can in the BTTMR queue and caught a lot of flack from management for it. Recent problems look and sound like a staffing issue, which ultimately is no excuse. IMHO, management should be out there setting an example by helping clean the place up.
One thing that I noticed on my first family trip in 2013 was that the parks were spotless. I was so impressed. Over the next few years I noticed it less and less. This is just one more reason to postpone the trip. I want to feel like I am in a magical place and a big part of being immersed in magic is cleanliness.
One thing that I noticed on my first family trip in 2013 was that the parks were spotless. I was so impressed. Over the next few years I noticed it less and less. This is just one more reason to postpone the trip. I want to feel like I am in a magical place and a big part of being immersed in magic is cleanliness.

The general fall off is related to.the fact that they have been hiring lower caliber employees for a good while now. They were behind the 8 ball on the pay scale and as such, the employees were less qualified/dedicated. It took them so long to announce their 4? Year pay raise that the damage was already done.
FWIW... Once while waiting for the parade, I sat on the curb on Main St. and noticed a piece of trash in the middle of the street. I counted the number of cast members that passed it by without dipping down to pick it up. If I remember correctly it was something like 15 cast members (including managers) ignored the trash before a custodian finally came along and swept it up. If other cast members are trained to pick up trash, well it certainly was not in evidence that day. This was almost 6 years ago.

I worked MK custodial for a time. Once I missed a trash can in the BTTMR queue and caught a lot of flack from management for it. Recent problems look and sound like a staffing issue, which ultimately is no excuse. IMHO, management should be out there setting an example by helping clean the place up.
When we did the Keys to the Kingdom tour (i think thats the name) they talked about that, all cast members, no matter how high up they are, are supposed to pick up trash, our guide said the VP of the park actually does it too. Well, later on in our tour, he spotted the VP of the park and pointed him out to us, as he was literally picking up a piece of trash. That was 10+ years ago. I hope that hasnt changed.
One thing that I noticed on my first family trip in 2013 was that the parks were spotless. I was so impressed. Over the next few years I noticed it less and less. This is just one more reason to postpone the trip. I want to feel like I am in a magical place and a big part of being immersed in magic is cleanliness.
I also think this is where Disney has set the expectaions so far high for themselves, that they miss they mark sometimes because of that. For example, the parks compared to a lot of other parks are clean, but because they tell you that, you notice the trash when you see it.

We went years ago, this must have been before kids, so more than 10 years ago, but we noticed a plastic coke bottle on splash mountain, we went back later in the week and it was still there. We joked about how "clean" disney was, yet they couldnt clean a ride up and left trash on it for days. Dont get me wrong, the ride was clean, its just we thought it was funny because how much disney prides themselves on how clean the parks are.
This is definitely a terrible situation. Look, things happen sometimes, but the real key is how they respond to it. They need to make changes immediately to correct the situation as what is seen in those pictures is simply unacceptible. If staffing is an issue then they need to add more trash cans, which will at least help. They must do something.
Was there last week and it is noticeably not the same level of cleanliness. Trashcans are full, tables are not wiped down, random trash on the ground, bathrooms overflow and I keyed in on moldy floor grout (major clean needed at night, the day custodial can't do this) and a minimal number of custodial CMs. The ones I saw working hard appeared to be DCP. The few older ones I saw were just walking and talking. This is no time to cut back on your cleaning CMs.

Things I noticed were trash in queues, more than a days trash under attractions like I wish I took a photo of Barnstormer .... clearly no one had cleaned in quite some time. They are still beautiful parks and perhaps the casual visitor wouldn't notice, but as a regular I was very surprised how different it was. When I have to get sanitizer on napkins to bus a table to sit .... :sad2:

Obviously the CMs there are overworked, overwhelmed, understaffed in some areas and it showed on their faces. I felt bad for them.
This is definitely a terrible situation. Look, things happen sometimes, but the real key is how they respond to it. They need to make changes immediately to correct the situation as what is seen in those pictures is simply unacceptible. If staffing is an issue then they need to add more trash cans, which will at least help. They must do something.
All the issues come down to the core of they expanded capacity too quickly before they had the staff to handle it. They’re not going to do anything about it because that would decrease their record profits. There are finite limits to how fast you can staff up. The only variable they can easily control is number of people they are letting into the parks and they clearly don’t give a rat’s patoot as they appear to have set the current capacity limit to somewhere between “Christmas Eve” and “Christmas Day.”
Was there last week and it is noticeably not the same level of cleanliness. Trashcans are full, tables are not wiped down, random trash on the ground, bathrooms overflow and I keyed in on moldy floor grout (major clean needed at night, the day custodial can't do this) and a minimal number of custodial CMs. The ones I saw working hard appeared to be DCP. The few older ones I saw were just walking and talking. This is no time to cut back on your cleaning CMs.

Man, you know something I don't understand though, is how disgusting tables can get. I mean, if I drop a blob of ketchup on the table, I will at least wipe it up with a napkin. Sure, I don't have cleaner to use, but I at least don't leave the thing an absolute wreck. I'll try to make it presentable and dust the crumbs off. The same goes for a toilet if I am the culprit, you know what I mean? People can be such animals!
All the issues come down to the core of they expanded capacity too quickly before they had the staff to handle it. They’re not going to do anything about it because that would decrease their record profits. There are finite limits to how fast you can staff up. The only variable they can easily control is number of people they are letting into the parks and they clearly don’t give a rat’s patoot as they appear to have set the current capacity limit to somewhere between “Christmas Eve” and “Christmas Day.”

No, you're right, it appears that they don't care, which is sad. Adding some extra trashcans wouldn't cost them much I'm sure. Even if they had to use non-themed ones, what detracts from the show more - unthemed trashcans or garbage everywhere?
All the issues come down to the core of they expanded capacity too quickly before they had the staff to handle it. They’re not going to do anything about it because that would decrease their record profits. There are finite limits to how fast you can staff up. The only variable they can easily control is number of people they are letting into the parks and they clearly don’t give a rat’s patoot as they appear to have set the current capacity limit to somewhere between “Christmas Eve” and “Christmas Day.”

And it's things like this, willing to let the parks get filthy because they want to ramp up capacity to increase profits, that colors my opinion (rightfully so) on why they do or don't do other things.

If they think letting the parks look like a local carnival is acceptable, why wouldn't they cut corners everywhere else?Profit isn't just a priority, it's the only priority and overflowing trash cans isn't going to stand in their way anymore than extending hours, limiting capacity, bringing back shows or anything else they refuse to do. The one thing they brought back that wasn't a direct money maker was fireworks- but it is the one big thing they could do to increase ticket sales.
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