The Dirty Dozen – 12 Days of Disney, Drinks & Dining - Updated 2/26

We had Pham as our server at Oga's back in February and LOVED him as well!!! He was so funny and even gave me a jello shot on the house just because I asked about them!! :love:
Ugh. Getting the entree before the apps are done is a huge pet peeve of mine too. But wow does everything you had look delicious! If something made you like corn, that is an accomplishment!!
Looking back I'd actually forgotten how good the food was because everything else was so off. The meal left such a bad taste in my mouth I completely forgot the food was so good until I read my notes. And anyone who can make me like corn is a real winner.

I'm not sure what to make of the new prix fixe menu. I'm sure I'll try it but generally prefer to be able to order whatever vs. being locked into an app, entree and dessert.
I'll probably change my mind at some point but we are out for now. We usually like to share appetizers and desserts plus add in the fact that my ten year old is an adult in their eyes no thank you on the price tag.

am decidedly not someone who orders water and a salad and holds the table for two hours to watch fireworks but it's my understanding that is the kind of behavior that prompted the shift.
Really? I hadn't heard that. I figured it was a money grab more than anything. So sad that people abuse the system and those of us who don't have to pay the fixed price :D

Love seeing Casey making her own ordering decisions. She is quite the gourmet!
She definitely is. Not sure how my wallet feels about it but I guess I only have myself to blame. Though its kinda weird when we don't order together. I've gotten so used to her making the final decision on what we are going to eat it now takes me forever to decide myself.

That would be super-annoying. The table next to kitchen door is another bad one.
Pretty much tables and doors should never be a thing. I think the only thing worse we've found at Disney is the one time we were literally in a corner next to the fire alarm.

I hate when they do that. My husband asked our waiter at Citrico's to make sure we have finished our appetizers before he serves the entrees and I think our waiter was a little offended about that.
We've never had to even ask at a signature restaurant before because they never do it, but CG was clearly trying to clear us out as soon as they could. For the rest of the trip we ended up waiting to order our entrees just to be on the safe side.

It looks like you got the bad table at a wedding reception.
:rotfl: Yup! We were like the weird 3rd cousins who were just invited out of courtesy and no one even expected us to show up.

ugh. I am somewhere in between you both. I don't like to make a stink but when I decide to I make a stink! But didn't they know who you weree!?!? Why would they put you there?!?! really, just rude!
I know, right? Clearly they should have known they were in the presence of Disney dining royalty :rotfl: Jason drove me crazy though because he wouldn't let me say anything yet incessantly complained :confused3

This sounds like they are off there game this night. I wonder if it has to do with new staff? I feel like back in the day CC would never have done that.
Maybe that was the issue. I just figured they still had reduced capacity and wanted to get as many people through as they could.

you are going to start dreading the fact that you have trained her to eat fancy food! Your pocket is going to start really hurting the older she gets.
You are so right. Here I am all patting myself on the back because my kid eats better than most adults. Never thought about what happens when she doesn't want to share with my any more.

Just think prefix... Casey's $28 sushi will seem like a steal!
So true!!! No chance I'm paying those price fix prices. Casey couldn't even eat 10% of the food they give you.

Simply beautiful! This needs to be in a frame ❤
Ah, thanks Moira

Seriously :confused3 I suppose it could have been worse - I mean he could have been wearing a tablecloth and napkins...:scared1::rotfl2:
:rotfl2: You are so right! Though I think I preferred the table cloths. At least they acquired them once they got there because they were cold. Piggly Wiggly man came in his piggly wiggly best.

Aw that Casey knows her food alright though every time someone mentions Chesapeake Bay I feel like I should pour myself a glass of cabernet and put on West Wing. Bit of a case of Pavlov's dog reaction but there you have it-party animal me spent friday night this way when West Wing was new and I was young enough to enjoy and old enough to drink lol
Can you believe I never watched the West Wing? I know, I know. TV show is literally in my back yard and I've never seen a single episode. So did the President have a house on the bay or something that they mentioned it? We are about an hour or so from it. A friend of mine has a house right on the bay so we visit fairly frequently.

Casey looks so happy with her choice and given my vast lack of seafood experience I will say I am in awe of her knowledge of food. She really does have a Michelin star palate!
That she does. She eats better at ten than I even did in my 20's.

You and Casey both looked gorgeous though so I reckon Jason lucked out with his view as long as he wasn't facing piggly wiggly (what even is that).
Are there no Piggly Wiggly's in Ireland :rotfl: It is a very unfortunate name for a Southern U.S. Grocery store chain.
Sourdough is the best. I appreciate it much more now because I learned how much work it is to make when everyone was sharing sourdough starter throughout the pandemic.
It really is so good. Jason joined the sourdough starter craze and we got exactly 1 loaf from it:rotfl: A little short lived.

Aligot potatoes are the best. I may have to go there just for those.
I had never heard of them before but we really enjoyed them. So much creamier than typical mashed potatoes

I loath those poorly positioned tables! We have asked to move elsewhere and sometimes the staff looks so offended ugh
I made a mistake not asking but it didn't bother me as much as it did Jason. But why anyone would be offended I don't know. They are the ones who put the table in that horrible location in the first place.

We cancelled our CG reservation in August! I wish we would have went now that the menu has changed.
I'm glad we got there in June since it will definitely be a while before we go again.

Jason's a lucky man :) You ladies look lovely!
Ah shucks thanks 😘

What an awful spot for a table anyway!!! I'm bummed you had to have your meal in that spot, but love that you got to ignore the people who disturbed you by walking out anyway! :)
It really was a bad table, but not gonna lie might have enjoyed watching people ignore signage and get stuck outside just a wee lil bit 🤣

Well this rivals the pic from another report where the table guests were wearing tablecloths! Wasn't that your TR??
Yup that was me. Apparently great table views and CG are our destiny

They should have known the number of times you've dined there and given you a better table! 😉
Why yes, they should have! I like the way you think :earboy2:

Maybe the experience was off because you only had 1 round of drinks! Hehe.
:rotfl:I'm thinking there is no chance we had one round of drinks, because I don't think we ever have one round of drinks, but what we may have had completely escapes me

This annoys at a Buffalo Wild Wings , but at CG price point they should know better.
They really should. Highly disappointed on the timing of the whole meal

I am glad your food was very good despite the table location. I think my App choice would be your Crab but would choose Jason's Steak for the entree. One day we will make it to the CG.
I'm not sure I'd go during the price fixe meal but if you can get some of the "regular" menu you should definitely go. Food is always great, even if you get a terrible table 🤣

We had Pham as our server at Oga's back in February and LOVED him as well!!! He was so funny and even gave me a jello shot on the house just because I asked about them!! :love:
Oh how awesome. Our first time to Oga's was ho hum but he was so fantastic he turned my opinion on the entire place around. Though now I'm a little salty I didn't get a jello shot :drinking1
Can you believe I never watched the West Wing? I know, I know. TV show is literally in my back yard and I've never seen a single episode. So did the President have a house on the bay or something that they mentioned it?
Love West Wing and are currently rewatching for the xillionth time because the 14 year old likes history and politics and it kinda works in both ( plus a wee bit of Martin Sheen doesn’t hurt 🤣).
Chesapeake Bay gets mentioned because a homeless veteran dies from the “ cold nor’easter off the Chesapeake “ - it’s a good storyline so I won’t spoil it. You should definitely watch it if you enjoy a decent political drama It has aged well a bit like Martin Sheen 🤣🤣

Are there no Piggly Wiggly's in Ireland :rotfl: It is a very unfortunate name for a Southern U.S. Grocery store chain.
No piggly wiggly here - we are a deprived people obviously! 🐷🤣
It really is so good. Jason joined the sourdough starter craze and we got exactly 1 loaf from it:rotfl: A little short lived.
Love sourdough- love baking- yes life is too short so also love French Village Bakery down the road. Their sourdough is great :rotfl2:
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Hi! Long time lurker that enjoys reading your reports. Quick question regarding California Grill. Did Casey have her own meal or did you share a prix fix dinner together? Our son will be 10 when we head there next and loves sushi, I feel like ordering a whole adult dinner for him would be way too much food so was hoping we could potentially share.
And before I leave my table rant lest I forget our other view of a Piggly Wiggly advertisement.
LOL! At least it's better than using a tablecloth for a blanket or a napkin for a hat, lol!!!! You know what I'm talking about. :rotfl2:

Jason of course loved this and I was a firm I didn’t hate it. After years of wearing my taste buds down I’m finally coming around to all things whiskey and bourbon.
This is Joe's favorite drink and Joe got smashed the other night on said drink. Thank goodness we were able to walk back to our hotel.

Overall our food tonight was great but our experience was just off. The table was horrible and the whole meal felt really rushed. I like a long leisurely meal and we were in and out of CG in less than an hour. We’ll definitely be back at some point, but with their shift to a price fix menu we won’t be in any rush.

We have been very disappointed with Cali Grill lately and I just can't get myself to go back any time soon. This is the exact problem we had. The food was excellent but we were seated at the worst table and the service was waaaaaay off. Are they seriously moving to a Pre Fix?????
Maybe that was the issue. I just figured they still had reduced capacity and wanted to get as many people through as they could.
It could be both.

You are so right. Here I am all patting myself on the back because my kid eats better than most adults. Never thought about what happens when she doesn't want to share with my any more.
I mean it's still impressive. Can't wait to see what she ends up eating in college.
Love West Wing and are currently rewatching for the xillionth time because the 14 year old likes history and politics and it kinda works in both ( plus a wee bit of Martin Sheen doesn’t hurt 🤣).
Chesapeake Bay gets mentioned because a homeless veteran dies from the “ cold nor’easter off the Chesapeake “ - it’s a good storyline so I won’t spoil it. You should definitely watch it if you enjoy a decent political drama It has aged well a bit like Martin Sheen 🤣🤣
I'll have to check it out sometime. Our xillionth time watching it show is The Office. Like Martin it doesn't age either. And in the mean time thanks for the warning. I'll be sure to stay away from the bay during any nor'easters :rotfl2:

Love sourdough- love baking- yes life is too short so also love French Village Bakery down the road. Their sourdough is great :rotfl2:
Oh that sounds fabulous. And I'm sure in Ireland its an actual French Bakery. We have a "french" bakery by our house but everything in it is Korean

Hi! Long time lurker that enjoys reading your reports. Quick question regarding California Grill. Did Casey have her own meal or did you share a prix fix dinner together? Our son will be 10 when we head there next and loves sushi, I feel like ordering a whole adult dinner for him would be way too much food so was hoping we could potentially share.
Thanks for stopping by and saying hi. We went to Cali Grill before the prix fixe meal came out so she had just ordered sushi as her entree. I'm with you on the ordering an adult dinner for the kiddos. We will definitely be skipping CG until the regular menu comes back. I'm pretty sure I read they don't allow sharing.

LOL! At least it's better than using a tablecloth for a blanket or a napkin for a hat, lol!!!! You know what I'm talking about. :rotfl2:
Very, very true. And just for historical purposes...

This is Joe's favorite drink and Joe got smashed the other night on said drink. Thank goodness we were able to walk back to our hotel.
Looking forward to getting smashed with Joe myself in just a few weeks :drinking1

I mean it's still impressive. Can't wait to see what she ends up eating in college.
With my wallets luck she'll decide to study abroad and eat at Michelin starred restaurants all over Europe for 4 years
Home Sweet Nomad

After 3 days in Disney and spending next to no time with us his royal Groomness had finally allowed my brother some time away from the itinerary of prescheduled wedding fun so we could spend a little time together.

So we flew with some Banchees

And got our Ma Eywa on.

We even met Kevin!

Before feasting on some Isle of Java snacks.

That’s a Raspberry Muffin for my girl.

This was a muffin. It had Raspberry’s.

And a Tiger Tail Chocolate Twist for my guy.

It was a tail. It was chocolate.

From there we time traveled to the Cretaceous period before getting swatted like bugs and trekking through the jungle. We narrowly survived a speed train through the Himalayas before cruising down the Kali River and avoiding a pack of poachers in Harambe.

Exhausted from our travels through time and two continents there was only one thing on our minds.


Jason and I even twinned for our triumphant return to the most perfect of Disney lounges.

I, of course, ordered an Annapurna Zing

Where Gin + Passion Fruit + Ginger Beer = The most perfect cocktail known to man. Even Casey got in on the cocktail action, with the N/A version of Jenn’s Tattoo with watermelon, hibiscus, and lime.

Continuing their feisty tiger mood from this morning Jason and my brother both got the Tempting Tigress.

This is Russell's Reserve 10yr Bourbon, St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram, Tamarind Syrup, and Lime Juice.

For eats we all shared a few items from Tiffins (Nomad’s lets you order apps and enhancements off their menu) starting with the Bread Service with Red Pepper Hummus, Spicy Coriander Yogurt, & Ginger-Pear Chutney.

This is nowhere close to Sanaa Bread service league but who am I to turn down all the dip and carbohydrate deliciousness.

We also ordered the Gobi Manchurian aka fried cauliflower.

This has become one of our favorite items on property but unfortunately it was a little off today. The cauliflower was a bit undercooked and the actual pieces were really big and a bit hard to eat. That of course did not hold us back from devouring every morsel.

Casey’s choice was the Smoked Pork Ribs with sweet soy glaze & apple-jicama slaw.

Casey wasn’t sharing these (when I dared to ask I got her trademark eye roll, no clue where she gets it :confused3 ) but she said they were delicious just needed more sauce.

Up next we had our favorite item of batch, Spiced Chickpea Falafel with Mint-Pistachio Pesto, Cumin-scented Garlic Raita, & Pickled Vegetables.
The falafel themselves were light and crispy and very flavorful but it was the pickled veggies that really put this over the top (and shout out to the random vegan website I stole this pic from because in my Annapurna haze I apparently didn't take one).

And last but certainly not least we ended with the delicious, the spectacular, the decadent…Churros

If you haven’t tried these they seriously beat any churro you can get in the park. Light and crispy and paired with delicious vanilla and strawberry sauces. These beat heat lamp churros with fake chocolate syrup any day.

At this point we sadly said farewell to the lounge and my brother and ended our day at Disney’s Animal Kingdom on a high note. But good news is we get a little more bro time the next day.

Speaking of next, up next a definite dining table upgrade
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This is nowhere close to Sanaa Bread service league but who am I to turn down all the dip and carbohydrate deliciousness.

This has become one of our favorite items on property but unfortunately it was a little off today. The cauliflower was a bit undercooked and the actual pieces were really big and a bit hard to eat. That of course did not hold us back from devouring every morsel.
These always sound good to me. We are doing tiffins on our next trip and will need to try these

Casey wasn’t sharing these (when I dared to ask I got her trademark eye roll, no clue where she gets it :confused3 ) but she said they were delicious just needed more sauce.
They do look a little dry!
Sounds like a great day- so glad your brother was allowed out to play with you 🤣
I have a confession to make (hangs head in shame)- I’ve never been to Nomad’s lounge 😱. I’m not sure I can actually picture where it is it’s been so long since we were at AK. Would definitely go for the Annapurna Zing never mind the bread and ribs which look tasty too. Might even branch out and try thon falafel being the adventurous sort that I am🤣😋
Love that you got your Ma eywa on and the matching shirts suit you and Jason. Your tiger tail loving husband is a hoot! Class photo🤣
What a fun AK day!
Nomad Lounge is such a pleasant experience
We love the churros, hope to stop in there again in December!
The Tiger Tail :rotfl: LOVE your Nomad shirts! Those are so cute! Nomad's has to be the best addition to the parks in recent memory. I am embarrassed to tell you that I still haven't tried the Annapurna Zing. I am hanging my head in shame. Must correct!
For some bizarre reason I am not getting notifications from your post, so I am WAY behind! Catching up now.... :)

I never even thought about the exchange rate on top of the already ridiculous prices. Thats gotta add up quick.
Oh yeah, it adds a whole level of specialness to a Disney vacay!
I know we will. I really have no idea why we haven't been.
I am excited for you to go there, I know you are going to love it!
Though some were clearly more glamorous than others.
Love these shots!
Signature dining at its finest.
Or not where CG is concerned......
This was really good and nicely balanced. Just the right amount of boozy with a hint of spice and not too sweet. Now that I think of it that sounds just like me :drinking1
That cocktail does sound delicious!
This was outstanding! The halibut was nicely seared and the succotash and ramp combination paired really well with it. Strangely for me the corn nectar really made this dish. I don’t love corn thanks in part to my mother who literally made it every day one summer, but this creamy and rich nectar really brightened up the fish.
I wish this dish had have been on the menu in August, it's right up my alley!
Casey branched out on her own and got the California Combination Roll for her entrée.
That's what Jack picked. We were shocked how skimpy it was for $27!
Overall our food tonight was great but our experience was just off. The table was horrible and the whole meal felt really rushed. I like a long leisurely meal and we were in and out of CG in less than an hour. We’ll definitely be back at some point, but with their shift to a price fix menu we won’t be in any rush.
Same for us but we didn't even have a good meal to make up for it. We couldn't get out of there fast enough.
We cancelled our CG reservation in August! I wish we would have went now that the menu has changed.
If our experience in August was anything to go by, you weren't missing anything.
Exhausted from our travels through time and two continents there was only one thing on our minds.

No better place!
For eats we all shared a few items from Tiffins (Nomad’s lets you order apps and enhancements off their menu) starting with the Bread Service with Red Pepper Hummus, Spicy Coriander Yogurt, & Ginger-Pear Chutney.
I love this so much. :goodvibes
We also ordered the Gobi Manchurian aka fried cauliflower.
I can polish off a whole order of this myself!
Up next we had our favorite item of batch, Spiced Chickpea Falafel with Mint-Pistachio Pesto, Cumin-scented Garlic Raita, & Pickled Vegetables.
Would love to try this but nut allergies get in the way.:(
If you haven’t tried these they seriously beat any churro you can get in the park. Light and crispy and paired with delicious vanilla and strawberry sauces. These beat heat lamp churros with fake chocolate syrup any day.
Those look amazing!!
Jason and I even twinned for our triumphant return to the most perfect of Disney lounges.
They should give you a free drink for wearing matching Nomad shirts. :)
At this point we sadly said farewell to the lounge and my brother and ended our day at Disney’s Animal Kingdom on a high note.
It looks like you had a great time. And the food looks good, too. :)
Glad your Brother was given some free time from "Groomzilla". When did being in a Wedding Party turn into a part time job ?:confused3. We haven't been to AK our last few trip, After seeing Casey's Ribs and the Churros , not to mention the Bread Service (nothing wrong with Carbs) I may need to get DH there our next trip.
Rush Hour

Dinner tonight was at one of favorite Disney dining destination, California Grill.

Though some were clearly more glamorous than others.

Soon enough we were whisked up to the California Grill and were promptly seated at the worst table in the entire restaurant. Our table was basically in the middle of the room next to the exit to one of the balcony’s.

Now I should have asked to me moved, but my let’s not rock the boat husband said it would be fine. For those following at home apparently fine in this case is defined as people constantly walking by our table while we "enjoy" our meal. At some point they closed the balcony due to weather but did that keep them away? Of course not! Though in a bit of cosmic karma people could go out but couldn't get back in and we may or may not have pretended that we didn't notice :rolleyes1

Wow...not the best for sure but I probably would have been like your husband and just let it go. However I also would have chosen not to disrupt my meal to let people in either.

And before I leave my table rant lest I forget our other view of a Piggly Wiggly advertisement.

Signature dining at its finest.

Ok I just have no words for that view...but I did get some laughs out of it!

And of course we needed some drinks to wash all those carbohydrates down.

My old fashioned man went with the Sonoma Maple Bourbon Old Fashioned which is Sonoma Distilling Co. Bourbon, Vanilla Maple Syrup, Angostura Bitters and Luxardo Gourmet Maraschino Cherries with an Orange Twist.

Jason of course loved this and I was a firm I didn’t hate it. After years of wearing my taste buds down I’m finally coming around to all things whiskey and bourbon.

So my husband has become a whiskey/bourbon aficionado of late so he would LOVE this one too!

And my new fashioned tastes ordered the St. Fresca’s with Patrón Silver Tequila, St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur, Strawberry Simple Syrup, Strawberry Water, Tajín Chile-Lime Seasoning and a Viola Flower.

This was really good and nicely balanced. Just the right amount of boozy with a hint of spice and not too sweet. Now that I think of it that sounds just like me :drinking1

Ok so this would be more up my alley too. Yum!

In the appetizer department we shared the Alaskan King Crab Tart with Asparagus, Blood Orange, Baby Fennel, Petite Mesclun and Citrus Vinaigrette.

This was my choice and I loved it. The king crab and pastry were fantastic and paired really well with the asparagus and citrus flavors. Unfortunately I was alone on tart island as Jason thought the asparagus tasted like canned peas and Casey said she likes “our crab” (aka Maryland blue crabs) better. At least I’m raising a girl with a Chesapeake Bay heart.

I have to totally side with Casey on this one...girl after my own heart.:love:

Before we’d even finished our appetizers, our entrees arrived which is a huge pet peeve of mine. We often won't even order entrees until after we've gotten our appetizer to ensure a leisurely meal, but at signature restaurants that is usually not necessary. Clearly CG didn't get the memo.

Not cool Cali Grill, NOT COOL!

For his main course my usual fat and gristle loving carnivore ventured to the lean side and ordered the Oak-fired Filet of Beef with Jumbo Asparagus, Spring Onion Vinaigrette, Aligot Potatoes and Fig-Onion Demi.

Perfectly cooked beef with a nice oaky smoke paired with a vibrant onion vinaigrette and creamy mashed potatoes. Yum! This was a real winner.

I ordered the Halibut with Wild Alaskan Halibut with Purple Hasselback Potatoes, Spring Vegetable Succotash, Bacon, Ramps and Corn Nectar.

This was outstanding! The halibut was nicely seared and the succotash and ramp combination paired really well with it. Strangely for me the corn nectar really made this dish. I don’t love corn thanks in part to my mother who literally made it every day one summer, but this creamy and rich nectar really brightened up the fish.
Both of your dishes looked yummy, but I would have probably opted for the fish also.

Casey branched out on her own and got the California Combination Roll for her entrée.

$27 for my kiddo to eat sushi was a little extreme but she was quite pleased with her selection. Though she would like you all to know that the shrimp actually tasted like a soft shell crab :confused3

I do recall Cali Grill had some of the best sushi. Looks like a solid choice!

Nothing on the dessert menu was speaking to us so we decided to skip dessert and cut our table losses.
Do they no longer do the lava cake there? This makes me very sad.

Overall our food tonight was great but our experience was just off. The table was horrible and the whole meal felt really rushed. I like a long leisurely meal and we were in and out of CG in less than an hour. We’ll definitely be back at some point, but with their shift to a price fix menu we won’t be in any rush.

Overall glad the meal went well and you had some good dishes. Sad to hear the CG has gone so downhill. It used to be a favorite of ours as well, I STILL make the appetizer I had there for our first visit...the Sonoma Goat Cheese home often and it's a hit with my family. I would like to return to the CG one day though. Thanks for the awesome review.


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