This is Us- Season six

Loved this episode!! So happy Kevin and Sophie are together!!

I did miss Toby and Jack.

Did I miss the episode with Dr.K on his deathbed?
So at this point have we established that Kate is alive by the last episode and possibly Miguel is dead? And if Rebecca proclaimed Kate as her person in the cabin scene, how did Rebecca end up under Kevin's care?
Kevin has been building the house with the plan for Rebecca to spend her final days there for a while now. That doesn’t mean that her living will/power of attorney has switched to Kevin. Just because Kate wasn’t there in that moment doesn’t mean that she hasn’t been around and making decisions.
I’m not a fan of Kevin and Sophie back together. They don’t even know each other as the grown adults they are now. But I’ll overlook it as “storybook” that so many really wanted. One thing that bothers me is that it seems that the people who were mad at Kate about not trying hard enough with Toby are thrilled that Sophie divorced Grant. It’s ok that she didn’t put her marriage on a pedestal because Kevin deserves his happy ending?
To me it makes sense that maybe they are gathering for Kate's funeral because of the scene with Toby in the bed all depressed when Randall called him. From the flash forward to the bar scene when Little Jack sang, Toby and Kate were both in a good place in their lives and co-existing nicely. So the bed scene with Toby where he's depressed and shaken wouldn't make sense. idk. I'm overthinking again.

Both Kate and Toby were watching Jack sing as an adult. is it not virtually impossible for Jack to be an adult in the house scene?

Also, I do not think Toby was that old in the crying in the bed scene, but I could be wrong - it has been a bit.
So relieved that they didn't attempt to pigeon-hole the wedding singer into Kevin's life. Phillip was enough of a stretch for me...
Stupid casting. All I could see is her putting a plastic bag over someone's head (Scandal).

If you are trying to make us believe he could fall in love with someone new without building the character, cast a virtual unknown in the role. We probably still wouldn't have believed; but at least it would have had less distraction for some.
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I can't find the post but whoever commented on Kevin's facial expressions and word finding around Sophie - and what great acting - I concur.

So well done. His look, his vulnerability around her - classic. It was believable that no one had held a candle to her this entire time.
I’m not a fan of Kevin and Sophie back together. They don’t even know each other as the grown adults they are now. But I’ll overlook it as “storybook” that so many really wanted. One thing that bothers me is that it seems that the people who were mad at Kate about not trying hard enough with Toby are thrilled that Sophie divorced Grant. It’s ok that she didn’t put her marriage on a pedestal because Kevin deserves his happy ending?
Well to be fair we didn’t get much back story on Sophie and Grant, or how their marriage ended. Plus with Kate being an immediate family member it makes sense for everyone to be more invested in her and Toby than they would about Sophie and Grant.
I’m not a fan of Kevin and Sophie back together. They don’t even know each other as the grown adults they are now. But I’ll overlook it as “storybook” that so many
This is only one story but -

My first love in is my life and although we have gone through many things that have of course changed us somewhat over thirty plus years, honestly not a lot is different. Very few people change the core of their being.

Also Sophie put out that they need to be in the present.


And on the other hand time brings changes anyway in marriage - so what is the difference ? (no sarcasm meant).
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In the flash forward Kate is bringing Jack t Kevin’s. I think there was a phone conversation that she was in her way.

I’m not sure we’ve had confirmation that Kate is with (baby) Jack in the flash forward. I think all that’s said is that they’re on the way and we don’t know the other they is. But, seeing adult Jack with Kate and Toby does indicate that she doesn’t die. Plus, I don’t think they’d wait til there was four episodes to go to reveal she’s dead.
Not sure how I feel that Kevin will be with Sophie, but I do like it better than the lounge singer. I really loved after they kissed you hear Randall cheering them on lol.

Right now the only one I'm pretty confident will die and won't make it to the last episode is Miguel. I really think he got the short end of the stick for years because he could never measure up to Jack in anyone's mind. I think his episode will be a real tear jerker, I think we may see he was a better husband to Rebecca than anyone gave him credit for.
This is only one story but -

My first love in is my life and although we have gone through many things that have of course changed us somewhat over thirty plus years, honestly not a lot is different. Very few people change the core of their being.

Also Sophie put out that they need to be in the present.


And on the other hand time brings changes anyway in marriage - so what is the difference ? (no sarcasm meant).
I’m with the guy that I met when we were 18 and 19 who is my first love, and I’m closer to 60 than I care to admit. We’ve both changed a lot, but we changed together. We’ve weathered life together. I can’t imagine instantly reconnecting with someone from high school and declaring true love. Yes, it’s a tv show, so it gets to be unrealistic, but I would have rather seen them reconnect at the wedding and him ask her for a new first date instead of pulling out an elementary school Valentine and declaring themselves soulmates. They could have built the relationship with a montage .
I’m with the guy that I met when we were 18 and 19 who is my first love, and I’m closer to 60 than I care to admit. We’ve both changed a lot, but we changed together. We’ve weathered life together. I can’t imagine instantly reconnecting with someone from high school and declaring true love. Yes, it’s a tv show, so it gets to be unrealistic, but I would have rather seen them reconnect at the wedding and him ask her for a new first date instead of pulling out an elementary school Valentine and declaring themselves soulmates. They could have built the relationship with a montage .

But do not forget they were more than high school sweethearts & Sophie is being realistic and sounds like she wants to take it step-by- step.

Also, Kevin is so all over the place with women, I think it was his way of saying I could have flirted with a woman five minutes ago because that is me kind of jive, but it has always been you Sophie. To make sure she knew he wasn't being remotely flippant or simply needy.

But I understand all your points Beth.
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Both Kate and Toby were watching Jack sing as an adult. is it not virtually impossible for Jack to be an adult in the house scene?

Also, I do not think Toby was that old in the crying in the bed scene, but I could be wrong - it has been a bit.
Yes, we've seen Kate and Phillip and Toby and Laura (?) farther in the future than the scene when Rebecca is dying. Jack is probably around 12 when Rebecca dies, and he was older when they went to see him sing.

I'm also not sure that Toby was as depressed in the scene when Randall calls him as we remember. Toby was depressed and in bed a lot in the current time line when we saw the flash forward, so I think we thought he was depressed when we saw him in bed alone. They wanted us to think that so that we'd speculate on whether he and Kate were together or if Kate was even alive. He was probably somber because of the situation and just happened to be in bed when Randall called. I can't remember what time of day Randall called from the east coast.
I’m not sure we’ve had confirmation that Kate is with (baby) Jack in the flash forward. I think all that’s said is that they’re on the way and we don’t know the other they is. But, seeing adult Jack with Kate and Toby does indicate that she doesn’t die. Plus, I don’t think they’d wait til there was four episodes to go to reveal she’s dead.
I'm so confused on the timeline for the flash forward to Kevin's house. I just think there has to be something big coming in the next to last episode, enough to make Mandy Moore throw up when she read the script. Miguel dying or Rebecca dying is not enough to elicit that response. They are both old and ill at that point.
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We don’t know that on the day of her 2nd wedding Kate was unaware of Sophie’s marital status. Kate apologized to Sophie for not supporting her during the separation after her own marital implosion. It would be understandable that Kate and Sophie renewed and strengthened their relationship in their 40s. Rebecca did not come up with “Kevin isn’t ready” after dementia on Kate’s wedding night. All the Pearsons—including Sophie and Beth—have been waiting for Kevin to grow up for 25 years. Though she wanted her best friend and brother back together, it wasn’t Kate‘s place to tell Kevin that Sophie was single.

In all the Kate/Phillip wedding scenes, Madison has been happy. Before book club, Madison was never happy. She was anxious, obsessed with food, post partum stressed, daddy issues, etc. Once Madison and Elijah are established, she begins to find and love herself in a way she never could with Kevin. Madison was a joy to watch at Kate’s engagement party and wedding.

It seemed to me that the security detail quips at wedding between Randall and Kevin were tongue in cheek. It has been a while, and I don’t remember if we see Randall and Tess in the car together driving from city to new cabin. Annie and Deja do not have security with them (nor did Beth at dance academy), so Randall is definitely not in a senior enough position to require family protection. I do think production may be playing a little loose with time lapse since senatorial terms are 6 years long. Though it seemed the PA senator was retiring imminently, perhaps he was in year 3 or 4 of his final term when he approached Randall.

Rebecca’s death bed fast forward is several years before adult Jack performed with his wife/girlfriend, Kate/Phillip and Toby/woman (likely coffeeshop lady) in attendance. Randall’s girls are 12-15 years older than Jack. Deja is a smart girl. It is unlikely she would be mid to late 30s and pregnant with her 1st child on her 1st day of residency. She is probably 25-28 which meshes with the twins being tweens. Jack is definitely an adult when he meets his wife, sells out concert venues and lives in Malibu or similar.


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