Marathon Weekend 2023

Two Dopeys have taught me that I need to recover on Saturday after the half. Both times, I have had total meltdowns on Saturday from a mix of exhaustion and hunger. So this time, I am sticking to my plan to take Saturday off from the parks! I am normally a "go go go - I can sleep when I get home!" type of person at Disney, but do not underestimate the toll that the early mornings and the miles take on your body!
We will be there Weds-Monday and planning on parks Th, F, and Sunday only right now. In the past, we have had APs so popping into a park for just a few hours wasn't a big deal, but that won't be the case this time so need to use our days wisely.
You touched upon the most important aspect of running and theme parks in general...know yourself and what works for you.
OK all you "I over-do it in the parks" people. How do you decide how many park days to do (balancing it with the cost) when you're running in one of the challenges? DH is running the 5k and 10k ( and I'm running Dopey) and is wanting to get tickets purchased and park reservations made SOON. I think he's mostly concerned with getting bored after Friday morning, since he is not a "relax by the pool" kind of guy. I also feel like this was a QOTD, but I honestly don't want to wade back that far. :duck:

We will be there Monday (late afternoon) - Monday (early morning) and the only day I know we are planning for parks for sure right now is Thursday after the 5k because we can still rope-drop and we change resorts that day. I can't justify the price of a park ticket to go "just for pictures and a couple rides/food and then get out."
Bah.... if I had my AP like I was suppose to I would go on a couple of rides but spend a couple of hours there but not like go crazy. To bad I was not able to get one :( So now just buy for one day, to get medal pics mostly cause like you I just cannot spend that kind of money for a couple of hours in the parks. I got club lv in AKL instead since so at least I will have lots of included food and drinks with my resort stay.
I’ve been in the parks the past two days and can confirm my continued membership in the “I overdo it in the parks” club. Got up at 3 AM Tuesday for an early flight. Went directly to Disney Springs after my flight landed. Walked around for a couple hours and grabbed lunch while waiting for my room notification. Relaxed for an hour waiting for the rest of my party before heading out to MNSSHP. We shut down the park and didn’t get back to our room until 1:30.

Got to sleep around 2:00 before waking up at 6:50 to make our Guardians reservations. Then pretty much had to head to Epcot for opening at 8:00. We hit everything and made multiple loops around the entirety of World Showcase over the day. Had to book it after getting stuck and evacuated (slowwwwly) off Ratatouille after our Guardians group got called way earlier than we expected. And then had to walk the entire length of the park at the end of the day when we got to the Skyliner less than a minute after it was shutdown and had to go all the way back to the bus depot to get back to Pop.

All this to say: I covered over 10 miles both days. It takes a toll on my feet and, to a lesser extent, my legs. If I was here for a race weekend, things would be set up for dismal failure. That’s, unfortunately or not, how I always do the parks. I can’t help myself. If that’s how the parks go for you, I’d say that taking at least the day before the Marathon (no matter what combination of races you are running with it) is probably a good course of action.

Also, Guardians is awesome. Amazing mix of new ride tech and story.
You touched upon the most important aspect of running and theme parks in general...know yourself and what works for you.
I agree with how vitally important this is.

In 2012, I ran the Wine & Dine Half on Saturday night. I had planned to spend the day at my resort off my feet. After about 2 hours of doing this, I recognized that I was going stir crazy. Sitting around my room thinking about the race was not helping. I decided instead to switch up my plans and go to the parks for a few hours. Honestly, that decision caused my race anxiety to move to the back of my mind and I enjoyed Epcot while making sure that I did a lot of indoor attractions with very short waits and/or lots of time off my feet. A few hours later when it came time to go back to my resort, eat dinner, and change for the race, I was ready. The race went fine.

I've always done the parks before the race and on race day. In my experience, I am far less sore after spending time in the parks post race than when I do races at home with no parks to recover in. In my case, the moving around in the parks helps keep my muscles loose. I've continued this strategy even when incorporating Dopey into the mix. It works for me. That said, keep in mind the following.

1. I never allow myself to spend excessive amounts of time on my feet in lines waiting. Short waits and/or long attractions/shows are the rule especially as the race distance the next day increases.

2. I almost always head back to my hotel no later than 7:00pm. I go earlier if I have not eaten dinner yet. So shorter park days are part of my park recovery.

All that said, I broke both of those rules this year the night before Dopey began. About the time I would have been heading back to my resort for dinner and 5K prep, I instead got in a posted wait of 90 minutes for Rise of the Resistance. 3 hours later, I had experienced Rise of the Resistance 3 consecutive times all with significantly shorter waits than posted. Instead of going to bed around 8:30pm, I found myself in Galaxy's Edge then and still hadn't eaten dinner. I went to bed at 11:00pm the night before the 5K. I followed my usual rules over the next 3 days. Dopey was fine and I even took 10 minutes off my marathon personal best.

While I think this certainly impacted my experience as I was more sore after Dopey than usual and had to skip some attractions in order to save my legs after the extra and very much worth it adventure of 3 consecutive times on Rise of the Resistance, I still had a great time.

Know yourself. And if you cannot trust yourself to have a relaxing day in the parks, then maybe it's better to skip them. But if you can, it can be great fun walking around the parks wearing your medal, talking with other runners, and regular park guests.
All great points about how to realistically balance park days with race days. I'm solidly in the "over-doer" camp. Over spring break we did 2 park days, with hoppers, and even with pushing the stroller a good bit (which means no arm-swing and therefore no counted steps) I put in more than 11.5 miles the first day. We rope-dropped AK, hit MK for a couple of rides, and ended the night in Epcot. We did a slower-paced day the 2nd park day and I still managed to log over 9 miles, again, visiting 3 parks. Cutting the night at 4 or 5pm would do a lot to remedy that, but would also essentially eliminate park hopping with the 2pm limit (that's still a thing, right??) which means I would need MORE days to do everything I'd want to do. I'll have to think about what makes the most sense with my goals for this trip, and see if DH is interested in doing any solo park days, or if he wants to chase me around the course and cheer (he definitely won't because that's not his personality.)
Proud Under-Doer here! :wave2: 😂 For Dopey, I do a couple hours of park time after the 5K and 10K, spend Sat. after the half doing Recovery Laundry, reading, and watching TV. My body and my mind need a LOT of quiet time between races. After the full, I spend a few hours recovering before going somewhere for dinner.
So, I've decided not to run the marathon. Health issues + life are just making the training too difficult and I have no desire to push it this time: I'm honestly happy with my decision!

But since I am, in fact registered, my plan is to run half of it. Conveniently, 13.1 hits right near the Poly or Grand, assuming the same route as this year, making it easy to monorail back to EP, clean up and change, and head over to EP or DHS-ish to spectate. But if I want to get the medal, I'm thinking I have to take the sweep bus, right? So my question is, does anyone recall if a hard sweep is near enough the 13.1 point to make it easy? I don't mind backtracking or continuing on a little further if I need to - I just cannot recall where the sweep points were.
Good Morning runDisney All-Stars! It is story time. Share when you started runnng and what got you into it.
I consider 2018 as the year I started running. Before that I had done a little running off and on as an adult but it never stuck. And like @PrincessV I was a ballet dancer and did not run as a kid. Running started because I got bored with walking. I had started losing weight after finally getting tired of being fat and part of my routine was a walk every morning before work but walking only for 9 months or so was getting old. I started C25k with a goal in mind of getting to the point that I could run a 5k a few days a week for exercise. Then, like so many others, I was hooked this time. Been running ever since and race the HM distance a few times a year. I am tackling Dopey this year (also my first marathon) with no intention to stop running ever!

I'm not ruling it out, but I am coming around to the fact that I think I like 10K/half marathon challenge training better. Yesterday's run was fine, but it took sooooooo much time. For right now, the end is justifying the means, but I'm not sure that it's a commitment that I want to make on a regular basis.
I am also currently saying one and done for Dopey, and the marathon, if I’m being honest. This^ is a big part of why. HM training hits a sweet spot of time investment and race length for me. I have basically blocked out my fall leading up to Dopey this year because I know the time commitment to marathon training will eat up a lot of the time I would have used for other things. We’ll see how actual training goes as my plan still has me at weekly mileage similar to a HM plan and I learned long ago to never say never. But, I think it’s highly unlikely.

OK all you "I over-do it in the parks" people. How do you decide how many park days to do (balancing it with the cost) when you're running in one of the challenges?
I am going to be there Tuesday-Tuesday for Dopey. While I haven’t done this before, I have done other challenge weekends And learned that I need forced down time. I always say I’ll take it easy, but an easy park day is still at least 10 miles because it’s almost impossible to actually do rides and see a park without walking a ton.
For MW, I am arriving late enough on Tuesday that I am skipping a park that day, going before the expo on Wednesday and after the 5k Th, skipping parks on Fr and Sat. I am playing sunday by ear but will get castle pics at a minimum. Epcot on Monday. Leaving on Tuesday. For nonpark days, I chose a resort I like to hang out in. I’ll go to the pool, make reservations to eat at DS, etc. I am also ok with just hanging on the balcony and watching the animals and/or Netflix. I ❤️ alone time. But, this is part of why my husband isn’t coming. He would also get bored but simultaneously doesn’t want to go to parks alone. So, I’m trying to talk him into coming for a few days and bailing before the downtime really starts.
Super-late answer to SAFD (on vacation and mostly staying offline):

I ran my first mile ever in April 2019.

After a few years of visits, my wife wasn't sure she wanted to keep going to WDW every year. I'd been working my way through old WDW Radio podcast episodes, and loved their reviews of race weekends. I signed up for the HM, basically getting her to agree to a trip if I actually got in shape to run that race. A few years and a few races later, we're in it for the long run*!

* (sorry)**

** (not actually sorry)
Good Morning runDisney All-stars!

For today’s SAFD Question we are going to talk about food, the quick service variety. If Mickey Mouse could deliver to your house today one quick service meal, what would it be?

My answer: And I think I usually go with the Tacos Barbacoa at La Hacienda in the Mexico Pavillion in Epcot for anything associated with favorite quick service food. But after this summer family trip to Disneyland I think I have another favorite that would rival La Hacienda. The clam chowder in a bread bowl from La Boudin Bakery in the the Cannery Row area. I had this on a whim this past trip and I absolutely loved it. Good clam chowder, fantastic bread bowl! Can’t wait to try this again, hopefully as part of a future runDisney event at DIsneyland!
Good Morning runDisney All-stars!

For today’s SAFD Question we are going to talk about food, the quick service variety. If Mickey Mouse could deliver to your house today one quick service meal, what would it be?

My answer: And I think I usually go with the Tacos Barbacoa at La Hacienda in the Mexico Pavillion in Epcot for anything associated with favorite quick service food. But after this summer family trip to Disneyland I think I have another favorite that would rival La Hacienda. The clam chowder in a bread bowl from La Boudin Bakery in the the Cannery Row area. I had this on a whim this past trip and I absolutely loved it. Good clam chowder, fantastic bread bowl! Can’t wait to try this again, hopefully as part of a future runDisney event at DIsneyland!
I second those tacos
Good Morning runDisney All-stars!

For today’s SAFD Question we are going to talk about food, the quick service variety. If Mickey Mouse could deliver to your house today one quick service meal, what would it be?
I’m gonna go with the sweet and spicy chicken waffle sandwich at sleepy hollow. I could eat it for any meal and it’s not something i would make for myself or find at a local restaurant. I’ve have my share of chicken and waffles over the years but that particular one is just makes my think of sitting on the shady benched near the castle.
SAFD: Since I was just there, I’d say it’s hard to beat the brisket sandwich and watermelon feta salad from Polite Pig:

If we’re talking specifically in the park, I’d go with a bowl from Satu’li; probably beef with hearty salad and herb dressing. From my perspective QS has really advanced in the last 10 years in all of the parks outside of MK. There are some decent things in MK but it would be nice to see newer options there.


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