Something About Nothing............ #14

Schumi was posting as I was posting.
That lasagna looks really good. I can't remember when I last ate lasagna.

I was in a bit of denial when my friends started becoming grandparents. Then I remembered that these women had their first child at around 20-21 years old. I was almost 33 when B was born.

It is really good!!!

Yes, this friend is 2 years older than me, she`s a 1965 baby, and her son and Kyle started nursery together at aged 4, so we`ve been friends since then. Although we don`t live as close as we used to we still meet up as often as we can.

A good few of my friends are grandparents now, yes, it`s an odd feeling being that age. We often spoke about when our group of friends were the "young mums" in the playground......a lifetime ago now.

Edited to add, back in 1994 when Kyle was born I was classed as an older mum....I was 27!!! You just reminded me when you mentioned being 33 having your daughter.

Lasagne going in the oven now for about 45 minutes......
Finally getting to do a quick stop in :wave2:

It has been a busy week...and this pumpkin is tired. I could have kept pressing the snooze button on the alarm, but I did drag my butt out of bed. My tea is long gone, and I will be heading out for a quick Tim's run for everyone soon. I'm need more than one today :rolleyes1

The new job ( training ) is going well. I did ask for my shift next week to be switched so I could get more familiar with the deaprtment's heavy day of work - posting/creating the following weeks schedule for HCA (home-care aids) visitation to clients/patients. I did really well, only 2 mistakes. One was a comment for cross referencing to where the shift was changed to and the mistake was reading the schedule wrong and adding a differnt schedule when she was actually going to be at one of the facilites providing care that day. So hoping next week, to have an even better grasp of what I am doing!

No rest for me this weekend - it's still training and learning weekend duties and sending out all the schedules/ double checking/ and other duties. Not sure what else is happening. Maybe a birthday celebration meal out as we have a couple of birthday this coming week!

The full-time job is same 'ol same 'ol. My computer is still NOT still working on other computers. I am comping at the bit to get back to my own office, my own computer blah blah blah. They are currently sending a new one and trying to collect all the info from my old computer. Hopefully they can recover it - or else I will be needing to do some recalling of emails to rebuild some of my more important accounting information. Head office still has a copy from my daily emails, but I have none to reference or send to clients asking for information.

Other than that - the weather has been extremely mild. It is currently raining :sad2:. SoIit was a scrapping the ice off windsheilds and windows this morning. Roads in the city were ok. Highway/out of town roads are craptastic. Hopefully the rain stops too. We have also had heavy fog which has left it's beautiful mark all over the city. The trees looks so picturesque right now. Next week i supposed to be mild again too! I'll take allllllllllll the warmer weather we get!

Good luck! this is a new PT job? You are quite the industrious woman!:worship:
I am a hard working woman!!! I would rather work now to put money away - so that we can relax when we are older ;) I see my parents still needing to work in their early 70's because they need to. I/We don't want to be in that position when we are that age. I'm better able to work a little harder now. The kids don't need me anymore, I can focus on my job, enjoy the time off I get.
This job - was part of my plan. I had thought for a long time to get up the nerve to go back to school for medical admin. Here our healthcare is unionized with a fantastic pension. So I will still get 15 - 20 yrs in with a good pension when I am done. Now to get through my probation period...then things will be even better ;)
Howdy Y'all! Long time no type! :tongue:
:wave2: It sounds like you are busy. I wish a speedy recovery to your MIL
Sad, reading of Lisa Marie Presley. 54 is so young to pass away.
It definitely made me pause.
I have an airline voucher that I got for using my American Airlines credit card. I need to use it before the end of April. I was looking last night, and with the voucher I could get a flight for $159 round trip. I doubt it will get much better than that.
We have one as well for one of our carrier credit cards as well to use up. We are waiting for the boys to come to us to talk about our florida trip so we can book flights.
Snow is a coming our way this afternoon = I will be joined with all the snowflakes grabbing milk & bread at the grocery store during my planned trip today.
I hope you get what you need so you can bunker down and just wait for it to pass and roads get cleared before you need to head out again.
One could argue the family is cursed. Will say, i barely recognized her from her Golden Globe appearance this weekend. Looked so haggard & frail, as one often does after a long illness. RIP
I agree their family is cursed. I seen her at that award show and thought she looked "off" as well. I'm sure some of this is tied to her loosing her son. The grief of loosing a child cahnges a person is so many ways.
I think I need to see a picture to examine your crock pot dish 😉 Then again, our lasagne is slightly different to the ones served in the US.

3 layers of meat sauce, lasagne sheets, topped with bechamel or plain old cheese sauce made from a roux, I use 3 cheeses absolutely gorgeous!! It`s quite set when you cut it into portions.
YUM!!!!! Now I want to whip one up for the freezer to pull out on those days when I am working later. I will be adding it to my freezer meals list! Now off to see whatelse is posted about the gruesome twosome :sad2: They/He just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper - thinking they will get sympathy. What the heck is going through Their/His head :rolleyes2 :scared: :crazy2:

Well, I should finish my one spreadsheet, then head out for a tim's run.

Have a great day eveyrone!
Finally getting to do a quick stop in :wave2:

It has been a busy week...and this pumpkin is tired. I could have kept pressing the snooze button on the alarm, but I did drag my butt out of bed. My tea is long gone, and I will be heading out for a quick Tim's run for everyone soon. I'm need more than one today :rolleyes1

The new job ( training ) is going well. I did ask for my shift next week to be switched so I could get more familiar with the deaprtment's heavy day of work - posting/creating the following weeks schedule for HCA (home-care aids) visitation to clients/patients. I did really well, only 2 mistakes. One was a comment for cross referencing to where the shift was changed to and the mistake was reading the schedule wrong and adding a differnt schedule when she was actually going to be at one of the facilites providing care that day. So hoping next week, to have an even better grasp of what I am doing!

No rest for me this weekend - it's still training and learning weekend duties and sending out all the schedules/ double checking/ and other duties. Not sure what else is happening. Maybe a birthday celebration meal out as we have a couple of birthday this coming week!

The full-time job is same 'ol same 'ol. My computer is still NOT still working on other computers. I am comping at the bit to get back to my own office, my own computer blah blah blah. They are currently sending a new one and trying to collect all the info from my old computer. Hopefully they can recover it - or else I will be needing to do some recalling of emails to rebuild some of my more important accounting information. Head office still has a copy from my daily emails, but I have none to reference or send to clients asking for information.

Other than that - the weather has been extremely mild. It is currently raining :sad2:. SoIit was a scrapping the ice off windsheilds and windows this morning. Roads in the city were ok. Highway/out of town roads are craptastic. Hopefully the rain stops too. We have also had heavy fog which has left it's beautiful mark all over the city. The trees looks so picturesque right now. Next week i supposed to be mild again too! I'll take allllllllllll the warmer weather we get!

I am a hard working woman!!! I would rather work now to put money away - so that we can relax when we are older ;) I see my parents still needing to work in their early 70's because they need to. I/We don't want to be in that position when we are that age. I'm better able to work a little harder now. The kids don't need me anymore, I can focus on my job, enjoy the time off I get.
This job - was part of my plan. I had thought for a long time to get up the nerve to go back to school for medical admin. Here our healthcare is unionized with a fantastic pension. So I will still get 15 - 20 yrs in with a good pension when I am done. Now to get through my probation period...then things will be even better ;)

:wave2: It sounds like you are busy. I wish a speedy recovery to your MIL

It definitely made me pause.

We have one as well for one of our carrier credit cards as well to use up. We are waiting for the boys to come to us to talk about our florida trip so we can book flights.

I hope you get what you need so you can bunker down and just wait for it to pass and roads get cleared before you need to head out again.

I agree their family is cursed. I seen her at that award show and thought she looked "off" as well. I'm sure some of this is tied to her loosing her son. The grief of loosing a child cahnges a person is so many ways.

YUM!!!!! Now I want to whip one up for the freezer to pull out on those days when I am working later. I will be adding it to my freezer meals list! Now off to see whatelse is posted about the gruesome twosome :sad2: They/He just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper - thinking they will get sympathy. What the heck is going through Their/His head :rolleyes2 :scared: :crazy2:

Well, I should finish my one spreadsheet, then head out for a tim's run.

Have a great day eveyrone!

Glad the training is going well Pumpkin, and I agree, no one wants to be working beyond when they want. We both retired early, me earlier than most at 28 then again in my 30` we knew early on we`d want to be extra comfortable for the rest of our lives and I`d wish the same for anyone who retires.

I couldn`t imagine folks working into their late 60`s and 70`s! Not done over here generally. I sometimes get uncomfortable when we talk to folks that work in stores in the parks and they are only working for health insurance in their twilight years.

Sounds like you found your perfect job, happy to hear it!

H&M have seriously lost the many lies. And obvious lies too. I don`t use the word crazy a lot, but those two are. I`m sorry our beloved Queen had to suffer some of it before she passed and how The Prince and Princess of Wales and King Charles & Camilla are ignoring them is brilliant, not sure I`d have as much restraint as them. I`d love to hear the wonderful Princess Anne`s opinions of that pair......she is one straight talker.

We are full. Lasagne was indeed delicious, but so filling....of course we could have eaten less, but once you of the few pasta dishes I`ll eat, but only home made, not a fan of what restaurants make generally, usually too much pasta.

Going to watch a movie called The Estate tonight, it`s supposed to be funny, Anna Faris and Toni Collette are in it with the gorgeous David Duchovny......yum!!

Glass of red wine time.
Will do a review if anyone is interested.
Of course, enjoy! Wonder what bad you’ll get for MG?
I told him he`s just following the lead of the Keisha family, keeping the celebrations going for a week 🎉....why not!!
lol life is indeed short. guilty as charged, i do look forward to Friday the 13th. Think it harks back to childhood when they’d show the old B&W horror pics. at the risk of dating myself, the days when you had 3 channels on the tube
So hoping next week, to have an even better grasp of what I am doing!
Sounds like you are well on the road there!
I would rather work now to put money away - so that we can relax when we are older ;) I see my parents still needing to work in their early 70's because they need to.
sadly, the way inflation has hit here, think more than a few are feeling the pinch
I'm sure some of this is tied to her loosing her son. The grief of loosing a child cahnges a person is so many ways.
Absolutely, a parent’s worst nightmare
. I`m sorry our beloved Queen had to suffer some of it before she passed
Yes. Horrible thing to say, at least she was spared the worst of it. Probably would’ve killed her

mac - my comments are not meant to verge into any sort of political territory here. I have no dog in the subject of the monarchy and their place in the world. It’s more that it’s become inescapable both in the gossip media & the national news here, almost a soap opera of sorts.

As to the book in question:

What really puzzles me is the venomous degree of razor sharp digs at Camilla in it. The old issues, well, I expected he’d trot them out due to his age at the time of his mom’s passing. So sad both sons had to go thru that. However, even a not-so-evil stepmother can‘t compete with a revered ghost.

As an outsider, it sure seems as tho the queen consort has proven her Worth To the majority of the UK citizens.:confused3 the fury in what harry stated in accusations involving recent events with her & his wife was quite shocking to hear. Although, it might‘ve been common knowledge in the UK that He did hold such a grudge. :scratchin

Know he says he benefited from counseling thru this all. Do think he might want to go back to the well as he sure sounds very angry to me.
Of course, enjoy! Wonder what bad you’ll get for MG?

lol life is indeed short. guilty as charged, i do look forward to Friday the 13th. Think it harks back to childhood when they’d show the old B&W horror pics. at the risk of dating myself, the days when you had 3 channels on the tube

Sounds like you are well on the road there!

sadly, the way inflation has hit here, think more than a few are feeling the pinch

Absolutely, a parent’s worst nightmare

Yes. Horrible thing to say, at least she was spared the worst of it. Probably would’ve killed her

mac - my comments are not meant to verge into any sort of political territory here. I have no dog in the subject of the monarchy and their place in the world. It’s more that it’s become inescapable both in the gossip media & the national news here, almost a soap opera of sorts.

As to the book in question:

What really puzzles me is the venomous degree of razor sharp digs at Camilla in it. The old issues, well, I expected he’d trot them out due to his age at the time of his mom’s passing. So sad both sons had to go thru that. However, even a not-so-evil stepmother can‘t compete with a revered ghost.

As an outsider, it sure seems as tho the queen consort has proven her Worth To the majority of the UK citizens.:confused3 the fury in what harry stated in accusations involving recent events with her & his wife was quite shocking to hear. Although, it might‘ve been common knowledge in the UK that He did hold such a grudge. :scratchin

Know he says he benefited from counseling thru this all. Do think he might want to go back to the well as he sure sounds very angry to me.

Not dating yourself at all Keisha, we only had three channels in the UK till 1982!!! Hard to imagine, wasn`t till later we began to get Cable, then companies like Sky that offered a million channels, all showing nothing.....3, 789 channels and nothing on! I loved those old movies. We are watching the one and only original Friday 13th now.....that movie we planned to watch sucked! I`d forgotten how large Jason was!

News papers are all saying Camilla has done nothing wrong in regards to the press, she is not known to release stories and until recently (pre their departure) was still defending Harry. Palace yes, Harry and Meghan, yes.

They are a despicable pair.....Harry has been in therapy since he was very young, that gets forgotten conveniently, he was never the brightest spark. But, it hasn`t worked as he is a bitter, twisted man who only seems to know how to lie, if this is the man he has become, he should be ashamed. I could write for hours about the lies from the Oprah interview onwards, and how he blames everyone else for his failings. He didn`t get his/their own way, they wanted to make money out of the titles but do nothing in return. Our Queen stopped that.

Bunker Bill Harry (Google that) should be careful, there are many, many stories that could be released as to things that were hushed up about him as a teen and young man.

It`s a shame as they were adored pre marriage, contrary to their views the press hated them, false....there was a lot of positivity about them, then they got married and began lecturing everyone on not flying, save the planet as they flew everywhere by private jet and bought a 16 bedroom mansion in Montecito and travel everywhere in convoys of SUV`s when they`re not flying in private jets to pick up awards for fighting against racism, that they now claim doesn`t exist.

If you remember a certain tv show from the 1970`s, you`ll remember this line.....confused, you will be after this weeks episode of.......Soap!!! Yes Harry, we certainly are.

Glass of wine to lower the blood pressure now.......🍷

Back to Jason terrorising dumb kids.......::yes::
H&M have seriously lost the many lies. And obvious lies too. I don`t use the word crazy a lot, but those two are. I`m sorry our beloved Queen had to suffer some of it before she passed and how The Prince and Princess of Wales and King Charles & Camilla are ignoring them is brilliant, not sure I`d have as much restraint as them. I`d love to hear the wonderful Princess Anne`s opinions of that pair......she is one straight talker.
It is sad. I won't watch the netflix series or read the book. I just see the posting about the lies they have now been caught in. It is so sad. They are like a toddler who keeps trying to convince you they didn't eat the cookie, even though they still have the evidence on their face :rolleyes2

I love that the palace is quiet and just going on with business as usual. You want to act like a toddler, you will be treated like a toddler. They truely think they can make people belive their story.
Know he says he benefited from counseling thru this all. Do think he might want to go back to the well as he sure sounds very angry to me.
He sounds more and maore like her. It feels like he needs more therapy. It just seems like he's wanting pity for being the " spare". He wanted out of the spot light, to step away from royal duties, and NOT ride on the tax payers money. I don't think they really know what they want.

It is sad and spiteful now.
I seem to have everything caught up now. Now I get to sit, play on my phone and answer the phonecalls that come in.
I think the boys will be home tomorrow night. They are at my FIL's watching their dogs while they are on holidays. So DH and I have been empty nesters for the last week! And we have been loving it. It will take time to get used to it when they truely leave the house.

Not sure what we will do tonight for our last night at home. We are usually tired on probably not much :laughing:

Not sure what is on the menu for tonight - I do have some elk steaks out defrosting. So probably some grilled steaks, salad, and asparagus. Nice light supper.
It is sad. I won't watch the netflix series or read the book. I just see the posting about the lies they have now been caught in. It is so sad. They are like a toddler who keeps trying to convince you they didn't eat the cookie, even though they still have the evidence on their face :rolleyes2

I love that the palace is quiet and just going on with business as usual. You want to act like a toddler, you will be treated like a toddler. They truely think they can make people belive their story.

He sounds more and maore like her. It feels like he needs more therapy. It just seems like he's wanting pity for being the " spare". He wanted out of the spot light, to step away from royal duties, and NOT ride on the tax payers money. I don't think they really know what they want.

It is sad and spiteful now.

They actually wanted to be half in half out......not do any duties, but turn up at celebrations and public events like Trooping the Colour and so on, while claiming all the benefits of being a Royal, including money. But, at the same time they wanted to trade in on the Royal Sussex name for monetary gain. Despicable is about the tamest word I can use here.

Our new King and family are doing the right thing. William and Catherine were in liverpool the other day at a mental health facility which is one of the charities closest to their hearts, Catherine was quoted as saying to a guest, Therapy doesn`t work for everyone. How true.
Good evening. Semi productive day today. I got bills paid but didn't get the house cleaned. B and I went to the university bookstore to pick up her last text books. While we were there I picked up a clear fanny pack with the university logo on it (will be handy for football games) and B picked out the frame she wants for her diploma. We will purchase that later.

Dh and I spent some time on the phone with Sony trying to resolve the TV problem. Nothing worked. Dh even tried resetting the TV to the factor settings and reloading everything, but that didn't work either. Looks like we are going TV shopping tomorrow.

This evening I couldn't find anything worth watching, so I finally settled on 80's videos on MTV. After watching the videos for You Might Think by The Cars, and Down Under by Men at Work, I think B is convinced that we were all on drugs in the 80's.

The new job ( training ) is going well.
Hi Pumpkin. Glad to hear the training is going well. Will this job eventually become full time?

No comments on the Royal family from me. I don't think I know enough about them to say anything. I was amused when I small Megan on an old episode of Castle. She played the murderer.

I've decided to hold off on buying the plane tickets for now. These are the bargain basement fares. No changing the flight once the tickets are purchased and I can't select my seat. I'll wait and hope the regular coach seats come down in price.
Good evening. Semi productive day today. I got bills paid but didn't get the house cleaned. B and I went to the university bookstore to pick up her last text books. While we were there I picked up a clear fanny pack with the university logo on it (will be handy for football games) and B picked out the frame she wants for her diploma. We will purchase that later.

Dh and I spent some time on the phone with Sony trying to resolve the TV problem. Nothing worked. Dh even tried resetting the TV to the factor settings and reloading everything, but that didn't work either. Looks like we are going TV shopping tomorrow.

This evening I couldn't find anything worth watching, so I finally settled on 80's videos on MTV. After watching the videos for You Might Think by The Cars, and Down Under by Men at Work, I think B is convinced that we were all on drugs in the 80's.

Hi Pumpkin. Glad to hear the training is going well. Will this job eventually become full time?

No comments on the Royal family from me. I don't think I know enough about them to say anything. I was amused when I small Megan on an old episode of Castle. She played the murderer.

I've decided to hold off on buying the plane tickets for now. These are the bargain basement fares. No changing the flight once the tickets are purchased and I can't select my seat. I'll wait and hope the regular coach seats come down in price.

I watched a thing on the 80`s video channel during the week called....where did that come from! Some very weird and wonderful videos and songs for sure.

I do miss some of the 80`s fashion......bright colours, ra ra skirts, leg warmers ala Fame, big hair, lots of hairspray and blue or purple mascara!!! Love it......

We are so used to selecting our seats, it`s hard to imagine not being able to do that, so yes, I`d prefer to wait too.

High winds and rain are back again.......January is hitting us for sure. February can be our coldest month, so the worst still might be ahead.

Going to have 50mph winds and more rain again tonight, going to be fun driving out to the restaurant tonight, but they have lovely real fires in there, so it`s always cosy. We tend to have our usual area whether it`s just us or a group of us, big roaring fire in the centre. Tom`s first words to me this morning were......have you decided what you`ll choose said good morning to you too darling! First thought of his!

Breezy day ahead, so I doubt we`ll go out till tonight, won`t see Kyle till later this afternoon, so he`ll get his cards and gifts then. My friends have left his things with me to give him.

Having a late breakfast this morning, making pancakes, maple syrup and of course bacon, that`ll cover us so we don`t need lunch. I have had a slice of toast and a pot of tea however, couldn`t last till 10.30 without it!





Have a wonderful Saturday 🥂
Ah yes, the cold front has arrived. The clouds are still around, but holding any heat in the overnight? Nope. 31 degrees said the thermometer as I looked outside. And nope, no reason to be out in this early hour.

Congratulations to Pumpkin on new job. Ack, to be busy with it this weekend. But hoping the new job is a great fit for you. And will be enjoying some more Timmy drinks.

That’s odd Charade, the tv won’t connect. We have a Samsung that was bought at least close to 5 years ago. Kids were thrilled, not only we got a bigger sized tv, but it easily connected and still is connected to our Wi-Fi. Yeah, so many things are throw away now, as cost to fix is so expensive, best to just buy new. Good luck to hoping the current tv does want to connect, and stay such.

And yes, we are in this wonderful holiday weekend, one with a holiday Monday to celebrate the birthday of a man who inspire those to do service to others.

For me, tea and a quiet enough house. But not nimble me. Turned around to grab the remote, and knocked over my very full cup of tea. Sigh. Clean up in aisle 5. LoL.

So, that most super sized Saturday to all, from a weather having homie, that will be in her lightweight winter jacket. Hanging in the 30’s degrees today. No matter though, back to my even lighter weight sweat jacket tomorrow, as into the 40’s then, and in the 40’s degrees most of this coming week. Seasonal temperatures above freezing? Yay.

Oh and another overcast day. Boo. But will be still trying to rock those shades.

Hehe, Universal yesterday said don’t tell HHN crew the date. I, for one, will never forget a birthday because of a date, as an extend family member was born on a Friday the 13th.

Good morning all.
Semi productive day here so far. A rarity lately. Crab cakes patted (crabby patties hehe) & in fridge setting up. Have been making them in airfryer for last few years. Come out nearly as tasty as pre-fried/finished in oven. A darn sight healthier. I do spray mine with oil tho to get some sort of browning on them.

stumbled across a whole bag of sweet potatoes i had bought for xmas dinner, pre oven failure. Hmm, what to do? Trying a savory sort also in fryer. jury out on that, i usually like mine with some pumpkin pie sort of spices upon them.

It was barely in 20’s when i woke up with wet snow. Not complaining, lucky, out of last 2 weeks at least 10 days warmer than our norm.

It will take time to get used to it when they truely leave the house.
I cried every time, then again when they boomeranged back home

hehe JK
They actually wanted to be half in half out
talk about chutzpah
Down Under by Men at Work
many of the 80’s acts still out there touring. can vouche their lead singer (Colin Hay) is still hanging & banging :rockband:& in very good voice. Lousy pic but, you get the drift lol.
What da ya do after getting gas and some grocery shopping? Stop at Yum Yum and get donuts. So much for being good. Eh, was really in the mood for something sweet. And let me tell ya, there was a line out the door, to wait in that biting cold wind. But they are very fast in filling orders, and donuts in hand after a few minutes wait.

Now chilling, with hopefull no more knocking over my tea.

Everywhere is gray. And scary drive on way home. Almost took out my phone. Road rage witnessed. Why so angry when driving your car? Thank goodness, the aggressor left after words and hand jesters were exchanged, in open windows, between the two cars. I can get annoyed by another driver, but would never do anything other than just be annoyed. Sigh. We have seen in news, guns used in road rage before. World we are in today.
We think we have figured out the TV problem. It looks like our wifi signal is no longer reaching the TV. The router is set up in a downstairs room. We brought it upstairs and it worked fine. Now our problem is if we move the router upstairs we wont be able to connect the downstairs TV. Monday we will contact the cable company to see what they can do for us. They offers something called wall to wall service that should resolve the problem.
Charade, we have our router on our bottom floor, my kids have an extender plugged in, as they are on a higher floor, to help boost the signal. I don’t think that extender cost that much. But glad you figured out the issue with the one tv. Funny I even get my signal in my driveway.
Keisha`s house sound like a good place to be....crab cakes and sweet potatoes.....yum!!!

And a very good Sunday morning......wind has finally died down and it`s a lovely day here, but cold, 0c. I`m not going out, but Tom is going out to get some bits and pieces for us. Might pop out for a quick walk later.

We had a lovely meal out last night for Kyle`s birthday, food was good as always and just an all round nice evening. He was thriled with his gifts, although he did know he was getting the driving experience, but he got some lovely stuff from everyone.

Although we got in very late....very late indeed as we went back to one of our friends homes, the kids all went on somewhere else, we left their home around 2am! So a late sleep this morning and I still managed to put the diced beef I`d had marinading all day in ale, stock and herbs in the slow cooker. Just put it off now, will reheat it later and make a steak pie....full puff pastry on top of that slow cooked beef....thick and so tasty.

Today is going to be a relaxing one......not much to do at all....will catch up with some folks I think, including one of my cousins in LI.





Have a wonderful Sunday :sunny:

Ah, so nice Kyle had a great birthday, Schumi. Sleeping late and relaxing is certainly the perfect day after such a late bedtime.

Eh, I’m always up early. We had a very windy, gray, and very cool day feeling day, yesterday. But that high weather system has been close enough, close to the sea, that a very clear sky is visible this morning.

Yeah, and what happens after a sky clearing in the overnight with a very cool feeling day? Drops the temp to 27 degrees by the wee hours this morning. But after some rainy and gray looking days, with cloud covering and not as bright, am so happy to see that clear sky. And yay, 42 degrees the high, with all the sunshine all today, that we all have been wanting. And while still windy, having 25 mph gusts, that will still chill ya a bit. At least a warmer day today.

Day of the week that we usually hear the trash cans being dragged to the curb tonight. But won’t, as given the holiday observed tomorrow. Thus, tomorrow night, that sound wii be, plus the alarm set. So today, some bills to pay, which can be done in the stores. That’s the plan for our Sunday.

Finally, from this early morning homie, I hope all have a most peaceful and serene Sunday.
Keep reaching for the stars!

pretty much mimicked Carole’s SpongeBob meme this am with bloodshot eyes, too bad nothing fun to show for it. A link makeup day & lots of eye lube day today

Careful with the any new modem/routers. We had 4 or 5 gz options on our older one to be compatible with phones. Was starting to slip & needed reset far too often. Ordered 2 months ago

Its working as promised for multiple gamers & TVs. It’s newest one “aka the best option/ $$$” that’s compatible with our Comcast provider. I’d never rent the base model they offer standard as the dismal speed defeats concept of high speed service

Too late realized I it had newer 3.1
System that’s not compatible with some older devices. :rolleyes1

In our case, the smart Kasa plugs used their app & Alexa to control lamps by voice. Spent hours tinkering with it. System just won’t recognize them.

Turns out kasa admits they are not forward compatible Just not mentioned on their website where they vaguely use “Most systems compatible” as their out

On my long list to hunt down the new components. Turning out to be more complicated than it sounds That stuff makes my head spin after a bit

3rd world problem, do Miss being able to control lighting when away from home in that easy fashion. Funny how fast things become a perceived need vs a want. At least the security system is still compatible!

Good day all! Another football till our eyes fall out day. Can’t complain the last game didn’t have an interesting finish.
Ah you do need a peaceful day, Keisha. Only issue I had issue was with my new iPad working with the cable company’s tv connection. Remedied somewhat, as works most time, and not other times. Does work fine on my two year old phone. Sadly, I had to upgrade my dino old iPad, as became incompatible with many of the apps’ updates. New iPad has so much faster speed, and memory. Do not have any smart lightbulbs or appliances. Maybe nice at times, but don’t need to upgrade any time soon.

Hehe, quiet still this morning. Hoping little one wants to get going earlier than yesterday’s time of leaving. We didn’t get out the door until closer to 2 pm. Sigh. More than half the daylight gone by then.

Ooh so sunny out, but cool feeling as dashed to toss trash out, and quickly back into warm house. Had shades on though. Yay for seein that ☀️ and such blue skies.

Watching that other, English football games right now.


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