Something About Nothing............ #14

mac is there next monday robo
9 days will here before you know it.

I’ve wAtched the rates skyrocket, then disappear entirely. Never anything like this so early in haunt season
It has been a new learning curve for us oldies for sure. I’am wondering if parents of the youngsters who watch Stranger Things” are springing for getaways for the kiddos to see that house and a few others.

Stranger Things has quite the fan base. It has an adult following also.

Hubby came out shopping with me today. We ended hitting a few stores. Found some apple flavored corn for the deer at Rural King. Never heard of it, but we will see how the deer like it. I have put some our for them already.
Ugh flight delayed over 2 hours. But rental car had to returned when I had scheduled it. First delay, hour later, was at 3 this afternoon, last one moving it over 2 hours, came 1/2 hour later. But a quick, 15 minute drive to the airport. Thank you to the sun pass I bought years ago. Makes fast, almost all highway from Royal.

But no one in line at all at pre-check, and little one went through regular and was out in about 10 minutes, and she said she got lucky and had a fast moving line. And so, we get to enjoy watching another plane come to our gate, and almost 2 hours before we are to take off. It’s going to Kansas City then onto LA. I’m hoping they reduce our delay. I kinda knew due to earlier in week cancellations due to hurricane, still would be issues with where planes and crews are to get back to regular scheduled flights. But is annoying.

Little one went in search of some iced coffee. Sounds good to me. Not sure how long her wait will be. That coffee place is airways busy.

Hope all are enjoying a most lazy Saturday.
Good Morning everyone :wave:

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Nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning or a strong cup of tea for our
tea drinkers.
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You are right September is the start of a beautiful time of year. If I remember correctly you have a birthday coming up and a wedding anniversary too.

That is so nice that you share your home cooking with your farm neighbors.

It will be here before know it.

Great news on passing physicals with flying colors. Now it is time for your vacation.

Thank you. She is very creative. I think if she had not been a Nurse she should have been a interior decorator. Her wreaths are very pretty.

I think you have found a hidden talent yourself. Your Frankenstein wreath is beautiful.

I‘am beginning to think getting rained on at HHN is a right of passage now for everyone who goes.

I heard a lot of people were upset about the length of time waiting in line with EP. I have always had EP added to my ROF so I don’t have to wait in line long. I can’t stand in one place for long periods of time do to back and leg issues. Will see how things go.

I know the Resorts appear to be pretty much sold out during the time we are going to be there.

Have a safe trip home Lynne. You will be back before you know it. It is nice to have another trip to look forward to.

Well if I have the days right I will do a Sans family countdown to Universal and Disney this morning.

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Lots of the Sans family heading out soon.

It is sunny this morning and the high is supposed to be 89. It was a nice day yesterday and I was able to get a few things done in the yard.

I‘am going to go over to Rural King and see if I can buy some bulk dried corn for the deer. There has been a Doe and her two fawn’s coming up to eat for the past 3 weeks.

The area behind our home that was all woods was cleared out to make way for the houses that are there now. That is where the deer lived. Not sure where they are hunkering down now, but they are still coming around looking for food.

They have eaten all the leaves off a variety of hosta’s I have.

I made an apple crisp for hubby the other night and put out the apple peels and the last the dried corn I had and the doe and her babies came up and ate every bit of it.

Not much else on the agenda today.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone.

Yes, we have our anniversary on Tuesday, surprising my lovely husband with a reservation for dinner in our favourite restaurant, he thinks we’re not doing anything except a takeout meal…..then yes, birthday following week for me, 21 again…….:)

We have deer around us, we have deep woodland behind us and we do see them, very rarely do they wander close. I posted a pic a while back of one in the trees, they are so lovely and gentle, it’s lovely they do wander close to you. I remember you mentioning them building houses behind you, shame when green belt land disappears.

Any Barnes & nobles? Few here, sadly.

Did she take any library science classes? Maybe could go that route PT

Uh oh. Hopefully tonight better for them!

What night are they bopping over to HoS. We could only work the first night in with the sharks dining

Just a few weeks! A quick bounceback is always a good feeling

Lol so true

It’s quite pervasive this year, despite factoring in first night/weekend normally so busy.

A bit worrisome

I’ve wAtched the rates skyrocket, then disappear entirely. Never anything like this so early in haunt season

Yes, hope tonight is better. Will say though they thought Chucky house was poor, shame as they were looking forward to that one.

They’re going the 9th, think it’s the Saturday. I did tell them about the Sharks dining, but they passed on that one…..shame as they’d have enjoyed it.

9 days will here before you know it.

It has been a new learning curve for us oldies for sure. I’am wondering if parents of the youngsters who watch Stranger Things” are springing for getaways for the kiddos to see that house and a few others.

Stranger Things has quite the fan base. It has an adult following also.

Hubby came out shopping with me today. We ended hitting a few stores. Found some apple flavored corn for the deer at Rural King. Never heard of it, but we will see how the deer like it. I have put some our for them already.

Stranger Things never caught on with us, but I’ve never been one to follow the crowd. Don’t think I’m missing much there.

Hope the deer like the corn!

As predicted, lovely quiet day for us, sat outside for a time as the weather turned nicer than forecast, so decided to have a sangria day…….


Very nice too!

Watching Blazing Saddles tonight…….very clever movie, I do love anything Mel Brooks!!

Hoping my nephew and his wife enjoy HHN more tonight than last night, they have EP, fingers crossed!

Pause for the movie, time for a snack…….🧀 and crackers……..:) Perfect lazy Saturday night with my mister!
I’am wondering if parents of the youngsters who watch Stranger Things” are springing for getaways for the kiddos to see that house and a few others.
& grandparents, guilty as charged lol
Stranger Things has quite the fan base. It has an adult following also.
Indeed. Loved the various series years.

Have already told the two new family members to think of it as more of a set piece as to detail vs actual Fright house

Nothing wrong with that, in the same vein, think the Beetlejuice & ghostbuster houses were both extraordinary
Ugh flight delayed over 2 hours.
It’s almost becoming the norm for anything but AM flights.
Yes, we have our anniversary on Tuesday, surprising my lovely husband with a reservation for dinner in our favourite restaurant, he thinks we’re not doing anything except a takeout meal…..then yes, birthday following week for me, 21 again…….:)
Well, that’s two nice things re the fall right there!
Yes, hope tonight is better. Will say though they thought Chucky house was poor, shame as they were looking forward to that one.
I haven’t liked chucky from day one. I don’t even put it into the whole creepy doll genre. If snything, just goofy lol

My boys & GD think it’s a hoot. Something for everyone I suppose
Ah home again, home again, thankful I am.

Oddly, after flying in a you go under the wing into a prop plane, to a small jet, to that’s 737, to a jumbo jet, I knew the pilot was flying much lower than they usually go. Wonder if more turbulence in the higher skies, but no matter, he hauled butt and we landed 2 hours after we took off. My luggage was the second load, while little one’s was in the first load. And older one had us waiting a good 15 minutes, as he said he left a little late. Eh, nice clear night, and not much traffic.

I am so ready for bed. Hope all have a most wonderful sleep, and this night light for all:
Good morning. With a clear sky, it’s 63 degrees. Close to 90 is the high, and full day of sunshine. Yay for our Sunday weather. And, I think we had no heat waves in August. September is doing it right. We will be in the low 90’s tomorrow through Thursday. But then the rain comes, as a cold front arrives at the end of the week, which then corrects the next week to have highs close to 80.

Ah, mom there’s nothing to eat in the house cry last night. I guess grocery shopping is what is on my agenda today. That and a load of wash, and since it’s going to be warm and sunny, around lunchtime, will put my almost dry sneakers out to dry the rest of the way. Good thing I always pack two. And lots of socks. Then my sister asked to stop by, and so I’m hoping her pool is heated and a nice swim would be in store. See, I always bring two bathing suits, but we only managed to swim once, near the beginning of our trip. So both my suits are dry. So not too much on my things to do today. And woot, that holiday Monday means no alarm set nor trash to drag to curb tonight either. Hence a perfect Sunday in my book.

Super sized, with most serenity hoped this Sunday. We’re in September now. Yay!
Good morning. We had a very busy day yesterday. Tailgating at 9:30 then a football game at 12:00 (our team won). The game was over around 4:00. We had just enough time to get home, shower, change clothes, rest a bit, and then get dinner. The it was off to a concert. We saw a Beatles and Rolling Stones tribute show. Got home sometime after 11:00. I see an afternoon nap in my future,

Any Barnes & nobles? Few here, sadly.

Did she take any library science classes? Maybe could go that route PT
The campus bookstore is actually operated by Barnes & Noble. We also have a regular B & N in town.
She did not take any library science classes, but has worked briefly in a library on a volunteer basis. I think she would do well in a research position, but finding them is a challenge.

Found some apple flavored corn for the deer at Rural King. Never heard of it, but we will see how the deer like it. I have put some our for them already.
We are not allowed to feed deer where I live. It's illegal in Virginia from September 1 to the first Saturday of January. The deer here seem to thrive anyway.

Ah home again, home again, thankful I am.
Glad you are back. Won't be long until you head out again. I am so ready for a week vacation.
Good Sunday Morning everyone :wave:





Yes, we have our anniversary on Tuesday, surprising my lovely husband with a reservation for dinner in our favourite restaurant, he thinks we’re not doing anything except a takeout meal…..then yes, birthday following week for me, 21 again…
What a nice surprise you have planned for Tom. You have a week of celebrating to do. I’am sure he has something up his sleeve for you too.

You both do a wonderful job of celebrating each other on your special occasIons.

Celebrating your 21st birthday over and over is a good thing.

We have deer around us, we have deep woodland behind us and we do see them, very rarely do they wander close. I posted a pic a while back of one in the trees, they are so lovely and gentle, it’s lovely they do wander close to you. I remember you mentioning them building houses behind you, shame when green belt land disappears.
I remember you posting the photo of the deer and the woodlands behind your home. You live in a very pretty area.

Hope the deer like the corn!
Yes, it was all gone this morning. So thats a thumbs up for the apple flavored corn or hooves up…..LOL….I have to admit when I opened the big bag it smelled pretty good.

As predicted, lovely quiet day for us, sat outside for a time as the weather turned nicer than forecast, so decided to have a sangria day…….
Your sangrias look good.

& grandparents, guilty as charged lol
You’re taking your granddaughter to HHN for the first time :yay: I’am sure she will love it. Having grandma time and her own personal tour guide will make the experience special to her.

Indeed. Loved the various series years.
Yes, it is a good series. I have enjoyed it too. Looking forward to seeing the House myself.

Ah home again, home again, thankful I am.
Lynne good to hear you made it home safely albeit late.

We are not allowed to feed deer where I live. It's illegal in Virginia from September 1 to the first Saturday of January. The deer here seem to thrive anyway.
Their natural habitat was torn down over the past two years behind our home so the areas that they naturally foraged in is gone.

There is no law against feeding the deer here. I know in some areas that there is deer hunting season which may be in the times you have spoke about.

I know that hunters will lure the deer in with food just to kill them during hunting season. The deer here have been safe so far. There is no open shooting allowed in the County I have a home in.

Shout out to Tink, Monyk, Patty, bobbie and many others who no longer post or don‘t post as often anymore. You are missed.

Sun is shining this morning and we will be back in the 90’s again. Thats ok. Just prepping for Orlando Weather in my book.

I have a few things to do outside this morning then I need to get a few things done in my office today.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
Yeah, no feeding any wildlife, other than bird feeders allowed where I am. We do have both buck and doe hunting seasons of our white tail deer. They are large and some live in the township park up the street from me. So no shooting then there. And my sister has enough wooded property, she gets hunters wanting to shoot ion her property. She always denies. Her house and her neighbors don’t need someone shooting around them. Where my one niece lives, in the mountains near me, she’s a teacher, and they close the schools for opening day of buck season. My college, above where Keisha lives, many of my classmates didn’t go to class on buck opening season day too, even way back then.

Little one caught a sinus cold, and was nasal sounding when she woke up today. Luckily, we have a well stocked medicine closet, and she’s taking some sinus pills we have. They are more for older one, but I’m sure he can share some of them. Made her favorite, Caesar salad, and baked a pan of brownies, that she sampled not much after when I got them out of the oven. Warm brownies,yum, even I like them. But most left for older one, if DH doesn’t get to the packaged leftover I left on the kitchen table.

Gorgeously sunny and warm. We get to 90 late this afternoon.

Robo, so nice to getting ready for your trip. Coming up soon. And nice to feed the deer where you line. Hope to say hi to ya one of these days. I made those end of September reservations so long ago. And a great rate, that I think would be higher, if I changed the dates. All of September seems to be a more busy time. And you should like HHN. I was glad to go to the first, to get a lay of the land, so when I go back, I have a better idea of where all is.

Heard a beep. Guess the dryer is done. Later all.
Nap has been taken and now I am trying to decide what to do for the evening. Dh plays Dungeons and Dragons every other week, so he will be away tonight. I might start a new project. I just finished the second Lucy picture. I just need to get the two of them framed. This next project is something I will be keeping for myself.

I am trying to think of what I will need to take with me on vacation. I just bought small bottles of Tylenol and heartburn medicine to have just in case. I still have enough sunscreen left over from our Disney trip. I ordered a new Scooby Doo shirt from Amazon. I don’t really need it, my old shirts are starting to wear out.

Lynne - I hope your daughter feels better soon. Is she coming with you on the next trip?
Thanks Charade. She’s still sounds nasal, and we did test for virus, with negative. So I suspect just a sinus cold, and hope she recovers in a few days. And yep, she decided to come with me on my next trip. Good thing she had lots of points, because by the time she decided, airfare went up. I keep checking though, as if does decrease, she gets her points back.

We are doing that what for dinner tonight too. Our favorite Chinese place is closed on Sundays. I might just make burgers, as ground beef on sale when I bought it today. Eh, maybe meatballs. Have to ask little one, as DH decided to work late and older one is always an evening done his work, so neither guy is around for dinner.
we slayed at the axe throwing BD for the ‘lil :)

it was so funny her first time up, had this confused look as tho thinking ‘so, after all these years being told to not handle sharp things, it’s ok for me to play with an axe’

turns out the mr & jr are both ringers. I came in slightly above the middle of the pack in the BD tournie party. Got to ring the bull eye bell a handful of times. It’s always been on my bucket list to try. Once I got the hang of it, feel I could defend myself again a zombie lol
Marvelous Monday today. Yep to all that enjoy that lazy Monday, no matter if a day off or always a day off.

And ooh the Sunday activities on tap for today. I’m hoping little one is feeling better today. Talked with my sister, and didn’t meet up with her, no need to spread germs. We did no grocery shopping either.

Little one doesn’t get sick often, but when she does, she is quite the annoying person. And very much hoping the other three of us don’t get it.

Glorious sunshine ☀️ and hot. Heard our AC go on about 2 hours ago. Odd almost to hear them. Our August was sticky humid at times, but not that several days warm as we are getting now. Though I have to say, seeing that clear blue sky, is on one of my favorite days.

So a very good morning to you.
Good Monday morning everyone :wave:




Robo, so nice to getting ready for your trip. Coming up soon. And nice to feed the deer where you line. Hope to say hi to ya one of these days. I made those end of September reservations so long ago. And a great rate, that I think would be higher, if I changed the dates. All of September seems to be a more busy time. And you should like HHN. I was glad to go to the first, to get a lay of the land, so when I go back, I have a better idea of where all is.
September looks to be really busy this year for sure. They are sold out during the time we are there.

I’am looking forward to HHN glad to hear it will be good.

So a very good morning to you.
Good morning to you too. Hope your daughter feels better soon and no one else gets sick.

Janet it looks like that axe is bigger than your granddaughter. The smile says everything. It looks like she is having a great time.

Your countdown is almost done. I’am sure you all are looking forward to your vacation.

It is a bit overcast today, but supposed to be a high of 90. I have to run out to the store to pick up a few things, but other then that a lazy day me thinks.

Two does came with the fawns yesterday morning looking for corn so I put some more out and some freshwater.


Have a wonderful Monday everyone.
Good morning. I am the only one in the family not working today. B just left for the bookstore. I asked her to pick me up a hat when she gets off. I want a hat to wear to football games. I don't want a baseball cap, so I asked her to look for a bucket hat. I think I will spend most of the day cleaning the house and my car. My car could use a good cleaning on the inside.

we slayed at the axe throwing BD for the ‘lil :)
She looks like she's enjoying it.

I’m hoping little one is feeling better today.
Get well wishes for her. B was complaining about a scratch throat this morning. I hope she's not coming down with something.

Two does came with the fawns yesterday morning looking for corn so I put some more out and some freshwater.
Sweet. I don't often see fawns in my area. Usually just the does.

I want to be lazy today, but this house isn't going to clean itself.
I kept thinking I have one more thing to handle for my trip which is next Monday

Dawned on me that I never set up transportation car service.
Just booked it but what a horrible panic I went through today.
I hate that icky wiped out feeling to scramble

I am so happy it’s now booked.
I kept thinking I have one more thing to handle for my trip which is next Monday

Dawned on me that I never set up transportation car service.
Just booked it but what a horrible panic I went through today.
I hate that icky wiped out feeling to scramble

I am so happy it’s now booked.
Glad to hear you were able to get your car service sorted out. Always nice to have everything tied up before you leave for your trip.

Family was here all day. Lovely but, in back of mind was I need to pack our book bags lol

Just shop’s them out the door with hugs & kisses. They seem anxious I’ll “be gone so long”.

Had to laugh, needed to hit 2 grocery stores this am to find what I needed for cookout. My favored brand in hot dogs sold out. All they had was natural casing ones.

Took pkg out after burgers were done to place on grill. Was so surprised to see them in a long chain, attached together. Haven’t seen that in years! They we sooo good, new brand for me

Lynne hope just some run of mill gunk for DD.

Janet it looks like that axe is bigger than your granddaughter. The smile says everything. It looks like she is having a great time.
Looks like a fire ax lol.

Once they saw she was responsible, let the kids use the smaller/sharper ones.
I don't want a baseball cap, so I asked her to look for a bucket hat.
I’ve been wearing a lightweight, wicking, 100 spf bucket hat for at least a decade, made by Outdoor Research. My family would giggle every time I’d wear it, as not in fashion in…haha yiu wait long enough, everything old is new again!
am so happy it’s now booked.
Good news. Now, just plan on having fun!
Keisha, DD is feeling better, but still nasal sounding. Thinking sinus infection. By tomorrow, should be better than today.

And was at Target today, and they had Allegra, 36 packs marked down to 6 dollars. Expires in 8 of 2025. Score, as older one uses it and is already on his prescriptive pills. My car was dusted with pollen when I went out later this afternoon. Time of year if he’s not medicated right, he sounds like Darth Vader. Asthma he gets from his allergic response.

Ah back to routine tomorrow, and thankful for teleworking.


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