Something About Nothing............ #14


I think we`ve had these colours all week at sunrise.

Today is beautiful, sun is still shining and we`ve got all our shopping done, waiting on my hungry friend arriving for her early lunch and cup of tea, then Tom will pop out and I`ll have the house to myself all afternoon.

Might be a lazy day pottering for sure, or maybe just do some reading in the garden room.

Whatever you`re doing .....have fun!!!
Good Thursday morning everyone :wave2:






My next door neighbor says she would love to go to Chicago and play in the snow and tells me how fabulous it would be.

I do think she has a drinking problem….

Robo: It sounds like you are enjoying the warm weather in Florida:) I don't think I would miss the snow either. However, we are stuck with it for another 3 months! We are going to Phoenix in March to try and get some sunshine and warmth. That will help with Spring fever:)
What a nice vacation to look forward too. You will get plenty of sunshine in Phoenix.

We are having some cooler days, but the wonderful sun warms things up for sure.

I have a massage booked for this afternoon - and then hitting the gym after I think! I did grab my gym bag before heading out of the house! I am looking forward to the massage. I haven't had one for since before xmas - and my shoulders can tell.
Enjoy your massage. It does do wonders for the the body and soul.

And today, it was a Friday 32 years ago, when DH and I married in an icy dinner time service, with heavily salted roads that made no issues for all to enjoy that evening reception. Funny, the reception place was destroyed about 10 or so years ago, and now is a gas station/quick service place. Oh well. We will celebrate this weekend. He likes a burger place or Chinese place as we usually do our anniversary dinner in one of those places. We used to enjoy a Mexican one, but closed years ago now. He’s more the eat everything much more than me.
Happy Anniversary


I hope everyone is enjoying a hot beverage this morning.

I have my big cup of coffee filled this morning. The sun is coming up so it looks like a good start to the day.

The other evening I was waiting for the SpaceX ship to take off and the times kept getting changed until they finally set a window of time for the ship to go off. My friends and I usually gather in my back yard to watch the ships go off. If they are setting them off from pad 39A you can see then go up pretty good from my backyard.

I finally gave up on it. My neighbor came to the door and told me she came over and was screaming and jumping when she saw it go up. She said she was hollering for me to come out…These houses are very well built and you don‘t hear anything typically outside which is why I didn’t hear her.…..I told her the other neighbors must have been amused by her screaming and jumping up and down. We had a good chuckle. I told her we would hopefully see plenty more ships go up in the next few weeks.

I did go back to see the pics from the take off.



We had a Arborist come out and look over our Palm Trees Yesterday. He injected a couple of them. Depending on the species of Palm they are susceptible to disease and insects. We have if I counted correctly 19 Palm Trees of varying varieties on our property. So we have a company that takes care of the fertilizing and watching to make sure they are healthy. Hubby really likes palm trees so he chose the trees. The Arborist works for that company.

I‘am going to go have a walk along Ocean Drive today. There are some nice shops there. I‘am not looking for anything particular just a browse. Then I will walk across the street and see if it is warm enough to walk along the ocean.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone.
Today is beautiful, sun is still shining and we`ve got all our shopping done, waiting on my hungry friend arriving for her early lunch and cup of tea, then Tom will pop out and I`ll have the house to myself all afternoon.
Sounds like a wonderful day. Always good to get all your shopping done.

Might be a lazy day pottering for sure, or maybe just do some reading in the garden room.
Lazy days are the best.
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Something strange is happening here on the dis. I did not hit the ignore button on a Sans family member here and it is saying I’am ignoring someone. Will reach out to Mac to see what is going on.
I figured our how to fix it after some searching. I‘am wondering how that happened? Strange. Well now I know how to ignore someone if needed. Just don‘t know how that could have been activated without me doing it.

There were a couple of other people on my ignore list that I have no idea who they are. Strange indeed.
Just read this Robbie but see you figured out what to do.
I overslept and just starting my day.
Thank you Mac for getting back to me.

I was confused as to how 3 people had been ignored on my side as I did not even know how to ignore someone and when I finally found how to get to that area one of our Sans family members had been ignored and two other people I didn’t even know had been ignored.

Needless to say I unignored all.

I can see this being a handy option to use with someone that is aggravating you, but I would like to be the one making the decision to do that not someone else arbitrarily. I guess it could have been a glitch of some sort.
She then let that cool down and added water and simple syrup to taste and would make it by the gallon.
I usually cheat and dissolve sugar to the boiled water in a pitcher, then the tea bags go swimming
I used to be able to cut my own mats
i’ve ruined far too many in my attempts. my exacto knife mocks me
I used to post in a dance mom (not related to the TV show) forum and a Girl Scout leaders/parents Facebook group. We had some epic trolls there. I guess some people have too much time on their hands.
Oh yeah, too many parents living their lives thru their kids.

“That” dance studio across river from us. met a couple of the girls as friends of GD older gymnastic friends. Kendall, in particular, was a real sweetie. Appreciate that she took the time to act the role model to the younger girls.
I never heard of drying noodles over the back of a chair? If I tried that with mine, the flour would cover the floor and they would stretch out and fall into the flour on the floor :rotfl2:
I'm still trying to envision that.
That pretty much describes it in a nutshell at times. The way my people did it, never thot it wasn’t standard method of operation.

what is funny to come into the room while they are drying and I see the pooch sitting under them, wistfully waiting.
It seems like the hotels I remember from previous years - just don't have the pool areas like they used to :sad2:
So true. Any great wolf lodges?
Lots of cancellations and rescheduling at work plus several really strange little problems that needed to be corrected.
I was one of those people this week. Stoopid leg swelled back up over the weekend. Just once would be nice to have something run a normal course. :bitelip:Not really complaining, as so many people do get serious, life-changing challenges. MRI warranted seeing podiatrist and orthopedics this am. Have a Venus Doppler this afternoon as a JIK. Then I can move onto PT.
We don`t normally do leftovers
Oh, I deliberately make them a couple of times a week. I like chili & many soups better the next day. Often make extra meat and it shows up in different formats. still have shredded pork i pkg up individually, make quick sandwiches etc.

mac - this little piggie went to market, run piggie run. :wave2: Know you are a master of that meat. Rarely make it since the mr only eats bacon & ham in that category. Every now & then, love a nice, thick stuffed pork chop or brined one.
Les Miserables is one of them, can`t get past page 100 for some reason.
It does tend to have some real lulls, is one of my favs. Not a fan of the movie or play tho
Ah that Taco Tuesday is here. The first day of commuting for me
For some reason ur avatar went poof for me.

Robbie - have been on for first time in ages today once home from dr…needed to get onto the thread for unused DVC links to after hours event…site has been very skittish for me.

Keep getting an error message page referencing no internet/site down, etc.
I am trying to learn how to download books onto my kobo.
Like a kindle? I consider mine a necessary evil when traveling, like having multiple options stored there so I don’t run out. my first option is always a book, love the feel of having one in my hands.
and we finally took 25
I bet that was quite the heavy box!
Quick thirsty Thursday stop in :drinking1
I came into work a little later this am. I had a tele-appointment this morning with a nurse practitioner to hopefully alleviate some of my menopause symptoms. I refuse to live the next 30-40 years as a forgetful, dried, shrivelled up old prune of a lady :rotfl: Hoping I am on the right path to feeling more like myself again.

The skies are overcast again today. It seems we got some rain overnight - which of course made driving in the residential areas treacherous - but the main roads were fine. At least it is warm enough that the rain didn't fall onto the vehicle and turn into ice right away. It happens often to get that rain that freezes on the vehicles parked outside that will have a half or full inch of ice covering them. The forecast looks like overcast all day again.

No gym last night. I puttered around the house though - tried not to sit around all night. I was going to chat with my one sister last night - but she was busy last night with one of her kiddos. We are trying to come up with some ideas of what we could do for our middle sister who is turning 50 in June.

I swear I must have a "hit me" sign somewhere on my car.
I seem to be the same lately 🫣 Even this morning on my way to work - someone turned left- coming across my lane. I had to slam on my brakes -I laid on the horn. If it wasn't for the fact that I don't want another car payment quite yet - I would slam right into these drivers. Today's near miss would be written off my car.

We also have installed dash cams - which is great to prove who is at fault.
And today, it was a Friday 32 years ago, when DH and I married in an icy dinner time service,
Happy Anniversary!!!!
I think we`ve had these colours all week at sunrise.
That is a beautiful sunrise. Earlier this week we also had a beautiful one. I wished I had stopped for an extra minute to take a picture. It was a beaut!
My friends and I usually gather in my back yard to watch the ships go off. If they are setting them off from pad 39A you can see then go up pretty good from my backyard.
How lucky are you!!!!!!!!
Like a kindle?
Yup - thinking it's a canadian version. I had a kindle - I like my kobo better. I like the versatility of being able to whip it out at any time! I hope your follow-up at the dr goes well. I'm still sending you healing light and mummy dust!

Well, I should get going and shuffle some papers.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Thursday morning everyone :wave2:

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What a nice vacation to look forward too. You will get plenty of sunshine in Phoenix.

We are having some cooler days, but the wonderful sun warms things up for sure.

Enjoy your massage. It does do wonders for the the body and soul.

Happy Anniversary

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I hope everyone is enjoying a hot beverage this morning.

I have my big cup of coffee filled this morning. The sun is coming up so it looks like a good start to the day.

The other evening I was waiting for the SpaceX ship to take off and the times kept getting changed until they finally set a window of time for the ship to go off. My friends and I usually gather in my back yard to watch the ships go off. If they are setting them off from pad 39A you can see then go up pretty good from my backyard.

I finally gave up on it. My neighbor came to the door and told me she came over and was screaming and jumping when she saw it go up. She said she was hollering for me to come out…These houses are very well built and you don‘t hear anything typically outside which is why I didn’t hear her.…..I told her the other neighbors must have been amused by her screaming and jumping up and down. We had a good chuckle. I told her we would hopefully see plenty more ships go up in the next few weeks.

I did go back to see the pics from the take off.
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We had a Arborist come out and look over our Palm Trees Yesterday. He injected a couple of them. Depending on the species of Palm they are susceptible to disease and insects. We have if I counted correctly 19 Palm Trees of varying varieties on our property. So we have a company that takes care of the fertilizing and watching to make sure they are healthy. Hubby really likes palm trees so he chose the trees. The Arborist works for that company.

I‘am going to go have a walk along Ocean Drive today. There are some nice shops there. I‘am not looking for anything particular just a browse. Then I will walk across the street and see if it is warm enough to walk along the ocean.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone.

I love the Grinch gif!!! Some mornings, that is me!!

Hope you had a lovely walk today, browsing and a walk by the ocean sounds lovely.

Sounds like a wonderful day. Always good to get all your shopping done.

Lazy days are the best.

Yep, if I get to read for a few hours I`m a happy bunny!!

Thank you Mac for getting back to me.

I was confused as to how 3 people had been ignored on my side as I did not even know how to ignore someone and when I finally found how to get to that area one of our Sans family members had been ignored and two other people I didn’t even know had been ignored.

Needless to say I unignored all.

I can see this being a handy option to use with someone that is aggravating you, but I would like to be the one making the decision to do that not someone else arbitrarily. I guess it could have been a glitch of some sort.

Someone sent me a pm weeks ago to say they had me on ignore by error, but weren`t sure how they had done it, so maybe there has been a glitch of some kind.

I have four people on ignore, but deliberate, yes, I`d hate to have someone on ignore by accident.

I usually cheat and dissolve sugar to the boiled water in a pitcher, then the tea bags go swimming

i’ve ruined far too many in my attempts. my exacto knife mocks me

Oh yeah, too many parents living their lives thru their kids.

“That” dance studio across river from us. met a couple of the girls as friends of GD older gymnastic friends. Kendall, in particular, was a real sweetie. Appreciate that she took the time to act the role model to the younger girls.

That pretty much describes it in a nutshell at times. The way my people did it, never thot it wasn’t standard method of operation.

what is funny to come into the room while they are drying and I see the pooch sitting under them, wistfully waiting.

So true. Any great wolf lodges?

I was one of those people this week. Stoopid leg swelled back up over the weekend. Just once would be nice to have something run a normal course. :bitelip:Not really complaining, as so many people do get serious, life-changing challenges. MRI warranted seeing podiatrist and orthopedics this am. Have a Venus Doppler this afternoon as a JIK. Then I can move onto PT.

Oh, I deliberately make them a couple of times a week. I like chili & many soups better the next day. Often make extra meat and it shows up in different formats. still have shredded pork i pkg up individually, make quick sandwiches etc.

mac - this little piggie went to market, run piggie run. :wave2: Know you are a master of that meat. Rarely make it since the mr only eats bacon & ham in that category. Every now & then, love a nice, thick stuffed pork chop or brined one.

It does tend to have some real lulls, is one of my favs. Not a fan of the movie or play tho

For some reason ur avatar went poof for me.

Robbie - have been on for first time in ages today once home from dr…needed to get onto the thread for unused DVC links to after hours event…site has been very skittish for me.

Keep getting an error message page referencing no internet/site down, etc.

Like a kindle? I consider mine a necessary evil when traveling, like having multiple options stored there so I don’t run out. my first option is always a book, love the feel of having one in my hands.

I bet that was quite the heavy box!

Kendall was adorable, I remember you saying how nice she was.

It`s funny, I don`t think of making enough for two days as leftovers, I think of leftovers when folks don`t finish what been served that night. But yes, I love soups, casseroles, lasagne and so on the next day much better when the flavours have had a chance to infuse more. I love to cook pork butts/shoulders and then portion for the freezer, can`t go wrong there.

Oh no your leg!!! Hope your appointments go well this afternoon!!

Les Mis is not something I`d try to read again, and no, the show never did much for me either, but folks go crazy for it!! Yes, the boxes were heavy, a lot of them were hardbacks including a biopic of Ronald Reagan I don`t remember buying!!!

maybe I can copy off the person on the next gurney lol

Oh you don`t want to copy Janet, they might be worse off than you!!!!

Quick thirsty Thursday stop in :drinking1
I came into work a little later this am. I had a tele-appointment this morning with a nurse practitioner to hopefully alleviate some of my menopause symptoms. I refuse to live the next 30-40 years as a forgetful, dried, shrivelled up old prune of a lady :rotfl: Hoping I am on the right path to feeling more like myself again.

The skies are overcast again today. It seems we got some rain overnight - which of course made driving in the residential areas treacherous - but the main roads were fine. At least it is warm enough that the rain didn't fall onto the vehicle and turn into ice right away. It happens often to get that rain that freezes on the vehicles parked outside that will have a half or full inch of ice covering them. The forecast looks like overcast all day again.

No gym last night. I puttered around the house though - tried not to sit around all night. I was going to chat with my one sister last night - but she was busy last night with one of her kiddos. We are trying to come up with some ideas of what we could do for our middle sister who is turning 50 in June.

I seem to be the same lately 🫣 Even this morning on my way to work - someone turned left- coming across my lane. I had to slam on my brakes -I laid on the horn. If it wasn't for the fact that I don't want another car payment quite yet - I would slam right into these drivers. Today's near miss would be written off my car.

We also have installed dash cams - which is great to prove who is at fault.

Happy Anniversary!!!!

That is a beautiful sunrise. Earlier this week we also had a beautiful one. I wished I had stopped for an extra minute to take a picture. It was a beaut!

How lucky are you!!!!!!!!

Yup - thinking it's a canadian version. I had a kindle - I like my kobo better. I like the versatility of being able to whip it out at any time! I hope your follow-up at the dr goes well. I'm still sending you healing light and mummy dust!

Well, I should get going and shuffle some papers.

Have a great day everyone!

Hope you get sorted there Pumpkin, doesn`t sound much fun for you. And enjoy planning the birthday for your sister, that`s always fun!!!

Thank you, those sunrises are stunning, I wish we had gone down the beach which is only a few minutes drive, but it was so early we`d never have made it down in time before the sky turned blue, about five minutes after that it was a normal colour, but it is so beautiful.

Hope your day went well.

Been thinking it`s Friday all day today for some reason.

Today passed so quickly too, one of those days everyone wants to talk to you at the one time, I think I spent more time on the phone than I have in weeks.

Dinner was late as a result, but we don`t mind eating later, but by 7.30 I must admit I was hungry! Demolished the chicken and everything that came with it, nice though.

Will have to remind myself it`s not Saturday tomorrow.
🦥Oh you don`t want to copy Janet, they might be worse off than you!!!!
How I roll = from the frying pan into the 🔥 :p

Passed with flying colors. Earlier appt was frustrating. I’m not good at waiting things out in general, let alone when it comes to this recovery/PT of leg. Wah,wah,wah all the way home 🐖🐷🥓

On the bright side, does take off the pressure off need to increase my pace to a 15 min mile for the race in April. I’ll finish, just 🦥 :snail:

I had a tele-appointment this morning with a nurse practitioner to hopefully alleviate some of my menopause symptoms. I refuse to live the next 30-40 years as a forgetful, dried, shrivelled up old prune of a lady :rotfl: Hoping I am on the right path to feeling more like myself again.

go Get ‘em sista!

Resisting urge to count how many of those boxes I tick off🦤
Good evening everyone. Another uneventful day. The highlight was a trip to Hobby Lobby to get more fabric and thread. When I was leaving HL I got into my car but didn’t start it right away. A couple of older ladies were getting out of the car next to me. One of them was saying something to me but I couldn’t hear her, so I started the car and rolled down the window. She thought I was sitting there because my car wouldn’t start. I assured her that I was fine and thanked her for her concern. I thought it was sweet that she wanted to make sure I wasn’t stuck there with a dead car.

I got a surprise at work today. We have a client who always gives cookies and chocolate to me and her therapist for Christmas. Last year she had a TIA before Christmas, so I just assumed she would not be giving us anything. Today her husband came by the office with 4 dozen Ferrero Rocher chocolates for each of us.

I`d love a Georgia peach!!
I’m a terrible Georgian. I don’t like peaches.

And today, it was a Friday 32 years ago, when DH and I married in an icy dinner time service, with heavily salted roads that made no issues for all to enjoy that evening reception.
Happy anniversary!

I think we`ve had these colours all week at sunrise.
What a gorgeous sunrise.

I did go back to see the pics from the take off.
Cool pictures. I would love to see a live launch someday.

Oh yeah, too many parents living their lives thru their kids.
Ot wasn’t even that. We had some real crazies. On the dance mom board we had one person ( not even sure if it was an adult or not) make up all kinds of stories about her 4 perfect daughters who dod competitive dance, competitive cheer, and were straight A students. They even took pictures from the facebook pages of cheer moms and tried to pass them off as their own daughters.
The Girl Scout group was even crazier. We had a female leader pretending to be a single dad start an online relationship with a married female leader. When it was all exposed the “single dad” claimed to be part of the woman’s dissociative identity disorder. There was a lot more to both of these stories. I’m just giving a general overview.

“That” dance studio across river from us. met a couple of the girls as friends of GD older gymnastic friends. Kendall, in particular, was a real sweetie. Appreciate that she took the time to act the role model to the younger girls.
I vaguely remember Kendall. I didn’t watch the show too often. One of the moms used to post on the dance mom board before her daughter was on that show.

Hoping I am on the right path to feeling more like myself again.
Hope you are able to find the right treatment plan.

We also have installed dash cams - which is great to prove who is at fault.
I am seriously considering getting one.

Almost time to get some sleep. I am thankful that I don’t have to get up early tomorrow.
How I roll = from the frying pan into the 🔥 :p

Passed with flying colors. Earlier appt was frustrating. I’m not good at waiting things out in general, let alone when it comes to this recovery/PT of leg. Wah,wah,wah all the way home 🐖🐷🥓

On the bright side, does take off the pressure off need to increase my pace to a 15 min mile for the race in April. I’ll finish, just 🦥 :snail:

go Get ‘em sista!

Resisting urge to count how many of those boxes I tick off🦤

lol.....good news you passed, but you`re allowed to feel some self and again!!!!

It dawned on me yesterday how close April is now!! I`d be finishing with you Janet, never been the competitive sort, and never sporty. I played hockey and netball for the school team but never really had my heart in it, especially hockey, I was very, very slim then (I know) and those "bigger girls" used to knock the rest of us flying. Not fun.

Take it easy though!!

Good evening everyone. Another uneventful day. The highlight was a trip to Hobby Lobby to get more fabric and thread. When I was leaving HL I got into my car but didn’t start it right away. A couple of older ladies were getting out of the car next to me. One of them was saying something to me but I couldn’t hear her, so I started the car and rolled down the window. She thought I was sitting there because my car wouldn’t start. I assured her that I was fine and thanked her for her concern. I thought it was sweet that she wanted to make sure I wasn’t stuck there with a dead car.

I got a surprise at work today. We have a client who always gives cookies and chocolate to me and her therapist for Christmas. Last year she had a TIA before Christmas, so I just assumed she would not be giving us anything. Today her husband came by the office with 4 dozen Ferrero Rocher chocolates for each of us.

I’m a terrible Georgian. I don’t like peaches.

Happy anniversary!

What a gorgeous sunrise.

Cool pictures. I would love to see a live launch someday.

Ot wasn’t even that. We had some real crazies. On the dance mom board we had one person ( not even sure if it was an adult or not) make up all kinds of stories about her 4 perfect daughters who dod competitive dance, competitive cheer, and were straight A students. They even took pictures from the facebook pages of cheer moms and tried to pass them off as their own daughters.
The Girl Scout group was even crazier. We had a female leader pretending to be a single dad start an online relationship with a married female leader. When it was all exposed the “single dad” claimed to be part of the woman’s dissociative identity disorder. There was a lot more to both of these stories. I’m just giving a general overview.

I vaguely remember Kendall. I didn’t watch the show too often. One of the moms used to post on the dance mom board before her daughter was on that show.

Hope you are able to find the right treatment plan.

I am seriously considering getting one.

Almost time to get some sleep. I am thankful that I don’t have to get up early tomorrow.

Hope your lady patient recovers from that, nice of them to think of you all despite what they`ve been going through, little touches like that mean a lot.

No peaches!!! I love em, but I do prefer pears if they`re ripe enough.

I think I remember you mentioning the girl scout stuff before? Some worlds have their own mix of folks you have to wonder about. Trying to pass kids off as your own is up there with the worst of them!!

Thanks I don`t think we`re going to get a sunrise like that today!!

Hope you slept well.

Weird dream overload last night!!!

Bit breezy this morning, but sun will again be shining and no rain.

Not a clue what we`re doing today yet, will see what we feel like doing after breakfast today, not sure we need to go out for anything, but sometimes it`s just nice to get out for a time, especially in winter.

Will chat to mum, she is moving to a new apartment on Monday, a downstairs one and is very excited about it. I will miss the one she is now as it is so lovely, she`s lived there since 2008 but the stairs are getting too much for her. It`s only a few minutes walk away from where she is now, lovely place by the looks of it from pictures I`ve seen.

Making Mousakka for dinner tonight, I bought some aubergines yesterday (eggplant) so that should be nice, spicy chicken skewers and salad for lunch and avocado on toast for breakfast, maybe do a poached egg too.

Had my first pot of the day finished, just the smallest of pots but gives a couple of nice proper tea cup size drinks, will make the large pot when sleeping beauty and I have breakfast later.

But, Friday again and another quiet weekend ahead for us, might get some Indian food delivered tomorrow night and make up some 🍹



Ah that light rain and 38 degrees. Good thing it’s above freezing enough, it’s just a cold feeling rain. But was not enough, as didn’t use an umbrella to toss trash, and don’t feel like I got wet. And the roads don’t look wet enough to make wet road sounds so far. And my one weather app says possibly ending soon. Then an overcast day. But hey, 43 the high, and no more rain the rest of this Friday, so I’ll take it as a nice enough Winter day.

And so, I guess that secure way of connecting is no more. So while not in office, with secure plug in connection, web access I did for access today, and hope maybe by next week, that secure way will be fixed. Which I doubt. But when I fire up on Monday, back to web access again if don’t hear fixed. Whatever. At least my laptop works. We are to be getting new ones soon. I’m one that doesn’t care which I get, as long as works perfectly.

And so, that most happy Friday feeling. Yep, that long morning, twice as long lunchtime break, and two hour afternoon, before that goodbye until Monday morning. Woot! And payday too, so good reason to have shortest day, today.

So hope all have a most Fabulous Friday, and a most Wonderful Weekend.

Woot, getting ever that closer to the last of a holiday Monday, but then the months’ gap in off holidays after that mid February holiday. Sigh. Yet there is a yay this month. Yay, as Valentine’s Day is the week before that holiday Monday.
Good morning. I had a nice late sleep in today and feel very refreshed. I’m now working on some house cleaning. I’m also considering moving some things out of our spare room and into the new closet. Next I want to set up a small crafting area in the spare room.

Hope your lady patient recovers from that, nice of them to think of you all despite what they`ve been going through, little touches like that mean a lot.
Thank you. She is doing much better but not ready to come back in person yet. She’s a really sweet lady and I miss chatting with her each week. We often talk about our cats.
Will chat to mum, she is moving to a new apartment on Monday, a downstairs one and is very excited about it.
Hope she enjoys her new place. The main reason my mom move in with my sister rather than with me or my brother was that my sister is the only one with a house without stairs.

Woot, getting ever that closer to the last of a holiday Monday,
I had to check and see what holiday you were referring to. Unfortunately I don’t get that day off.

Dh just texted and said he scheduled is for a Valentine’s day tea at 1:45 on the 14th. Fortunately my boss doesn’t usually mind if I take off early.
Oven shopping, it’s only been 13 months. Believe I have appliance fear of commitment. I’m obviously really out of the loop, so, what is this steam cleaning sort of oven?popcorn:: I’m a messy cook, self cleaning one is a need not a want for me.

There was a lot more to both of these stories. I’m just giving a general overview.
haha that’s wild. Thot of you when I was drafted to make an Elvis stitch cape for one of GD upcoming race costumes & headpiece. Going with the viva Las Vegas white one.

amazon to the rescue for the headpiece. Same one going for triple on Etsy. went to all the nearby stores for material, couldn’t find the right stuff. Wound up ordering 1.5 yards thru WM of all places. Looks more silver to me And not real sequins, she loved it. Now to figure how to make it to attach to the Leo so it’s removable and not be itchy. Thmink, thmink it will come to me in a dream lol

Really had no idea it was such a thing to dress in character themed For specific disney races. Her mom sat and applied hundreds of beads to a plain white running onesie, it’s a dead ringer for his white Elvis‘ white viva Las Vegas costume. I cannot imagine how long that took, not quite that patient.

those "bigger girls" used to knock the rest of us flying. Not fun.
I’m still an admitted Tomboy. Here, they finally brought back slaughter house/dodge ball into the schools. Thankfully, they do use a very soft ball now. I was tiny then, had to hold my own with the neighborhood kids…mostly boys.
It`s only a few minutes walk away from where she is now, lovely place by the looks of it from pictures I`ve seen.
Wonderful new for a very special lady
I bought some aubergines yesterday (eggplant)
I grabbed last weekend. mr won’t touch, went with airfryer vs using oil in the pan. Interesting breading with fresh grated Parmesan cheese and just a spray of olive oil. I was not convinced as such thick slices, came out like portobello steaks. Definitely will be on repeat.
We are to be getting new ones soon. I’m one that doesn’t care which I get, as long as works perfectly.
As one would expect to be able to do your job. Tell Uncle Sam to get on the ball and spend our tax $ wisely.

She’s a really sweet lady and I miss chatting with her each week.
Nice to hear. I cringe hearing how some people talk to the staff in dr’s offices.

great weekend to all, I’m making one of my comfort foods…my version of baked beans, baked to perfection. Like them almost candied to point no liquid. Feel free to lol
Good morning. I had a nice late sleep in today and feel very refreshed. I’m now working on some house cleaning. I’m also considering moving some things out of our spare room and into the new closet. Next I want to set up a small crafting area in the spare room.

Thank you. She is doing much better but not ready to come back in person yet. She’s a really sweet lady and I miss chatting with her each week. We often talk about our cats.

Hope she enjoys her new place. The main reason my mom move in with my sister rather than with me or my brother was that my sister is the only one with a house without stairs.

I had to check and see what holiday you were referring to. Unfortunately I don’t get that day off.

Dh just texted and said he scheduled is for a Valentine’s day tea at 1:45 on the 14th. Fortunately my boss doesn’t usually mind if I take off early.

It`s nice you have some clients that you genuinely enjoy seeing and having a common interest like your kitties is always nice.

Yes, there are quite a lot of stairs up to her apartment, it`s only the last year or so she`s started to notice it, but she is 87, but thinks she`s 57 at times! There does come a time when stairs aren`t always suitable, so I can see why your mum went to your sister, even a few stairs can be a trial for some older folks.

Nice for Valentine`s Day Tea Charade!! How lovely and what a nice thought from your DH.

Oven shopping, it’s only been 13 months. Believe I have appliance fear of commitment. I’m obviously really out of the loop, so, what is this steam cleaning sort of oven?popcorn:: I’m a messy cook, self cleaning one is a need not a want for me.

haha that’s wild. Thot of you when I was drafted to make an Elvis stitch cape for one of GD upcoming race costumes & headpiece. Going with the viva Las Vegas white one.

amazon to the rescue for the headpiece. Same one going for triple on Etsy. went to all the nearby stores for material, couldn’t find the right stuff. Wound up ordering 1.5 yards thru WM of all places. Looks more silver to me And not real sequins, she loved it. Now to figure how to make it to attach to the Leo so it’s removable and not be itchy. Thmink, thmink it will come to me in a dream lol

Really had no idea it was such a thing to dress in character themed For specific disney races. Her mom sat and applied hundreds of beads to a plain white running onesie, it’s a dead ringer for his white Elvis‘ white viva Las Vegas costume. I cannot imagine how long that took, not quite that patient.

I’m still an admitted Tomboy. Here, they finally brought back slaughter house/dodge ball into the schools. Thankfully, they do use a very soft ball now. I was tiny then, had to hold my own with the neighborhood kids…mostly boys.

Wonderful new for a very special lady

I grabbed last weekend. mr won’t touch, went with airfryer vs using oil in the pan. Interesting breading with fresh grated Parmesan cheese and just a spray of olive oil. I was not convinced as such thick slices, came out like portobello steaks. Definitely will be on repeat.

As one would expect to be able to do your job. Tell Uncle Sam to get on the ball and spend our tax $ wisely.

View attachment 830890

Nice to hear. I cringe hearing how some people talk to the staff in dr’s offices.

great weekend to all, I’m making one of my comfort foods…my version of baked beans, baked to perfection. Like them almost candied to point no liquid. Feel free to lol

I`m no help with the oven, the Aga we clean and the electric oven although it does have a self cleaning function....don`t laugh, I`ve never used it!!! I`m not exactly sure why but I do have a bit of anxiety over something being responsible for cleaning, so I just do it myself.....I know it is crazy, my friends think I`m nuts!! Good luck though, lots to choose from!

Thank you, we know she`s going to love this new place. We call them bungalows, maybe called Ranch Style over there, she loved our bungalow we had before we moved out of the country and said one day she`d like one, now she`s got it.

I love aubergines roasted after breading them, yes, they are quite substantial to eat. Tom will only eat them in Mousakka, if I do roast veg I don`t usually put it in as he doesn`t like it, but I do.

Now you know I`m laughing about the

The best laid of those busy days in the end, but settled down and enjoyed a very nice dinner, mousakka is quite heavy, so only had a smaller portion with some salad and a glass of red wine. Made some syllabub for dessert, mango flavour which was very refreshing.

Planning to go meet Kyle in the morning and see him do his 100th race in one event, weather is supposed be decent so we will be happy to go, cold wet and rainy we might have thought really we`d still go!!

Tonight, glass of wine, feet up and some tv with my mister 🥰
It`s nice you have some clients that you genuinely enjoy seeing and having a common interest like your kitties is always nice.

Yes, there are quite a lot of stairs up to her apartment, it`s only the last year or so she`s started to notice it, but she is 87, but thinks she`s 57 at times! There does come a time when stairs aren`t always suitable, so I can see why your mum went to your sister, even a few stairs can be a trial for some older folks.

Nice for Valentine`s Day Tea Charade!! How lovely and what a nice thought from your DH.

I`m no help with the oven, the Aga we clean and the electric oven although it does have a self cleaning function....don`t laugh, I`ve never used it!!! I`m not exactly sure why but I do have a bit of anxiety over something being responsible for cleaning, so I just do it myself.....I know it is crazy, my friends think I`m nuts!! Good luck though, lots to choose from!

Thank you, we know she`s going to love this new place. We call them bungalows, maybe called Ranch Style over there, she loved our bungalow we had before we moved out of the country and said one day she`d like one, now she`s got it.

I love aubergines roasted after breading them, yes, they are quite substantial to eat. Tom will only eat them in Mousakka, if I do roast veg I don`t usually put it in as he doesn`t like it, but I do.

Now you know I`m laughing about the

The best laid of those busy days in the end, but settled down and enjoyed a very nice dinner, mousakka is quite heavy, so only had a smaller portion with some salad and a glass of red wine. Made some syllabub for dessert, mango flavour which was very refreshing.

Planning to go meet Kyle in the morning and see him do his 100th race in one event, weather is supposed be decent so we will be happy to go, cold wet and rainy we might have thought really we`d still go!!

Tonight, glass of wine, feet up and some tv with my mister 🥰
Carole, just had to let you know that you are not crazy (I think?) LOL I have always had self cleaning ovens and have never used that feature!!! I clean the oven, but mostly my husband cleans it. He does a much better job than me.

Also I laugh every time I read "mousakka". I always think of Mufasa, the Lion King character. They sound the same to me and I think you are eating Mufasa:rotfl2:the Lion.

Okay, I"m out of hear :)


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