Anyone been on a snipe hunt?

I don't think that was a thing in my childhood. I'm familiar with them now, but I don't think we ever did that as I was growing up. Either that, or I was just not lucky enough to be invited. :)
We did it all the time to the unsuspecting when I was a teen back in the 60s. We also did ghost hunting in cemeteries after dark if we could avoid the cops and waiting to see a ghost on certain roads where eerie sightings had been reported. The joys of growing up in a relatively small town along with walking the streets after dark and hiding in the bushes, hanging underwear on cars, and of course underage drinking because anyone walking into a bar could get a drink.
I don't think that was a thing in my childhood. I'm familiar with them now, but I don't think we ever did that as I was growing up. Either that, or I was just not lucky enough to be invited. :)
Well, as I said the other day, you're smarter than the average bear. Maybe they knew you wouldn't fall for it.

Bur regardless, I'd totally invite you.☺️
When I was in the military I took lots of newbies on snipe hunts...

Sent them looking for lots of other things as well - like a box of grid squares, left handed wrench etc...

I recall having a guy jump up and down on a Soviet T-62 Tank to test the suspension. Like you jumping up and down is going to move a tank that weighs like 40 tons. He tried and tried though.... good times.


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