11/22 UPDATEd LIST & CHECK 1st post , Our 5th year of sharing DVC Christmas Tree,

BobNed, can you explain how that beautiful tree is standing? Thank you?
BobNed, can you explain how that beautiful tree is standing? Thank you?

Bobbi - it is simple really :thumbsup2

The tree has a built-in stand. We just cut a small hole in the cheap $5 skirt we got at Target (it didn't even have any kind of opening) and put it over the stand, then set the tree back into the stand. Here's a picture from last year where you can see the tree "naked":

I suppose I should confess - we move the table from the second bedroom to the living room (where the chair is - and move the chair) then put the tree on the table. We rather enjoy rearranging the villa to suit us :idea:
Let me start by saying thank you again to wdwstar & Laurabearz!

We checked into BWV on Sat Dec 15th and after we got our room, DH & I told the kids we were going to get groceries :laughing: We went to the lobby, called bell services at OKW to have them get our tree ready for us to come pick up. Gave them my name & tree # and description. When we got to OKW, we spoke to Lavelle at bell services. He said he had looked for my tree, but couldn't find it. He and another cm went to look again, then he brought me & DH into the storage room to look as well. There was a tree back there (OKW #2 maybe?) but not ours. Lavelle tried calling the guest who's name was on the tree in storage, but they weren't in. He took my room number and promised to keep trying the other guest in case they had gotten the wrong tree. I was a little sad to not get my tree :sad1: but :thumbsup2 to Lavelle who tried so hard for me.

DH & I went back to BWV (after a stop at the grocery store) and I decided to ask at bell services to see if by any chance the tree had made it's way to BWV. The girl at the desk said she thought she had seen it, went in back and a couple of minutes later she came out and said they would send it up to our room in a few minutes :yay: I wish I had thought to check there before we went to OKW, but it honestly never crossed my mind that the previous family might send it over.

My kids were surprised and we had a great time decorating it and the room. Since there are no outlets on the balcony, we decided to hang the lights on the curtain rod for the sheers. That way we could have them on in the evening even when we weren't in the room. We used one of the balcony tables to set the tree on in front of the balcony door. When we went down to the quiet pool at night, we could easily spot our room :santa:

We were in BWV 3093. I don't know if it was another diser or not, but there was a tree in the room two floors directly above us.

Thanks to everyone involved again! It was so much fun to be a part of this and I'm looking forward to doing it again next year, sending a tree down to spread the magic even farther. Merry Christmas to all of my new "extended family" :santa:
delivered the tree back to bell services on Dec. 26 for the next member. If you recieve your tree in 1 box, request a 2nd box with the lights and ornaments. It took them a few hours to retrieve the 2nd box for us. Thanks again to everyone involved in making this tree swap happen. Peace to all.

We had OKW Tree #2 and would like to say "Thank you!" It is a very cute little tree and the extra decorations were a big hit, esp once I hung our stockings. When we checked in the tree (boxes) was no where to be found. But after a day it was delivered. Unfortunately, housekeeping threw-out the boxes that we had set aside for sending the decorations/tree home. But no fear, the tree will be making it's way home soon :)
We also did not get to have our tree. We were at SSR and confirmed for Dec 8th-13th. When I checked in I asked for the tree, and they said Bell Services. I went to Bell Services and they said no tree. I thought maybe the person before me didn't return it yet, because it was only 1:00 pm.

I called Bell Services the next day and spoke to them no tree still....at least they said they couldn't find one. All the trees were out, and there was nothing there with my name or dates on it.

Oh well.....our vacation and stay was still wonderful. It would of been nice to have a tree. I wanted to thank you for all your hard work
This is a very hard thing to organize, and I am sure bell services made a mistake, but I couldn't keep arguing with them on it!!!

You would have gotten tree #1, which I returned on the 8th. I was to have tree #3, but another Susan Brown must have taken tree #3, and since her tree was there, I took that one. I returned it to bell services. I had trouble with bell services when I looked for my tree, and I went back and asked a different person, and they found the tree at the front desk. I think SSR deals with the trees from the front desk and not bell services. I hope someone found all of these SSR trees and they get returned to the owners.
THanks again to those who donated and worked so hard to make our vacations special
Well, we just got back on Wednesday and I want to thank LIFERBABE for donating the Tree for AKV. It was great, it went perfect with the theme. We loved the AKV!
Our tree:


Laurabearz, since you weren't supposed to be down for Christmas yourself, we got an extra ornament at the DVC mixer for you and packed it up with the tree. Thanks again!
Awe that was so nice of you!!! Gosh I love the pic of the tree at my beloved BWV!! Thanks for posting it!!

This is the first time I have had the chance to get on the boards since we returned from our trip to SSR 11/25-12/1, and I wanted to make sure that I took the chance to thank you for donating the tree we used during our trip. We have a 4 year old DD that ABSOLUTELY loved going to sleep each night by the glow of the tree!!! Thanks to all those who helped make this awesome tradition happen once again!!!
Just wanted to add my thanks to Laura for donating the tree. I hope, by now, that the tree has made a safe return. I have the Fed-ex tracer number if it has not yet gotten back to you.

Thanks again to all who made the Christmas tree exchange possible.
Well, we just got back on Wednesday and I want to thank LIFERBABE for donating the Tree for AKV. It was great, it went perfect with the theme. We loved the AKV!

Thank you Malibelle!! And thank you for the great gift!:lovestruc

It seems I just missed you! When I arrived at the bell desk, they knew exactly why I was there and immediately handed over the tree.

I was thrilled to be able to put it together, and we were even able to share the magic a little more by loaning the tree to our neighbor on the concierge level for Christmas, since we brought our large tree with us.:santa:

I have added an ornament from the Merry Mixer and the Concierge staff filled our door stockings with some great AKV non edible treats that I have also added to the stockings that hang on the tree.

Thank you to all the families that participated and for contributing to the shipping of the tree. It really worked out wonderfully:cloud9:

We are ready for next year!:santa:
SSR Tree #3

Thank you so much!
Got the tree with no problems from bell services. Really enjoyed it while we were there. Packed it up and mailed it back.

daggett Thank you again for supplying the tree it was so sweet of you!!
Well well well... I would never ever expect a Magical Moment while sitting here in Chicago...

But... My phone just rang and it was a CM from SSR, who said to me... You have created Magical Moments for all these people, we want to make a Magical Moment for you!! Talk about jaw dropping!!!

It seems they are going to pay for the return shipping for one of my trees! How swell is that!!!!

So unexpected! And how exciting to see a 407 phone number pop up on my Caller ID!!!

I love sending trees down. I love that so many families get to have a bit of Christmas in their rooms. This was my 3rd year sending 3 trees down, and each year it gets better and better!

So THANK YOU WDWSTAR for organizing this Giving Event for all us tree donators! It brings a smile to my face each and every year!

Well well well... I would never ever expect a Magical Moment while sitting here in Chicago...

But... My phone just rang and it was a CM from SSR, who said to me... You have created Magical Moments for all these people, we want to make a Magical Moment for you!! Talk about jaw dropping!!!

It seems they are going to pay for the return shipping for one of my trees! How swell is that!!!!

So unexpected! And how exciting to see a 407 phone number pop up on my Caller ID!!!

I love sending trees down. I love that so many families get to have a bit of Christmas in their rooms. This was my 3rd year sending 3 trees down, and each year it gets better and better!

So THANK YOU WDWSTAR for organizing this Giving Event for all us tree donators! It brings a smile to my face each and every year!


You deserve it, I'm glad it happened!!!

PS. Now for the reason I came on line: VWL tree number 3 arrived home safe and sound!!! It's made the round trip twice now...I must say that we'll need a new box for the next time!
Well well well... I would never ever expect a Magical Moment while sitting here in Chicago...

But... My phone just rang and it was a CM from SSR, who said to me... You have created Magical Moments for all these people, we want to make a Magical Moment for you!! Talk about jaw dropping!!!

It seems they are going to pay for the return shipping for one of my trees! How swell is that!!!!

So unexpected! And how exciting to see a 407 phone number pop up on my Caller ID!!!

I love sending trees down. I love that so many families get to have a bit of Christmas in their rooms. This was my 3rd year sending 3 trees down, and each year it gets better and better!

So THANK YOU WDWSTAR for organizing this Giving Event for all us tree donators! It brings a smile to my face each and every year!


You sure brought a smile to our faces, so I am so happy to hear about your magical moment! You deserve it (as do WDWstar and all the other tree donaters)! :hug:
Well well well... I would never ever expect a Magical Moment while sitting here in Chicago...

But... My phone just rang and it was a CM from SSR, who said to me... You have created Magical Moments for all these people, we want to make a Magical Moment for you!! Talk about jaw dropping!!!

It seems they are going to pay for the return shipping for one of my trees! How swell is that!!!!

So unexpected! And how exciting to see a 407 phone number pop up on my Caller ID!!!

I love sending trees down. I love that so many families get to have a bit of Christmas in their rooms. This was my 3rd year sending 3 trees down, and each year it gets better and better!

So THANK YOU WDWSTAR for organizing this Giving Event for all us tree donators! It brings a smile to my face each and every year!


Laura, that's wonderful!!! :santa:

I'll share my magical tree moment. We didnt need the tree I shipped, because I decided to bring our large one with us. I had it sitting in our room and while at the concierge lounge at AKV, I saw this lady and little girl check in and they are in the room next door to us.
I have 2 boys and love them dearly, but sometimes I wish I had a princessprincess: (but then I look at the 2 bedroom point chart and snap back into reality:lmao: )
So I see the little girl out in the lounge and finally on Christmas Eve, I get up the nerve to knock on the door and ask the little girl if her mom is home and would they like to use the tree for the holidays. Turns out it was her Aunt and her Mom was flying in on Christmas day. They were really happy to have the tree.
This is where the magic happens, I scheduled for all for of us to do the Sunrise Safari on Thursday morning. People were begging for spots, but being the holidays, it was completely booked. Well Dh and the boys wanted no parts of a 5am wake up so I called in enough time to cancel and after some second guessing, I decided to just go it alone.
Well I drag myself out to the lounge at 5:30 am and see all these families and then I see my 2 neighbor ladies and the little girl. They are going on the Safari too!! They immediately invite me to join them and the mother, who I had not met, thanks me for the tree. They also put candies in our stocking that was hanging on our door and the boys were really surprised to come home on Christmas night and find our stockings bulging with goodies. (The Concierge CM's added some things too:santa: )
Well we had a great time on the Safari and at breakfast then they were off to ride Everest and I was off to wake up Dh and the boys.
They brought the tree back before we checked out and it is boxed and ready to spread magic next year:wizard:
Thank you wdwstar for inspiring all of us to share the magicprincess:


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