12/09/06 Cruise Continued ~ Pirating Bananas DIS Geekorama Part 2

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I hope you your family enjoy "Wicked" Goofy! We keep missing it here.

It's been really busy here. Work, Quilting, Housework, Karate etc. A long cruise sounds great. Maybe I can send everyone else and stay home by myself.
MommyMinnie said:
I hope you your family enjoy "Wicked" Goofy! We keep missing it here.

It's been really busy here. Work, Quilting, Housework, Karate etc. A long cruise sounds great. Maybe I can send everyone else and stay home by myself.
Uh, I think it would be better if you went and left everyone else home. :teeth:
Our project for the weekend is a closet in DH office. It is really a bedroom he has commandered, so is a regular closet. It was STUFFED full of all kinds of things (per DrHug) or junk (per me). Yesterday we pulled everything out, removed the shelf. We plan to patch and paint the inside today and then install a closet orgainizer system that we bought at Lowe's. DrHug thought he was buying one that just "pops" in using tension. Nope....it requires drill, screwdriver, and several other tools. :confused3 It also came with PAGES of instructions. :rotfl: :rotfl2: So, we will likely be busy both today and tomorrow with it. :rolleyes: It will be nice to be able to orgainize all that "stuff" he has though. We found several things in there that have never been opened that will make nice gifts. :teeth:
It will feel so good to have that new closet set up. :)

This weekend my project was taxes. UGH! I did them yesterday afternoon. I went by last year's returns & was thankful that I stopped doing mystery shopping since that eliminated a couple forms. :) Well, today I entered all of the info into Taxact.com like I have for the past 3 years. I usually match up the total & know that I figured everything correctly so sign the form & send it in. Today I had somehow misfigured one of the worksheets for the Sch D. :crazy2: I have since tried to redo the worksheet twice & have come up with 2 more totals. I have decided to just enter the amount the program says we should use. :confused3 This year was suppose to be easier with fewer forms. They gave me the totals for the NC form too so now I just have to plug in those numbers & that can be sent off too.
:cheer2: :banana: :woohoo: :banana: :cheer2:
MrsMork said:
Brack, :wave: are you home safe?

Yes .... finally. The trip back across was really long and in the snow again. We did stop at the Grand Canyon for the night. It was great and cold!

We were back in the office for three days and backed up in work. I keep hearing the phrase "No good deed goes unpunished" and taking time off is a good deed that bears a price.

We drove to Dallas Wednesday night to surprise our DS on his 33rd birthday and drove back to OKC on Thursday. Tomorrow we go to Tulsa for the day and on Wednesday we head for camp in eastern Oklahoma. So you can see it's been busy.

Today (our 34th anniversary) has been the first day that I could even read the DISBoard much less post. Maybe in a few days I can show some of my pix from DL.

It was great meeting you guys and riding Soarin' together. We still didn't take that picture together! Next time ....

I'll post more later. Blessings.
:thumbsup2 :moped: :car:
Good morning everyone! DS woke up sounding like a seal agian so we are home today. At 9 am he told me that he wanted to go back to bed. I don't know how much he slept but he spent over an hour just resting. These darn allergies! :( I know that my throat has been sore in the am and this week it is going to be in the 70s & 80s again after dealing with the 30s & 40s.
I hope that all are safe in their travels and that those with seasonal aches and pains will be feeling better soon. I have been reading, but not posting as my new job is very tiring. How was WICKED? Will hopfully be seeing it when it returns to Toronto in the fall.

Just thought I'd let you all know that we hae been very busy also. We have been gone so much that my house looks like a train went through it. :rotfl2:
I have gotten the dishes done, and yes more laundry and more to still go. Its summy here and I just kicked the kids outside. I really need to mop but the boys have the next two days off, of school so I think I will wait tell wed, Oh silly me I'm at there schools wed and thursday. Then were off again on friday to there next wrestling meet. We will be gone all weekend then they have spring break all next week, and dd turns 16 on the 9th. Guesse I should do the floors today or they will have to sit for over aweek. Wyatt got 4th place this weekend and Spencer didn't place at all. He requires a lot of sleep and we stayed up with tthe teem tell after 9:30 on friday and then had to be up at 6am to go do weigh ins and he was shot all day. Well better go unpack more stuff from thisweekend, take out the dishes, change the laundry, fold the towels, wash the floors. Will it ever be over? :confused3 I sure hope I can Get it all done before dinner. Mum

By the way what is "wicked" I have never heard of it.
I guess that our consolation as mothers to not getting everything done is they will need to keep us around until it is. ;)
I saw a bunny hopping :Pinkbounc across the yard this morning. You know what that means. Yup, time to build a chicken wire moat around the salad garden. We didn't have the hours to work on that today so all we managed was a kind of chicken wire blanket. We will need to build something better before the lettuce grows much more. :sunny: The sun was warm but the weather was cool.

Hope everyone had a Magical weekend.
This closet project is not going well... :teeth: ..it's 5 o'clock and so far we only have the lines marked for installation. :confused3 The first one we bought said it was for 5-8 foot closets. This one is 6 foot. What it didn't say was that for less than 8 feet you need to take a hacksaw to it. :sad2: So, we went back to Lowe's this afternoon and bought one that is just for 6 foot closets. Should go better now. Think I should go help him? Or just visit on the boards and supervise from across the room? ;) Better go help, I think. Right after I put on a load of laundry.
Mark, how many more loads of laundry was that before we cruise??
Hi guys,

Busy times for us too. We spent the weekend travelling back and forth from Columbus Friday and Saturday. The HS that Amy and I attended so long ago was in the state final four for the second year in a row in the big school basketball finals. Last year they won state, and they repeated this year! Lots of fun - they are one of the top 10 teams in the nation.

Both nights we grabbed some food and a bit of libation at a place called the "varsity" on the OSU campus (the games were played at the OSU arena, the Schott). On the second night, we had a waitress that we both swore could be Vanessa's sister! Red hair, walked and talked like Vanessa, and similar sense of humor. You have a twin in Columbus Ohio Vanessa, waiting tables at a college bar!

Angie - I would stay at OKW, and take the towncar the next morning. I think we are doing that this year. No more Rad for us! I like my food on the table - not someone else's food in my bed!

The closet is in and looks great! I ran (drove :moped: ) downtown and picked up 5 baskets for his shelves and he has 9 colorful boxes of various sizes for the shelves also. DrHug should now (with his 3 6 foot bookcases and this new closet space) have enough room for all his stuff. :) I'm happy. He is now working on orgainizing all of that "stuff". :lmao:
brack said:

Today (our 34th anniversary) has been the first day that I could even read the DISBoard much less post. Maybe in a few days I can show some of my pix from DL.

A little late - but HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!
Looks like a busy weekend for everyone...guess it keeps us all out of trouble.

I was painting all of our molding in our foyer/den/living room....and now that it looks so good, I have to continue painting all up the steps...Ugh!!! Who just posted that no good deed goes unpunsihed - that's certainly what I feel like.

Does anyone know how to paint the spindles on your hand rail? Those really need a new coat of paint but that looks like one messy, time consuming job!!

Oh - I did do one fun thing - we tie dyed 51 shirts for that children't home we've adopted in our church. It was a lot of fun. We had a bunch of women and their children meet at this very brave lady's house where she gave children squirt bottles of dye in the middle of her family room. Surprisingly no one really got messy. Although I apparently had a hole in my glove and now have one green finger. Kinda funny. I can't wait to see what they look like.

Okay - everyone have a great week.
ok, we're back....... The furry girls missed us but came through OK....

"Wicked" is a broadway musical based on the book of same name which is a pre-quel/sequel to THe Wizard of Oz. It is told from the point of view from Elphaba (the Wicked Witch) and Glinda (good witch). The soundtrack is really amazing to the musical.

The show was great. Although, it seemed as though the Phila cast was like a second string to the cast that performed at Kennedy Center.

My DH and DD really liked it.

As for Philly, I grew up there, so I don't get too excited when we go. (In school we did all of the museums tons of times but there are alot of them.) My younger sister now owns the house we grew up in (NE Philly) so I stay with her and visit.

We did go with my DSis, DBIL, and DN to the Zoo. The rain (that was expected) was more like mist so we got to see everything and it wasn't very crowded.

On the way home yesterday, we did a little shopping (i found two bathing suits :sunny: so can check that off my cruise list. ) and we stopped at the outlets at Gettysburg. They are turning over some of the stores and getting ones that I'm more interested in.
Over the weekend a pipe burst in one of the second floor bathrooms at work. My office is on the first floor and most of the offices along my corridor got soaked! :scared1: Well, I think the pixie dust was with me because it stopped at the office next to mine! :thumbsup2 Absolutely no water in my office. There are big fans set up all along the hall to dry carpet! What a mess!
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