12/16/06 10-day holiday cruise Part 2

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If we can get an early enough flight we will probably be waking up at a hotel near the airport and then flying into Orlando next year.

Silly me, I came to work. The cold drugs I took this morning made me loopy for about an hour, now I am crashing. I am really fighting to stay awake, ugh.
ACK! My early morning creation isn't showing up! dang hosting company. Well, it was showing up on my computer at home.
dobelover said:
Hey Mary Ann - How about an update on your family.


Hi Sue....Well, Jim went to Dr the other day for his check up. Has only lost 20lbs and while that is great (for him anyway) he still needs to keep going. I bag him cheating all the time. He thinks he soooooooo smart as he sneaks those fruit roll ups out of the kitchen :rolleyes2 . His blood-sugar is better...110-130 range, but again, not great. Dad refuses to go back to the Dr so I don't know what stage he is at as far as the tumor. He seems fairly healthy , but unfortunately has moved out of my house because it was costing him over $400 a month in gas (he has an old Lincoln Towncar) to go to and from work so I am really worried since this is the time of year he has the most issues. He won't even get a flu shot and that's usually when he gets the worst, after he catches the flu. All's we can do is keep a good eye on him. Other wise everyone is healthy and happy campers. Thanks for asking.

How is Jeanne feeling?
You mean the 'energizer mommy'? Her dr doesn't know why she still doing so well! I tell him she doesn't want to miss any of the cruises we have planned!

Glad about your hubby, this is a bad time of year for a life style change (ok, so it has been a few months). Parents, what can we do!

We lucked out during the ice storm, take care.

Morning, y'all!

does anyone know where I can find a countdown clock for my signature?


WMILLER86 said:
Morning, y'all!

does anyone know where I can find a countdown clock for my signature?



I'd like to get one of those myself, Willie :)

WMILLER86 said:
Since the W Family will be down in steerage, I doubt I will get a peek into the suites! That is, unless I have to go deliver something there, or fix something.
You don't think steerage gets away without working for our berths, do ya?


Willie...Mrs. Lampy asked, "how much more is the suites"? Think "major suckage" is working?
dobelover said:
You mean the 'energizer mommy'?


She keeps going and going and going........


Note to self...cruising slows down the aging process
If my girls posted stuff like that about their Mom they wouldn't be doing A LOT of things for A LOT LONGER than the weekend........ :badpc:
point taken. But you have to understand, the lovely friends i have here are like a good drink for me. They soothe and make me happy. Plus, when i don't post alot, you all know why. My mom doesn't even know how to get here anyway.
true true. I guess I was out of line. sorry all!

PSST: what does IMHO stand for?
No need to apologize to me......glad you had a change of heart. Sounds like you've got life pretty good.....be greatful....JMHO
Earth to Jen- you are on a board with a bunch of us old geezers. We ARE a bunch of Moms and Dads. And we LIKE being that way!
But really, don't forget we will rat you out to your Mom in an instant, so that she can ground your butt for another month. :rotfl2:

Your apology is appropriate, but it should go in the direction of your Mom.

DCLgodess said:
true true. I guess I was out of line. sorry all!

PSST: what does IMHO stand for?

IMHO.....In My Honest Opinion
Willie...Mrs. Lampy asked, "how much more is the suites"? Think "major suckage" is working?

Is she really starting to give in? Good for Lampy! Now behave yourself at the Christmas parties this weekend, and don't screw it up! You need to be on this 10 day!

Have fun.

Hi everybody :wave2:

Who ARE all you people? Man I go away for a little bit and boom new crop springs up.

Hey Stacey you had it right work and life in general. Santa is coming. No wait let me rephrase for my girls.

Making a magical Christmas has been a hoot. I put the real ornaments on the tree this year (as opposed to those plastic kids can't break ones). The girls loved it. Shopping is in no way even close to being done, Christmas cards? :rotfl2: , lights :rotfl2: :rotfl2: yep dh keeps saying he'll get around to that (mmmhmmm). cookies? :laughing: . Am I giving you guys any hint to my current standing? Oh well. Family, friends,love, and giving thats what its all about. (you do the reindeer pokie and you turn yourself around...
:rolleyes1 )

Well welcome everybody and in case i get lost from my computer again Happy Holidays everybody from our asylum to yours.

Cheers-D :drinking1
just a reminder...

A woman, renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk's office
was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation.

She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.

"What I mean is," explained the recorder, "do you have a job or are
you just a...?"

"Of course I have a job," snapped the woman. "I'm a Mom."

"We don't list 'Mom' as an occupation, "housewife covers it," said
the recorder emphatically.

I forgot all about her story until one day, I found myself in the
same situation, this time at our own Town Hall. The Clerk was
obviously a career woman, poised, efficient and possessed of a high
sounding title like, "Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar."

"What is your occupation?" she probed.

What made me say it? I do not know. The words simply popped out.
*"I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and
Human Relations."*
The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and looked up as
though she had not heard right. I repeated the title slowly
emphasizing the most significant words. Then I stared with wonder as
my pronouncement was written in bold, black ink on the official

"Might I ask," said the clerk with new interest, "just what you do in
your field?"

Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice, I heard myself
reply, "I have a continuing program of research, (what mother
doesn't) in the laboratory and in the field, (normally I would have
said indoors and out).

I'm working for my Masters, (the whole darned family) and already
have four credits (all daughters). Of course, the job is one of the
most demanding in the humanities, (any mother care to disagree?) and
I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more like it). But the job is
more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards
are more of a satisfaction rather than just money."

There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she
completed the form, stood up and personally ushered me to the door.

As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career, I
was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3. Upstairs I
could hear our new experimental model, (a 6 month old baby) in the
child development program, testing out a new vocal pattern. I felt I
had scored a beat on bureaucracy! And I had gone on the official
records as someone more distinguished and indispensable to mankind
than "just another Mom."

Motherhood! . What a glorious career! Especially when there's a title
on the door.

Does this make grandmothers "Senior Research associates in the field
of Child Development and Human Relations" and great grandmothers
Executive Senior Research Associates"? I think so!!! I also think it
makes Aunts "Associate Research Assistants.

Please send this to another Mom, Grandmother, Aunt, and other friends
you know.
Denise Escola said:
Hi everybody :wave2:

Who ARE all you people? Man I go away for a little bit and boom new crop springs up.

Hey Stacey you had it right work and life in general. Santa is coming. No wait let me rephrase for my girls.

Making a magical Christmas has been a hoot. I put the real ornaments on the tree this year (as opposed to those plastic kids can't break ones). The girls loved it. Shopping is in no way even close to being done, Christmas cards? :rotfl2: , lights :rotfl2: :rotfl2: yep dh keeps saying he'll get around to that (mmmhmmm). cookies? :laughing: . Am I giving you guys any hint to my current standing? Oh well. Family, friends,love, and giving thats what its all about. (you do the reindeer pokie and you turn yourself around...
:rolleyes1 )

Well welcome everybody and in case i get lost from my computer again Happy Holidays everybody from our asylum to yours.

Cheers-D :drinking1

Welcome back Denise.......Let me introduce myself......I am Lampy nicknamed "the Jester" on our 05 Turkeyday sailing...(check out the "live from....thread). I will be sailing with "the mayor" aka...Willie, Dubya etc. We sailed together in 04 and "took over" the "bunnies" thread after our 04 sailing and all the way to the end of the 05 sailing....we effectively took over the ship.....Dubya and I had the 33 staterooms and approximately 130 people linked to our reservations.....I WAS a blast!! Now we are here to "take over" YOUR thread and sailing....can you handle it? :rotfl2: :drinking1
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