15 days & 600+ pix. The trip report you've been waiting a year to read....

I know....I'm sorry youse guys :sad2: Has NEVER taken this long.... I appreciate that people actually read my reports! :laughing:

I am working on DH's birthday coming Saturday...Bubba's in < 2 weeks.

Also looking for a hotel in Tampa for night before our cruise this summer.

I haven't forgotten...it's just a busy holiday season and now January..... I know, I know...not an excuse! :headache:

I will try to get to it soon...promise.

Toss that mummy dust for me! :rolleyes1
I found your report yesterday. I loved last years and love this years as well. I'm trying to coax DH into going to Universal this year. So far not getting very far. He doesn't want to go anywhere! :scared1:
I have a question about the lockers. How does that work. Do you have to put your bag in a lokcer every time you ride anything? Or just the big stuff? I read the 1st 45 minutes are fee, but what if you are gone longer than that, how does that work? IF we go...and thats a big if, I will want to bring my big camera at least 2 days, and so I know that will have to go in a locker, along with my money if I bring a purse. Just tryingto get all the info I can, in case I get a yes. :love:
The rides that require lockers are free up to a certain point. It all depends on what the wait time posted is. So if the wait time is say 30 minutes. That's how long they are free. Any time after that and it's a couple of dollars I think. If you stay onsite though you can go on multiple times before time runs out lol. We did this on MIB. We must have rode it 10 times in a row one day!
Thanks. If we go, definately will be off site. So do all the rides require you do this?
Thanks. If we go, definately will be off site. So do all the rides require you do this?
I can't remember off the top of my head but if you ask on the boards. Mac or Metro or one of the other vets will chime in :D
US: Mummy and MIB

IOA: DD and Hulk

That's all...I *think* :rolleyes:
Great! Thanks. I was worried I that we would have to be hitting lockers half the trip. LOL!
Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit requires them as well. When Harry Potter opens, the attraction within Hogwarts Castle will most likely require lockers too. So that's 3 attractions per park.
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Day 13

We woke to a bright, beautiful, sunny day (I mean, so far, this IS Florida ya know!) After BIL's troops polished off the Cinnabons from yesterday and we had our breakfast, we all decided to head to the Studios today. Some went ahead and waited downstairs for the rest of us....some went to get coffee.

We all ended up meeting at the boat dock...and since the boat was there, (you remember the rule), we all hopped aboard. Shockingly, by about 10:30am, we were on our way to the park!

It's been a couple years since we've had our picture taken in front of the globe, so today was the day we decided to take our picture in front of it ....and BIL's family too. When we got home, I compared it to our family picture from 2007 and I won't go into how much our Bubba grew!! :scared:

We stopped at JN when we arrived at the Studios, and were just about to walk by HRRR, when the phone rang. It was FIL with a computer issue. So, while DH tried to talk him thru his problem, Bubba admired HRRR and BIL & SIL tried on some hats. I guess the locals were trying to look like tourists?

After about 10 minutes on the phone with Dad, we started walking...which, is normally what our clan does. We just start walking with no particular place to go and end up somewhere. Today, after passing Louie's and the statue, we learned the Beetlejuice show was just getting ready to start...so, that's where we ended up. This is not a show we will wait for, but we will see it if it's just about to start. One reason is because we've seen it and until they change it, there's no need to go out of our way to see it. It's always a fun show...even in the 'cheap seats'. Show pix: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

After the show,
we started walking again, stopped to use the restrooms. I took this pic for my girl Tracie. (See...I didn't forgetcha!) After some more walking, we found ourselves in line for Disaster! This is now a must do for us each year...heck, almost each day! We really like this attraction since it became Disaster!

We *almost* made it in for that show, but we were stopped just before the door...under the canopy! How can you complain about being stuck out in the shade? So, while waiting, someone in our group went across the street and got some nuts. It was something to snack on until the show....and hold hungry tummies over until after Disaster!... when we planned to go across the street to Lombard's for lunch.

Every year DH gets a picture of me taking a picture...this year was no different. This was the moment he decided to take his shot. I was taking a couple of pictures inside because I was never in a good standing position to do so before. I was so close to the wall, I couldn't get the whole thing in 1 shot.

Disaster! was a riot once again. DH, BIL & DNe were chosen as the 3 villians. They did a great job and were hilarious! Here they are getting instruction. DNe making sure he knows what to do. Ready? Camera. ACTION!

Everyone did a great job...they want everyone to be included in the filming.

Here is a link to what I could record...finished product starts at 3:18 toward the end: Video.

As I mentioned, Lombard's was the next stop for lunch. Nobody from our group had ever eaten here (altho we tried last year, but it was closed?) so we weren't sure what to expect. Seafood. That's what to expect. And, for those who don't care for seafood, like me (& my SIL is allergic to it), there are plenty of alternatives. We only had about a 20 minute wait, so we used the restrooms and took some pix in the lobby while waiting. This is a beautiful restaurant with a really neat aquarium in the center of it. To have the table next to it would be really cool.

We sat the kids at a table for 4 behind our table and it worked out wonderfully. The menu: starters, salads, soups, sandwiches, entrees and the children's menu 1 and 2.

We ordered wings and calamari for appetizers and drinks for everyone.

I had the NE Clam Chowder soup. DNi had the spaghetti, DS had the ravioli (which he said was very good!), DNe had a bacon cheeseburger, DNi had fish & fries, SIL split the Asian chicken sandwich with Nana, Grumpy had the fish & chips and DH had the steak sandwich.

Everyone enjoyed their food and had no complaints. I did ask Grumpy how his fish n chips were compared to the fish n chips at Finnegan's and he said they were the same. Guessing maybe the same food vendor? :confused3

Anyhow...desserts were like at Finnegan's too...shotdesserts...and of course, nobody complained about those!

After lunch, we headed in the direction of Simpsons & MIB...passing a Fear Factor show in progress...so, we kept walkin. I do believe the vote was for MIB first and that was a few spins. I had a really awesome score, but I lost it when I tried to do this report day before. When our clan goes, we always win and have high scores. I don't think my DH and BIL get less than 300-400K each time? After a few spins on MIB, DS & DNe posed for a cute pic. (Don't tell them it's "cute" tho!) :ssst:

Next up was Simpson's, and this was once or twice. Bubba couldn't wait to show his cousins how the phone outside the Kwik E Mart rings and there is actually someone on the other end! We didn't figure out what trips the phone to ring when someone is near it, but the cousins thought this was hilarious! They had a good time for about 5 minutes with that phone!! :goodvibes

And we are......movin' on.....

Headed toward ET and Woody's Coaster. We stopped to taking the annual traditional picture w/ Woody.

While waiting in line for some beverages, we caught the show. The characters came out and started doing their show.

It's not long and they will tell you where the characters will be for photo op's after the performance. (I don't get a lot of character photos because Bubba isn't into that anymore..so, if I want any character pix, it's gonna be me!) I did get a pic of my SIL & niece...who is, as you can see, quite in love with the camera.

Show over and beverages in hand, we all decided it was Mummy time and started to head in that direction. Took this picture for my girl Mac...didn't forgetchu either. I don't know why, but I took this picture on the way too.

We usually cut through Delancy St. and today was no different. Just across from the end of Delancy St. is the Delorean. Glad to see it's still there. We took some pictures of the cars from the Fast & the Furious movie they had sitting there.

Right around the corner was Mummy! And, yet another picture of HRRR just because it was there and a different angle! We are getting to the point where just about all of our group will ride the Mummy now. :cool1:

Not many stay behind and this time was no different. So, a couple of spins with different group members was in order.

After our last ride on the Mummy, we noticed it was getting close to time to heading back to the hotel to get ready for our reservations at Margaritaville. Good time too, as the sky was getting pretty dark. Storm was a'brewin! :eek:

We started to hoof it to the exit and as we rounded the corner, I saw the blackest sky I had EVER seen in Florida! :scared1: (and we were in Florida for Hurricane Charley in '04!) On our way to the exit, I remember thinking..."oh my..this isn't going to be good!" :sad2:

So we rushed everyone out of the park and couldn't believe our luck that a boat was just boarding to fill up to head to the hotel. We decided to grab the boat...which, after a while, made me wonder if that was a good idea?

They let us board the boat, but then we sat there almost 15 minutes while they tried to determine if they were going to go? Go already and it wouldn't be a problem!! Nobody was really coming and it felt like an eternity we sat there...all the while watching the dark claim more of the sky above.

Finally, they did decide to go and we were off. I had never seen such a dark sky over CityWalk, and such blue skies over the parks. Like night and day. Half way to the hotel, the rain started...and it was heavy! The sky opened up and it poured buckets! As we docked at the Portofino, I took my flipflops off and we all RAN from the boat to the hotel entrance (the West Wing..which, is the closest entrance and not far at all) getting completely soaked in the process. I kid you not, I was as wet running from the boat to the hotel entrance as I was after riding Popeye! My flipflops stayed relatively dry tho...mostly because I took them off! :idea:

We all crammed into 1 elevator and headed up to the rooms to get ready for our 7:30 dinner res at Margaritaville. Having the 2 bedroom Portofino Suite, along with the other standard room on the other side of our bedroom, was going to help greatly in getting ready to go. 11 people and 4 showers was a good plan...and, it worked fabulously! We all were ready in plenty of time...BUT, BIL had a leaky window in their room :rolleyes: We had to call maintenance up to look at it. Well, it seemed forever till they got there, and once they did, they stood around and did a lot of scratchin' the ole head! They had no idea what to do. I believe them being there was about 15 minutes or so, and they found out the people in the room directly above them had left their balcony doors open and that was the cause of the leak. Whether that was true or not, I have no idea. I do know BIL mentioned something about a discount, but I don't know if he mentioned it at checkout and got anything or not?

We were finally on our way out of the hotel at 7:30 for our 7:30 reservation at Margaritaville. I called the restaurant as we were getting off the elevator to let them know we were on our way. I apologized and explained we had had a problem with a leak in our room and that delayed us. They said "no problem" and I assured them we were on our way.

On our way in our rain ponchos because it was STILL pouring.
We decided to walk because the boat was not there and most likely not running in the rain anyway. We figured we'd get there faster.

We were a half an hour late for our reservation, but our table was set and still waiting for us. After we sat down and got settled, I took the handtowel from our bathroom out of my bag and dried my legs off and changed the flipflops I was wearing (I knew my feet would get soaked, so I brought a small towel and change of flops :) ) A couple of others used the towel to dry off their legs and hands, but thank goodness for rain ponchos...our clothes were dry. (and, in an airconditioned restaurant, you don't want wet clothes!)

After getting settled and ordering our (two) nachos, and calamari, the kids had the poor stiltwalker making all sorts of balloon things. They started with parrothead hats, then some monkeys, then Bubba got the idea to make the monkeys attached to a 'hat'. Even Nana got in on the action, and SIL got parrotheaded too! Then they had some more monkeys on hats, even BIL got a bike (there was a joke with that one)....but all the kids decided to go with a gummybear party. Everyone got something...the kids more than 1 balloon craft!

Now, every year, I take menu pix. I don't know why, but I did, so here they are: soups/sides, salads, grille/catch of the day, adult beverages, burgers and beer/wine/desserts.

As for dinner, everything was good as usual...including my margaritas. There aren't any pix of food from dinner, because quite frankly, I was feelin the buzz and didn't think to! :rolleyes1 But, I know there are food pix in my past reports, since we visit Margaritaville every year at least once! Heck...here's one more of the famous nachos!

I don't know how anyone had any room for dinner since our table finished both plates of nachos and the calamari. :confused3 We even ordered two desserts for everyone after dinner. (Our norm is to get 2 desserts and 11 spoons and 'pass' the dessert around.) Somehow Bubba ended up with his own dessert? Ended up sharing with his cousin after realizing his eyes were bigger than his stomach! :laughing: Here is a pic of the key lime pie...or, what's left of it.

Tonite Grumpy picked up the tab, and I remember there being a problem with a couple of the dinners. I also remember it was no big deal...not big enough to deduct 50% of the bill! All I know is our bill was under $200 for 11 people...INCLUDING the bar bill! I felt bad they deducted that much considering we were so late....but, it was in Grumpy's hands, not mine. I do know that is probably the CHEAPEST bill EVER at Margaritaville for our group and it will most likely never happen again!

That said, bill paid, off to CityWalk we go.

CityWalk was just a nice stroll after dinner (drinks in hand of course!). Here's someone who had a little too many drinks in hand...I was holding someone's hat and balloons and the darn hat wouldn't stay on my head!? How did they do that?
Anyhow, the kids played some of the carnie games at CityWalk.

After games, some headed to the surf shop to shop, others played some games. We ended up at NASCAR Grille to play in the arcade upstairs, but we had to settle for the Daytona Race games downstairs because they were hosting a pay-per-view wrestling event upstairs. I needed to use the ladies room and I almost wasn't allowed because I didn't have a ticket to their event. Give me a break! Maybe they should think about restrooms downstairs then

We didn't stay too long playing the Daytona game...maybe 3 games or so of the kids racing? After that, we went out to CityWalk to wait for those who went to the surf shop and relax. It wasn't too long before they were outta money and back with us.

We slowly strolled back to the Portofino.

The kids were tired and hit the hay and I and Nana went upstairs with them. I was tired too, and just didn't feel like a drink at Thirsty Fish (which, still closes at 1:30am...what is up with that?). I think DH said they had 1 drink and they were right back upstairs in no time. We didn't remember to bring the tripod this trip, so all my night pix of the PBH are in last year's report. But, I could sit and look at it lit up at night all night long...just beautiful!

So, that ends our day today. Time for bed.
Yay!!! An update. What a fun day and you do so much in a day too. I am so hungry after seeing the food pics!
Thanks for the great update.:thumbsup2 I'm really enjoying your report, it's getting me excited for our trip in May. Thanks also for posting the menus, now I have an idea about where to eat when we go.
What a fun day and you do so much in a day too. I am so hungry after seeing the food pics!

Actually I never thought we did, but it does seem like it...doesn't it? :laughing:

Barbs back, with another excellent installment

You knew I would be...just took a bit longer this year :headache: 2 more days to go....

Thanks also for posting the menus, now I have an idea about where to eat when we go.

I always take pix of menus (maybe 1 or 2 exceptions). But if you look back to all my trip reports, there are usually menu pix. ;)
Actually I never thought we did, but it does seem like it...doesn't it? :laughing:

You knew I would be...just took a bit longer this year :headache: 2 more days to go....

I always take pix of menus (maybe 1 or 2 exceptions). But if you look back to all my trip reports, there are usually menu pix. ;)

Hi Barb, with all that snow there, maybe you will get the rest of the trippie finished :rolleyes1
Hi Barb, with all that snow there, maybe you will get the rest of the trippie finished :rolleyes1

:lmao: Been doin nothin but shovelin! And, the boss is away...so guess who had to shovel out work? :headache: Luckily DH helped...he's the best! :love2:

Here's a sample of what we got (on top of the 12" from LAST weekend!):

This is from yesterday (we went out a total of 3 times yesterday).....

It was a challenge clearing out the cars. There just wasn't anywhere to put the snow anymore.



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