15 days & 600+ pix. The trip report you've been waiting a year to read....

bubba's mom

<font color=red>Proud Redhead<br><font color=darko
Jul 14, 2004
Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 1

After the usual day of getting ready to go and last minute packing, after dinner we dropped Max (our relatively 'new' puppy) off at my Mom's on our way to our hotel at the Phila. airport. We headed to what I thought was the Comfort Inn...turned out to be the Quality Hotel. :rolleyes1 We arrived around 8pm-ish. I called Tracie (aka "tlinus") to let her know where I was and that there was a pool there. She and her "Beans" visited and her youngest two enjoyed the pool, for about an hour. We had a nice chat/visit. They stayed until about 10ish and then headed home...which, wasn't far for her. We headed up to our room to get ready for bed. Early flight in the morning.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Day 2

When we checked in last night, we had scheduled a 4:30am wake-up call...never came. :mad: It's our backup plan to our alarmclock we set for 4:20. Even though the bed seemed to be the size of a shoebox (used to king at home...this was a double?), I managed to get more sleep this year compared to other years. But, I was still up before the alarm...as usual.

We got cleaned up and made it downstairs about 5:10am for our scheduled 5:20am shuttle.

We left on the airport shuttle on time, if not early...

We arrived at PHL and the line for curbside check-in was outrageous. We decided to go inside, as we always do, and the line was long inside too, but moved a LOT faster than the outside line. We were at our gate so early, we were sitting with the people there for the flight before ours (6:40am)! :laughing: (Our flight didn't leave till 7:30am this year.)

Bubba and I watched Hotel for Dogs on my laptop on the flight down (good movie) while eating breakfast. Breakfast usually consists of some mini donuts and individually wrapped danishes.... We have a routine that works for us.

We departed on time and the flight was going well....that is, until we got closer to Florida when the captain put the seatbelt sign on because of thunderstorms/bad weather. The captain announced we were going to be 24 minutes late because of the alternate route and even had the flight crew return to their seats. (I was thinking, 'Why 24 minutes? Why not say 25 or even 30? 24? Jeez....) They were flying us down the Gulf side of Florida instead of the usual ocean side because of the storms. Still, they anticipated some turbulence and we got it. At one point, we could feel quite a bit of a drop (those seatbelts came in handy) and the little 4 yr old girl sitting in front of us exclaimed "that was awesome"...getting a chuckle from surrounding passengers. The gal behind me didn't think it was so awesome. She was using the "bags" provided by the airline. :sick: (Here's a tidbit for ya....Did you know FAA rules prohibit personal items in the seatback pockets? Including a book or bottle of water? :confused3 This was new info to me...)

We finally arrive at MCO about 35 minutes later than we were scheduled to but, no matter...we're not in any hurry to be anywhere. Of course we beat our luggage down to the baggage claim, got a good spot and waited for our bags. After a while (longer than usual wait for MCO) we get our bags and trek over to pick up our rental car from Budget.

We walked right up to check in at the counter and the lovely gal does our paperwork while trying to sell us an upgrade. Well, if I WANTED to spend more money on a bigger car, I woulda just booked a bigger car...duh. We finished up our paperwork and headed for the garage.

We picked up the car (Chevy Aveo) and DH drove it about 15 feet out of the parking spot, stopped and backed it up and returned it to the parking spot. It would seem there was some sort of hesitation with what he believed to be the transmission...could have been the engine, but with the distances we would be driving, we weren't taking any chances. We went back to the counter (outside) and asked for a different car explaining our concern. They were very nice and fixed us up with a Hyundai Accent...with XM radio...bonus! :banana:

Our plan was to head to my BILs, but being AP holders, parking is free at Universal, and BIL & SIL were working, soooooo....we decided to head to Universal for the day....rain ponchos and all. If you recall last year's trip report, our new rule is to carry rain ponchos if we're not 'dressed to get wet'. :thumbsup2

This was our first time being a day guest at Universal. :scared: We made sure to take a picture of where we parked (see how happy Bubba is to be a 'day' guest?) I had never been in the parking garage and I thought it was very nice. Covered from the rain and sun beating down on your car. I will admit, it's quite a hike, but still, a nice walk. View from parking garage. As you can see, it wasn't a very nice day... keeping the crowds down.

It was close to noon and we decided on the Burger King Whopper Bar for lunch. Didn't see anything we were in the mood for at Moe's or Panda Express, so BK it was. Note: AP holders receive 10% discount at BK....just make sure the person working gives it to you! I would assume Moe's & Panda Express also give it, since the three of them are together in a small food court area. Moe's menu 1. Menu 2. Menu 3. BK menu: 1, 2, and 3. I think there was a bit of a line, because Bubba was tired of waiting, and waiting.... Finally, DH and whoppers returned...and, I feel they are bigger than the whoppers here at home...but, that's my opinion.

After lunch, it was poncho time.
But, I wanted a picture before we 'waterproofed' and started on our way to the park. Ice cream...yum! And, just because I missed H&H last time, I took the picture this year. After the few pictures, we donned ponchos and Bubba wanted to ride MIB. We stopped to catch part of the Animal Actors show on the way to MIB. If for no other reason, than to get out of the rain for a bit. (Even saw the new HRRR on the way.)

As we were on our way to MIB, we noticed the line for Simpson's was really short....almost non-existent. So, we decided to hop on Simpsons and we walked right on. :goodvibes It was a lucky break, because as we exited the ride, we could see a line had formed. We were going to go again, but decided against it after seeing the line. (It wasn't a long line, but, still a line. And, when you're spoiled with FOTL like we normally are, you just don't want to wait in a line.) :snooty:

We made it to MIB and checked my bag in a locker. We entered the single rider line and as we approached the rope at the entrance, they were letting single riders in. We walked right on. Note: If you are wearing a rain poncho, you will have to take it off and sit on it. Most times Bubba was in a car with one of us, but he's done these rides so often, he's familiar with them and knows where to wait. We must have done MIB 3 times in about 10 minutes. There was even a guy in line waiting to board his car, and when DH walked by him, he asked him how long he waited. When DH explained about 10 min, he had the look of 'darn it' on his face. :rolleyes1 Then DH said it was 10 min for about 3 different rides. I'm guessing some people still don't know what single rider lines are for? The only drawback I could see to it, is with EP, you are always on the left track. 2 out of 3 times we were on the right track, and we're not as good on that side because we're not familiar with that side. (Altho I did get 354,000 on that side and even with that score, my car still lost. [Tells ya how crappy the rest of my car did! :sad2: ] The lady next to me couldn't believe my score and was showing her husband. I told her that was just 'ok' for me....out of my element and all...I thought it was funny.)

After a few spins on MIB, Bubba wanted to see ET. We headed that direction (not thinking about we don't have EP and ET doesn't have single rider line) and found the wait to be about 15 min. Not bad...and, it was out of the rain...so, we decided to hang out.

After ET, we headed for Disaster! ...a show we've come to enjoy. That was a little bit of a wait (maybe 15-20 min.), but it was a standby queue we'd never been in before. Turns out, we are missing nada. These are all the pix from the queue: 1, 2 and 3.

After Disaster!, it was on to Shrek (again, not thinking, no EP), stopping to take a pic of a Fast & Furious car. The wait wasn't bad...I think we got into the next show (the auditorium holds 300 people). Now, if you've ever done Shrek, you know it's really not all that long of a show. But, my DH found this to be the perfect time to catch a couple . (It helped our seats weren't working up to 100% capacity...missed a few things and they were relatively steady). After the show was over, and DH woke up, we headed to Pat O'Brien's for dinner....passing Bob Marley, Tribute to Freedom on the way.

Pat's wasn't busy...either because it was early (5:00ish) or the rain chased everyone away? Whatever the case was, we had a pianist there and she was very nice. There were a couple other tables and she was taking requests. While she played, Bubba told me the only thing he could come up with was Linus & Lucy (from Peanuts). He was going to request it, but she played it on her own. Imagine how surprised he was!

While she was playing some Billy Joel and other songs, Bubba had the pizza, I had a chicken sandwich and DH had the jambalaya. We also ordered a bag o' beignets for dessert and enjoyed the carmel dipping sauce that came with it.

After dinner, we decided since we'd be coming back and staying at PBH in 9 days, we'd head out and over to BILs. I saw the hotel shuttles on our way out and took a picture of them ...for those who've never seen them. It was a pretty uneventful drive over to New Smyrna Beach where they live, but we did slow down in traffic right near the Wesh 2 weather radar. Bubba read a book on the way, while I tried to aim the heat on our sneakers to dry them out...they were absolutely soaked from walking around in the rain all day.

We got to BIL's around 7:30-8pm, and stayed up till about midnight talking and catching up....a looong day considering we were up by 4:30am that morning. Our nephew who moved down to Florida about a year ago or so, stopped by for the evening too (he lives around the corner from BIL). It was a nice, family night of hanging out.

Around midnight we decided to hit the hay......

Tomorrow is another day.
The lady behind you was using the barf bag? Oh you poor thing. I mean, I feel sorry for her too for being sick, but that is the kind of thing that makes everyone around miserable. And on a plane, you're stuck.

I've never been anything but a day guest at Universal. Maybe one of these days I can hob nob with you fancy pants onsite guests. :snooty: :laughing:

I think the Whoppers look bigger, but maybe it is just how they are presented. I think we need to take a tape measure next time and solve the debate once and for all. That sounds like an important experiment to me. Maybe we could get a federal grant to pay for the trip... :rolleyes1

Sorry about the bumpy flight and soggy day, but it sounds like you made the most of it and had fun anyway! :goodvibes
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 3

This day we woke to overcast skies. :guilty: One of the reasons we decided to go BILs this year, was so Bubba could check out the Florida beach. Brother & Sister-in-law had to work today, so we took our nephew and niece to the beach with us. Since it was cloudy and overcast, we only stayed about an hour, but that was plenty of time to see some porpoises swimming down the coast and some fish jumping out of the water. Our niece and I decided to stay out of the very cold ocean.

After the quick jaunt to the beach, we stopped at Manny's for some pizza for lunch. In the meantime, SIL finished up with work and stopped by to join us. She arrived just after drinks were delivered...perfect timing. We had a nice lunch of drinks, pizza and spitballs (don't ask!) :ssst:

After lunch, DH had wanted to go to the local surf shop in search of some new Reefs (flipflops). We headed to the two surfshops and found him a nice, new, comfy pair.

After shopping, we all strolled up Flagler Ave and window shopped. We even found the brick my BIL & SIL received as a wedding gift. She knew it was there, but didn't remember where exactly on the stretch of sidewalk. Once we found it, we took a picture of it in front of the Flagler Tavern so she wouldn't forget where it was again. When I went to take a picture of it with my camera and I got a "lens error" ...wth? If you read last year's trip report, you'll recall I dropped and broke my camera at Disney's cruise terminal just before boarding for our cruise. When I got home, I bought a new camera and got coverage on it for everything.... As you can imagine, I was not a happy camper. (I got DH to take the picture with the videocamera.)

It started to drizzle, again, so we headed home for showers and dinner. Our other nephew stopped over again and BIL made a nice steak dinner for everyone. We played some Wii and exchanged watching last summer's family vacation videos and did more talking..... The kids were even engaging in a game of hide 'n seek (small house to be doing so) and it got interesting when they were texting with the cell phones to each other. :confused3 Niece Casey on the computer, niece Corinne on her phone.

It was a pretty uneventful night...but full of good times with family.....that we only see once a year.

Again, up until about midnight before calling it a night .....but, now we can sleep in the next morning! :teeth:

Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 1

After the usual day of getting ready to go and last minute packing, after dinner we dropped Max (our relatively 'new' puppy) off at my Mom's on our way to our hotel at the Phila. airport. We headed to what I thought was the Comfort Inn...turned out to be the Quality Hotel. :rolleyes1 We arrived around 8pm-ish. I called Tracie (aka "tlinus") to let her know where I was and that there was a pool there. She and her "Beans" visited and her youngest two enjoyed the pool, for about an hour. We had a nice chat/visit. They stayed until about 10ish and then headed home...which, wasn't far for her. We headed up to our room to get ready for bed. Early flight in the morning.

Holy Schmolie! Bubba has GROWN like a weed!
The lady behind you was using the barf bag? Oh you poor thing. I mean, I feel sorry for her too for being sick, but that is the kind of thing that makes everyone around miserable. And on a plane, you're stuck.

Actually....I didn't notice (since she was directly behind me)...it was DH who turned his head and happened to notice. :scared:

I've never been anything but a day guest at Universal. Maybe one of these days I can hob nob with you fancy pants onsite guests. :snooty: :laughing:

We would love you to "hob nob" around with us! :thumbsup2 You don't know whatcher missing :hug: Wait! Does that mean I have to wear my "fancy pants"? :confused: :teeth:

I think the Whoppers look bigger, but maybe it is just how they are presented. I think we need to take a tape measure next time and solve the debate once and for all. That sounds like an important experiment to me. Maybe we could get a federal grant to pay for the trip... :rolleyes1

Count me in if you can....wait! Wouldn't WE the taxpayers still be paying for it? :confused3

Glad you're here!:thumbsup2

Loving it...keep it up!!!!:goodvibes

Oh...I gots tons more pix and lots more to tell....(tomorrow alone is 100 pix :eek: )

Dontcha mean popcorn:: ?


Holy Schmolie! Bubba has GROWN like a weed!

In the first night when Tracie and the Beans came to visit, her youngest daughter Cbean was 10 that day...Bubba was 10 in Jan. They are the same age and he has like a whole head on her! :eek: Her oldest bean, K, is 14 and 3" taller than Bubs. (Bub's is 5') :faint:
sign me up:goodvibes

wow, quite a few bumps to start the trip out:confused3really stinks re ur camera, all better now?

randy must be a very sound snoozer to sleep thru shrek:laughing:, must say i've closed my eyes for spell more than once on that sort of ride, too bad they have to ruin the genre with moving seats, feathers, water, all sorts of disturbing things

guess it's safe to say no $1 value menu @ BK, our standard, still nice to have the option i guess
sooo, lighthouses aheadpopcorn::

Hey - I am here!!! Me and my beanos have hit the BigTime by making an appearance in a Barb Trippie......:cool1::cool1:

Won't give you a hard time. Will wait for more.

Right here.

Subcribing popcorn::

Your TR intrigued me since your trip date seems to be the same/similar as mine, but for NEXT year though. Thought I'd ride along in hopes of being able to note some trends that I didn't take into account for our trip (*Note to self*-rained June 29th AND 30th), and to simply enjoy this mah-velously detailed journey. Great job :thumbsup2...love the pics. Waiting patiently for more.
I so look forward to your trip reports!!! Always filled with tons of photos. I caught my hubby reading over my shoulder.
Been away from the boards for awhile since it depresses me knowing we are not going back till 2011. HOWEVER!!!!! a quick stop put me in a good mood after finding the beginnings of your TR!
really stinks re ur camera, all better now?

::yes:: Hasn't had that problem again. :confused3

keishashadow said:
guess it's safe to say no $1 value menu @ BK, our standard, still nice to have the option i guess

No...no $1 menu, but value meals and choices you don't have at home (mushrooms, angus, etc)

keishashadow said:
sooo, lighthouses ahead popcorn::


Me and my beanos have hit the BigTime by making an appearance in a Barb Trippie......:cool1::cool1:

Yes you have! :woohoo: I hope it's not another year till we get to see you guys again. :rolleyes:

Your TR intrigued me since your trip date seems to be the same/similar as mine, but for NEXT year though. Thought I'd ride along in hopes of being able to note some trends that I didn't take into account for our trip (*Note to self*-rained June 29th AND 30th), and to simply enjoy this mah-velously detailed journey. Great job :thumbsup2...love the pics. Waiting patiently for more.

We usually go the end of June/beginning of July every year and it normally doesn't hardly rain at all! Normally it's a 10-20 minute shower that passes thru and you can be doing an attraction or eating while it's happening. It's rare for rain to last all day like it did this year. :confused3

I caught my hubby reading over my shoulder.

:rolleyes1 Busted!! :laughing:

Been away from the boards for awhile since it depresses me knowing we are not going back till 2011. HOWEVER!!!!! a quick stop put me in a good mood after finding the beginnings of your TR!

Glad I could help? :laughing: Don't worry, for 2011, you have to start planning and booking your room next year...before you know it, your trip will be here!


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