150 Club....Care to join??? Continued.

I don't have any "secrets" but I can tell you what works for me... I drink 7-8 bottles of water a day... That way my body doesn't hold on to all my water... I monitor my calories heavily... I measure EVERYTHING that has a calorie... i mean i count out my chips, i measure most condiments, i weigh chicken... everything! lol... I try to work out 4-5 days a week... I do 30-35 minutes on the elliptical. Now don't get me wrong. I have fallen off the wagon like a lot of people. I just realized that I can't limit everything. I eat carbs and what not I just try to find ways to make the things I like diet friendly... Like last night I made tuna melts... I used 1 can of tuna, 3 tbsp of light mayo, celery and onion for the tuna. I used Aunt Hatties Extra Fiber wheat bread, non fat cheese and I can't believe its not butter spray. I ate 2 sandwiches for about 650 calories and 1 serving of fritos which was 160 I think... because I ate low the rest of the day my total for the day was 1169... its just a matter of budgeting and watching and deciding which calories are worth it to you... I prefer a large dinner to a large breakfast but if you are the opposite then do what works for you... We are all here to support you!! :grouphug: I hope this helps :)

Have a magical day! pixiedust:

I pretty much follow the same formulas as Sarah. I don't deprive, just limit and count. And work out a lot. And drink tons of water.

And, I am excited... down 7.4 lbs since I returned from Disney on Feb 4th.

I did have to skip the gym today since I have been on a conference call from 9:30AM and am still on it...

Raen, great for resisting the cookie!!
I pretty much follow the same formulas as Sarah. I don't deprive, just limit and count. And work out a lot. And drink tons of water.

And, I am excited... down 7.4 lbs since I returned from Disney on Feb 4th.

I did have to skip the gym today since I have been on a conference call from 9:30AM and am still on it...

Raen, great for resisting the cookie!!

poo on them for making you miss the gym... LOL!
i didnt Pig out of V-day Candy!:thumbsup2
i have been drinking alot more water in school and drinking Diet Soda instead of Regular at Lunchtime! im getting there:hyper:
Hope Everyone had a Wonderful V-day:goodvibes
Okay, I'm in! My name is Pam and I am 44 yrs old (still find that hard to believe) and am setting my first goal at 150 lbs, which means that I have 22 lbs to lose. Eventually I would like to see 130 again. I am a mother of 3 boys age 25, 23 and 17. My oldest son & gf got involved in drugs and we have had custody of their 2 sons (6 & 4) for 3.5 years now. What a life style change that was. My middle son is getting married next Saturday and the 17 has been nothing but an angel! I always say that God sent him in between the first 2 and the 2 little ones to give me a break! :)

I work full time as the Head Custodian of a High School. I know it is an old exuse but it is sooooo hard to find time to exercise. But I know that I need to squeeze it in there, I just need to figure out where!

I am determined to check in and post often. That way I will feel somewhat accountable.

I wish everyone luck in reaching their goals!

Okay, I'm in! My name is Pam and I am 44 yrs old (still find that hard to believe) and am setting my first goal at 150 lbs, which means that I have 22 lbs to lose. Eventually I would like to see 130 again. I am a mother of 3 boys age 25, 23 and 17. My oldest son & gf got involved in drugs and we have had custody of their 2 sons (6 & 4) for 3.5 years now. What a life style change that was. My middle son is getting married next Saturday and the 17 has been nothing but an angel! I always say that God sent him in between the first 2 and the 2 little ones to give me a break! :)

I work full time as the Head Custodian of a High School. I know it is an old exuse but it is sooooo hard to find time to exercise. But I know that I need to squeeze it in there, I just need to figure out where!

I am determined to check in and post often. That way I will feel somewhat accountable.

I wish everyone luck in reaching their goals!


Welcome!!! :welcome:
Today was the day I officially have lost 20 lbs!!!Sarah

Congratulations Sarah!! 20 lbs is a huge accomplishment!!

Welcome Candis and Pam!!!

As for me I've been a little off the last two nights. I have done really well all day and then at dinner I haven't made the best choices. Not terrible but not as good as I would've liked. I'm hovering about 1800 calories for the last two days. Sooooo, hopefully I will maintain and not gain!!!

I hope everyone's weekend was good! We are going bowling tonight. So hopefully I'll burn a couple calories there!

Congratulations Sarah!! 20 lbs is a huge accomplishment!!

Welcome Candis and Pam!!!

As for me I've been a little off the last two nights. I have done really well all day and then at dinner I haven't made the best choices. Not terrible but not as good as I would've liked. I'm hovering about 1800 calories for the last two days. Sooooo, hopefully I will maintain and not gain!!!

I hope everyone's weekend was good! We are going bowling tonight. So hopefully I'll burn a couple calories there!


Hi Guys!

Super quick post -- Welcome, Pam!

The flu has hit our household, and it's not pretty. I will try to do a real post tomorrow. Congrats to everyone who's doing great, and encouragement for those of us sort of muddling along --You Can Do It!

Welcome Pam!

I am up .4 for the week. This week I am gong to try harder and get that scale to really budge!
Maria, I hope you are all feeling better soon!!

Raen, sorry to hear you are up. You have a great attitude! I hope you lose next week!!

I finally got on the elliptical yesterday. But today I took a mental health day and slept in. (school vacation!!) and then got on the computer and found out I had a virus and have spent about 5 hours trying to get rid of it. So I think I'm going to need another mental health day!!!!

Good luck everyone!!!
Hi Everyone!

I'm back! I did 4.5 miles on the TM yesterday, and ate fruit for snacks. That was a huge improvement. I think if I could just cut back on the sugar, I wouldn't crave it. It's just hard to make a clean break. I'm planning a stationary bike ride later.

February vacation (the kids in MA and most northeastern states all have this week off) is wreaking havoc with me. DS's camp is not in session, so dh and I are taking turns with him. I was off yesterday, I have him this afternoon and Friday afternoon. It's great to spend time with him, but it means I'm home where the kitchen is:scared1: I do much better when I pack a healthy lunch and snacks and don't have any other options.

Jennie -- I hope your computer woes are all a thing of the past.:surfweb: Enjoy all the mental health time you can get:thumbsup2

Raen -- Good luck with the "budging"! .4 could be anything, as long as you are doing the right things (unlike me), you will see results:rolleyes1

Sarah -- 20 lbs is awesome! You have worked very hard, and that is the result. We are all so proud of you!party:

Pam -- It sounds like you certainly have a full plate! My goodness, I can't imagine raising children and then starting all over, but we do what we have to, and your grandchildren are so lucky to have you:grouphug:

Kelsey -- I'm glad to hear your Valentine's Day went well! It is very hard with all that temptation. I think I'm good on candy until Easter. That day will be tough for me, since I gave up candy for Lent. I may hint to dh to get me a small portion of some really good chocolate, so I can indulge without going crazy:tilt:

Kat -- You are doing great! I'm still working hard to get the consistency up with my exercise, and trying to eat better. We have so much fruit at home, there really isn't any excuse to eat chips or cookies:sad2:

Ok, everyone have a fantastic losing day!
Hi everyone! Just found this thread and would like to join.
Would love to make 150 but do realize 160 may be the best I can do. Either way, I'm up for it and ready to roll.

I'm Liz - 43 yr old mom of a 19 yr old DS and wife to a great DH. Whole family is Disney nuts as evidenced by our DVC locations, APs and it's the only place DS still likes to go with us! Well, that and out to dinner....

Found WISH after (actually at) the WDW marathon weekend and being part of the running group is helping me with my plans to do ToT and the 1/2 next Jan. I've just found this thread and believe it will help me stay on track eating wise and help me get those pounds off.

This is such a great community!
Hey, Liz!


This thread is actually a continuation of another thread that was so big, it was closed by the Mods. It is the perfect time to join here, we are just getting started again with lots of new people!

I am a long way from the 150s, and I did the Half this past January. Trust me, you are going to do fine!

Ok, everybody keep working today!
Hey Everyone

Welcome to new comers!!:wave2:

i have lost 4 pounds. been eating Speical K and going out for walks after dinner:goodvibes im gonna get to be nice and thin for next year!!!:goodvibes :hyper:
mabye by summer i might be able to look good in a bathing Suite:hyper:
Kelsey (did I spell that right), great job!!! :yay: I love Special K, esp. the red berried version.

Welcome Liz!! I too have a ways until the 150s but I am steadily plugging along.
Welcome Liz!!! I also ran the 1/2 this past January and it was so much fun. Well until my hips said "Hey can you just stand still for like 5 mins and give me a break???!!!" LOL!! The wish team is the best! Oh and if you didn't do TOT last year, you are gonna looooove it! That was so fun to go on the rides after. My sister and I rode Tot 6 times in a row!

Congratulations Kelsey!! 4lbs! WAy to go. I haven't tried the Special K. I can't have too much milk so I don't usually have cereal. But maybe one day I'll try it.

Maria, way to go on the working out. I hear you on being home with kids and the kitchen. Although I'm a SAHM I try to go out and be out most of the time. But today the kid's wanted to make cookies. So we did. They haven't talked to me,yet, so I think I'm ok!!

Went for a quickie little stroll with the kids. Need to do a little more but at least I'm moving in the right direction. So far my computer is looking virus free! So I'm crossing my fingers!

Good day everyone!
So far this whole budging thing is not working for me. I think i might have a weight loss lag. Last week I was so-so and went up .4, but I think the .4 might have been from the week before. I am dealing with last weeks choices on the scale this week. Does that make sense? So if I am perfect this week I will see the result in two weeks. I don't know. It is a thought at least. I still have three whole days to my official weigh in so maybe I will get somewhere!
Hi everyone!

Sorry for being MIA again.. Caught a bad bad bad cold... Long story short I'm out of my 230s!!! Was 229.6 this morning!!! woohoo!!! The monthly is in town unfortunately so that may change but I hope not... Haven't been to the gym all week so my eating choices have been very careful... lol... stinky cold... I can't wait for it to leave... Well I hope everyone is doing well! :grouphug:
Hey, Ladies!

Good morning! The snow is steadily falling, and I should be concentrating, but it's just not happening. So, I'll do a short post...

Yesterday I did an hour on the TM. My pace was not the best, but it was better than staying on the couch. I did 10 miles on the bike the day before. I plan to do another 10 miles on the bike today, plus strength training.

DS is having his first sleepover tonight, so our house is filled with junk food. On the bright side, I'm sure the boys will eat all of it. I can't believe the appetites on these kids! :confused3 I think it's a growing boy thing.

Sarah -- So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Let yourself rest and get better. You have a great trip in just a few days!:woohoo:

Raen -- .4 is not something to worry about. It really could be anything at all. Wait and see how you are doing this week. Sometimes our bodies do their own thing ::yes::

Jennie -- How did the cookies work out? I am a terrible portioner, so I really have to only have access to what I intend to eat. Otherwise an ounce quickly becomes a bag...it's not pretty.:sad2:

Kelsey -- It sounds like you are doing great! 4 lbs. is something to :cheer2: about!

Kat -- Are you crazy at work again? I know it goes in cycles for you!;)

Liz -- Is the team challenge motivating you? It's making me workout when I'd rather not, so that's always a good thing!:cool1:

Pam and Candis -- How are you? :upsidedow

Ok, this could be a rough weekend, but we can get through it. A new week is just around the corner. Let's hit the ground running!



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