2 page layout sold for $760 on Ebay

Tag Fairy needs to give you a tag for
"Clean-up on aisle common sense!"..

I think I'll tell that one to my kids now!!! I have a few that need to be told that right now..
Hold on~
ok, they've been told.. the look on their face was like what? To which DH laughed in amusement!;)

DH, DS, and I (DD is just oblivious to a lot of things right now) really get a kick out of those Miller High Life commercials for some reason. I guess we're just easily entertained!:rotfl: I took DS to the eye Dr today for an exam and we found that he is slightly nearsighted. While waiting on his eyes to dialate, they had us looking at frames. Of course, there were no prices on the frames.;) The gal carried on and on about the flex frames, so I asked her how much they were. She said she didn't know (would have to look it up), then a few minutes later said they were at least $140 (just the frames). In the end, the starting figure for his glasses that they threw at me was $300!!!:scared1: I don't think so! I kindly asked for the script to do some shopping around (JCP gave me a quote for basically the same thing for $140).;) When we left, DS and I were talking about it. I told him I would get his glasses, just not there. We looked at each other and at the same time said, "$300 for a pair of glasses- y'all must be crazy!":rotfl: :rotfl:
Well that is just amazing. I showed DH and he thinks that it has to be faked, no one would be that stupid... but stupidity isn't a rare disease in this world unfortunately. :lmao:

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? About the fake stuff, I mean.
DH, DS, and I (DD is just oblivious to a lot of things right now) really get a kick out of those Miller High Life commercials for some reason. I guess we're just easily entertained!:rotfl: I took DS to the eye Dr today for an exam and we found that he is slightly nearsighted. While waiting on his eyes to dialate, they had us looking at frames. Of course, there were no prices on the frames.;) The gal carried on and on about the flex frames, so I asked her how much they were. She said she didn't know (would have to look it up), then a few minutes later said they were at least $140 (just the frames). In the end, the starting figure for his glasses that they threw at me was $300!!!:scared1: I don't think so! I kindly asked for the script to do some shopping around (JCP gave me a quote for basically the same thing for $140).;) When we left, DS and I were talking about it. I told him I would get his glasses, just not there. We looked at each other and at the same time said, "$300 for a pair of glasses- y'all must be crazy!":rotfl: :rotfl:

Wow! Thank gosh we have eye insurance. are total is minimal... provided of course we stay w/in the limit on frames.. WE are pretty lucky, our eye dr. will only show you the frames in your limit and will ask if you want to go out of pocket on any of it.. The only thing I pay extra for is.. DH's contacts..and my transition lens.. So far DD is just mildly nearsighted and all the boys are fine... that could change though..considering DH both wear glasses and DH's ex has glasses...

Good thing you shopped around!!!!
Go take a look at the buyer's history- she paid for it. From the looks of it, this person has no problem spending money! I still can't believe she paid that much.:sad2: Don't get me wrong- it is really cute and am sure the seller put a little bit of time into it. I really have to wonder how much the seller spent in supplies for this? How hard would this be to re-create if one wanted to? I'd bet any of us here could...
I saw the thread on 2peas. I suspect the buyer is a VERY well off individual who is putting together an Easter album. People that well off, spend money a whole lot different than you or I would. I have friends who are Disney collectors, and one guy has been in the high end stuff for almost 40 years now (he's bought stuff from the heirs of Tyson foods, for example). And several are active on Ebay. Normally, they just put outrageous bids in like $10,000 for an item that should sell for no more than $30, just to guarantee they get it. Occasionally, two of those type of bidders end up wanting the same thing and the auction goes insane. But to them it is pocket change, and they really want it.
There were 58 bids on this and the person below the winner bid $750.00. (Think I'd be making her one in a heartbeat). Can you imagine looking at Cinderella's castle laughing your *** off because you made 2 of these and sold them at such an incredible profit!
Wow! Thank gosh we have eye insurance. are total is minimal... provided of course we stay w/in the limit on frames.. WE are pretty lucky, our eye dr. will only show you the frames in your limit and will ask if you want to go out of pocket on any of it.. The only thing I pay extra for is.. DH's contacts..and my transition lens.. So far DD is just mildly nearsighted and all the boys are fine... that could change though..considering DH both wear glasses and DH's ex has glasses...

Good thing you shopped around!!!!

Unfortunately, we don't have eye insurance. We could get something through AFLAC, but for what they want too much a week for it and for what they pay out, it isn't worth it. I have a few more places to check but I know I won't be getting them at the Drs office.;)
I copied the pics to my desktop and I think I'll try to create one after I get some fundage. Should be interesting. I'll keep a tally of how much I spent and how much time it took.
Ok, seriously here....... yes, this winner bidded that much, but what about the other *crazy* people who actually tried to bid against her for it??!! What the HECK are they thinking??
When i first looked at this, part of me was (still is i guess) can't help but wonder if it's -- um,-- played into.. as far as bidding.. It's a known thing that some people have friends/family bid outragous on things to up the bidding war, and to get their names known.. Sure would have worked for this seller.. Not saying that is what happened here, but makes me really wonder what is going on..
Seriously...... I just hope if it *IS* legit, this person is as generous to charity as they are to buying stupidly.
Here's the link to the post on the Cricut board where she talks about how she made it. Good luck on recreating it. Better you than me!!!

Will you repost the link again? I want to know how she did a few of the things. Thanks
The page is lovely without a doubt -- a serious amount of talent that I certainly do not possess. I have a question though. I don't make pages with that much detail -- once you add the photos does it lose something? Do the photos take away from the page? But shouldn't the page be showing off the photos? I guess I think that the page itself is so incredible it would overwhelm whatever photos you used.

And after having paid $760 for this layout, how do you casually slap on a photo? Will the buyer plan the kids Easter outfits around the layout? I suppose that if she has $760 for a layout, she'll probably hire a professional for the photos.
I wouldn't buy that but maybe the buyer looks at it as art.
A painting may have a few dollars worth of paint and board but it takes years and a big investment to get there.

Think of all the money you have put into your sb materials, maybe that is how the buyer sees it.

I imagine you think some of your pages are great works of art and they ARE!
I was telling DH yesterday that I could never add pictures to that layout because my pics aren't nice enough!

Seriously, this buyer has spent several hundred dollars in the past two weeks on Easter and boy layouts. She obviously has serious $$ hanging around. Oh well, to each his own. I'm more jealous than anything. :goodvibes
If that buyer has so much extra cash laying around that she has to buy a scrapbook layout for $750... she could throw some cash my way!! Are you serious????? That much money????:confused3
I have actually had that particular seller as one of my favorites for over 2 years. Although I have never bought anything from her I enjoy looking at her work and the creative layouts that she comes up with. Her stuff always sells for lots of $$$ but $760 is the most I have ever seen. If you look at her "ME" page you can see some of the pages she has done in the past.

Another seller I watch too that has very similar layouts is craftyemg and her stuff sells for lots of $$$ too.

I agree with those who said with all that detail the pictures would get lost. To me scrapbooking is in the pictures and the memories not all the other fluff on the pages, that's probably why I have gone back to the old type of scrapbooks/albums that just hold 4x6 pictures only and I don't have to do a whole layout for just a few pictures.
You know, I don't dispute that she is incredibly talented and I think she deserves everything that people are willing to pay for a layout like that. I think the buyer is the nutjob.

I agree with you, DisneyDogs, that my scrapping is about my pictures. I love my pictures but I don't necessarily think that they go well with a layout that ornate. I adored her Snow layout but would never put pictures on it. I think it would make a darling wall hanging. I prefer my simpler scrapping style.
To me, scrapbooking is all about the pleasure (and pain) of coming up with a layout and picking out the materials, and doing it myself. I don't get buying a layout.


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