20,000 Leagues of Running (comments welcome)

I'm terrible about upper body workouts. Any suggestions?
You don't have to make it fancy. I'd suggest three or four exercises:
1. Push-ups: start on your knees if you need to; just add more reps to work harder (or add a weighted vest). There are variations if you want to make it more interesting.

2. Lat pull-downs.
The video shows them with a machine at the gym, but you can do these at home with a band if you have an attachment to hook the band up high somewhere, like the top of a door. Pull-ups are the ideal pulling exercise, but I'm assuming you don't have the strength for those. (I used to, but not any more.)

3. Shoulder press.

4. If you want another one, maybe try some sort of dumbbell row or fly, aiming to work the back and/or shoulders. You can Google lots of stuff.

You'll get the most bang for your buck by doing high weight and low rep. Unless you're really banging away at a lot more upper body work than this, you're not going to get big. (That amazing muscled woman in the shoulder press video is doing a heck of a lot more than these exercises, LOL!)
Some weeks are magical and some are Cruella.This one was the latter for sure!

My depression acted up almost every single day, which just made the whole week feel crappy. And it's super hard to get motivated to go out for a run in the cold when you don't feel motivated to do anything, even though both my therapists tell me that exercise is good for my depression. And hell, I know it too, whenever I get to pound the pavement I can turn off everything and just run. But it was so hard this week.

I got out for a 45 minute run on Monday and did 4.5 miles. Good run all around. This was my first time trying a protein shake before my run. It tasted awful, but I held it down. I won't use it often for such a short run, this was just my first try, but I've been reading for longer runs you need protein beforehand and a chocolate shake drink is about all I can handle first thing in the morning.

I kept trying to get out again but there was just one thing after another. A deluge of rain. A nasty cold. Some kid's activities. My sour moods. Blech! Finally on Friday I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, which really just sucked. It was better than nothing, but not by much.

Friday night before bed I decided to get a lower body HITS style 10-minute workout in. I added some of the advice you all gave me but I forgot two things - warm up beforehand and take it easy to start. Either way, I managed to tweak the top part of my right calf. Great way to end the week.

I managed to get out and do an easy run on Sunday. I was supposed to do 6.5, but I only managed 5. It was cold and super windy - at one point it gusted so bad that I swear I was running at the same pace but not moving at all, just like in a cartoon. I took more walking breaks than usual too. Not being too hard on myself, I still managed good time, but I also tried to make smart decisions and not go too hard on my recovering calf.

One good thing to end the week on. I got myself a new pair of shoes to start the year. Nothing fancy, just a pair of fun colored Brooks, but I needed some extra cushion. My older pair is perfectly functional, so I plan to wear those on my short runs until they're done. I did some other retail therapy too (not that it helped my mood), but I'm happy to have a costume for my 10 miler.

One question to end the week on too. Lately I've been running about 15 miles per week. Not a huge amount, but not insignificant. I have also noticed that I am more tired than normal. Do you think this is this just a sleep issue or could it also be a dietary one? Any thoughts or resources would be appreciated.

Hope you all had a good week. Thanks for reading my lament LOL 😆


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Sorry you had such a sucky week. Hopefully this week will be better.

It's so hard to say what is causing fatigue. Could be diet or sleep or both...or something else. Since you were experiencing some depressive feelings, it seems like that could contribute, too. So seems like the best bet is to double down on eating your best, getting your sleep routine back to normal, and trying to get more runs in if you can. Sometimes more exercise can actually make you feel energized, if you don't overdo it. You might feel better if you feel like you're back "on plan", too.
Sometimes more exercise can actually make you feel energized
I took your advice and tried this today. I set the alarm for 5:40 and managed to get out of bed by around 6. It was 12F with a windchill of 4F, so I decided to run on the treadmill (which ended up being REALLY hot).

I ran for 45 minutes at what felt like my usual pace, but only managed about 3.5 miles. This is about a mile short of the pace I would usually have outside. I'm not stressing about it, because today was just a maintenance run and I really just wanted to get a workout in, just interesting to note.

I felt really good afterwards. Awake, energized, sweaty. I watched an episode of Secret Invasion and the time passed pretty quickly, so I was happy with this run. I'll probably try this again on Friday, but I'm hoping it warms up enough on Saturday or Sunday to get back outside.

I'm actually pleasantly surprised by Secret Invasion. I had read some really poor reviews, but halfway through the show I'm really liking the plot and the acting. I'd say it's about on par with the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Not the best TV show ever, but definitely entertaining.
Glad you had a good run! And I had completely forgotten about Secret Invasion. I watched the first couple of episodes but never finished the show. I'll probably finish it at some point but now that Echo is out and I'm finally done coast-to-coasting, that's going to have to come first.
So, last week was kind of a mess. The DC area got snow on Monday/Tuesday, which led to school being closed Tuesday and Wednesday. It wasn't a lot by my Canadian standards, but it was a good amount for DC - about 4" I think.

Then we got more snow Thursday/Friday (probably another 3-4"), which closed school on Friday.

Between having the kids home 4 out of 5 days and the 6ish inches of snow on the ground, I did not get a decent run in. The best I was able to manage was 35 minutes on the treadmill one day and 25 another. I'd say that meets the bare minimum definition of "maintenance run."

I did manage to get a bunch of cross training in - shoveling snow, sledding in the snow, walking the dog -- in the snow! I also did some real cross training sad managed to do core twice and legs once - no hurting myself this time!

Monday the kids were back in school, the snow was melting, and so I finally got my long run in. I drank a chocolate (ish) protein drink beforehand and ate a Gu halfway through (that birthday cake really hits the spot!). The first three plus miles were really easy, but the second three plus were harder. By the end I was really feeling it in my legs, but I managed 6.7 miles. It was mostly ice free paths too, but there were definitely a few times I would have liked a pair of cleats. Any suggestions?

I didn't want to push too hard, since I had a shorter long run last week (5.5 miles) and no real maintenance runs this week. Next week is an increase to 7.25.

Since @WillRunForPizza didn't have any puctures of her dog this week, here's one of mine in the snow LOL

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Picture of Beagle mix in pink jacket with her muzzle covered in snow

This week I also had a slight eBay mishap. I've been getting tired of running in the same bright orange running jacket, so I ordered a used runDisney jacket off of eBay (great deal too $25 instead of the usual $95). I ordered a medium (which is ALWAYS my size), but it end up being WAY to small and tight. I could hardly get my arms through and it wouldn't zip more than an inch. I managed to get most of my money back but didn't want to waste anymore, so I ordered a blue version of the running jacket I have now (just an Amazon Essential, if you'll believe it), and decked it out as an old school Varsity Letter jacket - Disney style! Ironing patches for 45 minutes also counts as cross training this week LOL

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Blue zip-up running jacket with letter D patch on right breast and Disney castle on left. Back of jacket with Disney character patches (note - lots of room for more!)
I miss snow! Although we don't handle it very well here, since it happens so rarely.

The jacket looks great! Did you get the patches on Amazon too? (And have you noticed that any time you type the word Amazon on here it automatically gets turned into a link to the website? Oh but apparently not if the word is italicized?) Or maybe it only links the first time you type Amazon in a post? Sorry this has just turned into me rambling as I try to figure this out! Ok only the first Amazon becomes a link. Weird.
It was mostly ice free paths too, but there were definitely a few times I would have liked a pair of cleats. Any suggestions?

I have a pair of Kahtoola Nanospikes that I will drag out if needed for specific conditions. I've come to the realization that regular snow of any depth, I can just run through. At the other end, ice is a total no-go. Spikes don't help with either of those conditions (for me). The spikes seem to work best for me on snow that has been packed--so is somewhat slick. Then the spikes can provide some traction.

I picked the nanospikes after some research which I can not remember, but I do recall that compared to YakTrax, they seemed more durable.

I miss snow!
I did too when I lived in Florida. But now I miss Disney and the Florida resident deals.
Did you get the patches on Amazon too?
I did! The patches of course cost almost as much as the jacket (okay, being honest, they were slightly more).
(And have you noticed that any time you type the word Amazon on here it automatically gets turned into a link to the website? Oh but apparently not if the word is italicized?)
I have and I find it kind of annoying. I'm also really curious now because in your original post it was not linked, but in my quote of your post it is linked! This is totally a mystery worth investigating 🔎
I have a pair of Kahtoola Nanospikes that I will drag out if needed for specific conditions.
Thanks for the Rex. I'll have to check those out. And the info about not being helpful on ice. Very good to know!

Do they add any weight to the shoe or are they awkward to run in?
Do they add any weight to the shoe or are they awkward to run in?

They are pretty light, and I don't really notice them when I run. But I will say that I try to stay off clear pavement so as not to wear down the spikes. They are not replaceable.
Great job on the jacket! And I love dogs in jackets, so cute.
I have and I find it kind of annoying. I'm also really curious now because in your original post it was not linked, but in my quote of your post it is linked! This is totally a mystery worth investigating 🔎
I wonder if someone clicks the link, if Dis gets a percentage like an affailiate link.
I use Yaktrax or a similar thing - microspikes. Like @jmasgat said, they are most useful for packed snow and maybe like a snow/ice combination. I do like them for post-snowstorm sidewalks where some people have shoveled, some people were half-hearted about it, some snow drifted back on, some melted and re-froze, etc - the mish-mash that occurs.

Honestly in the DC area, I use them maybe only a couple of times per winter. With that kind of usage level, I don't worry about wearing them some on bare pavement - they don't wear down that fast. For my first pair, a seam in the rubber that wraps around the show thinned and broke well before the spikes wore down significantly.
Honestly in the DC area, I use them maybe only a couple of times per winter. With that kind of usage level, I don't worry about wearing them some on bare pavement - they don't wear down that fast.
This is really great information! I just ordered a pair from Amazon. Maybe I'll get to use them next week ❄️
Do you know something about next week's weather that I don't? :) I thought it just looked rainy and 40s.
Earlier in the week it had predicted some more snow, but now it's too warm for anything to stick so I think we'll be good for a bit. I'm just ordering now to have them for next time - you know, three years from now when I forget where I put them and have to order another pair anyways 🤣


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