2010 Census

Judy in Texas

1150 miles too far from the Fort
Sep 2, 2009
Received my census form yesterday. I don't remember there being this much discusssion in the past about NOT filling it out. It used to be a point of civic pride to complete it. Not so much this year.

Please move to the campfire board. Thanks,
I'm thinking that it's not so much civic pride (or lack there of), but that I'm really not all that into giving the government anything more then the absolute minimum. According to the constitution, there is a constitution mandate that I furnish them every 10 years the number of people living in my residence. So I'm thinking of feeding them "3", and sending the form back.
I feel like tossing it.
Only then they show up at your door. Who know's...maybe that's worse.

Do you think the guy that owns an illegal three house family in my neighborhood is gonna tell him he's got a crap load of illegals livin' in there. :rolleyes1
Yeah..right. ;)
My mother used the old census for geneology. I think they release the information after 80 years
News stated today there was a $100 fine for not completing the form. Trying to plug the deficet I guess.:confused3
I'm not filling out my census form. Let show up at my door i don't have to answer it.
Telling the number of people living in my house is one thing, but why do I have to add my phone number. It's none of their business. However, it is the government and they can get it anyway. Just can't win.:mickeyjum
I can officially answer - 0 - for the number of people living in my home. We were flooded on Sunday so we are living in our RV. Just moved it back today to the property. Before we were "living" at Wal-Mart in the parking lot. :rotfl2:

And believe it or not, the census came in the mail. I have no power, no gas, no hot water but I got the friggin' census form!! Go figure. :lmao:
I filled out ours today but I put our telephone number in that has been disconnected cause we never used the house phone!! well it WAS our number!! LOL I know its wrong but oh well!!
OK, the first thing it asks is how many people are living here on April 1. Does that mean we all have to wait two more weeks?
So, I'm wondering, what are they gonna do with all those forms that come back with smart-*$$ answers?!! You know they'll get 'em. Personally I like big kahuna's suggestion and my DH wouldn't hesitate to do that!:rotfl2:

I also wonder why they need your phone number. Actually, we don't have a land-line so technically, we don't have a phone.

Y'know, I remember the census people coming to our house back in 1980, and it was a little more involved than just "who lives here and what race are they." It used to include things like pets you had and other silly but harmless info.



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