2012? No Problem...but when?

Night night.

Changing for gym does stink.

Sounds like someone has grandpa wrapped around her finger!!!!!

I am glad you made it to the salon but sorry your hair cut wasn't exactly what you wanted. I hate when you spend all that time and money ...

Wonder what Mr D was expecting? :)

Hope you get all your kid free chores done tomorrow.
Night night.

Changing for gym does stink.

Sounds like someone has grandpa wrapped around her finger!!!!!

I am glad you made it to the salon but sorry your hair cut wasn't exactly what you wanted. I hate when you spend all that time and money ...

Wonder what Mr D was expecting? :)

Hope you get all your kid free chores done tomorrow.

LOL...I was in bed by 8 and asleep by 8:05!! Only woke up once at about 4...and just like every morning it took me a while to remember if I had to get up at 4 or 5.

I guess I have never shared Mr D's 'mother theory'.

He has heard about the 'old' mom vs 'new' mom, but has no clue what his sister is talking about. He has never heard anyone refer to an 'old' dad. So his theory is Dad has always been his dad. But some where along the way, Dad got rid of 'old' mom and got a 'new' mom (which would obviously be me). Whenever he gets mad at me he asks Dad to go get a 'new' mom.

His oldest brother (the Grand Princess' Dad) plays along with it and they discuss going to 'Moms R Us' and getting a 'new' mom!!

They even have a dream list of qualities this 'new' mom would have to possess. One of them would be to always say 'yes' to anything Mr D wants.

So....when Dad kept teasing me that he couldn't wait to see his 'new' wife...Mr D assumed he was finally getting his 'new' mom!

By the time Mr D went to bed, he did tell me he still loved me even if I was not a new mom...

....yes he does take things VERY literally!

Super happy you were able to get your hair cut. Bummer that it didn't turn out exactly how you wanted it... As I told you yesterday - I am not sure how much longer I can last with my hair like this... It was so bad, I had to wear 2 tiny pig tails in the back yesterday for work at Target... 3 more weeks - and counting!

OK - the old mom vs. new mom did crack me up... It is so cute how literal Mr. D is. I honestly cannot believe he would really want a 'new' mom...

LOL about Miss B - that is a riot! I've suspected the girls playing sick before - but never caught them at it. LOL But changing in gym is a very awkward and uncomfortable thing - I remember... So, I don't blame her for not liking it.

I hope you are able to get everything done today! :)

I desperately need a haircut. My hair is falling out in clumps from the pregnancy and it is annoying.

Love the new mom story.
Super happy you were able to get your hair cut. Bummer that it didn't turn out exactly how you wanted it... As I told you yesterday - I am not sure how much longer I can last with my hair like this... It was so bad, I had to wear 2 tiny pig tails in the back yesterday for work at Target... 3 more weeks - and counting!

OK - the old mom vs. new mom did crack me up... It is so cute how literal Mr. D is. I honestly cannot believe he would really want a 'new' mom...

LOL about Miss B - that is a riot! I've suspected the girls playing sick before - but never caught them at it. LOL But changing in gym is a very awkward and uncomfortable thing - I remember... So, I don't blame her for not liking it.

I hope you are able to get everything done today! :)


I never took gym...not even once! Instead of gym I took extra classes in the advanced placement...and then in high school I took voice lessons and musical theory. At the school I went to those things got you out of gym.... I even refused to try out for basketball because you had to dress out at practice...I was 5 ft 10 inches when I was in the fourth grade.

I desperately need a haircut. My hair is falling out in clumps from the pregnancy and it is annoying.

Love the new mom story.

I keep thinking I should write more of my Mr D -isms down and write a book...but I never do. Of course most people would not 'get' it...

Yesterday was Mr D's Special Olympics Bowling Competition. Miss B got up trying to tell me she was throwing up again. Dad and I were planning on going to watch Mr d bowl. I was NOT going to leave her home alone.

So again, Miss B was being less than truthful about being sick. I will spare you the details, but let's just say I am glad she is not a master criminal... and if you are going to fake being sick, make sure your evidence is not a spotless bathroom, a bedroom floor with no wet spots on the carpet and a clean towel thrown into the laundry that was 'used ' to clean up the 'mess'.

Is it just me or does anyone else think I might have a problem when she gets older?

Mr D had a wonderful time bowling. He was so nervous he had trouble sleeping...and was up at 4 am yesterday. He was so worried about messing up...we had lots of long talks about doing your best and having fun.

They had way too many kids and not enough teachers/helpers/coaches. Mr D was not even with his class or with his school (it was county wide). During the practice bowling...not a single teacher was 'helping' our table, so Dad helped out ...he thought for just a few minutes. (he had just gotten off work from a 12 hour shift and had been up for over 24 hours at this point!) He ended up being the only one helping out these 6 boys. One teacher came over for one of the boys to help every once in a while, but for the most part there was zero help. It seems this table had boys from 6 different schools!

The other tables had either 4 or 5 kids and at least two teachers/para pros at each table. We saw someone from the other classes/schools come over to give our guys their lunch, but that was it.

I am very proud of our guys! They all did their best and had a blast! I think our table had more fun than any of the others. We were the last table to finish bowling... but each boy thought they had won the world series and super bowl at the same time!

There was one little boy who was 'non verbal' and was barely mobile. My husband started carrying him to the line and helping him throw/drop/roll the ball...I think his total score after two game was somewhere in the single digits. By the time the last frame was over he was giggling, laughing and yelling "Gutter Ball King"! He would do a little dance after each throw... and was walking on his own to the foul line! The other boys were cheering as loudly as if he had made a perfect score!

They all ended up with little nicknames. They all became fast friends.

I do not remember what Damien's actual score was...but he came in third place from our table. He got a cute ribbon and it has a place of honor on his wall. It was a GOOD day!

Then Miss B came home from school on the bus...and brought zero work for the 6 days of school she is going to be missing! I am livid! I spoke with the principal and teachers at the beginning of school. It was agreed she would not be charged with an unexcused absence and they would give her make up work to do while she was gone. Now, as is school policy, she will be given ONE day to make up all the work or take a zero. For each class for each day of work she did not turn in. I give up!

Last night we had a wonderful movie night...Husband bought the Santa Clause trilogy...and we watched #one last night, #two will be tonight and #three will be tomorrow night. My goal is to have a Disney Christmas movie each night until we go...I want to have everyone in the Christmas as well as the Disney mood!

As I am writing this, I realize that at this moment next week I will be in Florida! About an hour outside of Ocala, getting really close to stopping for breakfast.

Yes, I do think you will have some interesting teen years ahead of you with Miss B... So, have you come up with the "real" reason why she was trying to fake sick?

I loved hearing Mr. D's bowling story... What a wonderful and heartwarming accomplishment for all of them... And to come together as a group - not knowing anyone and go away as friends - what a great feeling for all of them. Sorry DH had to do so much work after a long shift, but it sounds like the end was all worth it for everyone.

Yay!!!! Your Disney trip is almost here! I cannot wait to hear all about it - I hope you do little updates on FB, because I will be stalking you there. ;)

Your bowling story made me cry. Glad everyone had a blast. Thankfully C doesn't mind changing for gym. I think it comes from dance.

C and B are going to be trying teenagers I think.
Yes, I do think you will have some interesting teen years ahead of you with Miss B... So, have you come up with the "real" reason why she was trying to fake sick?

I loved hearing Mr. D's bowling story... What a wonderful and heartwarming accomplishment for all of them... And to come together as a group - not knowing anyone and go away as friends - what a great feeling for all of them. Sorry DH had to do so much work after a long shift, but it sounds like the end was all worth it for everyone.

Yay!!!! Your Disney trip is almost here! I cannot wait to hear all about it - I hope you do little updates on FB, because I will be stalking you there. ;)


My husband came in this morning and asked if I have an extra suitcase to put the miscellaneous stuff in...I asked what type of 'stuff' he was referring to, and he commented the coffee pot and coffee, creamer, and sugar, and breakfast bars. I asked him what was wrong with where they were? I have a box filled with this stuff as well as the snacks etc... LOL...this is the FIRST time he has ever taken an interest in packing!

I reminded him I have a schedule,...all he needs to do is put it all in the van when I tell him to! (which will be Friday!)
And for the record..the man that did not want me to say we leave next week, but would rather I say in two weeks...now tells everyone we are leaving on Friday...because it will be in the middle of the night!

Your bowling story made me cry. Glad everyone had a blast. Thankfully C doesn't mind changing for gym. I think it comes from dance.

C and B are going to be trying teenagers I think.

Maybe we can work together to keep each other sane! At least I have an older daughter to help out! She was easy through the teen years...I think Miss B is going to make me pay for the easy time I had with her!

There is a saying from "Of Mice and Men" about the best laid plans of men oft go astray...

I had a memorial service I was to go to yesterday at 3. It was to be held at the church my daughter and her husband go to in the next town over. Because Ms Elizabeth did not want there to be a funeral (she was 95) the family was only having a memorial service that was supposed to be short. Very Short. So my daughter decided not to go but to go to a singing that was in Atlanta. Ms Elizabeth would have approved. So there went my ride.

During church services I had a bad migraine and an episode of vertigo so driving was out for me yesterday! So I decided I would take a nap (migraines and vertigo meds equal a bit tiredness) but as I went into the kitchen to put my phone in the charger, I noticed Mr D was watching the Pooh movie...and had to sit and watch with him.

Then, the next thing I knew, he had went to the Princess house for a sleep over and Miss B and I were watching Hunger Games.

I had a lot of plans for yesterday (in addition to going to the memorial service), but none of them happened!

Just gave me a longer list for today. The parts of packing I needed to get done are finished, and the phone calls for work are done, and Mr Max is on his way to the vet to get one more shot he needs in order to go to boarding school. We leave in a few minutes to the dentist for all three kids, and then home to make dinner. The only thing on my list that seems to be forgotten is the house cleaning...any volunteers?

Here is a brief agenda for our Disney trip...

Saturday - arrive , visit Animal Kingdom and CS dinner
Sunday - Church, Epcot and Coral Reef for dinner
Monday - Hollywood Studios, Mama Melrose for dinner
Tuesday - Magic Kingdom, Tony's for lunch, MVMCP
Wednesday - Hollywood Studios - Akershus for dinner
Thursday - Chef Mickey's for lunch, Boma for dinner
Friday - Animal Kingdom with Garden Grill for dinner
Saturday - Epcot with Biergarten for dinner
Sunday, Church, Magic Kingdom with Be Our Guest for dinner
Monday---go home...BOOO!

Would love to meet up with anyone who is there at the same time, just PM me and we will set it up.

Final preparations are in the works... Today is our major Therapy day and Miss B has her hair appointment. Packing central is becoming pretty bare and the staging area was cleaned, mopped and waxed yesterday in anticipation of the luggage being deposited there.

I have discovered the only thing wrong with things being put in the van...I can not obsessively check them off a million lists. I have made husband go out to the van three times last night to check on things. He is NOT amused!

When I went to bed, we were under a winter weather advisory as well as a flood watch. We have managed to stay in the low 30's (but just above freezing) so the winter advisory has been lifted, but the flood watch of 2-3 inches today is still in effect. Our high is expected to stretch to about 40.... we will see.

Also, when I went to bed the extended forecast for Disney was looking GREAT! Now, it is not so great. Not bad, temperature wise, but rain on 3 or 4 days. So I have noticed a pattern. If it holds true to pattern, tomorrow it will be back to perfect weather...and the next day rain...I will only check the weather every OTHER day...that way it will always be perfect weather when I look! Because the bottom line is...our plans are set in stone. I really can't change them, I can only change what I pack for.

And for anyone that worries about me posting too much detail on my daily plans...I only posted a broad outline. Besides...I don't have enough followers to make this dangerous.. LOL!

I want to take this time to wish everyone a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving! With the way things are going, I am not sure if I will be able to post anymore before we go...we are sort of in the time crunch or time sensitive portion of the trip...and Miss Mia's momma has informed me I need to spend some time with her before we go! The inlaws will be visiting them and she needs to get her house clean. Seems Miss Mia loves to have her Memaw visit and play with her....so of course I have to do my Grand Motherly duties!!!

LOL My DH would not be amused either. And I just just see the eye rolls and hear the grumbles. ;)

Your plans sound fantastic! I am so excited for you!!!!

No worries about posting too much info... And I certainly won't get on you for it. I wish I could post more info than I do. Did you see that Kathy (Katmark) will be down there at the same time? You could PM her to see if there are any Dismeet possibilites while you are there? We met her in Aug, and they are so delightful. Besides - the more mutual people that we meet, it will seem like we've met too. LOL

I hope you enjoy your time with Miss Mia... She is so precious!

Good luck with all of the packing - I will be stalking your FB page for photo updates. :thumbsup2

I am a fee days behind. Our company will be starting to arrive today and I have been busy shopping and cleaning. Since I would rather do anything but clean I have some major work that still needs to be done. Our guest bed is still covered in Disney clothes that I don't know where to put.

Your plans look great. I know you guys will have a great trip and the forcast will be cooperative. I am dreaming of the castle all lit up and those Osborne lights.

Your DH sure has come around. Next year he will be making the lists and planning the customs. :)

Don't want to miss any Mia time that's for sure. You can tell her all about Disney so she will be prepared for next year!

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a fantastic trip. Looking forward to hearing all about it.
Good morning Nini... I know I am a bit early - but I won't have time to do this tomorrow. So, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! And if I don't make it back here in time... I hope you have an amazing and DRY trip!!! Cannot wait to hear about it!


Yes, I know it is Thanksgiving morning. I know I have tons of stuff to do. But I have been up since 4 am.

And NOT because I am leaving to go to Disney in a few hours...but because I am sick.

For those of you on FB, you know that Mr D has had a rough week. I took him in to see Dr Judy yesterday and he has an ear infection as well as a sinus infection...way to go Mommy! I just won the bad mommy of the year award....again.

But in my defense, he had no fever and he didn't complain about feeling bad...so how was I to know?

Well, I guess I really did know because I was expecting to spend a day from the Disney trip in the ER with him.

Anyway, he has started on his antibiotics and is starting to improve.

Yesterday afternoon, the Princess dad was supposed to pick her up at noon. At 6 when he still hadn't picked her up I sent him a text. He was at home in bed...sick! He also has a sinus infection. (at least it is not the flu!)

Around 4 I started feeling the oh so familiar wonder of a sinus headache. I took some meds and then a little nap while th kids played Disney Infiniti! (that game will keep them occupied for HOURS!)

After the Princess left, hubby took care of dinner and I went to bed.

This morning I feel it way more than I would like! At least I know it will not be the flu (had my shot already) but who knows how it will progress. I will soldier on...and keep it quiet as much as I can.

This is why I am so glad I am ahead of the curve on getting my packing done! The remaining of the packing can be done...(and hubby really wants to get the van as much loaded as he can today! ) without me.

My big Thanksgiving dish is already in the refrigerator setting...and the smaller Green Bean Casserole can be put together by Miss B... so if I start to feel bad I can go back to bed for a while...

I am soooooo Thankful that we are having Thanksgiving at the daughter in laws house. If it were here, we would be having people show up at 7 for breakfast. But the way it is I don't have to be there until 2 pm...

Now that you have suffered through the whining of a crazy lady.... have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

I will be setting up folders on FB so I can add photos from Disney. I am pretty sure I will not be getting back on here before I leave...

See Ya Real Soon!

Oh Nini... This is not what I wanted to hear right before you leave on your trip. :( I sure hope you feel better quickly. (((Hugs)))

I hope you are able to have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and safe travels, my friend. I will be stalking you all week on FB. <3

I had intended on doing an actual trip report. But this trip has been so un-magical I can't bring myself to write one.

When I return I will do one or two posts to have a sort of mini report.

Don't worry, we are having fun. Just too many issues to. Find the magic. I think we will be trying a cruise next time.

First morning back at home and I forgot to set the alarm! Luckily, Miss B had everything laid out, so she managed to catch the bus with only a 10 minute actual time to get ready!

Now it is time for Mommy to get a shower and get Mr D ready to hit the routine of therapy on Tuesdays!

Last night, my wonderful husband heard my list for the next 10 days of things I HAVE to get ready as well as the things I would like to get done...so he did ALL the laundry, folded AND put it away; took all the luggage back to the storage room down stairs; brought up all the Christmas decorations...and by all I mean all the boxes that were MARKED Christmas, then went back to the ones marked with Thanksgiving to make sure some things that snuck in the wrong box made it upstairs!

If it were left up to me, I would have just went to bed and forgot it ALL! LOL!!

We have decided that next year we will do a cruise for 4 days and then a 4 day stay at AKL to celebrate my birthday. At the current time, our plans call for leaving Miss B at home with her big sister....while she would only miss one day of school with our current plan, she is refusing to go on a cruise. And I mean REFUSING! I sort of believe that she will change her mind at some point along the line... but I am planning on her not going. If she changes her mind we will see what happens at that point! LOL!

(Seriously...she will be 14...what 14 year old girl does not want a chance to be away from her parents while being able to lounge around the pool?)

We had some hiccups along the trip, but over all we had a great time. One major discovery ... my almost 60 year old body did a bit of a revolt on this trip. My arthritis came on strong and hard! (which is the reason we decided on a cruise!)

My husband is looking forward to the cruise part of the trip...and on the way home yesterday, he commented that if we didn't really want to go to any parks on the second part of the trip he was ok with it! And Animal Kingdom Lodge was HIS idea!

I did take some pictures, just not as many as I had hoped or of the things I had wanted. But...I will add one special picture here...I received this from my daughter during the trip...It is Miss Mia's official 7 month old picture...


My Christmas baby!


PS I do plan on doing a mini trip report before I close out this page...but just do not have the time today...


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