"40 By 40"

Thanks for the welcome!
Well, your weekend sounds like it was much more exciting than mine. I got a stomach bug of some kind, not pretty! :sick:

I'm trying to lose some weight before heading down to WDW in April.
My Dr. has been telling me to "lose 2 lbs a week for one year" for about 5 years now. So that is my plan. I don't think she'd be impressed with my 5 pound loss this year, although it's better than gaining, right? :blush:

Anyhoo, in April I'm planning in doing the "Dolphins in Depth" tour in Epcot with my little cousin as her high school graduation present, and there are wetsuits involved. So, in order to fit into the wetsuit, there must be some weight loss, and some toning, too.

So I'm back on the WW-online (flex points), and will hopefully start fitting in some exercise soon. I own some FIRM tapes, love them, but they kill me unless I modify them. It's just a matter of getting out of bed in the AM to do them, really.
Welcome Chris! :wave2:

I'm down one more pound after my Weight Watcher's weigh in today. :banana: Now 11 pounds total!

Have a great week everyone.
Great Job Jen!!

Welcome Chris :wave: Wet suit, you brave women... that would scare me and everyone else too!!!! :rotfl:
Well, I can't believe it's Thurs. already. Somehow it's been a busy week, even though I haven't received 1 call this week for any of my listings. Blah! I did get a new listing though. The guy owes about $40k more than it's worth and it looks like a serious bachelor pad. I had to kick boxers out of the way to take pics of the bedroom. Yippee! :rolleyes:

I just reread my last post about paying off our car. Well today, I sent in the last payment! AAAANNNNDDDD also spent $425 on brakes, rotors, pads, etc. for it. Unbelieveable. I drove it the other day, and there was a sound of metal rubbing together when I hit the brakes. DH is like, "Oh, yea, the brakes are going on the Mustang." He drives that most of the time. Geez!

I've only worked out twice this week, but today's Fit TV was a cardio bootcamp which I've done before and it kicks total butt! I love it. I really think I'm building my muscles back up, therefore, not losing anything, but I have to keep pulling my jeans up! Our band is going to be on the FOX8 morning news out of Cleveland on Halloween, so I want to get into shape by then. 250,000 people watching. Yikes! It's our 7th time doing it, so it's no big deal. I even did it 2 weeks before I had DD in '04. The camera guy kept zooming in on my stomach. Funny.

I just read this really great article on breakfast in Our Ohio Mag. You know how I'm always preaching about eating breakfast! It's a MUST read.


Sabine, you watch, that weight is going to fall right off pretty soon. Sometimes it doesn't seem that anything is happening until you try on an old pair of jeans and they actually fit.

Oh, one other SCARY thing. I was making DD one of those Tostino pizzas yest. that is about as thin as a piece of paper. I thought, well I'll eat half of this and have a salad too. OMG! For 1/2 a pizza, it is 360 calories and 39 grams of fat!!! I can eat a whole one myself which is 720 calories and almost 80 grams of fat! Never again. I saw a guy leaving Sav-A-lot w/ a whole box of those one day. Needless to say he was HUGE. He probably eats 3 or 4 a day. Close to 4000 calories. Pizza is evil I've come to the conclusion!
Sorry I've been MIA it was a real busy week and I haven't been feeling 100%. I hadn't worked out for a week and it was real hard to get myself in Spin class this afternoon. But I did it and feel better about it. I can feel that I really did push myself. Today's instructor always simulates some sort of road race. That just is no motivation for me. I'm not competitive in that athletic sense, maybe as a spectator, but certainly not as an athlete. I'm not even a huge fan of bicycling. I fell off one as a kid and had 18 stitches, that's enough to turn me off.

Speaking of spectator sports, Lisa you must be having a ball. What do you think of Kenny Rogers smudge? Sounds like a Sammy Sosa Bat to me.

Oh Tara didn't you know that secret, every time you pay something off or at the end of a warranty things self distruct. I think all cars and appliances come with hidden chips connecting to the manufacturer and there is a person whose sole job is to destroy things. How's that for a conspiracy theory.

How's everyone's weightloss? Don't ask. I'm still trying to ignore any diet attitude because it always backfires. I should start sewing again, that usually keeps me busy, especially because I'm not that great at it. I really need some curtains.

The Kids will be home soon, there will go my peace and quiet.

Hope everyone is well!

Sabine :sunny:
Hi Guys...

I am still doing great with the excercise part but the eating part is still not going that great... that DARN halloween candy. I am close to making my excercise goal for 2 months in a row. :cool1:

As far as the Cardinals :woohoo: I have been in knots for weeks. Eating to celebrate one day then Eating to console me the next. I am not sure about the whole tar thing... I saw it when I was watching the game, I don't mind losing I just hate cheating so hopefully it is just dirt :rolleyes1

Hope everyone else is doing great. :wave2:
By the way Lisa, Thanks for the Boo!!!

It didn't work the other day when I put it in but evidently I did do it right. This is the first time I've seen it. :yay:
Operamom said:
By the way Lisa, Thanks for the Boo!!!

It didn't work the other day when I put it in but evidently I did do it right. This is the first time I've seen it. :yay:

Welcome :sunny:
Hi ladies,

Boy these weeks are just flying by. I was ticked because yesterday when I tried to do my recorded fit tv exercises, they were totally screwed up because something was wrong w/ the record button on our DVR. I did do a few exercises and today the scale was down but still not to the point that it's only been twice since having the baby. It's like a joke. When I did South BEach 3 years ago, it was like every time I stepped on the scale, I dropped. Although I really am not following it like I should. Back then, I'd eat at 3 if I was hungry or not. It truly is about eating mini-meals and getting enough GOOD calories to boost your metabolism. I also was consciously drinking 8 glasses of water a day. I've been slacking there too, but still do only drink water.

I know you ladies don't believe me when I say you aren't eating enough, but really you need to be eating MORE good stuff, then you won't be snacking. When you feel like a snack, have a green apple with peanut butter. Or just a tablespoon of peanut butter. On Prevention.com there is a peanut butter diet. The protein does wonders. (I know the diet used to be on there, not sure if it still is or not) Anyhow, gotta go to the folks in PA this afternoon. The Wiggles are playing tomorrow. Well, it's not the actual Wiggles, but the characters from the show and some fake guys playing the Wiggles. I guess it's an offshoot for the smaller towns. She'll love it anyway.


Tara, I certainly agree with you when you say I'm not eating enough good stuff. Key word being GOOD. My daughter has a fever today so again I won't be in the gym. My son stayed home Monday with illness. My mother brought us a jar of Nutella the other day. Why I don't know. I haven't had any for years. If you don't know, Nutella is a chocolate hazelnut cream that europeans eat like we do peanut butter. We never had peanut butter in the house as kids, it was so foreign to my parents. I couldn't even stand the smell of it let alone eat it. I like it now and my son couldn't live without it. My daughter's the opposite. Eating a spoonful of it is a little much for me though, I even buy the natural kind that needs refridgeration. A peanut butter diet just might kill me (unless its a Reese's peanut better cup diet) . Thanks for the suggestion though. On the other hand I could eat nutella by the jar. That must be what heaven is like...an endless jar of Nutella and a big spoon or warm french bread mmmmmmmmmm.

I need that jar of Nutella out of the house. I know I'll be the one to get rid of it in my own way. Life is so cruel and soooo good.

Gotta run....Jen any good news? Chris are you still there?

Sabine :sunny:
Hi there! Sorry to join and disappear, I'm still trying to stay in touch!
I started a new job this fall, and am taking two night classes, and still owe work from a class this summer, and it's all adding up suddenly!! I had a very stressful week last week, so there really was no dieting to speak of. I did manage to avoid Dunkin Donuts and their muffins, but other than that I didn't get much good eating in.
But, Tara, you are right about the eating. No one will ever have to worry about me not eating enough! I love food too much to ever try the meal- skipping route. I do have friends who eat one meal a day and then complain that they aren't losing weight. Try to tell them about their metabolism, but they don't want to hear it.
I scrubbed and painted (stained, really) :artist: the front porch on Sunday, so I guess that was exercise because I lost a pound this week.
Whoo hoo, only 39 to go!!! :woohoo:
Well, 99, really, but 39 for now.

Too bad there's no 6 pound ribbon. Gotta lose 4 more for a new ribbon.
Chris good job with the 6 lbs. BUT definitely stay away from those Dunkin Donuts muffins. My mom was getting the blueberry ones and I checked the calories on them. Ouch! She said well, I have the low fat ones. Still Ouch! Here's a list of the calories in a DD muffin. Maybe this will keep you from having them! https://dunkindonuts.com/aboutus/nutrition/ProductList.aspx?category=Bakery

Yep, I was home at my parents' in PA the last few days and came across some pics from around our wedding 11 yrs. ago. Man. I need to get back down there in weight. It kills me because at size 4, I would still go to aerobics 3 nights a week, eat light mayo, roller blade or bike ride, etc. AND I worked retail on my feet 8 days a week. I just need to start thinking like that again. I just need to focus. Grrr!

Hang in there everyone.
Hello all,

I had a good week weight- wise. I lost 2 more pounds!
Yay. Tara, thanks for the DD information, that's enough to scare me away for a while at least.

On the downside, I hurt my foot. Not sure what happened. No trauma that I can think of, the darn thing just hurts. I wore three different kinds of shoes to work this week, ( in case in was caused by the shoes) and the pain just kept getting worse. On Wednesday I was walking around with no shoes on. Very entertaining for my students. I finally had to resort to sneakers. They felt much better, I think I'm going to have to wear them for a while. I must have bruised or sprained something, and it needs time to heal.

Anyway, I hope you all had a good week!
O.k., where is everyone? See...without you ladies to motivate me, I'm up 3 lbs. Not sure what is happening. Well, hmmm....maybe not having worked out in a week or 2 and not eating healthy has something to do with it. We had DD's 2nd b-day party over the weekend, so I've been eating the leftovers. Plus I haven't had many veggies in awhile. Yest. I was actually craving a salad. M-i-l said she had salad and homemade veggie soup so we went over there. I was excited because I had been reading Shape Mag and getting pumped up to eat well, and then she pulls brats out of the oven after I had already started eating the soup and salad. I had to eat a brat, but skipped the bread. I should do a quick mini-First Phase of South BEach between now and Thanksgiving. I usually lose 4 lbs. everytime I do it. I also am back on my salt kick. Grrr!

In reading Shape and the success stories, I see everyone is doing 45 mins. on the treadmill or elliptical 5 or 6 times a week. I really need to just do it. It's tough w/ DD because she wants to play on it. I'd rather do the aerobics on FitTv. She's funny because sometimes it will pop on when it's recording and DD jumps up and starts doing what they are doing. I said, "See mommy's shows are more fun!!"

Chris, when I was in 6th grade, one day, I just couldn't walk on my foot. It really hurt, so mom took me to the podiatrist and an x-ray showed I had a chipped bone on the outside edge of my foot. I cheered the day before and we had to jump off the stage to the floor of the gym to do a cheer and that is the only thing I can think might have caused it. Mom and dad thought I was faking it at first because it just started when I woke up. Anyhow, hope it feels better soon.
Hi :wave2:

Halloween just about killed me and just think Thanksgiving is just a week and half away.... not good. :sad2:
Thank God you're back!
I was beginning to think I insulted someone with my last post, and was being avoided! :rotfl2: But I re-read it and couldn't find anything that could be misunderstood, so I didn't know what to think.

I had a problem with Halloween candy myself, DD doesn't like chocolate and saved all her candy for me. Then once I start eating the candy, my resolve goes out the window, and I start looking around the kitchen and eating everything in sight.

I'm pretty sure I gained weight last week, I'm not positive because I was too chicken to get on the scale! :lmao:

I've been eating better this week (and by that I mean today, Monday) so we'll see what happens.

Tara, I actually had a similar story from when I was in Jr High. The only difference was that the "second opinion" doctor in the ER determined that the bone chip in the x-ray had chipped off so long before the picture was taken that it had re-fused itself to the side of my foot. It looked sort of rounded in the picture, not sharp and jagged like you would expect. He said it must have happened back when I was learning to walk, and no one noticed. (Apparently, I had colic as a baby, so I guess a little extra crying went unnoticed) They decided the JrHigh injury was just a sprain.
Anyway, my foot is slowly getting better.
Glad to see someone's back. I stepped on the scale this morning, as I do every morning, and I was up 4 lbs since just a few weeks ago. I'll have to go back through my posts. Ever since the baby, 2 yrs. ago yest., weight really fluctuates almost overnight. I really retain water now. Weird. My salt consumption has been up recently too.

Here's an interesting story, well actually a sad story. I decided to start on my treadmill again. I was doing the FitTV Cardio Blast and I only have 10lb weights. I really think I was bulking up w/ muscle which isn't a bad thing, but the weight wasn't going down because of it. Anyhow, I decided maybe to just hop on the treadmill everyday for awhile to just burn fat and not build lots of muscle. Well, I pulled the treadmill down and I had a little notebook from when I was doing it before. There were only 2 dates on it...10/26 and 10/27 of LAST YEAR! Ouch! I need to just get back on it regularly again. My saddlebags are out of control. I saw them today in the door as I was walking into my husband's work for our flu shot. Eeewwww.

Keep trying everyone!

Hi Everyone! Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. Going through MAJOR stress at work and home but I'm back on track now. I had two really bad weeks and gained. Decided not to weigh in with WW which was a mistake. I have to make my self accountable or I total lose control. Last week I buckled down and when I weighed in yesterday I had stayed the same. It's a shame because I could have lost for those three weeks and now I'm behind my monthly goal. I am glad I stayed the same and hopefully next week there will be a loss. Stay at 11 pounds which is good but I REALLY want to be under 200 before January 26th when we go to DISNEY! :banana: I would need to lose another 12 pounds which is doable except we have Thanksgiving and Christmas thrown in there. Anyway, just wanted to check in. :wave2:
Good to hear from you again. You can absolutely do it by the time you go to Disney. Even if you can't work out or eat right everyday. Try to get those freebies of exercise in. Park really far away, take the steps, get up and do something during every commercial. I'm really queer, but when I go up and down my stairs, I push my hands up and down in the air (that's only when I'm by myself. :goodvibes ) Sort of like getting my aerobics in. I know my problem is just not moving enough. When I worked retail for 13 yrs. I was running all day long. Now I sit on my can looking at the computer. I've been trying to burn 200 calories on the treadmill and thinking if, a big IF, I did it twice a day, I'd burn close to 500 and in 7 days, I'd lose a lb. I really need to start drinking my water again. Whenever I needed to drop a few lbs. I'd always up my water intake and they'd fall off.

As far as Thanksgiving, Turkey is GREAT for you, so take a big chunk of turkey, salad, any other green veggies, a small scoop of sweet potatoes, and mashed potatoes, and a small piece of pie. Whipped topping is pretty low fat, so go to town w/ that!! :rotfl: Stay away from the bread and butter and extra gravy. Go for a walk before dinner and if up to it, after dinner too. Shouldn't add too many extra calories for the day. A trick of the trade for South Beach is to have a glass of Metamucil about 15 mins. before eating. The bulk of the fiber will make you feel fuller. Plus it helps w/ digestion. So, don't sweat it. You can do it!

I think we are all busy with holiday stuff.... How is everyone? I was TERRIBLE for November... I missed tennis 3 out of 4 weeks and didn't exercise at all. I started back this week determined not to lose my motivation.

Hope all is well with you guys.... and you are surviving December so far. Here is to a healthy Holiday Season :wave2:


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