5/27/06 "Il pochi il fiero i blabbermouths" We *will* sail again Part 11

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whnim64 said:
I'm not too camera-savvy, but the SLR, single lens reflex, means that what you see in the viewfinder is what the 'lens' actually sees, because you are looking through the lens instead of a separate viewfinder. There are SLR digitals, too. Anyone, feel free to correct me on this explanation.

That makes sense..but...what is the advantage to that?
Now I really WILL make an effort to see Pirates before the cruise in September! I like Orlando waaay more than Mr. Depp. Cool.
Ugh, your coolness factor just dropped a notch with me. Sorry. I still heart you- but just a little less. The nerve... as if you could compare baby Orlando to Johnny. no way..... LOL
(sorry- Orlando just seems like a little boy to me. I can't have a heartthrob that's a little boy! LOL)

Oh, stole a top...with Stacey and JOHNNY (not orlando, no. LOL)
justmestace said:
By the time he even got to bat for the first time, he'd already scored 5 times. The announcer said "Batting for Cactus Foothills North is #10, Jared THE JET Stenson". We all about died laughing. Then when Jared hit one over the fence, the announcer said "Or maybe it's SLEDGE Stenson!".

Now didn't that make all the running around and waiting in the heat worth it? :cheer2:
Way to go Jared, or should I say "sledge"? Awesome - he hit one out over the fence? Did you want to yell out, "that's MY son"? AJ is playing travel baseball and he went 2 for 3 yesterday. Last year he didn't get a hit at all (if any of you remember what he looks like, he's about 54 lbs. soaking wet) and yesterday he got 2. Things are looking up. I can't wait til he's a little older like Jared. Those games just look more exciting. But I'll wait my turn. I don't want it to go too fast. So Stacey - enjoy those games girlfriend.
Good morning everyone. As I sit here on my king-sized bed ALL ALONE I type this without having any MEN in my house. They are in a tent in the backyard camping out. Augie surprised them yesterday and they were all too thrilled about it. They are sooo cute. We were next door last night hanging with the neighbors and they finally retired to the tent. As I walked by the tent on my way inside, Augie was snoring away. Can't wait to see if it kept the kids up. Now they know how it feels to sleep with Snorlax (any Yu-Gi-Oh players out there). So I sit here, alone, Ahhhhh, sleeping right in the middle of the bed listening to the birds outside. I better get a little more shut-eye though...I was informed that I have to cook a BIG campers' breakfast this morning.

So everyone enjoy this Sunday and GO ITALY! Chow for now....
:tinker:Good morning cruisers :tinker:

Happy Sunday!

justmestace said:
Now I really WILL make an effort to see Pirates before the cruise in September! I like Orlando waaay more than Mr. Depp. Cool.

Megan wanted us to all go see it after Jared's game tonight, but it was already 10:00 and the team went for ice cream afterward. I'm standing my ground...I still will not go stand in line to see a movie.

Normally, I wait for the DVD, too. But I have to agree that one like Pirates needs to be seen on the big screen.
The first time I saw the 1st Pirates was on the Magic, so it might be kind of cool to wait to see this one there too.

Jared's team won...17-0. He didn't start the game in the field, they held him out so that he could be a "pinch" runner. He stole home three times!
By the time he even got to bat for the first time, he'd already scored 5 times. The announcer said "Batting for Cactus Foothills North is #10, Jared THE JET Stenson". We all about died laughing. Then when Jared hit one over the fence, the announcer said "Or maybe it's SLEDGE Stenson!".

Stacey - I agree with you 100% on Orlando! I didn't even want to go see the first movie because I'm' not a Johnny Depp fan and certainly didn't want to see him wearing more eye make-up than I do. :rotfl2: He is perfect for the part and gave a great performance, but give me Orlando any day!

Congrats to Jared and his team. He had an awesome night!
Hi all,
Lots of pages to catch up on unless someone has the cliff notes :teeth:
Hope you all had a great 4th.
We had a great week, one day of rain and the remainder of the week was great weather.
Back to reality, final preps for the Batmitzvah which is 5 weeks away and then thankfully our cruise to look forward to and soon after that my house to myself again!!!!!! :teeth: :teeth:
BibbidyBobbidyBoo said:
Ugh, your coolness factor just dropped a notch with me. Sorry. I still heart you- but just a little less. The nerve... as if you could compare baby Orlando to Johnny. no way..... LOL
(sorry- Orlando just seems like a little boy to me. I can't have a heartthrob that's a little boy! LOL)

Oh, stole a top...with Stacey and JOHNNY (not orlando, no. LOL)

Besides, Jack Sparrow is the bad boy that your parents have told you you're not allowed to see anymore. ;) That makes him much more appealing, IMHO. Will Smith is just too good. ;)
TiggerInNY said:
They are in a tent in the backyard camping out. Augie surprised them yesterday and they were all too thrilled about it.

That is so sweet. THAT is what childhood memories are all about.....

"remember when dad pitched the tent in the backyard and we slept there all night?" :) :) :) :) :)
WDWLVR said:
Stacey - I agree with you 100% on Orlando! I didn't even want to go see the first movie because I'm' not a Johnny Depp fan and certainly didn't want to see him wearing more eye make-up than I do. :rotfl2: He is perfect for the part and gave a great performance, but give me Orlando any day!

Funny you should mention the eye makeup. I asked Mike after the movie the other day if he'd consider starting to wear eye liner! :lmao: :lmao:

Mary, it's good to know you and I won't have to fight over the same man. That would really get in the way of our friendship! ;) :lmao: :lmao:

btw, we've got our presale tickets and we're heading out to see Pirates AGAIN today.....so the kids can see it. ;) We're helping to expand the lead in the "biggest opening day EVER." :)
justmestace said:
"Batting for Cactus Foothills North is #10, Jared THE JET Stenson". We all about died laughing. Then when Jared hit one over the fence, the announcer said "Or maybe it's SLEDGE Stenson!".

WTG, JARED!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohiominnie said:
That is so sweet. THAT is what childhood memories are all about.....

"remember when dad pitched the tent in the backyard and we slept there all night?" :) :) :) :) :)

WELL.....AJ didn't make it all night. He was in the middle and Augie, like I said before, was snoring so AJ couldn't sleep so he came inside. Smart boy if you ask me. We're supposed to go camping in the NEW tent that Dad bought (it's a 2-roomer) but what am I supposed to do when he starts and doesn't stop snoring? Sleeping in the mini-van is looking good. Just got through with breakfast. Pancakes and bacon. MMmmmmm good. Now I have to clean it up. Guess I better get going.
BibbidyBobbidyBoo said:
Ugh, your coolness factor just dropped a notch with me. Sorry. I still heart you- but just a little less. The nerve... as if you could compare baby Orlando to Johnny. no way..... LOL
(sorry- Orlando just seems like a little boy to me. I can't have a heartthrob that's a little boy! LOL)

Oh, stole a top...with Stacey and JOHNNY (not orlando, no. LOL)

Better that than fighting over the same guy. I just wish Orlando had a little more meat on his bones. Don't like 'em too skinny.

T.O.P. !!

pixiedust: :tinker: pdfg
scuba diver said:
Now didn't that make all the running around and waiting in the heat worth it? :cheer2:

Ummmm......sort of...I guess.......
TiggerInNY said:
Way to go Jared, or should I say "sledge"? Awesome - he hit one out over the fence? Did you want to yell out, "that's MY son"? AJ is playing travel baseball and he went 2 for 3 yesterday. Last year he didn't get a hit at all (if any of you remember what he looks like, he's about 54 lbs. soaking wet) and yesterday he got 2. Things are looking up. I can't wait til he's a little older like Jared. Those games just look more exciting. But I'll wait my turn. I don't want it to go too fast. So Stacey - enjoy those games girlfriend.

It IS amazing what a difference a year or two makes. A couple of years ago, he wouldn't even try to swing. Don't know what he was afraid of.

And yes, I would have loved to have jumped up and yelled "That's my boy!"....but I was melting...dripping wet, hair hanging, sweaty and ugly. Trying very hard to just be invisible in my chair.

His siblings did it for me though. They whooped and hollered ...shouted out every embarrassing nickname Jared has ever had. One of the parents afterward said her favorite part was when Jordan yelled "I love you Bubba!" :rotfl:
TiggerInNY said:
Good morning everyone. As I sit here on my king-sized bed ALL ALONE I type this without having any MEN in my house. They are in a tent in the backyard camping out. Augie surprised them yesterday and they were all too thrilled about it. They are sooo cute. We were next door last night hanging with the neighbors and they finally retired to the tent. As I walked by the tent on my way inside, Augie was snoring away. Can't wait to see if it kept the kids up. Now they know how it feels to sleep with Snorlax (any Yu-Gi-Oh players out there). So I sit here, alone, Ahhhhh, sleeping right in the middle of the bed listening to the birds outside. I better get a little more shut-eye though...I was informed that I have to cook a BIG campers' breakfast this morning.

So everyone enjoy this Sunday and GO ITALY! Chow for now....

How FUN! We used to do that all the time. Why is it that it was so much fun back then, but now having the king size bed in the A.C. seems so much better???
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