75th Birthday Cruise w/ a Side of WWoHP

How frustrating to have to search for a pick up stop. At least the guy made things good for you. What kind of car did he get for you then?

Actually...he didn't make things 'good' for us.... Wait till we get to Universal and RETURN that car! :mad: Which, was an economy size...just can't remember what we got (unless I go digging for the receipt)

Let's continue....
Day 8-11 - Friday, July 9 - Tuesday, July 12, 2010

This is the boring part of the trippie (for most)....but, I include it for our own memories.

The next few days we spent at Dad's.

DH working on Dad's computer , swimming in the pool, watching the Phillies and just relaxing. Sleeping in and relaxing. That is what this week is for. :goodvibes

Here are some random pictures from the week (mostly of Bubba). We were still using our new underwater camera...takes pretty good pictures we think.

Quiet serenity: 1, 2 and 3.
Bubba snorkeling in the pool: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

DH messing around in the pool: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Bubba flippin' around in the pool: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Bubba & I hangin out in the pool: 1, 2, 3.

And, Saturday (July 10th): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

A few cannonballs: 1, 2 and 3.

And...some chillaxin'... 1 and 2 and Dad & Joyce.

My idea of MY vacation: 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Dad checking the chemical level.

Bubba some more snorkelin' and messing around: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Pool temperature: 1, 2 and 3. :woohoo:

Dad & Joyce doing their puzzles. They used to both work on the same one, but according to Joyce, now they each do their own so they "stay together"

After lunch and more pool time, Bubba decided to get out and relax.

Then he offered to help "Pap" with his puzzle. Some pix of Bubba helping: 1, 2, 3 and 4. Oddly enough, when we talked to Dad when we got home, he tried to tell Bubba he was 'missing a piece' from his puzzle. Bubba was NOT buying it :laughing:

That is pretty much all we did that week.

Sleep, eat, relax, watch the Phillies games, etc.....

We look forward to going every year. :thumbsup2

Day 12 - Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Today we are leaving Dad's and heading for the third part of our trip....Universal!

I was up at 7am today to check (online) and see what gate my niece (LJ as I will refer to her as) was arriving at in PHL. She had a morning flight to MCO and we were picking her up at the airport on our way to PBH.

I talked to her and she said Phila. was having a nasty storm. She said it was cold and pouring rain there. I told her to let me know when she got to her gate in PHL so I could make sure she was at the right gate. My Mom was dropping her off at the airport because couldn't accompany her to her gate since she was 17....not considered an 'unaccompanied minor' by Southwest.

When we flew down, I noted step by step directions for her (that I emailed to her) how/where to get through security and to her gate. She was scared to death, but she did a great job getting where she needed to be and didn't need to call me once (hence getting up so early on my end...just in case she needed to call me).

Since she had told me about the storm, we kept track of her flight departure and decided to NOT leave Dad's until her plane left Philly. At least a 2 hour flight for her...just over an hour ride for us...no brainer. ;)

We cleaned ourselves up, had breakfast and packed up and were ready to leave Dad's in plenty of time to pick LJ up at MCO at her 12:30 arrival time. Once we saw her plane officially 'depart' online, we starting packing up the car and getting ready to leave.

We stopped to fill our gas tank at our usual spot and arrived at MCO just in time. We parked the car and went into the airport to meet her at security. We checked the monitor, and her flight was coming in late. I didn't get how it could leave on-time and now be late, but whatever. :confused3 It was lunchtime, we decided to get something to eat while we waited. We stopped at the food court in MCO at McDonald's for a little something. With time to still spare, I poked my nose in Ron Jon's and some of the other stores. Did you know there is a Del Sol store IN MCO?!?! I told Bubba had I known, I would have gotten him a t-shirt from there instead of going all the way to Grand Cayman

LJ's plane finally arrived at 1:30 and we intercepted her at security. She said she was really tired because she was so excited, she didn't sleep much the night before. She also doesn't like flying (let ALONE!), so she was nervous. DH had loaded a movie on her laptop for her to watch on the flight down, to take her mind off the flight. Turns out, it worked really well....until planes started crashing in the movie! All in all, she was afraid she'd get on the wrong plane, or it'd crash and being tired...well, she was just a mess. BUT, she is a HUGE Harry Potter-head and was beyond excited to get to Universal.

Walked out to the car and headed to PBH. Only took us about 20 minutes to get to PBH and once we got there, DH dropped off the luggage, LJ & I, while he and Bubba went to the Holiday Inn Express (Budget) to return the rental car. Our suite was ready and we headed up right away.

Up at the room, I showed LJ around and where she & Bubba were sleeping when DH called. I looked out the window and saw him walking along the East Wing and he said to me, "Since I can see you in the window, I assume our room is ready?" I told him yep...same room and we were there. He & Bubba were on their way.

When they got to the room, DH handed me the paperwork from returning the rental car. I immediately looked at the total charged to our credit card, and it was over $200. :eek: I was expecting something in the $160-$170 range (according to my confirmation). We started going over it and realized they charged us for gas (even though we returned it full). I wanted to walk back over and straighten it out, DH didn't agree...we were on vacation and he wasn't wasting precious vacation time with that. He said we could straighten it out when we get home. (note: do NOT do this!!)

Reluctantly, I started getting AP's together, LJ's ticket and whatever else we needed to take with us to the park. We left PBH and the boat was there, so we hopped on that and we were on our way. LJ took some pix of City Walk as we were arriving via boat. And, in case you were wondering, this is where they shoot the Ellen show.

We went straight for IOA and arrived about 3:30pm. I stopped to get both kids pictures at the entrance to Lost Continent. We headed for WWoHP and braving the crowds, we went straight for Filch's for a Gryffindor lanyard for LJ. Of course they had to be all the way to the left at the bottom of the wall...and, I first grabbed a gold w/ red lettering one and (of course) she wanted the red w/ gold lettering one. Fine. Grabbed one and bought it and squeezed our way out of that madhouse!

Outside we noticed the posted wait time for FJ was 90 minutes at 4:10pm. We are early dinner eaters (with an extremely light McDonald's lunch in our bellies...who knows what LJ has eaten so far today) and I gave the group the option: wait and kill time in line with FJ and then eat dinner at Three Broomsticks afterwards OR go to the other lands of the park and come back to eat and do FJ later. Everyone agreed it wouldn't be bad to wait in FJ line...since I explained it continuously loaded, the line would keep moving.

By 5:10pm, we were purchasing our ride picture :teeth: We were all very surprised how fast and steadily the line moved and couldn't believe we were in and out in about an hour! Then again, we hadn't seen LJ in about 10 days, and we had a lot of catching up to do.

Here are our pictures from WWoHP: Hogwarts Express, Hogwarts Express with the kids, Honeydukes 1 and 2, Butterbeer cart 1 and 2, Dragon Challenge, the Owlery, a pic of Zonkos, random pix 1,2, 3 and 4, the Owl Post and Ollivanders.

and FJ: mirror inside (sorry, not a great pic...was hard to figure out what setting to use on the camera), greenhouse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Random Hogwarts pix: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Dumbledore's office: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

I think these pix are from the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom? (wherever it is you see the "trio"): 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

The mirror with the Fat Lady talking (who's a hoot btw :laughing: ), the bulletinboard and approaching the "home stretch" ...the Sorting Hat. 1, 2 and 3.

I thought the ride was pretty good and for not being a huge fan, I could 'understand' it. Where I was, what was going on, etc... Some parts better than others, and like others said, Spidey on 'roids. I give FJ a :thumbsup2

After purchasing our FJ ride photo (for LJ...she wanted it), we went to Three Broomsticks for dinner...hoping the line wasn't too long! (Passing beverage cart in WWoHP along the way.) Turns out, there was only one party ahead of us in line. I already knew we'd be ordering the Family Feast, so we didn't need to check out the menu. Bubba wasn't too happy he couldn't get a Sprite with dinner (he only gets soda when we are on vacation or out to dinner), so he settled for water. DH had a Hogs Head Brew, I had an iced tea and LJ had a cold Butterbeer, of course! (she could talk about drinking nothing else!) We all had a taste too.

I must say, this place impressed me the way they were running it. Telling you what window to order at, what window to pick your food/drink up at (unless getting the Feast, then they bring that out to you, but you still pick up your salad and drinks) and then seating you. THAT was the best. It eliminated the small parties of people taking up big tables and chairs being taken to be used at other tables, etc... It was a very good experience and a very tasty meal. Pic of the salad. The four of us had trouble finishing the whole thing!

After dinner we left and headed in the direction of JP, Toon Lagoon and Marvel Island. Of course LJ wanted to stop for the obligatory photos in JP and along the way. JPRA "splash zone", bridge over Dudley and outside Spiderman. She was getting a good idea of what her day would be like tomorrow.

We stopped in to do Spiderman...who LJ also LOVES. She is a HUGE Spiderman fan...bigger than any little boy I know! After her first ride on Spidey, I asked which ride she liked better. She hesitated a second and thought about it, but she did say FJ by a hair was better. I guess if you're a "Potterhead", that would be your answer. I am NOT a Harry Potter (head or fan), and I thought the ride was pretty good...but did NOT beat out Spidey. No way!!

Next up was Hulk. LJ had been likin' the coaster scene since she started going to themeparks with us, we knew she'd like Hulk. Our first time through, the posted wait time was 10 minutes. How can you beat that for the front row?? We decided to wait for the front, which turned out more like 20 minutes, but that still was not bad!!

Well....we were wrong! She LOVED Hulk!! So much so, we went on again right away...but just using Express this time. On in no time flat. She was impressed.

What wasn't so impressive was it started to rain by the time we rode Hulk. :headache: So after our ride, we decided to dodge the rain by going on Storm Force. Bubba & DH were crazy and had me spinning so fast, it felt like my eyeballs were in the back of my head!! It was fun and killed some time while it was raining.....

After SF, we went to Cat in the Hat. This was after some incident where parents weren't paying attention to their little kid, and at the spinning spot on the ride and their kid flew on the floor and/or out of the couch? Anyway, they had these dumb nets over the laps of the front car of the couch riders and nets on the sides of the front and back. I know they ended up pulling some couches off later on due to a problem with those nets.... Anyhow, ride is not as good with the couches not spinning....

After Cat in the Hat, it was on to my fave in SL...High in the Sky Suess Trolley Train Ride (ain't it just fun to say?) :teeth: We did this twice, as usual, one spin on each track. Also, Moose Goose Juice was open...I hardly ever see that open!

Wanting LJ to experience everything at Universal (because who knew when she'd ever get back?), we next stopped at One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. Turns out, she LOVED this crazy ride!!! Her & I sat together in a 2 Fish (as did Bubba & DH). I explained to her WHAT type of fish we were in and why. I told her she had to follow the directions in the song. Well, she decided to try and get us as wet as possible (because she was hot) and tried to get me wet. Needless to say, that was the last time I rode that with HER!

We headed back to WWoHP hoping it wouldn't be as crowded since it was later....no dice. There were still lines to get into the shops. :sad2: I refuse to stand in line to spend money in a store. We decided we'd come in the morning for early entry for onsite guests and go in the stores then. We were all tired and decided to head "home". Snappin' a cool pic of Dragon Challenge on our way out.

On our way out, we went through Traders in POE. LJ knew for certain the one souvenir she had to have from WWoHP was a Hedwig pillow. I told her she may as well get it on our way out. That way she didn't have to carry this huge pillow around for very long since she knew she definitely wanted one. Purchase made...we headed out.

We were back at our room early (for us), but we were all pretty tired. LJ had about no sleep the night before and traveled that day AND went to WWoHP and IOA. I was up at 7 (not normal unless it's a school day at home because I am so NOT a morning person!). The guys were just tired because it was a long day. I think we had "lights out" about 11pm. Talk about an early night on vacation!

AND....LJ & I planned on getting up about 6:30am for early entry.

Shoot me now

Great updates. I really am loving your Harry Potter pictures. It looks so fun there. How was the butterbeer? It looks and sounds good.
It's nice that your neice got to join you.
My DH is now not able to come on our trip with us. he has to stay home and work (dairy farm). His brother who runs the farm with him broke his leg a few weeks ago. DH was hoping that he would heal up in time, but he still has at least 3 more weeks before he's even allowed to walk on it.
I am so sad. my mom is coming in his place, and it will be fun, but it will be different and I really wanted him to enjoy this trip after the rough year and a half he has had (2 hip replacements in the same hip)
We hope to do something fun maybe later this year. (maybe I can talk him into Universal?)
Great updates. I really am loving your Harry Potter pictures. It looks so fun there. How was the butterbeer? It looks and sounds good.

My DH is now not able to come on our trip with us. We hope to do something fun maybe later this year. (maybe I can talk him into Universal?)

:guilty: oh no!! I'm sorry to hear your DH can't go!! That's awful! Isn't there ANYONE else to help out at the farm so he CAN go? I guess you'll just have to book ANOTHER cruise (while onboard) so HE can experience a Disney cruise :thumbsup2


Butterbeer is yummy (frozen MUCH better than cold).... Tastes like everyone says: a "slushy cream soda". It's very good and I recommend that over just a 'cold' one.

I say book a few nights at Universal (onsite). If ya never been...why not? It's something :thumbsup2

Day 13 - Wednesday, July 14, 2010

LJ & I were up at 6:30 AM...when my alarm went off. DH & Bubba were NOT interested in going to WWoHP early. But, because LJ is a "Potterhead", I was willing to get up and take her.

We got dressed, brushed our teeth, combed/put up hair and grabbed our passes/tickets and were out the door in about 15 minutes. I decided we should walk because the line for the boat was crazy.

Seeing CW with nobody there is eerie. I took a pic for LJ in front of the globe...mostly because nobody else was around! By walking the shortcut, we got to the turnstiles about 6:55am (which wasn't bad...since I was crawling outta bed less than a half an hour ago!).

Waiting at the turnstiles, we were let in at 7:24am. We "briskly walked" to the LC bridge (via shortcut thru SL) arriving at 7:29am. Here we were stopped, and stood in another line ....until 7:49am when they let us in over the bridge. (This was the line behind us!) Again....walking "briskly" (because we were told not to run)
, we arrived at our first stop - Ollivander's at 7:53am.

Pix from in line at Ollivander's: Hogwarts and Hogsmeade.

I knew LJ was trying to be picked for the Ollivander's show (ONLY way she was going to BUY a wand she said), so I was trying to get toward the front (and because I wanted a good view too!) When they started letting people into the store, we were last. We would've been all the way in the back of the store. I took a peek inside and asked the TM if we could wait for the next show. He said it wouldn't be a problem. So, we decided to wait.

While we were standing there, the TM wrote something on his clipboard and looked up and shook his head. He said to me (because I was standing first in line), "We've been open 10 minutes and there's already a 30 minute wait for this show." He then explained to me, that once the line snakes between the buildings and reaches the corner of the next building (at the main walkway), that point is a 30 minute wait. Yikes!

The lady behind us was telling us that today was much more crowded than yesterday morning when they did early entry. She found that odd since it was mid-week. I'd have to agree with her.

We were let in for the second show at Ollivander's, but LJ wasn't picked...a younger boy was. She was okay with that...since she was 17 (at the time) and understood why they picked younger kids (I had forewarned her too). It was a cute little show and yes, I wouldn't wait longer than about 15 minutes for it. She enjoyed the show...but not the squishfest in the Owl Post afterwards! I highly recommend if you want a quick exit, be one of the people to stand by the door during Ollivander's show. Then, when you are let out into the Post, you can make a quick getaway out of the Post!

They didn't have anything, but a postcard that she wanted to buy (she didn't get a wand to "pick her", so she didn't want to buy a wand), so we got the postcard, got the Hogsmeade stamp, took some pix and left.

Few pictures: monster book, which scared LJ when it growled, broomsticks for sale and some cauldrons.

Outside the line looked pretty long for the FJ ride, so we skipped it. We wanted to get a frozen butterbeer, so we headed to the cart (which wasn't crowded). Turns out, the cart didn't have 'frozen', so we went to Hogs Head Tavern for it. There wasn't anyone inside there! (And, I later found out, the cart does NOT give AP discounts, but HHT does.) Picture of outside eating area at the back of HHT and the three broomsticks inside Three Broomsticks!

After getting our frozen, since it was early entry and NO lines, we went into Honeydukes/Zonkos to browse ...and buy.

Honeydukes was really cute inside...very interesting and quite colorful! I made sure to point out the "no walking on the walls" and the "sshhhh....the walls have ears" to LJ. She thought they were funny. We laughed at some of the crazy stuff in Zonkos and bought some candy at Honeydukes.

Pix from Zonkos: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Pix of Honeydukes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Cooler of Pumpkin Juice and other beverages and the candy counter with the chocolate cauldrons.

LJ buying some candy and a close-up of one of those Cauldron Cakes (which, looks better than it tastes in my opinion!)

Right after paying for our candy, my phone rang and it was DH. He & Bubba were up, ate breakfast and were ready to go....they were wondering where we were. I told them we were about ready to come back to the room...to drop off our chocolate purchases and eat our breakfast. They decided to go ahead to the Studios and try to ride HRRR. Told him I would call him when we were on our way to the Studios.

It was 8:58am and we were leaving WWoHP heading back to PBH for breakfast.

Some pix of a very empty Suess Landing on our way out: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Back at the room, we had some breakfast and took pictures of what we bought.

I called DH as we were leaving the PBH and he said they were in the back of the Studios doing MIB. We made a plan to meet in the front of the park at HRRR...so we could see their ride video. When we arrived, LJ saw Dora and needed a picture with her before we met them. We just caught her, so it was a quick line and in less than 5 minutes we went to HRRR to meet the guys and we watched their video. Didn't buy it, but it was funny to watch.

Now this is LJ's first time at the Studios. We started at JN and Shrek, making sure to spend time in the play area and gift shop after JN.

Making our way through New York and singing New York, New York embarrassing the kids, we caught Doc Brown at the Delorean (but he was getting around via bike) and snapped a couple of BTTF pix before a quick stop by ROTM. One last shot of the BTTF train.
Some New York pix: 1, DH not singing in the no rain, 2, 3, smarty-pants DS, and LJ.

We decided to have a pizza for lunch at Louie's before heading to Disaster! and to the back of the park. Louie's pix: menu: entrees, beverages, salad/MD, desserts, fruit/jell-o and pizza. We just ordered a large pizza for the four of us with sodas for the kids, water for me and a Lager for DH. He managed to spy a can at the cart outside the restaurant. And, since his favorite beer was cheaper in the can ($4), he was now on a mission to scour all the carts for his beloved Lager. :lmao: And some people can't even eat without texting :rolleyes: DS being a good kid enjoying his lunch...and here being a punk!

After lunch, at the back of the park, it took a LOT of persuasion, but we convinced LJ to try Jaws. She is deathly afraid of sharks and was insistant she was not going to try it.

Even explaining the boat is on a track, the sharks are mechanical, she was STILL hesitant. But, we did convince her to go and she sat in the middle of the boat and gave it a go. I forewarned her where each shark was coming from and what was going to happen next. The captain was really good and had a lot of us laughing...well, not LJ! After the ride was over, I asked her how it was (couldn't have been THAT bad, right?). She said she hated it and would never do it again...she didn't even want a souvenir pic with the big shark out front.

Well, Jaws behind us, we headed for some aliens and fun. Had a lot of fun on MIB. I didn't do as good as I normally do because I was trying to show her what shoot at. She didn't do too bad for her very first time. And, our car won as usual.

As we normally do, MIB and Simpson's go hand in hand. We headed there next. She liked Simpson's and thought it was funny. We like Simpson's...a must do for our family. Goofin' around in line for Simpsons.... 1, 2, 3 and 4. Some pix from Simpson's area afterwards...made her answer the phone :laughing:

We headed toward the front of the park to do some of the stuff there LJ hadn't seen yet. We went the path via Mummy. And, after Mummy, we were just in time to catch the next show of T23D. We had a short wait, but not too long.

After T23D, we walked down Hollywood Blvd (so she could see the "Stars"), and jumped in line for a photo op with one of the Despicable Me characters. (We still haven't seen the movie, but this little dude was having a blast! Dancing with the guests...and himself...he was funny.)

While we were at the corner, we noticed the next show of Horror Make-Up Show was going to start shortly, so we hopped in line for that. We were let in in no time with EP. LJ laughed at the show and they had the token oriental lady "volunteer" as usual. She was pretty good...funny too!

After the Horror Make-Up show, we had done just about everything at the Studios. LJ spotted the Madagascar crew getting ready for photo ops, so she ran to get in line. Satisfied she had a pic with her camera AND her phone, we stopped to take the "Hollywood" sign picture on the way out.

The troops were getting hungry...DH wanted to eat at Bubba Gump's, so that's where we headed. I was surprised that at about 6pm, we were seated right away and it wasn't all that crowded there!
We had very prompt service and LJ got some sort of drink in a flashy souvenir (plastic) glass. We had the Running Forrest outfit framed above our table and the kids did the trivia with the server...altho, we had to help them

I had my usual non-seafood dish: chicken. Bubba had his token cheeseburger. LJ had some sort of fried shrimp and DH had a shrimp kabob. For dessert, we all shared the huge cookie with ice-cream on top. 1 dessert + 4 spoons = a quickly devoured dessert! But, it was yummy!

After dinner, we needed to visit the gift shop so DH could show his receipt to get his souvenir glass (like Margaritaville, they won't give you the dirty glass to take, they give you a new, clean one.) While waiting on DH's glass, we shopped the gift shop. Bubba found some cute things...as did I. But, we didn't buy anything.

After we left, we passed by the fountain play area at CW and we discussed what to do next. The vote was to head back to the Studios and to MIB to ride a few more times.

On our way, we stopped to take some pictures and we all did a "little singing and dancing embarrassing my son" along the way :) DH & Bubba, here and here and Bubba.

LJ's score improved each time she rode MIB...even getting the bonus and breaking 200K by her third ride. Not too bad for an amateur. DH & my scores.

The park was closing so we headed out. I liked it much better when the park was open till 10, but that was only IOA for now. We strolled through CW and eventually (via shortcut) back to the PBH. LJ wrote the postcard out to the person she wanted to send it to and she & Bubba fell asleep while watching tv in bed.

It wasn't too long after that, that DH & I went to bed too. After all, I was up early for early entry at WWoHP and our plan was to do it again tomorrow.


you do the bestest trip reports.
pictures and all !!

don't skip the darkside this summer.
you need to return so another trippie can be written.........
What a fun day. I can't beleive all you did in just one day. I am thinking the next trip to Florida really should be at Universal. I really want to see all the Harry Potter stuff, and I think Skip might be up for the change.
Are you going again this summer? I'm sure you have mentioned it, but I can't remember now.

don't skip the darkside this summer.
you need to return so another trippie can be written.........

What a fun day. I can't beleive all you did in just one day. I am thinking the next trip to Florida really should be at Universal. I really want to see all the Harry Potter stuff, and I think Skip might be up for the change.
Are you going again this summer? I'm sure you have mentioned it, but I can't remember now.

Jen....our days are actually very leisurely believe it or not. We are NOT rushing here and there... We stroll at our vacation pace around the park and do whatever moves us at the time. We are not morning people and we don't rush on vacation. One reason my DH refuses to go back to Disney (well, during busy times anyway) is because he feels rushed and does a LOT of waiting on stuff at Disney (he calls it "Wait Disney World" :laughing: ). At Universal, it's totally opposite of that.

Mac...c'mon...don't make me feel bad. :guilty: You know what happened and why we aren't going this year. Hoping for a day or two next year tho...along with the sailing trip! How about YOU do a Disney cruise and give us a trip report? :teeth:

Great report as usual Barb , and some great Pics. Cannot believe you where up at 6:30:scared1:.

I agree with Mac, you need another trip this year , after all what are we going to read all winter:confused:
Cannot believe you where up at 6:30:scared1:.

I agree with Mac, you need another trip this year , after all what are we going to read all winter:confused:

I can't believe I was up even EARLIER than that...just wait....

I WILL write a trip report, just not for UO. For the cruise..... You can read that for your winter enjoyment :teeth:

Just wanted to let you know I am reading your report :goodvibes Great trip report :wizard:

Thanks...glad you're enjoying it!
Day 14 - Thursday, July 15, 2010

LJ & I were up about 6:30am (this early morning stuff is KILLIN' me!:guilty:) and had our teeth & hair brushed, clothes on, grabbed some water and were on our way to early entry at IOA for WWoHP...again.

We left the PBH at 6:47am and walked to IOA...arriving at the turnstiles at 7am.

They let us in at 7:22am and didn't stop to 'hold' us at the bridge (like yesterday)...we booked it straight to Ollivander's. Got there by 7:33am...no line. :teeth:

After the Ollivanders show, went to FJ. There was absolutely no line. We walked right in and didn't stop walking even through the Greenhouse...which we were cruising through at 7:52am.

We pretty much walked all the way to the loading area of FJ...hardly any lines today.

Took a couple of pix of Filch's Emporium on our way out.

This was the line for Ollivanders at 8:50am! ALREADY over 1.5 hr wait!! Pity the peeps without the early entry...the ones waiting on the other side of the land to get in!!

Looking through HP land on our way to Hog's Head for frozen butterbeer. THIS is DEFINITELY the time of the day to come here....not wall to wall people!

I had zoomed in on Three Broomsticks for the close-up pic of the entrance, and after I took (another) picture of it, I realized the entire front of the building was crooked. Kinda kewl...

After we got LJ her butterbeer, we headed back to the hotel...this was almost 9am....when the 'regular' folk was comin!

Some pix of Hogwarts Express (with nobody in front of it), Zonkos, Honeydukes, 2, Diagon Alley, general pix, Owlery and checking out the windows.

I took a picture of LJ in front of Mythos on our way out. She was amazed that this place was actually a restaurant! We didn't eat here with her, but I assured her it was pretty good when we did eat there...bit pricey, but again, one of those "been there, ate there" things. ;)

Also stopped for a couple pix in SL on our way back to the hotel: LJ & the place that I've NEVER seen open and Zak By Pass.

We thought today we would stop by the Studios on our way back to the hotel to try and get an early ride in on HRRR. We went into Studios and the line stretched across the lawn!
Forget it I told LJ! We'd try another day.

So, we headed out of the Studios and to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, LJ & I had a quick breakfast (DS & DH already ate) and we decided it was going to a wet day at IOA... :) Rolling her eyes because we just walked there and back this morning, LJ changed and we were on our way in no time!

We all got to IOA just about 10am. On our way to Popeye, we stopped to have a picture with Spidey, something LJ really wanted. After a couple of shots, we picked out a picture and filled out the form to have it sent to our room back at PBH.

Stopping for a couple of pix on our way.

We arrive and are enjoying Popeye by 10:30. This was LJ's first time and she was a little leary of what to expect...even though we told her to expect to get wet! Well, that didn't take long and she was among the first in our party to get wet.

Popeye pix: Bubba & I, LJ more wet, having a fun ride and one more time! So...why not? We go again.

This time, I got to sit next to the screamer. On our way again.... And wet yet again.... Up through the car wash.... My imitation of LJ on Popeye.

What she thought of the ride.

While wet, and getting warm, we decided to go to Dudley next. This is LJ's first time here and we wanted her to ride everything! It wasn't long of a wait yet, but by 11am, we was ridin! I took some pictures of the logs because a lot of people here wonder if they can fit. There is a test log out in front of the entrance (to the left) and as you can see by the pix, there is not much wiggle room at all. Here are just a couple of pix from Dudley because they now yell at you to not take any pictures. A picture from the top just before final drop!

I think our next stop was going to be JRRA because we headed that way. This is the tape on the ground to help with crowd control in the early entry hours for WWoHP. I just had to take a picture because it's so unreal!

After JPRA, we would normally just contine around to DD, I mean Dragon Challenge, but since there was a line just to get INTO that section of the park, we cut over the bridge and walked through Seuss Landing. Of course, stopping to do a couple of faves.

After a few rides in Suess Landing, it was now about 12:15pm and the troops were lookin' for lunch. Someplace we've always wanted to try, but never got around to it for some reason, was Dagwood's. Sandwiches were in order today. Full inside, I found a shaded table outside while they went to order their lunch. DH had a Dagwood: ham, turkey, roast beef, swiss & American cheeses with lettuce, tomato, mayo & mustard. DS had his regular old ham & cheese and LJ had a tuna & cheese. I don't eat lunch, so I was happy with my drink and part of the cookie my son so thoughtfully wanted to buy for me. It was a Heath/chocolate chip cookie that we ate almost all of it before I remembered to take a pic for ya.

Strolling back through the park toward Marvel Island, we were in time to catch the beginning of Mat Hoffman's Aggro Circus show. It wasn't here last year, since our timing was good, we decided to stop in and see it. Pretty decent show (I'd see it just once, no need to see it again)...especially if you are into skating, skateboard, BMX bikes, etc... Some pix from the show (from the back rows): stage, "ringmaster", bike in the globe and the finale.

We walked back around stopping by :charac4: for a spin, didn't stop at Dr. Doom...neither of the kids were into doing that :confused: Stopped by Hulk for about three rides or so...

After Hulk, stopped by Suess Landing to ride the Trolley, Cat in the Hat and one of what would turn out to be LJ's fave....One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. I don't have any pix of these as I have taken many others in my other TR's. (you can only take so many pix of the same things year after year)

About 2pm, we were finished with IOA (never made it BACK into WWoHP...not even to ride Dragons :( ), and DH was craving an ice-cream and we stopped in POE for that. He happily ate it on our way of the park. Since we were in our wet duds, we decided to head back to the hotel and hop in the pool for a while.

Yeah...that didn't happen. Just as we got down to the pool, the sky blackened and it got real windy. The trusty afternoon Florida thunderstorm was a'comin.
So, we packed it in and went back to the room for showers.

After while, the storm passed and we were on our way to Margaritaville for dinner. I think we had a 6:00 or 6:30 reservation? Whatever the time, the food, drinks & company was good! Cheeseburgers in Paradise for Bubba and LJ (LJ's first ever), DH had jumbalaya and I had my usual 'appetizer' for dinner...portobello quesadillas (the portobello part was new on the menu this year...YUM!!!!). For dessert, we had the Brownie Earthquake...and 4 spoons lol. It's just way too much food if you don't split it! And, easier on the credit card AND waistline

After dinner, we headed back to IOA to see if the lines at WWoHP were less. It was STILL REALLY crowded in WWoHP!! Even FJ was pretty crowded. We skipped it, but took these two cool pix of it. They did a GREAT job designing the "writing" on the wall with the lights...nicely done.

They weren't lines at DC. So, for the first time this trip, on we went. I think they did a nice job converting it to DC from DD...but the themeing seems "on the cheap" compared to the rest of the land.
It was about 8:45pm now and starting to get dark.

Pix of queue and entering DC: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
I think we did Ice, I mean Hungarian Horntail, in the front row...for LJ's sake. She LOVED it!! I think we went back around and rode Fire, Chinese Fireball, but not in the front. Fire just isn't as good in the front as Ice is.

We happened to luck out and catch the Frog Choir at 9:30 that night. Just wandering around, LJ spotted it and we watched it. I didn't think it was all that great or worth watching...I guess I would say it's one of those "seen it once, no need to see it again" type things.

Some pix: 1 and 2.

After the Frog Choir, we decided to give Flight of the Hippogriff a whirl. Last time we rode this it was still Flying Unicorn. Yeah...not much as changed with the ride...still jerky imo. Themeing is better though...actually stuff to look at! Hagrid's Hut, Buckbeak, etc... I am content to just watch...I don't need to ride that anymore.

After our ride, we decided it was time to get a Pumpkin Juice and try that....but, get some frozen butterbeers too! DH was the only one who thought Pumpkin Juice was 'pretty good'...the rest of us were like

By the time we were through FotH, it was almost 10pm...park closing. Everyone was getting tired, especially LJ since we were up early this morning (again). We slowly headed back "home", stopping by the Universal store at City Walk so LJ could get this sweatshirt she wanted.

After a snack, looking at the day's pictures and chillin with some tv, they didn't last much past midnight. They were so beat, I missed my hug and kiss goodnight

Oh well...tomorrow another day...and family coming too! :goodvibes

I have heard from others that pumpkin juice is pretty nasty.
Another great update and day.
I can't believe I was up even EARLIER than that...just wait....

I WILL write a trip report, just not for UO. For the cruise..... You can read that for your winter enjoyment :teeth:

Thanks...glad you're enjoying it!

Will look forward to that Barb.
Another great day, never tried the Brownie at Margaritaville, but looks yummy, will be on my list this year
I have heard from others that pumpkin juice is pretty nasty.

think 'cinnamony'-apple cider :crazy2:

...the Brownie at Margaritaville, looks yummy, will be on my list this year

It's delicious & HUGE!! I mean, c'mon... WHO has room for DESSERT at Mville? :confused3 Better have room if you plan to have one to yourself :laughing: (otherwise, request more spoons :thumbsup2 )
Good tip Barb, think it will be 3 spoons. We always plan on dessert, have an appetiser between lily and myself, but always end up not getting one as the meals are so big, but reckon we could manage 1 between us.
Day 15 - Friday, July 16, 2010

Since it's been so long in the writing, I can't remember what took us so long to get to the parks today? The first picture I have is us in the EP line for JN.

So we made our way around the park and saw they hadn't let in for the Beetlejuice show yet. DH stopped for a can of Lager at Louie's while we went to stand in the EP line. We didn't wait long (DH wasn't even back with his beer yet!) and we went in and found seats. We decided to sit next to the sound booth. They weren't the 'cheap seats'...but decent. DH was not far behind and found us easily...since he still came in the through the EP entrance, while everyone else was hoarding through the regular entrance. Do yourself a favor, if they are letting the regular line in, and the EP line is empty, go in through that side. MUCH less crowded!!

Some pix from the show: Pre-show entertainment TM was hilarious btw! Show 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
After Beetlejuice, we probably went to Disaster! (can't remember...been awhile & notes aren't great )

I do know our next stop was Fear Factor Live!. We realized we were in time for the beginning of the show and LJ hadn't seen it yet, so we got into the EP line. We got pretty good seats and enjoyed the eewww-show. Few pix of the end finale.

After FFL, it was about 2pm, we made our way around to MIB. Do you recognize this picture from the EP line? Most don't I bet

After a few spins on MIB, LJ was getting better. We were teaching her what to shoot for, and she was doing really well after just only a few times thru. She was pretty proud of herself...especially since we usually 'get the suit' in our car

After almost 30 minutes of non-stop MIB, the troops were clamoring for some grub. Against my better judgement, they wanted to try Mel's Drive-In. I have always read to not eat here, and now we know why. They all had burgers and they weren't all that good. Edible is about all they were. While sitting outside, we did see the Mystery Machine and Scoob & Shag coming down Hollywood Blvd.... where LJ ran over for a pic.

After eats, we went in the direction of Woody Woodpecker zone. Each year we get a pic with Bubba with his pizza-statue, and this year he was REALLY taller than him! Our annual pic. We were heading for ET because LJ hadn't ridden yet.

After ET, we caught the Woody & Friends show starting. We decided to hang out and watch it as it's only a few minutes long. Especially in the mid-afternoon Florida heat, I'll bet they get awful hot doing their song & dances. LJ didn't want any autographs, so we didn't stick around. We left and noticed the Animal Actors Live! show was starting, yet another LJ hasn't seen, so we headed there.

On the way, I just had to take her pic in front of this bamboo. I love the bamboo there...especially along the path to RPR. I don't know that she'd ever seen bamboo before? But, after our quick pic, it was onto the show.

Which she LOVED. She loves animals and took a ton of pix. We had second row seats and it was a great show...as always! Show pix: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

After the show, it was almost 4:30 and the kids decided to try the pool again. Being Platinum with Loews, we still had our $100 hotel credit to use up...figured we'd have dinner there...goin' a little on the 'cheap' tonite

We arrived at the pool about 6pm. Only to find rain coming...along with thunder & lightening.

So, we snagged a table undercover outside of Splendido's and ordered our food. With only the four of us, we tried to use up ALL our credit. Ordering: mozzeralla sticks for an appetizer, Bubba ordered the appetizer pizza for his meal, I had a turkey wrap sandwich and LJ & DH had a cheesesteak (with onion rings) each. Food was good..as usual. Rain was wet too.

I don't think we used our entire credit on this meal, but the rain had passed and we were finished eating, so we decided to go back to the room and change and head over to IOA to Suess and see if we could get into WWoHP.

We did Suess Landing and the Car-o-Suess-El. WWoHP was crowded...DH didn't want to attempt it. FJ would have to wait. I was beginning to think we'd never get on it again without going early entry. We must have trekked over to Hulk and Spidey before deciding to head back to the hotel. DH was kinda tired.

But I wasn't! I wanted to head back to WWoHP for some nighttime pix. I asked the kids who wanted to go and they both did! :yay: Actually, Bubba wanted to see if the line for FJ had gone down and was going to try to go for it. :thumbsup2 LJ would NEVER say 'no' to going to WWoHP. So, we grabbed our cameras and my tripod, and over to IOA we went.

I was in the middle of taking some fun pictures of Hogwarts, when LJ exclaimed the Beaux Baton and Drumstrang show was starting. I quick grabbed the videocamera to record and gave Bubba my camera. I don't think he had it on the correct setting as he was getting annoyed with the way his pictures were turning out. I don't think they turned out all that bad? :confused3 LJ's batteries died in her camera, but I quickly gave her the extras I brought with me. It was a cute little show, but not something I'd sit and wait to see. Bubba is a 3rd degree blackbelt in TKD, and he can do what those Drumstrangers were doing with their bo-staffs...heck, he can even do more! He wasn't impressed...to say the least!

Pix of the show: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

After the show, I returned to 'my spot' and finished taking some Hogwarts pix for LJ on her camera and some pix on our camera. Hogwarts at night: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9, 10 and 11. I was having some fun with my night portrait setting too: Bubba and LJ 1 and 2.

Meanwhile, Bubba went to see what the single-rider line looked like for FJ. He came back almost right away. He told me the line was to the bottom of the steps and he wasn't waitin' .....chip off the ole blocks!! I told him we would all go and/or wait if he still wanted to go, he didn't....even after I explained that will probably be his LAST chance to ride for a VERY long time. He wanted no parts of it. :snooty: I took a quick pic of Sorting Hat in Filch's and we left.

Because of the convention, they made us leave through the Jurassic Park side. I took a couple pix of Marvel Super Hero Island from the bridge and after we crossed back over the bridge, I snapped a couple pix of the entrance to WWoHP. I had hoped to take some night shots of Hogwarts Express and the stores at night, but they wouldn't let us back through WWoHP. :snooty:

So, we headed back 'home' ....about 10:30pm or so.

Took a couple shots of Mythos at night on our way out...for LJ. It's always pretty lit up at night.

We mozied our way back to the hotel for bed. Bubba went ahead upstairs while I took some pix of PBH at night with LJ's camera for her. (I have MANY others in our '08 trip report.)

One last full day tomorrow...and family coming!



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