75th Birthday Cruise w/ a Side of WWoHP

Day 16 - Saturday, July 17, 2010

This is the day we all got up early and headed to the Studios to ride HRRR. The park was opening at 9am, but as I found out the other day (when LJ & I stopped by the Studios to ride it), they were actually opening the gates as early as 8:30! So, we all got up, got dressed, brushed teeth and headed over for 8:45 opening. We got there and there was virutally NO line for HRRR. Just a 10 minute wait or so! I was happy I was finally going to get a chance to ride this coaster!

Turns out, my ride wasn't all that great because we did stop mid-ride and it ticked me off. It would be the ONLY time I would get to ride it too. The line was usually over 60 minutes, and we weren't waiting. From what I did get to experience, the ride was pretty cool...would've liked to try it again (and had plans to when we returned in October), but never happened (wasn't open in October when we returned).

After our one ride on HRRR, we stopped by Boulangerie for some breakfast eats to take back to our room. Our breakfast supplies were running low, and we still needed breakfast for tomorrow morning yet. So, we decided to stop and get a chocolate croissant for LJ (who'd never had or ever heard of one), cheese danish, chocolate muffin and a bran muffin. The serving portions are HUGE and we ended up sharing and splitting them up. So instead of a whole cheese danish, you had some danish and muffin...or something like that.

I also took some pix of the menu and other lunch, sandwich, dessert and some beverage selections.

After breakfast we decided TODAY was going to be the day we were going to make it IN the pool! The sun was shining and the sky was bright!
We are hoping our 3rd attempt is the charm.

After breakfast and changing into swim duds and lathering up with sunblock, we headed down to the pool and got some chairs....without an umbrella because those are taken up early...but we were near the slide.

LJ had a fear of slides since a childhood incident and, for almost an hour, we all tried to convince her to try the slide at PBH. It's not a huge, fast slide, but she wasn't going for it. :sad2: Not until I offered to go with her. We went up and she chose to go first, I'd go down behind her. I got my 'go ahead', and by the time I reached the bottom, LJ was ALL smiles. I said to her, "So? Did we actually LIKE the slide? Is that a smile I see on your face?" Well, she had a great time, and spent the next 15-20 minutes just going up and down on the slide. She had a really great time and I was glad she tried it!

We all had a spin or two ....having a great time. Meanwhile, Bubba did his thing in the pool and on the slide, DH & I hung out and took pictures....and because nobody take picture of us!
We hung out here for awhile...taking some pictures, talking, relaxing..... You know...just doing the 'vacation' thing.... :goodvibes

We were thinking of packing it in and heading to a park, when BIL called. The family was nearby. They arrived about 3pm. They included: BIL's wife's family: BIL, SIL, their 3 kids, SIL's sister & her baby, SIL's parents & grandmother, SIL's aunt and her 2 grandkids and friend of the family. That is a total of 17 plus a tot. THAT is a LOT of peeps!!! Here's all our nieces, our nephew & Bubba, BIL & his FIL, DH & him too, DH "holding" DNi1's glasses, our nephew thinking he was going to be a smartypants and get my (waterproof) camera wet, DH & the nephew, nieces and son, DNi1 and DNi2.

We decided to just hang out and had a great time! It was good to see them. They ordered drinks and snacks from Splendido pool service and we hung out until about 6pm or so. LJ had to go up to the room sooner, as she did NOT sunblock herself up like I thought she did. I think she had a touch of sun poisoning. Bubba wasn't too far behind and I got them cookies from Sal's (because they were hungry too) and they had them in the room....along with a tiny bit of leftover muffin from breakfast. It was a long day at the pool & in the sun...can't blame them for wanting to chill out in the room for a bit. ;)

We all wanted to go somewhere and have dinner together, so everyone came up to our suite to change out of swimduds and into dry clothes. It quickly became very crowded in our room(s), :crowded: but we managed to shower and get changed. While there, we had saved our (nasty) Pumpkin Juice, in our cooler, we bought the other night at WWoHP and passed it around to let everyone have a taste. To be honest, there were only a couple of people that actually thought it tasted 'good'....most agreed it was gross. (Butterbeer MUCH betterer)

Now, back to dinner.... Because of the HP convention, we couldn't get reservations ANYWHERE and the other places we called around CW weren't even picking up the phone! :guilty: So, DH looks out our window and sees empty tables outside. We decided to head down to the Trattoria del Porto and see if they had room for us. This was the second year in a row we decided to eat at the hotel, and both times we did not have any trouble walking in without a reservation (or much notice of one).

My SIL & I went to the podium to inquire about seating for all of us, and the hostess asked us how many. We just looked at each other like "uuhhh???" We started counting on our fingers and just guesstimated about 20. Then the hostess asked us how many of those were kids? Are ya kiddin' me? SIL & I just looked at each other and said, "About half?"

In the meantime, Scooby showed up and we took a group photo. The hostess had come back to tell us that they had a room for just us and were setting it up. This would turn out to be a good thing...privacy with THIS many people (who are loud & rowdy) was a good idea! ;)

We didn't have to wait too long and they escorted us to our room. They had set us up with 2 long tables...one for adults and one for the kids. Worked out really well!

You could either order off the menu or the pasta buffet. The buffet offered 3 different sauces and different pastas and add-ins. My DH and his brother opted for this and thought it was absolutely delicious! I've never heard either of them rave about a pasta before! I think there was a pasta with some shrimp in it and a vodka sauce my DH really liked.... Everyone was happy and raved how great their food was. This was my delicious chicken from the menu and (I think) Grumpy's chicken parm sandwich. This was another dish that I can't remember what it is or who ordered it? Even the kids had an all-you-can-eat pasta bar. I think it was like $8 or $10/pp? Not sure, since Bubba ordered off the menu.

Menu pix: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

While we were waiting for our food, Shrek stopped by. He hammed it up...of course. He got laughs out of everyone! Even Nana (SIL's grandmother) got some lovin from Shrek! A nice group shot before he left.

Oldest & youngest nieces, other niece and Bubba & nephew.
I believe the kids' meals came with ice cream, so that was had. I don't know that any of the adults had room for dessert...just some coffee. It was pretty late by the time we had finished with dinner...after 10-10:30pm easily!

After dinner and the family left, we hung out in our room for awhile, the kids went down to the piazza to hang out (you know teens). LJ took a few pretty nice pix of PBH and BICE lit up at night.

We chatted with BIL for awhile, since SIL couldn't keep her eyes open and fell asleep. I took some video of her snoring and pissed her off with it the next day! :teeth:

It was probably about 1am when we kicked everyone off to bed. And, that was waaaay late, because my nieces wanted to go to WWoHP to ride FJ and shop. I told them the ONLY way that was happening was if they were up at 6am and ready to leave the hotel by 6:30am. They said they were okay with that and told me to make sure to wake them up.

Knowing tomorrow is our last day, with a late flight home and an early morning because of early entry into WWoHP, I hit the hay pretty quick.....and hard. I KNEW I was NOT looking forward to getting up at 6am...but, for the 3 nieces who so desperately wanted to go, I was the one who was going to have to take them. DH, Bubba, my BIL and my nephew were NOT interested in getting up early at ALL! (Come to find out in the morning, SIL wasn't getting up early either :laughing: )

Seemed as soon as I closed my eyes, my stupid alarm was going off.....

Another great time for everyone, and some great photos there Barb.
And another EARY MORNING:scared1:

Last day....

Day 17 - Sunday, July 18, 2010

6am ... Bright and early....Stupid alarm goes off!

But, I got up and asked LJ first if we were going to WWoHP? She said 'yes' and got up to get ready.
Next I went into the other room to see who wanted to go. First niece I came across said 'yep' and got up. I asked the next person, but after I woke them up to ask them if they wanted to go, I felt hair and realized it was my nephew that I asked! I thought he was my other niece. He was out...no go. I went to the other sleeping person, who was the niece I was originally lookin for, and she said 'yep' and got up to get ready. I told the two girls: "No purses.... just phones, cameras and park tickets/room keys". Told them we weren't stopping to locker anything. They did really well and remembered to bring only that stuff and I could not have been any more proud (or shocked) when all 4 of us were in the elevator leaving the hotel at 6:30am! Wow! 3 teen girls were ready to go when I told them to be...must be a first!!

I forget what time we arrived at the turnstiles, but I am pretty sure it was around 7am. There wasn't hardly anyone here today! We were first in line at one of the turnstiles...a first for us! All the turnstiles only had about 5 or 6 people deep in each line? While this was a good thing, I hope it lasted!

It didn't take too long to be let in (probably around 7:40 or so). We headed straight in toward Ollivander's. We weren't even held at the LC bridge either. LJ had gone ahead of us, while I encouraged my other 2 nieces to "c'mon". This was their first look inside Hogsmeade (8am).

After Ollivander's we shopped in Dervish's. ALL week long, LJ had been looking for a Gryffindor keychain and couldn't find one...anywhere! Don't ya know, after she spent her budget, she found one this morning! I told her to just get it, but she wouldn't. I decided to buy it for her because I know she really wanted it. A bit pricey at $10, but it made her happy. My other niece found a Gryffindor scarf, but at $40 I figured that call was her Mom's!

We left and checked out the Owl Post on the way out.

Next up was FJ. We didn't tell the girls anything about the ride. (Would turn out to be a good thing!) We steadily walked through Hogwarts checking everything out and pointing stuff out to the girls. There was really no line...just steady walking. We were loading onto the ride before we knew it. They were suprised the line moved that fast. I told them the other day it was about an hour steadily walking through...so, this was perfect timing!

They all loved the ride....and of course, screamed like teenage girls! :rolleyes: One niece is afraid of spiders...which was the good thing about not telling them anything about the ride. She told me that had she known spiders were in the ride, she wouldn't have gone on. I told her that was one reason I didn't tell them anything about it...I was afraid they wouldn't try it if they heard there was something on there they didn't like. I really just wanted them to go on and be surprised. Now they liked the ride, and knew what to expect and weren't afraid to go on. (The youngest niece was always afraid to ride Jaws until this year...at the ripe age of 12!)

After the ride, we putzed around Filch's and my one niece 'stole' a pic of our ride photo. We left without buying anything.

When we walked out of Filch's, my Fla. nieces spotted FotH running. They LOVED Flying Unicorn and have been waiting for this to reopen! So,the girls went, I waited. They remembered what a fun ride it was and loved it! :goodvibes:

Next stop was to score some Butterbeer for the girls...each got their own. Sipping on their frozens (because that's what we recommended), we headed to Honeydukes/Zonkos.

Entering here today they were serving samples of Peppermint Toads. Tasted like a Peppermint Patty...no biggie. I don't believe we bought anything here, except maybe another Cauldron Cake... for my Mom and maybe a few other small things. We really didn't buy much...gifts for peeps back home. They had fun checking out all the candy and the stuff in Zonkos.

After we were finished in the store, we walked out of Zonkos and saw NOBODY in front of the Hogwart's Express. This was the perfect time to get pix of it...and the girls in front of it. Of course, I had my camera and each of theirs...totaling 4 cameras I was taking pictures with. As it started to get crowded, people were very patient and understanding when I explained the 3 of them were my nieces and they EACH wanted a pic with their OWN camera!

After the pix, we looked at all the window displays and explained to the girls what was moving in each window. They really enjoyed checking all the windows out and taking their own pictures of the land.
Windows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Outside Three Broomsticks and another display.

Two nieces wanted a ride on DC, the other didn't feel so well. So her & I sat and chatted (& held Butterbeers) while the other two went to ride. I forget what they said they rode, but they came back realitively quickly...and ALL smiles! They said "no line".

After that one ride...everyone was ready to head back to the hotel to the family and see what the plan for the rest of the day was. I had a really good time with the 3 of them...something I will always remember and cherish.

Back at the hotel, we had some breakfast and finished up what we had. We also had to finish packing :( and check out. Luggage Services held our bags for us while we went to the Studios for the day.

It was just after noon by the time we arrived (via boat) to CW and the Studios. We took a couple family pix on the bridge..something we normally don't do; but I have a pic from 2007 with the 3 of us and I wanted to compare how much Bubba grew since our first visit. After I got home to do that, all I can say is "WOW!!"

Anyhow...to the Studios. Line for HRRR was ridiculous...skipped it. It bummed some of the family in our party out...but, there were better things to do than stand in that crazy long line!
I don't have a lot of pictures from this last day...probably because I forget when the family is with us. AND, we've been here the past few years...no need for the same pix again this year.

I'm sure we did Shrek, JN and Twister & Disaster! I know we did Simpsons. I know because there are pictures of us in line. :teeth: I can't remember what was taking so long, so I took pictures. Bubba, DNe & DNi2 all staying occupied in line.
I also know we did MIB. DNi1 wasn't feeling well and sat out with 'the stuff' and someone would sit out with her. This is what LJ found on her camera when she asked us to 'hold her camera & phone' while she rode MIB....she'll never do that again!

I know we did the Mummy afterwards because we ended up at Finnegan's for a lunner (late lunch/early dinner). We were here about 3-3:30 for some eats, but not before watchin' a lil Blues. LJ & Bubba checking out the menu and Bubba wanted to try the Scotch Eggs appetizer. Never to be one to deprive their child of trying a new food, we told him to go ahead and order one. To our surprise, he liked them and we thought they weren't bad. (kinda on the salty side actually!) We also had the Onion Webb for an appetizer along with the soda bread and wings.

Most had cheeseburgers, DNi1 had fish 'n chips, I think this is a steak sandwich and I had a chicken sandwich (although I don't know why there isn't a picture of it?) DH even got his Lager in a bottle. Made him happy, as he'd been scoping them out in cans all week! A good meal...as usual...altho a bit chilly in here (again).

We were here for quite awhile. After we finished eating, we decided to head over to IOA to WWoHP. BIL, SIL & our DNe had not seen WWoHP yet.

On our way out, LJ spotted Diego and we stopped so I could take her picture with him. The line was short, so we told the group to go ahead of us, we'd catch up. Didn't take us long at all!

We got to IOA and headed straight to WWoHP. The lines for the rides, butterbeers (cart & IN HHT) AND stores were insanely long, of course, and the FJ line was posted at over 60 minutes, so we skipped that too.

BUT, we did get some cold and frozen butterbeers....eventually. BIL caved & stood in line at the cart for us. They had their first tastes and agreed that frozen was better than cold. While waiting for them to get Butterbeers, I took this pic.

We had some time for two nieces to ride Popeye a couple times real quick....so they did that and the rest of us waited for them. Taking a couple pictures while waiting for them. I don't have many pix because while holding DNi2's phone, we were taking goofy pix of ourselves so she'd find them on her phone later :teeth:

We sat and talked and waited for them before it was time to go. We left thru SL stopping to pick up some of those yummy, huge cookies for the ride home (and huge Rice Krispie treats for my mom for watching the dog for the past two weeks). These cookies are SO yummy, I have NO idea why I keep forgetting to take a picture of them? :confused3 I'll put it on my bucket list.

Eventually, it was time to go and we headed back to the PBH to change clothes, collect our luggage and grab our cab to MCO for our 8:50 pm flight.

We were back in time and while LJ was changing in the ladies room, and I was on my way out to the front of the hotel, DH had the luggage and was coming outside to wait for our cab. I had reserved a cab with Mears for 6:30pm for the 4 of us.

As DH was coming out of the hotel about 5:50 pm, he saw a lady at a Mears van and holler to her DH at the hotel entrance: "never mind...I got one. Let's go." And they hopped in that van and left.

As she was pulling away, DH was thinking, "I wonder if that van was for us?" Sure enough, about 5-10 minutes goes by, and no Mears taxi or van shows up for us. :confused: So, I called them and said they were there. Now I flipped. I explained that a COUPLE took OUR reservation. I told them it was THEIR DRIVER'S responsibility to make sure he was collecting the RIGHT people. If our reservation said 4 people, why would he drive away with 2? I was SO flippin' pissed... I demanded they send someone ASAP as we had a plane to catch.

Meanwhile, DH is flipping out on his own and the peeps at PBH were scrambling saying..."get these people a cab right away!" We think they didn't want the 'scene' there...but, hey...whatever gets you what you were supposed to have.......
About 10 minutes later, a cab (not a VAN), arrived for us. Mind you, we should BE at MCO by now.

We told the driver what happened and explained we weren't angry with him, but his boss needed to know what happened. And, that we were never going to use Mears ever again. Ever. This driver did a good job of getting us to the airport promptly and we tipped him accordingly. (We wouldn't take what happened out on HIM and not tip him properly.)

At the airport, we printed our boarding passes and checking luggage, we headed to our gate (DH still annoyed) to settle in. We were there in plenty of time. I took that opportunity to 'steal' LJ's pix from her camera and save them on my laptop...she did the same with my pictures. Bubba sat and played his PSP Go and DH watched a movie on his Zune. Time passed quickly and we were ready to board before ya know it!

On the flight home, LJ & Bubba sat together in front of us and watched The Chipmunks movie on LJ's laptop while DH & I watched "What Happens in Vegas". Somehow I had already seen it (I never watch movies without DH) but DH hadn't. It was cute, so I watched it again...I didn't mind. I stretched out (because we were the only 2 in our row :banana: ), cracked open the cookies we just bought and everyone had one for a snack and settled in for the 2 hour flight home. I do believe LJ ended up taking a little snooze on the way home.

Turned out to be an uneventful flight home and once landed in PHL, we retrieved all our luggage and my Mom was there to pick us up.

Max was shocked, and happy, to see us! He was so excited...I think he thought he was dreaming when he saw us. We said goodnight to LJ & Mom and we all got in our car and headed home. It was after midnight and it had been a long day....especially for LJ &I. We were up at 6am for early entry to HP, remember?

So, that concludes our vacation from 2010.

When I finally got settled at home, I called Budget to find out why I was overcharged for our rental car. First I complained I was charged for gas, when my receipt clearly stated the car was returned full (8/8). She told me to send a copy of the receipt and they will reverse it. I then explained I first had to get a copy of the receipt because the self-serve gas pump did NOT print a receipt for me...luckily we paid with a credit card. So, I had to call the credit card company and request a copy of the receipt..which, took a little while, but they sent it. Lesson learned: if your pump does NOT give you a receipt, walk in the store and get one then & there! (But, by the time I got the receipt in the mail from the credit card company, it didn't matter...Budget had already reversed the gas charge.)

So, we continue to talk about the charges and I find out they charged us for an upgrade! I explained to the lady how the jerk at the Budget in Tampa wanted to give us a Grand Prix, but we turned it down because it was not an 'economy' size car...which is 1) what I reserved and 2) only what we needed...really. I then said to the lady on the phone (getting more angry by the minute), "If you consider a 4 door an upgrade from a 2 door, then I will never use your company again!" ...and then added, "..and my confirmation paper clearly says "2 OR 4 door". She checked her paperwork (because apparently the receipt they give the customer is NOT the same paperwork the company keeps/sees) and saw we DID have an economy car and no upgrade.

So, after these two charges removed, my total is STILL higher than it should be. So, I questioned her why and she said we'd start at the beginning and go over each charge. Okay, fine. She starts with the base price and right away THAT is different than my confirmation! I told her that was wrong and we kept going. The other charges seemed okay and she told me to fax a copy of my confirmation and gas receipt (when I got it). I got a 'case' number and when I got the gas receipt, faxed everything she told me to. (Why email wouldn't have been faster, I don't know?)

When I called back a couple weeks later (because they hadn't been in touch with ME....the CUSTOMER), they had closed my case and credited my credit card. It wasn't a dead-on exact amount match, but only a couple dollars off and that was better than a difference of over $50! I just accepted it and was happy to have it over with. But, I should have taken care of it when we returned the car...it would have been a lot less hassle and aggravation over the phone on MY end. MY lesson learned. (Actually, my lesson is to not let DH return the car 1) alone or 2) without the original confirmation. That way, we know it's all good.)

So, that wraps up this trip report. I'm sad to report, there will be no visit to Universal this year by the Bubba family. :sad2: We plan to spend a week at my FIL's and then a week on Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas (western itin.) this summer. I *can* do a trippie if anyone is interested...but, I doubt it. This place is to salivate over Universal...not our cruise.

We hope to make a stop back to Universal next summer....and hope to get that sailing trip in next year too!

Thanks for reading!!! :wave2:

Another great time for everyone, and some great photos there Barb.
And another EARY MORNING:scared1:

yep...those 6 and 6:30s were killin me!

out of 5 mornings there, I was up early 3 of them! :headache:

figure I could sleep at home.... ;)
Fantastic report and you do take brilliant pictures. Sounds as if everyone had a great time :thumbsup2
yep...those 6 and 6:30s were killin me!

out of 5 mornings there, I was up early 3 of them! :headache:

figure I could sleep at home.... ;)

I might [just might] get up early 1 of our mornings, but no promises.
Some great photos there Barb, Lily having a look at them says they are fantastic.
She said to say Hi to everyone.
You got me back with all those amazing food pictures.
I am so sad that this is over. I love your reports. I do hope you do one of your cruise this summer.
Which necie is 12? You have such beautiful neices and none look 12!
Fantastic report and you do take brilliant pictures. Sounds as if everyone had a great time :thumbsup2

thank you. thanks for reading!

I might [just might] get up early 1 of our mornings, but no promises.
Some great photos there Barb, Lily having a look at them says they are fantastic.
She said to say Hi to everyone.

"hi" to your girls too! I would get up early 1 day (make it early in the trip)...that way you know you can sleep in the rest of your vacation. It really IS nice at HP that early in the morning. Whatever day you decide to get up early, take a nap poolside that afternoon ;)

You got me back with all those amazing food pictures.
I am so sad that this is over. I love your reports. I do hope you do one of your cruise this summer.
Which necie is 12? You have such beautiful neices and none look 12!

hey...you KNOW food is always included in my TRs... :rolleyes1 I will probably do a TR for our cruise this summer....Sometimes DH will pull at TR up on his computer at work and just read an old one to get him thru the day. Besides...they are good to have for the memories and going back & reading.....

Nieces ages from left to right: 15 (now 16), 12 (now 13) & 17 (now 18)

and yeah...BIL is gonna have his hands full with the 13 yo :laughing:

wow! I wish I looked like that at 12. Heck even at 18! :rotfl:Though I'm sure my mom was glad I didn't.
Jen....our days are actually very leisurely believe it or not. We are NOT rushing here and there... We stroll at our vacation pace around the park and do whatever moves us at the time. We are not morning people and we don't rush on vacation. One reason my DH refuses to go back to Disney (well, during busy times anyway) is because he feels rushed and does a LOT of waiting on stuff at Disney (he calls it "Wait Disney World" :laughing: ). At Universal, it's totally opposite of that.

Mac...c'mon...don't make me feel bad. :guilty: You know what happened and why we aren't going this year. Hoping for a day or two next year tho...along with the sailing trip! How about YOU do a Disney cruise and give us a trip report? :teeth:

@ WDW, all good things come to those who wait or who visit off season;) which i think is 2 weeks in January now lol

i'm confused, know you're doing the week long cruise this summer thought u always added on a day or 2 @ grandpa's & park? (btw his pool is amazing) Thought maybe u & the mr might sneak back down for HHN.:)we were just able to switch dec week

again, hat's off to a most complete TR:thumbsup2, good attitude re the rain in cozumel, but i must admit you are 1st person i know who went to walmart there:laughing:
@ WDW, all good things come to those who wait or who visit off season;) which i think is 2 weeks in January now lol

Last we visited was Epcot Jan 30 & 31st (i think)...'07pt1 trippie. Would do it again then...everything was WALK on and was one of the first few to secure dinner (at 4pm) at LeCellier...walked up :goodvibes ...as in...NO ADR!

i'm confused, know you're doing the week long cruise this summer thought u always added on a day or 2 @ grandpa's & park? (btw his pool is amazing) Thought maybe u & the mr might sneak back down for HHN.:)we were just able to switch dec week

Week at Dads, weekend at BIL's and the week on the ship instead of the park. DH sez he needs 'year off'...maybe go back few days next year? We'll see....I just renewed HIS AP today :teeth: HHN not happenin. The reason we even did it last year was for the big 'meet'...well, and because I've been curious about HHN. Been there, don't need to do that again....LOVED the company tho ;)

again, hat's off to a most complete TR:thumbsup2, good attitude re the rain in cozumel, but i must admit you are 1st person i know who went to walmart there:laughing:

I know...right? :lmao: How many peeps go to the grocery store (in another country) to NOT buy groceries on vacation? Eh...good times.... btw...speaking of most complete trippies.... :rolleyes1
also...if you were following along..... remember the rental car mess? Where at Tampa (where we rented from), they wanted to give us a Grand Prix? And DH said "no...too big....just an economy like we reserved".... I found the paperwork with what kind of car we did have.

A Hyundai Elantra.

Yeah...some 'upgrade' huh? :rolleyes2

also...if you were following along..... remember the rental car mess? Where at Tampa (where we rented from), they wanted to give us a Grand Prix? And DH said "no...too big....just an economy like we reserved".... I found the paperwork with what kind of car we did have.

A Hyundai Elantra.

Yeah...some 'upgrade' huh? :rolleyes2



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