8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC #15 /Life After the PC


Little Cinderella's Mommy
Feb 25, 2003
I know everyone is not finished posting so here we go.

From the previous thread.

Welcome aboard the latest incarnation of this thread!
The old thread broken up
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Posts 1-2996 and 77958 - 82220
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 2 Posts 2997 - 7993
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 3 Posts 7994 - 12990
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 4 Posts 12991 - 17988
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 5 Posts 17989 - 22986
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 6 Posts 22987 - 27986
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 7 Posts 22987 - 32986
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 8 Posts 32987 - 37986
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 9 Posts 37987 - 42984
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 10 Posts 42985 - 47984
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 11 Posts 47985 - 52966
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 12 Posts 52967 - 57965
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 13 Posts 57966 - 62965
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 14 Posts 62966 - 67963
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 15 Posts 67964 - 72957
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 16 Posts 72958 - 77957
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 17 Posts 77958 - 82955
8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC - Part 18 Posts 82956 - 83107
The new threads
#2/#19 thread 83108 - 86900
#3/#20 thread 86901 - 90515
#4/#21 thread 90516 - 94271
#5/#22 thread 94272 - 98011
#6/#23 98012 - 101754

There is a kids thread

Thanks Lisa.

I was going to tell you about the sail away picture from the tracking thread, but it sounds like you already have it. I noticed Bobby right away.;)
Wow... I get to post #3...

I'll edit in stuff from the prior thread now...

There is no doubt in my mind that there were thieves lurking on the Magic as Fincantieri was one of the folks who said he did not get one when we were on the boat and I absolutely remember delivering it to his room - we dined right next to each other, live near each other, and I remember telling my DD (who delivered the FE gifts w me) that it was their room (as my DDs adore his DDs). There was no way I forgot his room.

Not to throw accusations out there - but I think there was some anomosity from folks from a competing board... and the STs were in full representation...

I delivered the FE to all the rooms on the afternoonon our first sea day. I will note those that say they did not receive my FE gift and I will PM you when I get my hands on some Panama stamps... Let me do an inventory of my other country stamps to see which one is my next fewest... but I think I should have at least 10-15 of all the other countries - I am sure I can score a dozen Panama stamps on ebay for a couple of bucks.

Who knows SIL? I think it was mostly young folks or pranksters. Having met some of the folks from the other board - I thought they were quite decent sorts. Nothing to really to raise an eyebrow from ME. Frankly, I've heard of so much gossip and comment aside - that it makes me wonder a bit about some of the folks who are normal looking here amongst us. IE, some rumors I heard before the cruise seem to have been proven afterwards. Gee... is the muck rucking?

Seriously... in the end ... who knows if this or that is this or that after all? All I realy know is I am who and what I am... and I mean no harm or foulness to anyone. I'm here to visit ... post a few fun or mildly interesting images ... and on rare occassion I'll even post a bit of dribble too. In the end ... if someone out there gets a chuckle out of something I tossed in - then I am a bit happier at the end of the day. It would be nice I think if everyone wanted to just share chuckles and silent grinnin' moments too, eh?

OK... lets see what else I can quote from the other thread before it fades into the great abyss....

LBGraves said:
As nicely as I can, please let's not do this. There is no need to fuel any anomosity. I have to say that I actually met some of those who aren't on the DIS and admit that I was surprised...no, more likely shocked...to find that they were nothing like I had imagined or dreaded.

I met quite a few people the last couple days...and even outside the terminal waiting for DH to return with the rental car...who had not heard of the DIS or any other board until the cruise and were excited about the possibility of being part of a group and participating in their next cruise more like they had witnessed on the ship. Some people don't like that kind of planning. To each his own. This was the first cruise where my family didn't have a list of activities to attend each day and I have to admit that as anti-social as it might sound I enjoyed that for a change. It was just what we needed as a family. This allowed DS to make some friends who I didn't even know before the cruise because he had the time to do so.

I have read comments that people think the decorated doors are gaudy and even a hazard. LOL! Then you have others ... like Aly & AJ ... who comment that they think it is really "cool" that people do that. This isn't the first cruise where door magnets or FE gifts have disappeared, unfortunately. People are going to have differing views and opinions. As annoying as some of the things that happened on the cruise were, try not to let them sour the experience.

I have been majorly upset with myself about losing one of our SD cards. I have no pictures from getting on the bus 8/17 to before our Palo dinner 8/25. Since we were not alone on the ship, I am getting pictures...some really great ones of our family actually...from others who were with us or happened to recognize us and took a picture. Having that picture of us taken from the shore leaving LA is priceless and totally unexpected. My DS told me not to be upset with myself about that and it is great that we have the pictures of us on the new continent so he can share them with his class. DD's favorite thing was horseback riding in Aruba so they are happy...I should be too.

Lisa ... this was nicely put. And on the point of the memory card... I'm totally sympathetic. I lost a bunch of pictures from a past Disney sailing... my microdrive crashed from a huge static shock I randomly picked up. Such a pain. AND on the door decorations... I began with a fairly simple door decoration arrangement ... and I think I ended up wiuth a lot of memorable magnets and magnetic things added. (special thanks to Laura for your "Family" magnet"). SO on the thought that some think the door decorations are cool... and others who think it's silly.... I think every person they shall have thier opinions... and being actually the FIRST TIME we ever decorated our door ... I really enjoied it! I've only done the FE thing twice now... and each time I've found it to be a better experience and I've stepped up my involvement with giving too!
Well I should think we're not done posting. LOL Let's see we still have a thread for the blabbermouths cruise 2.5yrs later! This thread won't shut up soon, I'm sure. ;)

am the Queen of procrastination and dh is the King.
We moved in Feb. -- we lived in the other house for 17yrs and I thought it was our *forever* house. It was packed to the gills (both attics, garage & all 4 bdrms.....) with our stuff. Dh decided to we needed a new house and BAM we bought a new house! LOL! I never had time to even think about packing, moving, etc...it just happened! LOL!
We sold the house right before we left for the cruise. And now we have to get all of our stuff out of the house -- actually dh made a deal that we only *have* to take the stuff we want and the new owners have to get rid of everything else......
It's tough for me since I want ALL of my stuff! LOL! Dh did tell me today that this house has really nice floored attic space and he wouldn't mind putting everything I want in there for now.
Oh Stephanie... sorry. I did know you had moved awhile back but just wasn't thinking and thought OMG she moved again? where to? hopefully not further away! LOL
I totally understand and know what you mean about wanting to keep everything! More attic space in this house made me want to take everything too hehe
(I may give you a run for your money on that queen of procrastination title though. we'll see who ends up getting completely unpacked first. For this cruise I had ONE carryon bag STILL UNPACKED from the last cruise 2.5yrs ago! Granted it was set aside in a closet and forgotten- but still that's not the point. I actually had a bag from the last cruise still not unpacked 2.5yrs later. Crazy huh? LOL It wasn't clothes or necessary items obviously LOL)
lbgraves said:
I have been majorly upset with myself about losing one of our SD cards.
Oh, I'd be totally upset too. Hopefully it will turn up, though.

My camera broke the night before we hit Castaway Cay. I think it got too much sand and salt in it when we were in Cabo. (It's a waterproof so I thought nothing of taking it to the beach/in the water. Guess I should have at least protected it from the rough waves.) Luckily I thought to bring our old water camera, even though it's not as good, so we didn't miss anything the last day of the cruise - or the couple days after at WDW.
Happy to see that I won't have to go thru DIS Withdrawl! Thanks Lisa!!!
In regards to the door decorations, which I did too because it's cool and it helped identify which room was mine, while I was in the room one day, I heard kids passing by and one girl said that she loved that people decorated the doors and that the decorated doors made her happy. I thought it was funny and I'm sure that on the next cruise, her door will be decorated too.

We didn't have anything stolen off of our door, but people did keep writing random things on our dry erase board, which annoyed my sister to no end, though I don't know why.

I'm a victim of antenna topper theft. A few years ago, when I went to the Disney Store in San Francisco, I bought a Mickey antenna topper. I was so excited to put it on my Wrangler, and it was there for a few days, until I parked it at the mall and then it was gone. I was really upset for a multitude of reasons, the two major ones being I couldn't find it being sold anywhere and the other being why was someone touching my car?!?!
Mike, Kevin wanted me to ask "How is Linda's sunburn?"
Sil, I got the card at the very beginning. Loved it. Thought I had lost it but found it yesterday. Great.
Never did get the gnome. I had seen it but I was in the front past the forward elevator and I think this is why we didn't get anything taken of the door. Everytime I heard something being put in the FE I opened the door to get it, and that is probably why the gnome never made it down my way.
Has anyone heard from MaineJennifer:confused3
Her DM got sick while on the TOAL and they had to leave early:guilty:
I know she was stable when they left and they were mostly being cautious, but I haven't seen her post yet. I hoping everything turned out ok:confused:
They were great tablemates.
Just a post to subsribe. Still uploading pics to the Smugmug site.

I have to get back on smugmug to see all the pictures. I am about half way through editing my photos. We didn't book onboard and when we got home I told DH I wish we had and he said "why didn't we?" I thought he was the one that didn't want to!:headache: Oh well it won't stop us from cruising again, but it might be a few years.

I got my post card yesterday too. I was surprised it wasn't postmarked. That is the only reason I sent one. Oh well at least I that the Panama Canal stamp. I really enjoyed the card with all the stamps. Great idea and one of the many wonderful FE gifts.
Here's the two pics of the Escaping Moms doors' as requested. Larger versions are over on the Smugmug site under AndyR's pics on the 21st (2nd Sea Day).



Oh, I'd be totally upset too. Hopefully it will turn up, though.

My camera broke the night before we hit Castaway Cay. I think it got too much sand and salt in it when we were in Cabo. (It's a waterproof so I thought nothing of taking it to the beach/in the water. Guess I should have at least protected it from the rough waves.) Luckily I thought to bring our old water camera, even though it's not as good, so we didn't miss anything the last day of the cruise - or the couple days after at WDW.

Been there done that. ;) Last cruise DH rode a bike out to the end of the adult beach area and was taking pictures on the rocks...with our Kodak nonwaterproof camera...and dropped it in the water. He got it back and the card was fine but the camera was shot. I got the Kodak with video to replace it. :) We had the older back up for pictures at least that night and the next day getting off the ship.
I got my post card yesterday too. I was surprised it wasn't postmarked. That is the only reason I sent one. Oh well at least I that the Panama Canal stamp. I really enjoyed the card with all the stamps. Great idea and one of the many wonderful FE gifts.

Just reposting a post from the very end of thread #14

Wow! Just getting back to the boards after a difficult week at work (and TOAL withdrawl) and see quite a discussion about my FE gift. Those who got it and enjoyed it... I am thrilled. When trying to decide that the FE gift should be, I wanted it to be interesting, educational and unique. Below is a what the FE gift looked like for those who for some reason did not get one:


Actually the image is missing a Panama stamp (those I gave out to everyone had a Panama (or Canal Zone) stamp on it). It turns out I had the fewest of Panama stamps.

I did have just enough FE gifts for every family (like 140) who was on the last FE list (in fact I forgot to pack the FE color coded map and Julie (bellinus) got me a copy on short notice). I only had like 4 fully completed version left over after distributing them. While aboard a DISer said they didnt get it, so I gave them one. Then gave one to my server, asst server and my mousekeeper... so I have none left! (my DW is not pleased I did not keep one for ourselves). I am not sure why so many of you did not get one... it was certainly not my intention. ***I suspect theft, but that is a different discussion***

I have enough supplies (ex a Panama stamp) to make about 10 to 15 more of these FEs for anyone that wants one (does anyone have Panama stamps from Mickey Mates they never used?). PM me if you want me to send a FE to you or if you have Panama stamps to support this cause. *** update: I have a bid on ebay to purchase a dozen Canal Zone stamps... so in a week I should be able to make some more of the FE gifts for those who want one but did not get it***

As for the history of my FE... it started out with my wanting to do something related to coins from each country as several countries had odd shaped coins such as:




The 20 centavo coin is 12 sided (not round).

But getting such coins in bulk in advance was proving quite difficult (and I work for a major bank). So I turned to stamps.

I was trolling e-bay and found a fair supply - and many at bargain prices. I found one guy selling 150 postally used Bahamas stamps from his fathers collection for like $2. After I won the auction I asked if he had stamps from the other countries he said yes to all but Aruba. And he gave them all to me for like $10. What a bargain! So all I needed was Aruba. How hard could that be? Well, Aruba has only been an independant country since 1986, so there are not may old collections out there collecting dust and being sold on ebay. I posted a want ad on ebay and contacted collectors in the Netherlands and Belguim - all to no avail. So I called the Aruban Post Office around July 25. They contacted me with the Philatelic (stamp collecting) bureau. The woman there was willing to sell me 40c stamps in bulk and have it Express shipped to me if I would wire funds to her. She wanted like $30 for the stamps, $30 for express delivery... and it cost $40 for the bank wire (no, us employees dont get a discount). And the "express" delivery was anything but... A week passed... no package... Two weeks... no package... we finally got the package on the day we left for the TOAL (Aug 13).

On my flight to LA I began to assemble the FE gift. The flight attendants were asking me what I was doing. I said I am making a gift for some friends I am going on a cruise with. Her response.... "you have a lot of friends!"

"Now you all know the rest of the story... good day!"
another repost from the tail of thread #14


Thanks for those that participated!


a few comments

Never got the gnome, wasn't even sure he made it to Deck 5 until I saw the signatures and see that he did. I love the idea of it, just wish he would have visited me. Alas, on my last cruise the door tag magnet didn't make it to my cabin either. Someone must be telling me somthing. :laughing:

Didn't have any magnets stolen. Not sure about FE gifts since there's no way to know if we got them all or not. Not fair to blame any other internet board. If kids were stealing magnets and FE gifts, it's not because of what board their parents post on. It's because they are kids who were largely unsupervised and felt like being unruly. My son, whom many of you have told me in person or posted her that when you met him he was quite polite. Well, he still got caught in the halls a few times. He was even quite embarassed that BIP saw him acting up. I don't think he took any gifts or magnets, but I'm not entirely sure. He never came back to the room with anything extra.

Business cards handed out - why not? You've got an audience that obviously likes the product you sell, why not solicit more business. It's not like all you got in your FE was a business card. There was other stuff given out with it too. Other FE gifts were pushing a specific agenda too, yet no one is complaining about those.
one more from #14...

Let me toss an wild question out there to the group.

Let me preface it with an interesting story.

The evening before the cruise we ate at Goofy's Kitchen in DLH and we overheard our waitress talking to another table about the upcoming repo cruise. I figured the people she was serving must be going...

So I asked her. And she said, "No those folks are friends of mine. I was telling them that I was going on the Repo cruise."

Suffice it to say, we hit it off with her from then on. Our respective DDs hit it off and we sat near each other at several of the shows in the Walt Disney Theatre.

She is not a Disboarder. We never got her contact info and never had a formal goodbye.

Her name was Laura and her DD (about age 9) was Madison.

I have great pictures of them. If anyone has contact information from them I would love to share the photos with them.

Alternatively, does anyone know some one that works at Goofy's Kitchen or plans to eat there soon?


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