8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 10

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Here's a Thought.............Commandear the Magic and the Movie for next week.......... Figure out the rest later.................:rolleyes1


Just have to make sure we do it in a way that will have us out of jail in time for August '08 :rotfl2:
Well at least I know who my real friends are!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

You know having a 400 lb. backpack of booze is like walking around with an adorable puppy, people gravitate towards the booze.............

Ya mean those who love you for your booze and blender????
We took the DDs to one of the sneak previews yesterday. The girls seemed to really enjoy it. The theater gave away "Mimzy" keychains and my daughters were "talking" to Mimzy the rest of the night:rolleyes: . Did your company do those also? Are the Mimzy stuffed animals available online for those who don't live within a 500 mile radius of FAO? Funny how they time up the Mimzy bunny release with Easter:rolleyes1 ;)

We didn't do the keychains - I'm not sure who did those.

I know you can get the Mimzy's online, if not through FAO through one of our other retailers. You can PM me if you want any info on where to buy.
Can I just say how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new laptop. I have been working doing ketchup for the last 3 1/2 hours and using my laptop with out the dreaded power cord and I still have 46% left of my mega battery. :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:

Hmmm..... wonder if we can hotwire that mega power into the blender.....

Then the blender will never stop!
Listen if something does happen to me (like I die in a plane crash) just pry the blender out of my cold, dead hand :lmao: :lmao:

Okay, so that's not really funny................

I thought it was....
Morning everyone! Thank you all so much for the Birthday wishes for my newly minted teen, Dylan. I am waiting for him to get up so I can show him.


party: Happy Birthday to Joel and Dylan!!party:
:) Morning everyone!!!!!:)

been under the weather - so I haven't been posting much (apologies)- but I have been stopping in here and there to try to stay caught up a bit!!!

going to go ketch up the rest of the way!!!!:wizard:
Hello Darlene....hope your feeling better.

Have a great day everyone!
Just a quick note to let you know that DD had all her tests today. The Ultrasound with the leading doctor in the State and the MRI arthrogram. She is a bit sore from the needle injections but she is more in pain from having to sit a lot at the hospital and laying still on the MRI table. She says that it will be worth the needle pain if they can find out what is wrong and get her "un-broken". Now we just hope that the people reading the tests results will be able to give us some answers.

:grouphug: here's to hoping things are better for her VERY soon!!!:wizard:
Off topic, Off color, Off everything post, be forewarned. Those with a particularly sensitive consititution should not read on.... :rotfl:

Listen if something does happen to me (like I die in a plane crash) just pry the blender out of my cold, dead hand :lmao: :lmao:

Okay, so that's not really funny................

Well, if something short of the plane crashing happens, it may have perks:

Woman upgraded after dying in coach
Woman upgraded after dying in economy during flight from Delhi to London
Updated: 2:49 p.m. CT March 19, 2007

LONDON - A passenger in first class woke up to a shock when he found himself sitting near a corpse on a British Airways flight, British newspapers reported on Monday.

Paul Trinder, 54, said cabin crew moved the body of the elderly woman from the economy section where she had died after take-off, the Mirror and Sun tabloids said.

"The corpse was strapped into the seat but because of turbulence it kept slipping down on to the floor," Trinder, a businessman, was quoted as saying. "It was horrific. The body had to be wedged in place with lots of pillows."

The woman's daughter was also upgraded and spent the rest of the nine-hour flight from Delhi to London grieving next to her dead mother, the Sun reported.

The Guardian newspaper said the incident happened last week.

British Airways has apologized for any distress suffered, according to the reports. The Mirror quoted BA as saying: "We apologize, but our crew were working in difficult circumstances and chose the option they thought would cause least disruption."

Copyright 2007 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.

URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17683917/
Anyone wanna be sick on May 25th???????


awesome trailer!!!!pirate:

DD has a half day on the 25th - so DH is planning a half day and we are gonna hit the first showing we can make it to!!! Hopefully our drive-in will be open by then (if they can get all the snow to melt and grounds to dry enough)..if so, we will probably catch it twice that weekend!!!!pirate:
Just a quick post to say that I won't be on for a while -- family emergency. We've even had to cancel our cruise for this Saturday.


:grouphug: so sorry to hear this - my thoughts are with you - hope everything turns out for the best!!!! Take care!:grouphug:
Not too bad. We were at FAO Schwarz for a signing with the stars from "The Last Mimzy". Timothy Hutton, Joely (sp?) Richardson and the two kids were there. We did the Mimzy rabbit and a doll - Emma with Mimzy - under license from New Line Cinema. The big boss was doing the signing. I was hoping to get a pic with Timothy Hutton but security was having none of it.

Unfortunately, it started snowing on the way home and was a bit icy here but I got home and parked without too much trouble.

Lorri -

that sounds like fun!!! I want to see this movie so bad, but I can't convince my DD that it won't be too scary ( and scary hasn't bothered her that much in the past - go figure!:confused3 ) I even had free passes to Saturdays preview that I ended up giving to a neighbor.....oh well...sounds like a fun time - no Rainn Wilson, huh? I like him.:)
Listen if something does happen to me (like I die in a plane crash) just pry the blender out of my cold, dead hand :lmao: :lmao:

Okay, so that's not really funny................

:rotfl: well, maybe a little funny - as you are the one saying so!!!:rotfl:

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