9/19/09 Western Magic

A great big thank you for everyone for all the FE gifts - what a wonderful time my daughter had with this. It was our first time for FE but will not be our last - we rebooked on board!!:banana: Now just over a year to wait!! I know we missed a few cabins with our gifts - maybe room moves - if you did not get a little square nite lite just give me your address and I will drop it in the mail. Thanks again to all our new friends!

A special hi to Big Dog from Chelsea!!!
We got home late last night from spending a few days at WDW after the cruise. We were so glad to have met so many of you. It seemed like the cruise just sped by and we were sorry to have missed meeting some of you.

I hope all of you who are getting over sickness are feeling better soon. No fun to come home and be sick too-seems very unfair!

Gretchen-I am so sorry about your current stress with family. We really enjoyed meeitng you and your cute family- we will have to plan a time to go scuba diving together!

We got lucky and upgraded to a Cat 3 suite and were very spoiled for the whole cruise-I am debating writing a trip report, but don't know if it would bore everyone to death. I have some fun pictures and great video we shot so I will work on those soon. I still have a wedding I need to finish up before I get to my own stuff. Work before fun I guess. I also have a mountain of unpacking to do. We booked a Thanksgiving Mexican Riveria cruise while onboard, but not sure if we are going to keep it.

We had a fabulous time, but glad to be back home too. We had warm weather today without the humidity. Fall is my favorite beach time here-hopefully we can get some of that in!
we did 5 days in the parks after the fact so we are just now getting back.

okay, I admit it, Disney cruises are weaaaaayyyyyyy better than Carnival. my only regret is that we just plain did not have enough time to stand in line to get any pictures that last day( the only one we wanted was not available until that last day). so I have NO pictures of DH in his uniform...

I'll most likely do two separate trip reports.. one for the cruise and one for the parks afterward.

we had TERRIFIC table mates.. 3 other couples. one was a set of best friends from college who they think got some of the FE gifts even though they aren't on the DisBoards.

we made it to the last little bit of the Ice cream social meet up but that was about it although we ran into a few of you here and there.

we opted to not rebook as the plane fare from Okinawa would have been more than the cruise so we are going to have to wait until we get stationed BACK in the US in a few years.
debbiechels... I had a great time snorkeling with your dd @ Nachi! She is a great girl! :thumbsup2
Hi all, It was so great to meet you all, we had a smooth trip back to Spain. I loved all the FE gifts we got, thanks so much. Now, look at my signature!! We rebooked while on board and will be on the 10 night Mediterranean cruise that sets sail on September 8th :banana:, the 20% discount plus $400 offer was SO tempting :)

Looking forward to seeing some of the pictures you folks took during our trip, I will post some of my pictures as soon as I can.


Please tell your dear wife that I absolutely adore the cross stick ornament she stitched for us.

And speaking of flying back to Spain, can you give me any tips/clues/insight into doing just that?!

We booked the WBTA which departs from Barcelona on Sept 18 (take care of that ship for us the 10 days before we get on her!) and I have never traveled overseas at all!

Just started to look at rates for flights/hotels now. What is best price you have seen or what is outrgeous? Just trying to find a ballpark and maybe who/where/when to look for these flights.

Also any hotel insight? It is just DH and I this trip so very happy not to be worrying over our large family this sailing for sure as I understand hotel rooms are mostly for 2!
Please tell your dear wife that I absolutely adore the cross stick ornament she stitched for us.

And speaking of flying back to Spain, can you give me any tips/clues/insight into doing just that?!

We booked the WBTA which departs from Barcelona on Sept 18 (take care of that ship for us the 10 days before we get on her!) and I have never traveled overseas at all!

Just started to look at rates for flights/hotels now. What is best price you have seen or what is outrgeous? Just trying to find a ballpark and maybe who/where/when to look for these flights.

Also any hotel insight? It is just DH and I this trip so very happy not to be worrying over our large family this sailing for sure as I understand hotel rooms are mostly for 2!

Kim, glad you liked what my wife made for you :flower3:. I am more than happy to help you plan your trip/stay in Barcelona, just PM me or email me at dennismcneely@hotmail.com and let me know the dates you will be traveling and I will try to find the best airfare available as well as a nice hotel near the port. If you can, I would recommend you to stay in Barcelona a few days before your cruise, there is a lot to do and see there and you probably will need at least a couple of days to get over Jet-lag (I got home past Sunday and I haven't yet gotten over Jet-lag) :sick:.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Still trying to get back into the groove of real life here - I only just stopped dreaming at night that I was still on the ship. My husband had to work during the night a few nights ago and sent me a text in the middle of the night. I heard the text come through and panicked because my phone wasn't in airplane mode, so in my half-awake state, I quickly put the phone in airplane mode and wondered how much that text would cost me at sea!

Anyway, I just wanted to say a big huge THANK YOU to everyone who was on the 2nd FE group! This was our first experience being in an exchange, and while I thought my boys might like it, I had no idea how much they'd LOVE it! My youngest hardly wanted to leave the room - he wanted to be there to check the FE every 2 minutes, and wanted to stay to play with all his goodies that he received! I bet that was actually the highlight of his trip! So again, thanks to everyone for all the fantastic gifts!!
I know what you mean. My dd would wake up and groggily go straight to see if she had anything new! :rotfl: We were in both exchanges, and really enjoyed it! Thanks to all!:thumbsup2
Did any of you guys happen to take any pictures of Grand Cayman? I realized that since it was raining, I left my camera in the room and have NONE! I can't believe I didn't take any from the ship! Anybody? Thanks!

Jenny ;)
Hi there!
Just wanted to thank everyone so much for all the GREAT FE gifts - we loved each and every one of them... some of them we are still opening and reliving our cruise!

I'm not sure how many of you know, but we were "forced" to take a 2nd cruise.. our daughter Lizzy, got very sick, she started out with an ear infection that just got worse and worse and the dr said she should not fly home should not change altitude or her eardrum would burst and she would have very bad pain. on sunday of teh second cruise she started throwing up repeatedly, and was very lethargic.. just a sick sick kiddoe. The dr ended up putting an IV in her hand to give her medicatioin that way, as well as fluids, and about 2 days later she was back to herself... so she was basically sick from the first tuesday night until wednesday of the second week - and VERY sick from sat-tues of the second week. i was thankful we chose to stay on the ship, as some days we visited the dr 3-4 times so he could moniter her ears, and keep an eye on her as she got so sick - who knew ear infections could be so bad...
when they took th IV out on tuesday within MINUTES she was ready to go back to her "secret club" as she calls it - i was amazed at what two days of fluids and medicatioin could do for her.

I have i think 6 books left that did NOT get distributed for the FE, if you didnt get one, please email me your address, and i'll pop it in the mail for you.. things got a little stressful so a few cabins missed out - i'm sorry :(

We did have a GREAT time.. i cant stress enough to everyone ALWAYS get trip insurance - ALWAYS. With the records the dr kept and as sick as she ended up, the trip insurance will cover our 2nd cruise as well as all the medical she needed (and wow it adds up - 400 bux just to poke her with the IV an the meds the first time, and then 200+ for the second day - medical care is not cheap, but the dr was VERY excelent, he treated her very well - and the peace of mind for mommy - wow)

Disney is so fabulous - we had some issues arise that we were not sure to handle (okie.. you cant go home, but tomorrow we are going to dock and you have to get off... what are ya gonna do? - Disney let Joe use the phone for about 4 hours to figure out what to do.. we were going to go to the parks, but food and wine festival and the weekend and there were "no rooms" available... so we were going to do a 4 day, but the insurance says it needs to be an "extention of your trip" so... since we were on the magic - the magic we stayed) Chef Stefan found Lizzy one day when she wasnt feeling well, and hadnt been eating much and told that whatever she wanted, even if it wasnt on the menu, to let someone know and he would come talk to her and make it for her - no matter what it was - i was soo impressed - however she was happy with a hotdog BUN and ketchup.. hahaha
no matter how many times she threw up, noone seems to be upset, it was no problem - we'll take care of that - can i get her some water.. shall i call the ships dr, how can we help you? even when it was a HUGE mess (how can you make that big of a mess when you have NO food in your tummy - sheesh) and poor lizzy was mortified.. she hates to throw up, and always tries to find a bathroom, but it would just sneak up on her - poor kid

I know it sounds like our cruise was all medical - but it wasnt - we really had a great time!!

The first cruise we had Gretchen and her lovely family as table mates - Lizzy loved those girls... I didnt think i would like sitting with strangers, but it was actually very nice - when you have a lovely family you are paired with, its a great time! :)

the eastern the first 2 days are sea days, so we didnt miss any ports of call, we were able to get off the ship each time, and at least walk around some - it was fun!

We have already book a mexican cruise in Jan 2011 - my b-day is the 25th so we will be cruising that week! woohoo!! it goes from LA, so we wont have the long airplane trip.

We have trip reports we are working on - one fun, and one documenting all the medical, for the insurance - amazing the hassles of an ear infection - but i think we truly ended up with a trip of a lifetime..

It was AMAZING to be one of 6 people on that ship - the advised us to take Lizzy into Cove Cafe while waiting for everyone to board for the next cruise, it was cool and quiet (its AMAZING how loud those workers are when the ship is empty - all that cleaning and loading and unloading of stuff) as noone was on the ship, her being in the cove didnt bother anyone, and about 12.30 she woke up and we headed to parot cay to nibble - she thought it was cool she was allowed in the "big people area" lol

While there hubby was able to call his boss and a few people to let them know we woudl NOT be comming home that day as expected.. lol

now we have so much to catch up on! hahah but as i said.. a trip in a lifetime!

it's a very long email from me today! hahaha

Andrea in vegas

Hey Andrea!

Glad you guys made it home and that Lizzy is doing better! Can't wait for the trip reports! It was fun getting to know you a little bit! Glad we share this great state! ;)
I'm not sure how many of you know, but we were "forced" to take a 2nd cruise..

Wow - what an experience! I think I was at Guest Services on Friday evening when your husband was on the phone. I wasn't trying to listen in (I swear!) but could hear him saying something about "No rooms!" and looking frustrated. I was surprised to see someone on a phone at Guest Services, and I was wondering if it was costing him money or not - sounds like (if that was him) that it wasn't!

I'm looking forward to reading your trip report detailing how this all plays out with the travel insurance. We have bought it for our 2 cruises that we've taken, but I had no idea that it would cover for a delayed return home - especially another cruise! I'm surprised that they didn't just make you get a hotel there in Cape Canaveral or somewhere nearby until she was ok to fly home. Will they pay the entire cost of the 2nd cruise for all of you?? Did you have to pay it upfront and wait for a reimbursement?

Thank goodness the ship had room for you the 2nd week, and especially that she finally got to feeling better and that you still were able to enjoy your trip!
I had no idea that it would cover for a delayed return home - especially another cruise! I'm surprised that they didn't just make you get a hotel there in Cape Canaveral or somewhere nearby until she was ok to fly home. Will they pay the entire cost of the 2nd cruise for all of you?? Did you have to pay it upfront and wait for a reimbursement?

Because she was too ill to fly (according to the dr - i didnt make it up i promise! hahaah) we needed someplace to stay - hubby called the insurance people and spoke to several different reps, and had them email AND fax the rules over, and what the guidelines are, and its called an extention due to medical illness ( i think is what he said - lol) they want all the documentation, and boy do we have it.. lol as many tiems as we saw that dr.. i think he is dreaming of Lizzy's ears now.. lol We had to pay for everything up front, and they will reimburse us - i am crossing my fingers that all our i's are dotted and our t's are crossed - lol i'll let ya guys know!

Thank goodness the ship had room for you the 2nd week, and especially that she finally got to feeling better and that you still were able to enjoy your trip![/QUOTE]

from what i understand, the ship was sailing with several empty cabins... so that was comvenient for us. We paid for a 12, and were bumped into a 9 (and then an 8 because the first room was soo loud and banging it hurt Lizzys head we had to move where it was quieter)
Hi there!
Just wanted to thank everyone so much for all the GREAT FE gifts - we loved each and every one of them... some of them we are still opening and reliving our cruise!

I'm not sure how many of you know, but we were "forced" to take a 2nd cruise.. our daughter Lizzy, got very sick, she started out with an ear infection that just got worse and worse and the dr said she should not fly home should not change altitude or her eardrum would burst and she would have very bad pain. on sunday of teh second cruise she started throwing up repeatedly, and was very lethargic.. just a sick sick kiddoe. The dr ended up putting an IV in her hand to give her medicatioin that way, as well as fluids, and about 2 days later she was back to herself... so she was basically sick from the first tuesday night until wednesday of the second week - and VERY sick from sat-tues of the second week. i was thankful we chose to stay on the ship, as some days we visited the dr 3-4 times so he could moniter her ears, and keep an eye on her as she got so sick - who knew ear infections could be so bad...
when they took th IV out on tuesday within MINUTES she was ready to go back to her "secret club" as she calls it - i was amazed at what two days of fluids and medicatioin could do for her.

I have i think 6 books left that did NOT get distributed for the FE, if you didnt get one, please email me your address, and i'll pop it in the mail for you.. things got a little stressful so a few cabins missed out - i'm sorry :(

We did have a GREAT time.. i cant stress enough to everyone ALWAYS get trip insurance - ALWAYS. With the records the dr kept and as sick as she ended up, the trip insurance will cover our 2nd cruise as well as all the medical she needed (and wow it adds up - 400 bux just to poke her with the IV an the meds the first time, and then 200+ for the second day - medical care is not cheap, but the dr was VERY excelent, he treated her very well - and the peace of mind for mommy - wow)

Disney is so fabulous - we had some issues arise that we were not sure to handle (okie.. you cant go home, but tomorrow we are going to dock and you have to get off... what are ya gonna do? - Disney let Joe use the phone for about 4 hours to figure out what to do.. we were going to go to the parks, but food and wine festival and the weekend and there were "no rooms" available... so we were going to do a 4 day, but the insurance says it needs to be an "extention of your trip" so... since we were on the magic - the magic we stayed) Chef Stefan found Lizzy one day when she wasnt feeling well, and hadnt been eating much and told that whatever she wanted, even if it wasnt on the menu, to let someone know and he would come talk to her and make it for her - no matter what it was - i was soo impressed - however she was happy with a hotdog BUN and ketchup.. hahaha
no matter how many times she threw up, noone seems to be upset, it was no problem - we'll take care of that - can i get her some water.. shall i call the ships dr, how can we help you? even when it was a HUGE mess (how can you make that big of a mess when you have NO food in your tummy - sheesh) and poor lizzy was mortified.. she hates to throw up, and always tries to find a bathroom, but it would just sneak up on her - poor kid

I know it sounds like our cruise was all medical - but it wasnt - we really had a great time!!

The first cruise we had Gretchen and her lovely family as table mates - Lizzy loved those girls... I didnt think i would like sitting with strangers, but it was actually very nice - when you have a lovely family you are paired with, its a great time! :)

the eastern the first 2 days are sea days, so we didnt miss any ports of call, we were able to get off the ship each time, and at least walk around some - it was fun!

We have already book a mexican cruise in Jan 2011 - my b-day is the 25th so we will be cruising that week! woohoo!! it goes from LA, so we wont have the long airplane trip.

We have trip reports we are working on - one fun, and one documenting all the medical, for the insurance - amazing the hassles of an ear infection - but i think we truly ended up with a trip of a lifetime..

It was AMAZING to be one of 6 people on that ship - the advised us to take Lizzy into Cove Cafe while waiting for everyone to board for the next cruise, it was cool and quiet (its AMAZING how loud those workers are when the ship is empty - all that cleaning and loading and unloading of stuff) as noone was on the ship, her being in the cove didnt bother anyone, and about 12.30 she woke up and we headed to parot cay to nibble - she thought it was cool she was allowed in the "big people area" lol

While there hubby was able to call his boss and a few people to let them know we woudl NOT be comming home that day as expected.. lol

now we have so much to catch up on! hahah but as i said.. a trip in a lifetime!

it's a very long email from me today! hahaha

Andrea in vegas

What a trip you guys had. I am glad to hear Disney lived up to their reputation and treated you well and especially that Lizzy started feeling better so you could enjoy week 2. I will keep my fingers crossed that you get reimbursed form the insurance company. It was great to meet you onboard. :)
Lizzy'smom--Glad you are home safe and sound now. Ditto what Lori said about Disney taking care of you. Poor Lizzy. What a trooper. We'll be awaiting your trip report. It was nice meeting you onboard.
Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for all of the wonderful FE gifts. I can honestly say that this was the highlight of the cruise for my DS. He was almost driving me :banana::banana::banana: because he was constantly wanting to go back to our cabin (or as he insisted on calling it, our "hotel") to check our Fish Extender to see if we'd gotten anything. He is still having tons of fun rooting through all of it. I am so glad we participated!

We had a great week and were very sad when it was time to leave the ship. We did rebook onboard for next Fall during DS's Fall Break. We were with a group of 15 so we didn't get to meet many of you - the time just seemed to fly. :confused3

I'm including a picture taken by my hubby that we can't seem to stop looking at. What a great week. Thanks to all of you again.:grouphug:

Laurie, Dean & Jack

Hi, everyone! :wave:

I haven't been on the boards for a while now. It's been so hectic and crazy getting back into real life~homeschooling, music lessons, soccer, ballet, crazy family members, etc, etc. No time to breathe! :eek:

It's great catching up on all the posts!! I miss everyone! :sad1:

I have read several people talking about their kids and the FE gifts. Isabella was exactly the same way.....every 2 minutes and first thing when she woke up, she checked our FE. Definitely one of the major highlights of the girls cruise experience! It was so awesome to be involved in that! Thank you to everyone for the lovely gifts! :flower3:

Extra thanks to you, Dennis, for the gifts you brought from Spain. The girls adore the dolls!

Andrea (Lizzy's mom) - I also enjoyed our evenings dining, and getting to know you guys! I am so glad everything worked out, and Lizzy is better! I was worried about her!

Lori - I hope by now Cassidy and Courtney are all well and back to normal! Isabella misses her cruise buddies! She keeps bugging me about emailing them. It just seems I haven't had the time yet! We'll get to it soon, though.

Carol - great to meet you and your family, too! I would love to plan a dive with y'all (but NOT with sharks, SORRY! LOL) Thanks for giving us a tour of your awesome cabin (and Karen's, too! LOL)

Paige - Isabella misses Katie.....they really got to be buddies on the cruise. She's still in withdrawls!

Well, I hope everyone is over their sicknesses, and not TOO depressed getting back to real life. Just start planning the next cruise! I read on someone's post somewhere - they are just on a reaaallly long shore excursion!

Miss you guys!!!! :grouphug:
Lizzy's mom I'm so glad she's better. What a terrible thing to go through.

If anyone didn't like their earring colors or had any problems w/ them please let me know. I'll try to send you another pair.
Lori - I hope by now Cassidy and Courtney are all well and back to normal! Isabella misses her cruise buddies! She keeps bugging me about emailing them. It just seems I haven't had the time yet! We'll get to it soon, though.

Hi Gretchen, the girls are feeling better although they still have a cough and runny/stuffy nose. I have been telling Courtney we need to email you guys too ever since we got home, she really misses the girls. Hopefully we wil get together again some time.

We (or should I say I) decorated our front door in SCL fashion. I put all our door magnets, our FE, the magnets I bought and any other cruise thing that would stick to it on the door. The girls love "playing FE" every few days. LOL I will have to take a picture and post it. I miss our little group. I hope everyone is doing well.
Extra thanks to you, Dennis, for the gifts you brought from Spain. The girls adore the dolls!

No problem, Gretchen, it really was our pleasure. Glad to know your beautiful Sophie & Isabella liked their dolls, I hope you enjoyed reading the book on Madrid I gave you, hope it has made you want to come visit us in Spain sometime in the future.

Thanks all for your FE gifts, we loved them all.

I look forward to sailing with some of you guys on future cruises.

You all take care,



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