9/19/09 Western Magic

Hi everyone
We finally back. Well we actually got back Saturday afternoon but its been a bit of an effort getting over the jetlag and getting used to the time change. I miss the wonderful hot weather already. Its cold and rainy here at a time of year that the weather is supposed to be getting warmer.
Thanks everyone for the wonderful fish extender gifts. What an amazing load of stuff. I'm sorry that I didn't get to meet everyone. Like the others, my kids just kept wanting to check the FE to see if there was anything new. Megan really misses all her friends and constantly talks about Brooklyn and Gabrielle. She told her class all about them for show and tell on Monday. I think the cruise kids club was her favourite part of the holiday and when it was over, she just wanted to go home to see her home friends rather than spend the extra time at WDW. Strange Child. :)
I do not think I posted how much we loved all the FE gifts, shame on me! We LOVE THEM ALL. Thanks so much to you all! Wish we could all do it again TOMORROW! :grouphug:
I had no idea that it would cover for a delayed return home - especially another cruise! I'm surprised that they didn't just make you get a hotel there in Cape Canaveral or somewhere nearby until she was ok to fly home. Will they pay the entire cost of the 2nd cruise for all of you?? Did you have to pay it upfront and wait for a reimbursement?

Because she was too ill to fly (according to the dr - i didnt make it up i promise! hahaah) we needed someplace to stay - hubby called the insurance people and spoke to several different reps, and had them email AND fax the rules over, and what the guidelines are, and its called an extention due to medical illness ( i think is what he said - lol) they want all the documentation, and boy do we have it.. lol as many tiems as we saw that dr.. i think he is dreaming of Lizzy's ears now.. lol We had to pay for everything up front, and they will reimburse us - i am crossing my fingers that all our i's are dotted and our t's are crossed - lol i'll let ya guys know!

Thank goodness the ship had room for you the 2nd week, and especially that she finally got to feeling better and that you still were able to enjoy your trip!

from what i understand, the ship was sailing with several empty cabins... so that was comvenient for us. We paid for a 12, and were bumped into a 9 (and then an 8 because the first room was soo loud and banging it hurt Lizzys head we had to move where it was quieter)[/quote]

So glad Lizzy is much better! And glad to know you were able to enjoy some of your trip, I know it was stressful :guilty: but I am glad Disney was good to you.
It was so nice to meet you!
Hi everyone! Just thought I would post a Pic of the amazing Sunset we enjoyed in Key West, I took the picture from Mallory Square. Hope it'll bring good memories to you all.


You all take care,

That picture is gorgeous! I want to print it out, frame it, and hang it in my room! It'll match my yellow walls pretty well! ;)
Hi everyone! Just thought I would post a Pic of the amazing Sunset we enjoyed in Key West, I took the picture from Mallory Square. Hope it'll bring good memories to you all.


You all take care,


Hey Dennis, waht an amazing picture!!!

Hi all, just wanted to say hi to everyone, i've finally managed to catch up and can now re-join the boards!!!!!! We had the most wonderful wedding, cruise and holiday. It was great to meet you all and I just want to say thanks for all of the wonderful FE gifts that we recieved. It was great being on the ship and meeting you all as we went around and just having someone say "hi".

I'm doing a trip report on the the weddings boards as this was the primary reason for our trip, so if anyone wants to follow it the link is in my signature. Can't wait to catch up on all your reports too!
Hi Everyone,

Not sure if anyone is checking this thread anymore but thought I'd give it a try.

I have a health question.

We boarded the boat in excellent health, one and all 6 of us. By Monday of the cruise my two little ones (DS6 & DD4) where coughing. It seemed to progress from there in fits and spurts, some low fever for one, some runny nose for other one, a missed pirate party as one could not stay awake through dinner, nothing major at all???? Came home and everyone seemed to get better quite quickly EXCEPT they seemed to get something right on top of it, same kind of thing within a day or two AND IT IS STILL HANGING ON.

No horrendous symptoms, no fever at all, runny nose and persistant cough is all. We have not been to the Pediatrician as we are sure to pick up something further there and no vaccine availbale for now anyway (they got seasonal flu vaccine two weeks before we sailed)!

Here's my question, could this be the H1N1 flu? UGH! They are not in school so home except for 2x a week group activities. The teen siblings have had "colds" but not knock down drag out ones. . .me too. I am a diabetic so little bit more serious when I get ill.

SO FRUSTRATED and just thought I'd check in with this "Group" to see if anyone coming back from cruise got tested for H1N1 and came back positive? I'd love to think this IS what we've had/got currently and it is no worse then what it is???? AND STOP WORRYING OVER GETTING IT!

Anyone at all?

Our small state somehow got shorted on the limited available vaccine and we won't get it probably until DEC or later at this point. Whatever. I know it is what it is but makes me a little crazy as to whether to just "live and let live" or try to avoid public places a bit. . .

Sorry to hear you're all not feeling well! I can't say it happened to me... I was as healthy and happy as ever on the ship and even after getting home and all the altitude changes. Hope you all get feeling better! ;)
Hi Everyone,

Not sure if anyone is checking this thread anymore but thought I'd give it a try.

I have a health question.

We boarded the boat in excellent health, one and all 6 of us. By Monday of the cruise my two little ones (DS6 & DD4) where coughing. It seemed to progress from there in fits and spurts, some low fever for one, some runny nose for other one, a missed pirate party as one could not stay awake through dinner, nothing major at all???? Came home and everyone seemed to get better quite quickly EXCEPT they seemed to get something right on top of it, same kind of thing within a day or two AND IT IS STILL HANGING ON.

No horrendous symptoms, no fever at all, runny nose and persistant cough is all. We have not been to the Pediatrician as we are sure to pick up something further there and no vaccine availbale for now anyway (they got seasonal flu vaccine two weeks before we sailed)!

Here's my question, could this be the H1N1 flu? UGH! They are not in school so home except for 2x a week group activities. The teen siblings have had "colds" but not knock down drag out ones. . .me too. I am a diabetic so little bit more serious when I get ill.

SO FRUSTRATED and just thought I'd check in with this "Group" to see if anyone coming back from cruise got tested for H1N1 and came back positive? I'd love to think this IS what we've had/got currently and it is no worse then what it is???? AND STOP WORRYING OVER GETTING IT!

Anyone at all?

Our small state somehow got shorted on the limited available vaccine and we won't get it probably until DEC or later at this point. Whatever. I know it is what it is but makes me a little crazy as to whether to just "live and let live" or try to avoid public places a bit. . .



I tend to not think it's H1N1, because I have heard that, with most, the symptoms are mild, but they do spike a pretty high fever, and then it's done, all pretty quickly. I think fever is the hallmark of the flu. So, if no fever, I don't think it's that. Maybe it's allergies, or change of weather sniffles? I know a lot of people get sniffles and such with weather changes from hot to cold. Maybe if you do need to take them to the doctor, you could get those face masks and everyone wear them in there. I know what you mean about that. I have heard many times of people going in for some little thing, only to come home with some real sickness. Terrible! Anyway, let us know what happens. I hope everyone gets to feeling better!
I'm sorry that the kids are not feeling well. We are all fine here. I would talk to the doctor. Good luck, I hope everyone feels better soon
Noah was sicky by Friday, a cold by the last day of the cruise...then, Tabi started feeling sicky on Saturday.....and got worse and worse. Thursday, I made her go to doctor....she was diagnosed with bronchitis. They gave her antibiotics and codeine. Monday she was wheezing, so sent her back (she is also an employee, so I can make it mandatory..lol). They gave her an inhaler, still bronchitis. She is still not back to full speed.

but no H1N1....


Hey Everyone!
I am not sure if anyone even checks on this thread anymore but I wanted to let those of you who we got to meet on the cruise know that HC has passed away. He went into the hospital on Sunday and passed away on Wednesday.
Hey Everyone!
I am not sure if anyone even checks on this thread anymore but I wanted to let those of you who we got to meet on the cruise know that HC has passed away. He went into the hospital on Sunday and passed away on Wednesday.
Oh No!!! I am so sorry for your loss. I never got to meet you, but I did speak to HC in Shutters one night. I saw you guys around the ship several time. Again I am so sorry for your loss.:hug:
I am so sorry. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers as well. Our deepest sympathies,
Paige and JJ (goofy4wsp)
Oh Amy! My heart goes out to you and your family. I too will keep you in my prayers, as that's the only thing I can do for you! I wish you some moments of peace and comfort in the days and weeks ahead! Hang in there! ;)


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