A May Disney trip we're STILL paying off! A young couple's report! NEW 12/6!!!!!

Love your pics! :goodvibes

Thanks! :)

For the longest time growing up all I ever got was the cowboy scene on GMR so the first time I got the gangsters I was so confused! When I found out I had been seeing a very rare scene all those ears my mind was blown!
Glad you finally got to see my cowboys.

Wow that's crazy! You must have super luck or something...
Now that I actually know the cowboy side exists and that it's super rare, I'll probably never get it again. :laughing:
Welcome to my mini PIN UPDATE!
It appears that I took the time on this day to photograph all of my week's trades!

Here we have Tinkerbell and Minnie for my mom and a classic Cinderella for myself.


Next, we have a totally freakin awesome Dinosaur pin (which I ended up giving to P because he was so crazy about it), a Mickey waffle (or pancake?) and another Minnie pin for my mama.


One of my favorite finds and one of my mom's all time favorite characters, Boo! And another top fav of my mom's, Jiminy Cricket!


Minnie and Tink (again) for my mom, lol! And a "Castaway Club" Cruise Line pin! Not sure what that "Castaway Club" is, but the pin was snazzy and unique looking, so I snagged it up!


Yet another Tink, and a Lady Tremaine (because I be likin' the villains). AND A LIMITED EDITION 4TH OF JULY PIN, OMG! Srsly, how awesome is this pin????


Classic Minnie, Mickey and Pluto, Old Key West Resort (Even though I only like to get resort pins if I stay at said resort, I could not pass up on this trade!) and Maleficent.


Super awesome Tokyo Disney Resort pin that I saw being traded LITERALLY 3 seconds before I grabbed it by an Asian woman who had gotten it at Disneyland Tokyo! So cool!


And that' a wrap! I know I traded more, but these are the only ones I have photographed. See ya real soon!
Coral Reef is one of my favorite restaurants ... must do on every trip ... the lobster and pasta dish is great! Did you see any divers in the tank? I also go scuba diving in the tank every trip ... its great to go up to the restaurant side and interact with the diners ... I've played patty cake with too many kids to count through the tank glass ... the parents seem to love it as much as the kids ... I must be in over100 family pics ... and sure they're wondering who that scuba guy is! Anyway ... great updates ... love the dinosaur pin. Too bad about P going through your phone ... I've had the same problem!
Day 8 saw us in Disney's Animal Kingdom!

First stop?? Kilimanjaro Safaris!



Sigh. I can't wait to find the man of my dreams so that I can parade around Disney with while wearing Bride & Groom Mickey ear hats.


We had an AWESOME safari experience! We tried the whole "go super early in the morning because all the animals are out and about" thing again and it really paid off! We actually went twice in a row!


Dumbo & his Mom!


The elephant pool thing is so pretty!


King Simba sniffin' where he probably shouldn't.



The lions were SUPER active!


I didn't take a ton of pics, because A) I already have 9,875 and B) I was too busy just enjoying!

But we did go on again! Here's the pics from our second ride!

These guys were just chillen THIS close to our vehicle.


Gotta check out dem lions again. Looks like the King is still up and about!





Continued in next post...
After our double safari adventure, we took some time to take advantage of some photo ops around the AK since we hadn't been getting as many pics of ourselves as we would have liked. I always end up with a lot of pics in the beginning of a trip and a lot from the end, but never a lot from the middle. It's like I remember to start taking more pics at the end to compensate for my slacking :p




Obligatory Tree of Life Photopass shot...


I was quite intrigued by these beast feet that I've never noticed before!



Then a family offered to take our pic together! Love when that happens. I'm pretty sure we did the same for them!



THESE MONKEYS! During a different trip, I was looking at these guys and a CM approached and told us that they were actual wild Florida-native monkeys! Apparently they travel down the river and end up here and Disney has accommodated a place for them instead of trying to keep them out! They are free to come and go as they like! I didn't even know there were monkeys in Florida! How awesome is that???


Peace out (for now anyway)! :hippie:
Coral Reef is one of my favorite restaurants ... must do on every trip ... the lobster and pasta dish is great! Did you see any divers in the tank? I also go scuba diving in the tank every trip ... its great to go up to the restaurant side and interact with the diners ... I've played patty cake with too many kids to count through the tank glass ... the parents seem to love it as much as the kids ... I must be in over100 family pics ... and sure they're wondering who that scuba guy is! Anyway ... great updates ... love the dinosaur pin. Too bad about P going through your phone ... I've had the same problem!

I didn't see any divers! I've been dying to do it myself but I'm terrified of swimming around with all those fish and other sea life...so maybe someday! I didn't know you could swim around in the restaurant! That's awesome.
In all my safari trips, I have never seen the lions that active. Cool pics!
It's YETI TIME, my friends!

Looks like it either rained, or we just rafted down the Kali River Rapids...


I'm gonna go with the latter, because the skies were looking pretty nice today!

Scary deer!






Selfies on Everest.


Ok, I'm posting this one because of THAT KID'S FACE. LOLOLOL. Poor kid.




A really horrible photo of our ride photo...P is using his wilderness explorer "binoculars" AKA his camera and apparently I'm rocking out. WRONG RIDE, WRONG PARK, SELF.

Dem fingerprints, though.


So then we were dumped into the gift shop, and P spotted this shirt that he absolutely needed to buy. The only problem was that he couldn't decide on a color. FASHION SHOW TIME!

Are you Team Red??


Or Blue??


In the end, he chose red! Now that I think about it, I should have stolen this when we broke up. Darn it. It's such an awesome shirt! I wish I had a picture of the back...woooomp.

We traipsed on over to Dinosaur next. Every single time I jump on a Time Rover back to the Cretaceous period, I get the same rush of adrenaline mixed with terror. Even though I KNOW that it's always the same, I still dig my nails into the flesh of whoever is lucky enough to sit next to me and scream myself silly. AND I LOVE IT!

(dun dun duuuuuun)
This time was different. I felt different. I had gotten used to the ride. I was confident that I knew what was coming and that no Carnataurus was going to rip me to bits. I'm not cowering in fear in my ride photo. AND I WAS SAD ABOUT IT.


I'm hoping that since it's been over a year and that it'll probably be a while until my next trip, that I'll be able to feel that rush one day again. ONE CAN ONLY HOPE.

Anyway, we then took some silly pics around Dinoland USA.




Welp, nothing to see here!
We booked it on out of Dinoland and saw Russell and Dug on the move! Patrick flipped out because Up is like one of his favorite movies ever. This led to me snapping some rather awkward pics. Ahh, oh well. You take what you can get!

Russell's slightly blurry backside. You're welcome.


Annnd Patrick creeping at an awkward distance from Dug and a nice family.


And then we said our sad goodbyes to the steamy Animal Kingdom, for we wouldn't be returning again on this trip. Wah. What would I give to be there right this second? Probably my first born...maybe my air conditioner.

Then it was back to good ol' MGM!

See ya'll real soon! popcorn::
Great updates and pics as usual ... I bought that same shirt last year when I was in WDW! I wear it all the time! Looking forward to next update!
We soon found ourselves back in Hollywood!

It looks like we totesied on over to the American Idol Experience again! And as we were exiting to our left, I played my favorite game called "Take constant candids of Patrick until he's ready to break all my limbs and leave me for dead". It's really great. I win almost every time.





Annnnd he got me here. Michela: 4, Patrick: 1




I'm really competitive...
LOLOLOLOL. Best game ever.

SOOOO back to the show; I'm not sure if it was this time or the last time that had the winner that me and P both fell in love with. She was this beautiful, bubbly Spanish girl that literally had the most amazing voice ever. I cried. And then I cried again just thinking about how proud her family probably was watching her. I'm pretty sure the whole audience cried too. Her performance was that moving. I was so blown away. She's definitely going places! Big places!

So anyway, we saw her later and fangirled over her like crazy. She was so cute. Patrick wanted a picture with her in case she became famous oneday, but I told him that was taking it too far. Lol.

And then we finally went to the Indy Stunt Show. And miraculously, as I promised earlier in the trip, Patrick was picked to go up on stage! And also as promised, I stayed back by myself so I could take photos.

Looks like he had to walk an imaginary tight rope??


And then they forced him to dance and put him right on the spot, so that was pretty great. Sorry I was too busy laughing my butt off (I wish that was actually possible, btw) and didn't get any photos, really.


And then I blinked and all of the volunteers were suddenly wearing 5th grade art smocks and turbans. Disney magic at its finest.


And their acting abilities were tested...


Patrick got a little confused with the instructions...


ANNNND he's good. Clap, fools!


I present to you all, an artistic depiction of Sunday night football at Patrick's apartment...



He just can't seem to look away from my camera. It's ok, I promise I'm doin' my job. Now run along before you get 3rd degree burns and get tangled up in a lawsuit.


And finally the epic "final explosion" pic. Lovin' the silhouettes!


That's a wrap!
That's fantastic that he got to be a part of the Indy show. I've always loved that show and want to be called up for it!

Great pictures btw!!
That's fantastic that he got to be a part of the Indy show. I've always loved that show and want to be called up for it!

Great pictures btw!!

It's pretty easy to get into! Just sit up front and wave your hands around like a maniac ;) Every time I see this show...someone from my party makes it in!

And thank you princess:
We then decided to do a little store browsin'.

So me and P have this little thing where I make him do the "Perry Face" and basically he does the face that you'll see in the picture below and attempts to make Perry's little clicking noise thing. And for some reason, I loved it. We have our things, ok??!

Naturally, I had to get Perry Face in a Perry hat. It only makes sense. I'm also very sorry I couldn't provide the whole effect.


Then we thought it'd be cute to take a selfie while wearing Woody and Jessie hats. So this happened...


And then we took yet another spin (or drop, I guess) on the Tower of Terror!


This redneck ride photo kills me. Can we just examine the kid in the front? His older brother and dad are both clearly lol-ing at him and he literally looks like he just peed. Love it.


And then we took a quick photo in front of the hat and headed out of the Studios.



Notice my practical sneakers. I needed a break from my fancy footwear because at day 7, my feetsies were about to snap off and run to the nearest hot bucket of Epsom salts. And also, fun fact: A mere months after this trip, me and P went to some adventure climbing course thing, where I (almost) hacked off a finger which resulted in these sneakers being soaked in blood! Crazy where life takes you, isn't it?? I mean, one day you're touring around Disney world and the next you're sitting in a basket with dried up blood all over your nice mesh.


Where did we find ourselves next?? The Magic Kingdom. Why?? To fill our veins with the vital substance that is otherwise known as SotMKc. Or more popularly known as it's street name: Sorcerer's of the Magic Kingdom cards. Mmm. Yum. Get it.

And then we figured we might as well play a little too...


We jumped into adjacent lines so that we could level up our cards more efficiently and we could BOTH PLAY! Yay us.


This is where I told P to look a little livelier and like he was actually having fun and not just bored in a long, sweaty line. He obliged.


And after a long afternoon of leveling up as many cards as we could, it was finally time to book it on over to Downtown. We had a show to see!

And it was going to be INtense! *winkwink*



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