Aidan's wish trip to Tink's home 3/1-3/7

I have made ADR's for Rainforest Cafe, Crystal Palace, and Playhouse Disney at Hollywood & Vine, but they can be changed. What are your opinions on these places? Any other character dining that you feel is better than these? Any other casual dining (i.e. counter service, etc.) that you recommend?

I think the kids will really like Rainforest Cafe. Are you going to the one at Animal Kingdom or the one at Downtown Disney? The Crystal Palace is the perfect place to meet Pooh and friends and the food is good too! The food was not fabulous at Hollywood and Vine, but the character interaction was wonderful. The characters get down on the kids level and really connect with them.

As for counter service it would depend on what your kids eat. My kids like the atmosphere at Toy Story Pizza Planet at Hollywood Studios. A meal includes a small, but generous pizza, salad and a drink. I like Pinochio Haus at the Magic Kingdom for your basic chicken strips meal. You can watch the loading and unloading of It's a Small World from some of the seats in this restaurant. At Animal Kingdom I liked Pizzasafari. Epcot's pick is Sunshine Seasons in the Land. It is set up like a food court buffet and there are plenty of choices for everyone. They also have the best desserts - try the strawberry shortcake!

I'm going to kinda switch gears right here for a minute and ask a question about the flights and attractions. Aidan (6 yo) and Chris (dh) both have motion sickness. It isn't severe in the car, but I wonder if it will be worse with the flight and/or park rides. I do not have motion sickness, and we have never traveled since Aidan was born, so I'm not sure what to do here. :confused: I know that all of my kids are old enough to take Dramamine. My questions are: 1) Do you have experience with using motion sickness meds? 2) Which do you feel are most effective or which would you recommend? and 3) Should I go ahead and give them the Dramamine or other OTC motion sickness med before the flight or wait to see if they get sick? Like I said, I'm completely at a loss on this one.

Okay, that's all the questions for now. I think. . . :rotfl:

My oldest gets sick on all plane landings. We were in NY one time and stopped at a pharmacy to pick up some dramamine and he told us to use benadryl. He explained that it has the same properties and it is cheaper. Both cause my children to go to sleep. If you go to a health food store, you can get ginger candies and these will also help. It also helps to keep the kids hydrated, which is easy to forget when you are having fun. All Disney counter service locations will give you free ice water if you ask for it.

I also hope the braces and stroller make it in time! Your planning sounds wonderful. Don't forget to just go with the flow and you may not get to see and do everything! :yay::woohoo:
One caveat with using Benadryl for motion sickness: make sure you are familiar with how your child reacts to Benadryl. Although it often has a sedative effect on children, it can have the opposite effect on some. My daughter can get agitated on Benadryl, which we found out during an airplane ride (that was really not fun!!!). In fact, the drs are very careful when giving her benadryl as a premed for transfusions, etc, at the hospital because of this. They said it's not that uncommon for a child to have an adverse reaction.

But most children should be fine. Just know how your child reacts before you rely on it!

Aidan is sick today. :sick: Well, actually, Keegan is too, but I'm worried about Aidan. His SPO2 is low, he's retracting, and sounds extremely "junky". I think he's got pneumonia again. We're heading to the doctor this afternoon. I'll update as soon as I get a chance.
Sorry Aidan is sick again--I'm home with GenevaClaire and she has double pneumonia AGAIN. This is the second time since November and today is her 5th birthday, some birthday? Sigh. I'm hopping in here for your PTR--glad you finally got all the paperwork together--our kiddo's have some of the same issues with lung problems and I was reading about the benadryl--don't do Benadryl until you talk to Aidan's Pulmo doc--GenevaClaire has chronic lung disease, BPD that's unresolved and severe damage from the ventilators at birth and the aspiration damage after the NICU and benadryl is a BIG NO NO with her Pulmo doc. I have no idea what or why--my God Daughter has severe asthma that is very problematic and her ped won't let her take it either--so there must be a medical reason for check first

I'm not really sure how to write this post, as it contains some great news and some terrifying news.

I guess good news first. . . WE'VE GOT DATES! :woohoo::yay::jumping3: Our official dates are 3/1-3/7. We are staying at GKTW, and everything is starting to unfold. These dates are still a secret, though. Our MAW chapter does a reveal party, and the kids cannot know before the reveal. But we do have dates!

Now the okay news. . . Aidan is sick. They started him on steroids and antibiotics, and will recheck him on Monday as long as he doesn't get worse over the weekend. But he should be okay.

Now the terrifying news. . . My oldest child Keegan has been vomiting a lot lately. It started about a month ago when they were on Christmas break. He just woke up in the middle of the night throwing up off his top bunk. :sick: Well, since then, he has done that every 2-4 days, including this morning. It's always between midnight and 4:00, and he always feels better by lunchtime. I've been brushing this off as a virus or anxiety since he always gets better later in the day. He has also had a recent drop in grades. We thought maybe he was getting lazy. And he's been talking very slowly and slurring his words. Anyway, when he woke up this morning vomiting again, I decided I was going to have him seen when I took Aidan in. Well, it turns out that I shouldn't have been brushing this off. They are sending Keegan for a CT scan next week because they think he may have a mass or tumor in his brain.

Now, you have to understand, Keegan has always been my healthy child. He hardly ever gets sick, and hardly ever complains. I never would've expected that the doctor would mention the words mass and tumor at our appointment today. I was more worried about Aidan. :sad1: But the doctor said it is not very common for a child to wake up from a deep sleep and just start vomiting. He also did a neurological test, which actually resembled the sobriety tests that you see on TV. Keegan did not do very good on his test. His balance was bad and his hand-eye coordination was horrible.

I feel so guilty :guilty: and so mad at myself for not doing something about this sooner. I just didn't put all the puzzle pieces together. :sad2: So, they are scheduling the test. The doctor wants us to have it done before Wednesday. The nurse is supposed to call us with the information before lunchtime Monday. He said to call and insist on talking with a doctor if we haven't heard anything by then.

Okay, I'm hoping they are wrong, but please keep my Keegan in your thoughts. It's going to be a long 5 days. :guilty:
Oh Miranda Im so sorry Keegan is having a hard time and I am so hoping they are wrong and it's nothing serious. :hug:

:banana: for dates!! Cant wait to meet you guys!

sending cyber hugs and prayers your way. I'm hoping and praying for the most benign reason possible for Keegan's issues. How terrifying.

I don't think this accounts for all of Keegan's symptoms, but my oldest daughter started waking up around the same time of night a couple of years ago and vomiting, sometimes several times. And it happened a number of times. They said she had something called cyclic vomiting.

Would that this is what Keegan has....

Pls feel free to release your worries/fears here, if need be.

I kept trying to write this post...
and have decided just to send you HUGS!!



we are praying. Keep us posted.
Oh hun I hope Aiden feels better soon! I am so sorry to hear about Keegan. Do not feel bad hun. It is just sometimes hard to figure things out. I hope they can figure out why Keegan is throwing up and not feeling well. I pray it is nothing serious. Sending you all lots of hugs!
Hi Miranda,

I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you. Nothing I can say can make it any better, but know that I am saying LOTS of prayers your way. PLEASE keep us posted.

Thinking of you.:hug:
:grouphug: Thank you all for your support, prayers, and kind words. We have not told any of our family at this point because we don't want to upset them until we know for certain what is going on. So, to be able to come here is great.

We are trying not to get too far ahead of ourselves on this. We are going to *try* to take things one day at a time. Like I said, it's going to be a long 5 days. For once in my life, I wish the weekend could've waited. Keegan heard bits and pieces of what the doctor was saying, so we talked about it some tonight. He seems to be okay for now. He's not worried about the IV or the tests, so that's a good thing. I wish that the doctor had somehow gotten me away from the kids before he talked to me. I know that's almost impossible since I had all three boys with me, but I wish they had tried. But like I said, Keegan seems okay for now. I just wish he hadn't seen me crying about it. But trust me, when they say the word tumor, you no longer have control of those tears.

I'll keep everybody posted on what happens, but we won't know anything about the testing until Monday. And we won't have results until Wednesday afternoon probably. I am a strong believer in miracles, so this is just a road block. We'll eventually find the detour.

Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers.
I am so glad they are doing this on Monday and here is to hoping that they will have test results back before Wednesday!

Praying for you guys to have a good, quick weekend!
Quick Update: Aidan is feeling much better. He is still having problems with shortness of breath, coughing, and getting fatigued midday, but that is typical for Aidan when getting over something of this nature. He was cleared to go back to school yesterday. He finishes his extra steroids today, and finishes his new antibiotics next week.

Keegan's appointment is scheduled for tomorrow at 12:00 noon. We probably will not have results tomorrow afternoon as we had hoped. However, Peyton has his 3 year check-up Thursday morning, so I'm pretty sure we'll get them then.

No new news on the wish trip. I'm working on another rough draft of our itinerary. :laughing: I'll post what we've got planned in the next day or two, but I'm kinda waiting until after Keegan's test. I also ordered two of the Passporter books - the 2010 passporter, and the special needs one. I don't know what the official names are. They were shipped today. I also ordered the two carry-on bags that we are going to use for Aidan's medical supplies. I think I'm going to LOVE them. Here's a picture:


They have almost the maximum room allowed for a carry-on, but they will fit under the seat or in the overhead bin. They also have numerous zippered sections, and the front side completely folds down when unzipped in order to see the inside contents.

Make-A-Wish is supposed to call us as soon as they have us matched up with a sponsor. Once that's done, they'll plan the reveal party. And in about 5 weeks, we'll be heading to Disney! I am so excited!

I'll try to post an update tomorrow night!
Im so glad Aidan is feeling better and will be keeping Keegan in my thoughts tomorrow. I love that carry-on do you mind me asking where you ordered it from??


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