Airmiles Armchair Chatter

I will never forget that blackout. I was working from home and decided I wanted my afternoon tea but couldn't make one so I went to Tim's and after getting there and seeing everything along the way closed I realized this was not the average power outage. LOL....I was very unhappy about not getting my tea. I suppose thanks to DH working in automotive we usually have an assortment of crap in our garage including at least one car battery. He has all these little bits and pieces and can MacGyver just about anything for you. Including that night an adaptor that allowed us to connect a power inverter to one of the car batteries. We used it to occasionally plug in a radio to check the news.

Funny story....
The night of the blackout we hung out outside with some neighbours. We pulled out some camping chairs and candles and sat on the front deck. It was so dark we could not even see the sidewalk. There would be the occasional voice in the dark saying hello as they walked past. A couple people that we didn't even know came up the driveway to stop and chat. At some point in the evening my drunk neighbour (she's always drunk and very loud) appears on the edge of her driveway which is right beside where we were sitting. She yelled 'can anyone join'....and there was dead silence, not a single one of us said anything. I'm sure there were some eyes rolling in the dark. She stood there for a minute then left but came back a couple of minutes later with the biggest wine glass I've seen in my life. No joke, it was as big as a goldfish bowl. I'm sure it could fit more than a whole bottle......honest officer I only had one glass. She then proceeds to go on a rant about how her husband didn't come home after work and her son went out. She told us she was home alone with her wine and her 3 cats. We all sat there silently while she ranted and staggered around the driveway. Fortunately her son showed up so her attention went to yelling at him about leaving her with the 3 cats. They went inside and we went back abut our business.
Well guys guess I was a few days too early for the 20th Anniversary. Oh well.
So I had 2 funny stories.
I had just gotten home from work and walked inside and the lights wouldn't turn on. I went outside and decided to walk to the superbox for my mail and on the way back a person from the house across the street stopped me and said is your power out? I went yes and he went oh thank goodness as I am doing a home inspection of the house and thought I had done something wrong. I assured him it wasn't just him.
That night I BBQ'd my dinner and then boiled water on the BBQ for my tea as well. Went to work the next day as my work has an emergency generator.
My other funny story is just the week before I had bought some ice cream treats from Sobeys and there were supposed to be 16 items in the box and I only had 12. I emailed the company and they said just bring the box back and I can either get my money back or exchange for another box. When I went back to Sobeys afterwards the girl went oh no we aren't doing returns on frozen goods and I was able to provide the letter from Head Office saying yup you can so I just took my money back.
Twenty years ago, myself and my girls drove to St. Catherines to my sister's house. That last stoplight was a four-way stop, so the outage had just occurred. We were going to Disney. It was HOT, and the kids were bouncing and not sleeping. We had a full tank in the van and we were off in the middle of the night. My third sister was in London and left for Disney after her husband got home from work at 6 am. We didn't take number four sister because the heat/humidity in Florida would aggravate her breathing. Little did we know, that she suffered more here than there. BTW, that trip, we stayed in Disney Springs for $20.03 a night. You couldn't let that pass by! (It was the second year...I'd done $20.02 the year before)
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We discovered something about our house during the power outage that became a running joke whenever we consider moving, hang on till the end of the story to find out what that is!
We had gone grocery shopping and filled the fridge and freezer (like most people) for the weekend, ready for a bunch of nothingness to take place. Once it became obvious that the outage was not just one of the usual Guelph Hydro annoyances my mom called us to let us know that they would soon be having a MASSIVE clear-out and parking lot BBQ. She owned an M & M and they had been given the ok to cook what they were able to get out of the freezer and onto their 4 BBQ's before they closed and locked that thing until health inspectors cleared the store. Nothing could be sold but there was no reason they couldn't run it like a charity BBQ. They had just started selling ice cream at this point and head office didn't give clearance for those items to be used by the public but it was fair game to staff and families. Obviously we grabbed some coolers with ice packs and headed up the highway to grab as much as could for an impromptu party up the street with friends. (there's one hint to our joke, why did we have ice packs?!?) We walked up to our friend's house after we got home with a small cooler of frozen treats (Another hint, why only a small cooler??) and played a few rounds of dominos, in various states of undressedness (gawd it was so hot!), while eating ice cream.

OK -- so what's the joke?? Why did we have ice packs, why did we only take some of the incredible amount of ice cream we had with us to our friend's house that's less than a 5 minute walk? It seems that our townhouse complex is on the same power grid as the waste management plant and our power was out for less than 2 hours! Houses across the street were dark, there were no street lights ANYWHERE, the lights in our parking lot had no power, our friends up the street were out for the entire time (what was it? 2 weeks??) Parts of our city were shuttered for a very long time and 2 small grocery stores never reopened, the mold created by the melting ice and food coupled with that excessive heat made the building a biohazard :O I don't remember how long my mom's store was without power but i think it was close to 2 weeks before they could reopen. We figure once we're ready to sell the house we're going to include in the listing "Never need to worry about extended power outages since the house is on the same power grid as the sewage plant"!

Who else remembers the street parties? The gatherings in the parks to star gaze? And how quiet it was at night?!
Great Power outage stories everyone!

Went to Shell and got 125 Airmiles,, good haul.
Over to Dollarama and picked up a few things ,,,spent $33.00 so I think I am good for the BMO
spend $20 get 75 Airmiles
spend $30 get 10 Airmiles
That is if they allow the two offer to be stacked.
So 85 Airmiles in total

Now back to sharing stories...............................
Hugs Mel
This where I was wondering if the bag falls under "Shoes, Bags and Accessories"


See how in brackets it says Shoes? This is from my wish list.
This where I was wondering if the bag falls under "Shoes, Bags and Accessories"

View attachment 785400

See how in brackets it says Shoes? This is from my wish list.
Ignore everything that's in the description of the item! The only way you can tell is by looking at the words at the top left of the item ... even then it can get tricky, you need to look at the category that Amazon decides that specific item fall into. Small print to the top of left of the picture.
Side note, saw an identical bag at winners this afternoon for $15. Sometimes the hunt for the miles need to be secondary, ask yourself how many miles you'll be out if isn't included? If you're trying to trigger a specific offer, you might be better off going with a different store, 😉 staples for in store pick up and spend just 20 is my go to


Just put eye drops and cream in my eyes so this might be a mess,
You atr in Noba Scotia tight?
Is there somewhere here in Ontariop that if you gave me your airmiles number
like PM ia screen shot of it that I could do for you here in Ontario?
I can do a shell or Staples or Metro?
Would any of those help?
Can I add my power outage story also?
I was working in downtown Toronto, my office was at Yonge & Bloor and needed to take the TTC subway down to Union Station to take the Go Train to somehow get home.

Needless to say, I ended up having to walk all the way down Bay Street to Union Station with my colleague who also needed to catch the Go Train home. When we got to Union after hours of walking, we found no train service of course. By then, my husband finally made the gruelling drive home from his west end office but I didn’t want him to drive all the way to Toronto to pick us up, I wanted him to be safe. Luckily, a good samaritan in a minivan stopped at Union, and offered a bunch of us who were stranded, a ride back to our go station parking lots. If it were not for him, I’m not sure what we would have done.

I remember other pedestrians were directing traffic, it was so chaotic.

The most memorable part of this story for me was that I was pregnant with my oldest, and managed to walk hours down Bay Street in the hot afternoon summer sun.
Looking for some help here gang! Our daughter, new girlfriend and her 11 yr old twins are currently in the air but being rerouted to Fort Myers according to Flight aware. Anyone else ever have this happen and if so what will be the next step?

one of the girls is special needs and was in the middle of a meltdown when the flight was delayed taking off. They've now been circling Orlando for about 40 minutes and I'm sure it's a tad stressful. I know my kid will be messaging me as soon as she's able looking for suggestions
Picture to go with, lol the plane has been dancing around
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Looking for some help here gang! Our daughter, new girlfriend and her 11 yr old twins are currently in the air but being rerouted to Fort Myers according to Flight aware. Anyone else ever have this happen and if so what will be the next step?

one of the girls is special needs and was in the middle of a meltdown when the flight was delayed taking off. They've now been circling Orlando for about 40 minutes and I'm sure it's a tad stressful. I know my kid will be messaging me as soon as she's able looking for suggestions
Picture to go with, lol the plane has been dancing around
View attachment 785575

That is so weird that they ended up in Fort Meyers. Wonder why Tampa wasn't a possibility. Looks like they are flying them to Orlando soon? I believe it is their responsibility to get their passengers to their destination. What a nightmare.
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update from the WestJet app ... staying for a bit and then back to Orlando there's a massive band of Thunderstorms across the state


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