Airmiles Armchair Chatter

My targeted onyx offer is for 75 bonus am wus $75 at Lawtons and 15 bonus am with 35+L of gas at Irving. I'll get the gas tomorrow but I don't think I can spend $75 at Lawtons this week.
I normally just use my phone (I am android though :) ) My son wants a GoPro because he could take water slide videos and such (he's 8) but mama is too cheap to get him one. I may get him a knock off one through Amazon for Christmas. I believe you can get one of the type through airmiles, but if you are leaving that soon it probably wouldn't arrive in time. I'm not sure about syncing. I would assume in order to post things online you would need to connect it to a laptop/phone/tablet type situation to upload.

Also jealous you are going on a cruise... I need to plan a vacation :)

Did you know you can redeem air miles for a GoPro?
For anyone who shops at Foodland, I just received a call from the store manager here and he told me that they would be offering 150 AM on the purchase of $150 Foodland GC next week.
The call was a total waste of time. Sorry the Hudson Bay cards weren't in, there is a box of them somewhere but no one can find them. Blah blah blah. When we do find them we will be glad to give you a call and credit you with the AM's blah blah blah. Since I already made my Bay purchase that offer, while nice, does nothing form me. He said, and I kind of chuckled to myself at this, next time I'm in please ask for him and he would love to meet me. I guess I'm a pleasure, lol.
Nice to get the call back to show they are paying attention to their customers however, as I said, a total waste of time. For both of us.
For anyone who shops at Foodland, I just received a call from the store manager here and he told me that they would be offering 150 AM on the purchase of $150 Foodland GC next week.
The call was a total waste of time. Sorry the Hudson Bay cards weren't in, there is a box of them somewhere but no one can find them. Blah blah blah. When we do find them we will be glad to give you a call and credit you with the AM's blah blah blah. Since I already made my Bay purchase that offer, while nice, does nothing form me. He said, and I kind of chuckled to myself at this, next time I'm in please ask for him and he would love to meet me. I guess I'm a pleasure, lol.
Nice to get the call back to show they are paying attention to their customers however, as I said, a total waste of time. For both of us.

Awesome, I'm almost out. I was concerned that the advent of Ontario Blue Friday would be the death of Sobeys/Foodland GC promos. This is great news.
Shopped Rexall, $30 plus taxes. Used $5 survey coupon, 50 airmiles personal offer and received the $10 giftcard. I have a hard time finding a better deal elsewhere.

I don't do their beauty promos but I'm sure there will be some great shops tomorrow.
I think some of you are in the same Facebook AM group that I am. OMG....those folks need to learn to read or something. On a daily basis there are several people posting the exact same questions and most of it is along the lines of ‘the promo ended 3 days ago and I still don’t have the AM in my account’. :faint:

I stopped reading this group some time ago. Too frustrating and not informative enough to make it worth my while. Red Flag deals can be the same from time to time as well.

For anyone who shops at Foodland, I just received a call from the store manager here and he told me that they would be offering 150 AM on the purchase of $150 Foodland GC next week.
The call was a total waste of time. Sorry the Hudson Bay cards weren't in, there is a box of them somewhere but no one can find them. Blah blah blah. When we do find them we will be glad to give you a call and credit you with the AM's blah blah blah. Since I already made my Bay purchase that offer, while nice, does nothing form me. He said, and I kind of chuckled to myself at this, next time I'm in please ask for him and he would love to meet me. I guess I'm a pleasure, lol.
Nice to get the call back to show they are paying attention to their customers however, as I said, a total waste of time. For both of us.

YES! I just gave my second last one to my son so he can restock his fridge (after the power came back). Timing couldn't be better as I have to restock my fridge and freezer as well. I haven't been shopping in about two weeks so I'm a little behind in my collecting.

It's hard to ramp back up to AM collecting when I'm dealing with a little jet lag at the moment but I will be back and up to full form with another good nights sleep.
I got the offer too. Do you think it was specifically targeted. DH didn't get one but I would like to sign him up if I can.

Re read the email and it looks like it is targeted. Boo.
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Question about the 500 AM for BMO MC - making purchases for $20 at 3 different partners. Safeway and Sobey's are both listed separately - would these count as 2 of the 3 required? Thanks!
*crosses fingers that there will be some kind of AirMiles promotion at Safeway in October*
We didn't actually even earn any AM after their BlueFriday sale at the beginning of the month... :( I've been going to the other stores in town because there's no incentive to go to Safeway... *siiiiiiiiigh*

Mel that sounds like a lovely tea-time! MMMM you will have to report back to us on that one.
Just a FYI
Rose and Crown in Epcot opened up a new experience "Morning Tea" by Twinings .
$30.00 per person
Fri, Sat, Sun
I got an ADR for March Break.Mmmm tea and scones for breakfast!
Hugs Mel

My daughters and I are trying to decide between this and afternoon tea at the Grand (part of our decision is timing). Both sound so good. My husband and I have done the free Twinings tea tour during the Epcot flower festival and really enjoyed it, if we end up picking the Grand we will be doing the free tour.

Enjoy, it sounds lovely.
*crosses fingers that there will be some kind of AirMiles promotion at Safeway in October*
We didn't actually even earn any AM after their BlueFriday sale at the beginning of the month... :( I've been going to the other stores in town because there's no incentive to go to Safeway... *siiiiiiiiigh*

me too! i pretty well only shop at safeway on blue friday lately. i really hope we see another promotion too—i’m running dangerously low on laundry detergent. fingers crossed!
My Load N Go with Rexall is spend 60.00 get 60 airmiles (ends in 3 days)....I just have this feeling that they are going to offer something way better for next flyer,,just a feeling,,,plus last year I was out of town on the Thanksgiving weekend and if I remember correctly there were alot of special airmiles that weekend.

Blue Friday in Oct for Ontario would be great also.
I am happy about the Foodland spend 150.00 GC. deal coming up also.

Hugs Mel


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