AKL September 2007!

I've hit the 10-day mark WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning I SWEAR my car smelled like the monorail!! Not like poo, either. I mean like how it SHOULD smell, or how I remember it smelled when I was a kid!! :goodvibes

Congrats on the 10 day mark.
:cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana:

What do remember the monorail smelling like? :confused:
I'm really getting excited!!!!!!! 3 days!!!:dance3:

Can't believe how hot next week is going to be.....93 to 96 with a low chance of rain! :confused3 :headache: Last year at the same time it was in the mid 80's. Oh well, being from Texas we are somewhat used to the heat. The way I handle the Texas heat is to stay indoors with the A/C running and cringe when the electric bill comes! :lmao:

By the way did I say only 3 days till I'm at AKL! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :dance3: :dance3:

Hope everyone has a great vacation!


I'm so excited that I can't keep still!!!!! We are leaving for the World in just about 9 hours!!!! EEEEEKKKK!!!!!!

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:

The animals are at the kennel, the bags are just about packed, we've had dinner and I'm about to get DD in the shower and to bed. I have to wait for DH and DMIL to get home before we can start loading the car, but I am WAY excited!!!


I'm so excited that I can't keep still!!!!! We are leaving for the World in just about 9 hours!!!! EEEEEKKKK!!!!!!

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:

The animals are at the kennel, the bags are just about packed, we've had dinner and I'm about to get DD in the shower and to bed. I have to wait for DH and DMIL to get home before we can start loading the car, but I am WAY excited!!!


Have a safe trip!!:goodvibes
Go Liz Go!!!!!! :banana:

The time is quickly approaching Carol & PreJean! I'll see if I can't get the place warmed up for you. Hopefully I Run Long has got it started for us too. One day and 11 hours and we should be in the air!:cool1:

I wonder if Ktink ever thinks about us anymore????
FYI - My TA says we should be offered a bounce back of FD for 8/30 to 9/27 next year. I have asked her to clarify what type of restrictions, deposits and flexibility to changes such a program would have. But hey it may work out for you and your friends. They said if no one offers it to you to stop and ask at guest relations and they can hook you up, but only while you are registered on property.[/B][/SIZE]

OK - a question from the newbie. What is a bounce back?

All you folks that are leaving in a day (SO JEALOUS!) HAVE A SAFE TRIP!!!!! Warm up that presidential suite and tell them we'll be there in a little over a week. Until then, enjoy it - but once we're there, I WANT IT!

Speaking of that - anyone heard any news lately about the million dreams thingies lately? I think it would be SO FREAKING COOL to get the Cinderella Suite. Of course, my boys might not..... Wonder if I could stay there by myself and let them stay at AKL..... I could get a whole night of sleep, uninterrupted? Wow. I can only dream!

Whoo hoo!!!!! I jsut can't believe that some of us are there already!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
Bounce Back - They offer you a special deal while you are there to come back again.

So bounce back means come back again. And they hit you with it while you are there and thinking how great everything is. And I think you have to book while you are there, not before or after you leave.

So instead of trying to make crazy phone calls with hours of wait time the day FD is announced next year, you book while you are already down there. And hopefully you have better choices of rooms and resorts since there are not "thousands" of people of the phone at the same time as you.

I am not sure how flexible they are on changes, but obviously with other promotions people change their dates and rooms a lot. So perhaps that would apply to this as well. I think you have to make a deposit on the trip, but everything is fully refundable up to the 45 day mark, if I have my information correct.

And even though you are jealous because we go first, we will be jealous when we are home and you are still there.:goodvibes
Joining this thread a little late but it's better late than never. DBF and I will be there the 25th-29th. It was by some magical force I checked availability the one time AKL was available with the AP rate. I've never been so excited to stay at a hotel in all my life. Just under 2 and a half weeks and we'll be there!
We just got back from the AKL.:sad2: It was the best vacation to Disney. The AKL was absolutely perfect. The construction noise was very little. They were working on the new resort, so the construction was way of in the distance. At the pool, we could hardly hear any construction if any. The staff was wonderful. At check in, one of the cast members said that the left side of the hotel looking over the savanah and costruction sites were almost all close. The animals were out and roaming throughout the day and were not effected by the construction. The Ostrich area had no animals due to training the animals to go to a new barn. If any one had any doubts about staying here, put them aside. My husband who is never comfortable with any hotel, said he could stay here forever. The black tarps were still up in the main lobby on the 5th and 6th floor, but I did not see or hear any construction. I hope this report will be helpful to those who were worried about the construction. The resort wes perfect:goodvibes
I'm down to 4 days!!!!

4 days until.....

1. Staying at a Disney Deluxe Resort for the first time in 8 years
2. First time traveling without family and/or friends
3. My DH's first time at Disney!

HOORAY ANIMAL KINGDOM LODGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay:
We have SIX DAYS and already I can't sleep!!!!!!

Now I'm down to the details.

I broke down this weekend and bought Crocs to wear some days. Because I share too much, I'll let you know that my feet are huge....and wide. And boy, do they look it in these PURPLE crocs! I got purple because they were half price (yes, half price crocs!) and they had my size...... Then I could splurge on some jibbitz. I got Goofy :goofy: (my husband often looks at me and says, "You're goofy." To which I reply, "No I'm not, I'm Pluto!"), a big old pink and purple flower :hippie: and Sandy from Spongebob (my children have Patrick and Spongebob respectively. They thought it TRES cool that I got Sandy!)

We had the housesitter over last night to go over the ins and outs of the house and animals. That was fun. But now I think the boys know it's soon! If I can just keep them in the dark until next Sunday when we wake up! I'll take to calling them my little mushrooms until then!

Do you remember that Disney commercial from a few years back wehre the parents chastise the children because they can't sleep because tomorrow is the big day? And then the dad gets into his bed and goes, "I'm too excited to sleep!" That is SO me right now. Work? New job? What work? I need to finesse my packing list! And check the Disboards! :-)

:dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
Check my ticker!! We only have 2 more sleeps in this house before we leave. The boys still have no clue (knock on wood) about the surprise!! We'll arrive at the AKL on Thursday!!!

I've packed their clothes, have all of the "other" stuff ready to be packed, Reveal Movie made (for the surprise), & surprises for each day ready.

I'm so excited !!!
WOOHOO!! :woohoo: :woohoo: Six days here too!!:cool1: I am also already having problems sleeping. We are bringing our nieces, and I am getting reports that they are bouncing and asking a million questions. Which is kind of funny, because neither of their parental units have been there! :lmao:
I think I have only asked one question here.. because we changed our reservations from Jan 2008 the last week of August to 9-30-`10-06... so I'm happy that it is so soon... but so jealous of everyone now leaving..lol :)
:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

We got back home last night.....unfortunately. I can't tell you how much we loved AKL!!!! We didn't get our room request, but I don't think we could have had a better room. We were on a corner near the end of the trail and we had a view of both the Arusha and Uzima savannahs. Animals galore!!!! Almost every night we had all of the giraffes from both savannahs sleeping outside our room. I'm planning on doing a trip report, but I'm going to let the post-trip blues get by first.

We did NOT do bounce back even though I tried and tried to get DH to do it (there were even a few tears) :lmao: :lmao: He wants to wait until 2009 right now. (of course last year, he said that he didn't want to go this year and changed his mind) So, all of you who decided to do bounce back--enjoy! I'll be there in spirit.

Anyone else back yet?!?!?!?
ONE DAY LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pixiedust: to all still planning their magical vacations!!!!!!!!!!!

And if you see us there at AKL, please say hello!


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