AKV DISboard Ownership Chart


DIS Veteran<br><br><img src="http://www.wdwinfo.co
Nov 16, 2004
Hey Guys & Gals!

For those who are interested.....

If you will post your Use Year, # of points and AKV Unit # I make a chart of who, how much and where. We can calculat percentage ownership and # of points assigned to a unit, and how many ar DISboard 'owned'


DISuserID-----Use Year----------Points------Unit #

greenban . . . . . October . . . . . . . .250 . . . . . .35
Points = 150
UY = Sept
Unit = 33
UY - March

Unit -27

Points 50.....but it's not the end of February yet! I called on Febrauary 28th to change it to 100 points.....my guide said he was waiting for my call......officially 100 points!
Tony, we are co-owners of the same unit:

corinnak . . . . . October . . . . . . . .100 . . . . . .35
Bought in total:
313 points
All February use year
unit 25 on all the deeds

Hey Guys & Gals!

For those who are interested.....

If you will post your Use Year, # of points and AKV Unit # I make a chart of who, how much and where. We can calculat percentage ownership and # of points assigned to a unit, and how many ar DISboard 'owned'


DISuserID-----Use Year----------Points------Unit #

greenban . . . . . October . . . . . . . .250 . . . . . .35
Hey, roomie.

Inkmahm October 200 35
User ID - JCW
UY - Dec
Points - 150
Unit # - 36

(to my neighbors in units 32, 33 & 35, please, no loud parties unless I am invited :dance3: )


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