Alert to multiple ressie holders!

If CRO could book it right I wouldn't wait for a confimation before cancelling my previous reservation. I have told them this and they tend to agree :confused:
This is the first and only warning on this thread. The intent of the original post was to pass along information on a policy change for making reservations at Disney.

This thread has gotten awful close to breaking the posting guidelines.

3. NO FIGHTING: Several Internet news groups are marred by the actions of a few selfish people who turn an otherwise positive forum into a soap box for their anger issues. Internet newsgroups are not moderated, and therefore, anything goes. These boards are moderated in an effort to keep the discussions appropriate to the topic at hand. Those who feel they can not abide by these rules are welcome to read the posts on the board, and respond via email to the person who posted the message. Messages that are argumentative or sarcastic in nature will be deleted without discussion.

If this continues I will be forced to close this thread.
Holding multiple reservations while making up your mind is a practice that was encouraged by some CRO. Courtesy demands you cancel the extra reservation when you make up your mind.
It seems too many people were doing that so Disney is changing the rules. THAT DOESN'T MAKE PEOPLE WHO DID THIS IN THE PAST Cheats, they were following the rules.
People who try to get around new rules by change the spelling of their names and/or using different addresses are cheats and will simply cause Disney to require large (or full) deposits and/or cancellation/change fees.
Originally posted by Bob NC

I read many, many posts however, about people holding multiple reservations just because they "can't decide". C'mon people, this isn't your eternal resting place, it's a weeklong vacation.

LOL! BobNC!!:p ;) :p ;)
Its a nice thougt though my Eternal resting place under my favorite Palm Tree on Disney Property. I wonder if that could be arranged? Oh know I hope this isn't going to start another debate. I am only kiddding I am not planning on checking out of here anytime soon.
I look at this as more of a healthy debate, not an argument. Perhaps I should clarify my point. I'm not naive enough to think that Disney is a little family business just out to do their best to make me happy. I just happen to really like what they sell and I'd like a fair shot at being able to buy.

I know-- I didn't mean to jump all over you, I guess I was just reacting to many different arguments on the boards that ends up pitting Disney versus guests. I think we both agree that Disney is a business trying to get the most out of us, and that as consumers, we're trying to get the most out of Disney! The disagreements are about when either party seems to be crossing the line! Anyway, sorry to you (and to the moderator! Don't shut us down! :D ). Didn't mean for sarcasm to creep in.

Jen D

Thank you for being so nice...gee I've never been shut down before, now I'm the one feeling "evil":). Anyways, my apologies if anyone feels I was personally insulting them, sometimes my words come out harsher than I mean them to.

Eternal resting place under my favorite Palm Tree on Disney Property

Ok, I'll admit to telling my family I want my ashes scattered in the waters of It's a Small World or over the town on Peter Pan's Flight. They have no problem with it as it gives them an excuse for another Disney trip!:):)
Oh, by the way Lisa P.......that IS called an argument.

You're right. This is just a forum thread about hotel policies, after all. I was trying to clarify my previous posts and responded poorly. Perhaps I misunderstood your intent with your posts to me. So I apologize for reacting this way. No hard feelings.
I agree that Disney causes a lot of their own problems.. hhmmm just like us regular folks. ;)
If they would just flat out put the rates out there for a year to six months, including discounted rates. They would need some tweeking if one resort was too full, one wasn't.
But it's not like anyone here likes to play the rates game: call CRO, be put on ignore and be given wrong information half the time.
Same goes for very LE pins Disney sells. They put mystery pins in the parks (supposedly no one knows where, how much or what they are, or other pins with very low numbers -- under 1,000) and then gripe that guests are *cheating* and take extra precautions and measures to keep everyone within their guidelines. Which of course doesn't always work, takes a lot of extra effort, and generally ticks guests off.
Why create such a concern in the first place? :rolleyes:
I appreciate the heads up on this poilcy. I have never had more than one reservation, but I can certainly understand people who make them. It is a real bummer when you don't book something because you're waiting for a better rate, only to end up without a better rate, and also no back up ressie. We have always just made our ressie for where we wanted/could afford and then if something else popped up we cancelled that one in the same call as we booked the other one. i understand that this leaves the risk of Disney booking it wrong, but since I always have them repeat everything to me I have never had this happen. Let's face it though it's CRO so the possibility of something going wrong is pretty high. I understand the policy and I think the long and short of it is that no one really realized that they were taking rooms that when cancelled, would go back to regular rack rates. Of the many people I've met on these boards, I can't think of any that would try to take a discounted room from someone else just to be dishonest, greedy or selfish. After all, finding good deals and discounts are a lot of what these boards are for, and we all know that getting the best rate is importanat to everyone. I think it was just something no one really thought twice about, esp since CRO practically advocated this practice. I'm sure that now that we all know that booking two rooms at a discount will take away a discounted room from someone else, we will think twice about it.

Thanks again for the heads up.
Thanks, Carrieberry, for a voice of reason!
Tell us all about the BCV when you return - I would love to stay there someday :) .
Oh you can be sure I will be writing a legnthy trip report!! Take care!
I agree with this new Disney policy in general, but let me throw out a scenario that might be happening to us that would be effected by this policy. We're thinking about planning a WDW trip for the week after Christmas next year (2003). The problem is right now we're not sure who all might be going - it might just be me and my wife. But our 22 yo DD might be joining us and there is a chance our 27 yo DS might be with us also. If all four of us were to go, I'd get two rooms at ASMu. But if DS can't go but DD does go, I'd want a room at POFQ. Finally, if DD doesn't go and it's just my wife and I, we'd probably stay at AKL. So what do I book? We won't know until closer to time whether either will go with us (it all depends upon their job situations at the time as to whether they can get off work). I had thought about booking 2 rooms at ASMu and 1 room at POFQ (we think DD probably will go, DS is more of a question). With this new policy, we can't do that. So I guess I'll reserve 2 rooms at ASMu and cancel one of them if DS can't go and try to change to POFQ if that happens taking a chance it might not be full and if it is, we'd just stay at ASMu. Anyway that's how the change will effect us.
Originally posted by WolfpackFan
) So I guess I'll reserve 2 rooms at ASMu and cancel one of them if DS can't go and try to change to POFQ if that happens taking a chance it might not be full and if it is, we'd just stay at ASMu. Anyway that's how the change will effect us.

I can understand your situation, a lot of us have the same problem with having to book so far in advance. I would guess not a lot of people know a year in advance what their schedules will be. Then again, maybe if some type of new policy cuts down on people holding 4 and 5 reservations at a time we'll get the luxury of being able to book a room closer to the time we want to go.
Granted, it HAS been a convenience to be able to hold multiple reservations at once. But honestly, where else in life do things work like this....You can't go down to your Pontiac dealer and say you want either the Montana or the Aztec, "Please put them both in the back and take them off the market, I'll decide which one I want in 6 months". The airlines discovered a long time ago that people holding multiple reservations was a problem and they put an end to it with their 'non-refundable' policies.

OOPS....Just remembered, I have to go down to the bakery....I had them decorate 3 cakes for my sons birthday and I have to go look at them to decide which one I want.

WolfpackFan....You might want to call CRO and state your problem just as you have here, maybe they will have a suggestion for you. Yours is a true dilema, but, I think what has caused this policy change is the folks who made extra ressies just because they 'could', not because they 'needed' to. As usual, the actions of a few mess it up for everyone.
I don't think I've ever held 2 reservations at the same time, but I have had a reservation for a moderate with a discount, then when a deluxe with a discount came out and it was slightly more expensive than the moderate, I have changed to the deluxe, cancelling my moderate reservation. But, as I understand it, that took a discounted moderate room and put it back into circulation at the rack rate? That seems silly to me. If the room was a discounted room and it gets cancelled, it should go back into circulation as a discounted room.
I agree, it should. But it doesn't. It seems to me that you did what ost people do. Have and hold one ressie and then when soemthing else comes up thats better, you book that and cancel the first one. That is not a multiple reservation and is still allowed. Besides, we never really know what happens to the room down the line. It could stay at rack rate until 30 days before and then get discounted again. Who knows? I guess it depends on how fast they book them.

If I needed to legitimately book more than one room, I would use a travel agent like Drema Unlimited. Tell them what you need and let them handle Disney. Have them make the reservation for you for the scenario when you would need the most rooms. Since it is so far off, you won't be reserving any discounted rooms or thus taking any from anyone else. If something changes you can always change your reservation, but you won;t have to deal with Disney directly on this matter. Another option would be to book the AS rooms under your daughters name since she is an adult, leaving you open to book a seperate resort. Since she will be staying there with you in a different room, there is nothing wrong with it since you are not just usuing her name to hold multiple ressies.

Bob: LOL-that is exactly what I think!

Also, there is nothing wrong with making a ressie now in advance, as long as you CANCEL it when you make your new one. The thing that is wrong is having a discounted ressies and knowing that as soon as you get a better rate you will cancel. If you go into knowing this is what you will do and you are only booking to insure you have a room somehwere, then pay the rack rate for it, it will get transfered to your new ressie anyway, and you won't be holding a discounted room that someone else can't get.

(I'm editing this to make it more clear I realize that I worded it wrong)..I meant booking two discounted ressies at the same time with the same code at two different places, therefore removing an extra discounted room from inventory.
Carrie, I have to strongly disagree with your last part. There is nothing wrong with making a Discount rate ressie, and canceling it once you find a better rate, because you do not know if you are going to find a better rate for sure. If I see a good discount rate and make a reservation, why is it wrong for me to cancel if a better offer comes out? If no offer comes out, I have my discount, but if a better one comes out, I'll take adavantage of that. So you are saying in order to make sure I have a room, I should pay rack rate and if another offer doesn't come out, be screwed with the higher rate or canceling of a vacation? :confused:
I don't think anyone is gonna stay with a room that has an O.K. discount if they can change it for one that has a better discount


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