Amber's Get Healthy Journal (Comments Welcome)

So, Friday afternoon I did walk with my sister for 25 minutes. And I was pretty good when DH and I went out for supper. We went to Applebee's so we could eat off of the WW menu. We had the tortilla chicken melt for an appetizer. Yum. Then I had the Mesquite Chicken Salad. It was good, but I didn't like the dressing which came on the side (thank goodness!), so I got light ranch instead. That probably made it a little more fattening, but not too much.

So Friday:
Breakfast - Cheerios w/ milk
Lunch - Veggie soup w/ a mini wheat bagel (finally finished that soup!)
Dinner - 1/2 tortilla chicken melt, and Mesquite chicken salad = c-490, f-11
totals for the day = Cal - 979! fat - 21 Pretty good considering we ate out!
I didn't get hungry either. I did have a margarita, I almost forgot! Add like 200 calories there. But I did close my kitchen on time!

Lunch was a Healthy Choice dinner. Dh & I went to a dance w/ my parents in the evening. It was set up so that you bring your on food and booze. There were 2 other couples meeting us there and the plan was to share all of our food. I knew this was going to be trouble. I couldn't even begin to try to count calories and fat. I know that it wasn't good. The food was Really good though. We had lil' smokies, shrimp, chicken tenders, subs (these were good/healthy cause DH made them), veggie tray, fritos w/ some kind of dip, cheese, pimento cheese sandwiches, bite size brownies, and the chocolate cookies that I made (high fiber). I ate some of all that I listed :blush: I tried to go easy on the really bad stuff and eat the lighter stuff. I even brought my own light ranch because I knew the veggie tray would have the full fat stuff. For drinks I had Pepsi w/ vanilla vodka. I probably had 4 throughout the night.
We got there at 7pm and the music started at 7:30. We danced and danced and danced. I felt Seriously out of shape!! I used to do this almost every night of the week before I met DH, but I can tell it has been a Long time! We took breaks every so often. We left at 11:30. I estimate that we danced for at least 2 hours of the time that we were there! :cheer2: It was really nice because DH does not usually dance and he was like "I'm here, so we're gonna dance". I am going to count 70 minutes toward my exercise challenge for Saturday, because I am sure at least that much of it was good heart pumping exercise :)
I was beat when we got home, but I did not sleep well at all.

Sunday -
We got up in time for lunch. It was my aunt's birthday, so my grandma went all out. She had my favorite - Macaroni and Cheese!! Yummy! I couldn't resist eating more than I should have. We also had pork loin, green beans, lima beans, and black eyed peas. And of course a cake. It is a spice cake which isn't very appealling to me. I ate a small piece anyway, but I won't eat any more of it. What is so funny about this meal is that my aunt has been on a strict diet for a long time now and she won't even eat anything that we have at Sunday dinner. She brings a tv dinner and eats that. Which is VERY smart on her part.
Dh and I decided to be lazy for the most part yesterday. We layed on the couch, watched Olympics and read ALL day! For dinner we had some of the leftover subs w/ the peas, beans, and mac n cheese from lunch. There is mac n cheese left, but I WILL NOT eat any more.
Late in the evening I was hungry so I had cereal w/ milk, since I didn't have breakfast.
I don't really know what my total calorie and fat intake for yesterday was. I am sure it was bad w/ the Mac n Cheese.

So far today only breakfast and coffee. I am hungry after all that food talk though ;) and it is past lunch time, so I will eat soon. Going to have leftover sub and probably some veggies in ranch or an apple.
I've been sporadic on my journaling lately cause I've had a lot going on. I still don't know anything for sure about that job. I talked to a woman at the company yesterday and she said she thought that the position had been filled, so I think that means I didn't get the job, but I am still holding out a small hope.

So monday, I ate:
Breakfast - cereal w/ milk
Lunch - small sub sandwich (leftover) and carrots dipped in light ranch
Dinner - Shepard's Pie w/ homemade mashed potatoes and light cheese
Didn't get counts for today as most of it was homemade and harder to calculate. Not too bad though.
For exercise, I walked w/ mom and sis for 25 minutes. Dh refused because he was really sore from dancing over the weekend :rotfl:

Yesterday I ate:
Breakfast - oatmeal w/ peanut butter and flax seed w/ milk
Lunch - chicken sandwich and an apple
Dinner - Stevie B's BUFFET Pizza :rolleyes1

DH and I had not planned to do anything else for Valentine's Day, since we had already gone to the dance. But I was feeling kind of depressed after hearing that I probably didn't get that job. So we thought it would be nice to go to a resteraunt, but they were all either booked or BUSY. I had been told about this new buffet pizza place and was kind of hankering for it anyway. So we went there. I think we may have been the only couple without kids there, but we enjoyed it anyway. Needless to say, I ate WAY too much pizza. It was SO good though! They even had loaded potato pizza (YUM) and Macaroni & Cheese pizza!
I did not snack last night though. that is good at least.

I walked with my mom and sis again yesterday, but only for about 20 minutes because I knew that DH was coming home and I wanted to freshen up first.

I got up early because I wanted to watch Charmed on TNT this morning. Well, I had let my mostly indoor cat out last night and he didn't come back in before I went to bed. I locked the door and went to bed expecting him to come to the window and Meow when he was ready to come inside. He never did. When we got up we opened the door and called for him. The door has been open all morning and still no sign of him. He has never stayed outside this long EVER. I am super worried :scared: and feeling guilty for leaving him out there overnight:guilty:. I have been out and walked all over the property and over to my parents house twice today. I call and call and still haven't found him. He has been outside overnight before and stays out a good bit during day and night hours, but he usually comes into the house every hour or two and is usually sleeping during this time of the day. I am particularly worried because something attacked my grandma's dogs a couple of weeks ago and am afraid that it got my cat too. :sad1:
Come home, Pippen, Come home. :cat:

Hopefully, I can update later that we found my sweet kitty and he's a ok. It is not turning out to be a very good week so far.
Well, Pippen still has not come home. I am trying to remain hopeful, but it is not looking good. This week has been somewhat depressing for me in general. That makes it really hard for me to stick w/ the healthy eating thing. I didn't think that I was really and emotional eater. I am not extremely so, but I do want more comfort foods when I am feeling down. I am especially inclined to want to eat out when I feel down.

I did ok yesterday though.
Breakfast - Cheerios w/ milk
Lunch - chicken sandwich and broccoli, cauliflower, & carrots in light ranch
Dinner - small salad and Shepard's Pie
Drinks - several pepsi w/ vanilla vodka drinks in the evening

I walked w/ DH for 20 minutes last night as well.

more later... babysitting.
Thursday Food:
Breakfast - cheerios w/ milk
Lunch - Chicken sandwich and tomato soup
Dinner - Chili (homemade)

Exercise = 30 minutes of walking with Dh, mom and sis.

Food - Breakfast - Kashi cereal w/ milk, 2 cups coffee
Lunch - Turkey sub sandwich, Doritos, peanut butter cookie and Sprite (A friend gave us boxed lunches that were leftover from an event)
Dinner - Baked potato w/ homemade chili and cheese on it.
Snack - 3 hi-fiber cookies and 2 graham crackers w/ milk

Exercise = 25 minutes on the stationary bike while watching tv, 10 minutes walking kind of slowly, then 30 minutes of jogging and walking alternating. I did 1.75 miles in 30 minutes! and that included a warmup lap and a cool down lap! :cool1: :cool1: Usually our pace is a 20 minute mile walking, so by jogging some I got down to 17 minutes per mile :cheer2: I didn't know I had it in me. :sunny:

Been a rough week for me and I haven't been eating too well because of it. Didn't get the job, Pippen is still missing, and I haven't lost ANY weight since the middle of January still. I guess the good news is that I haven't gained any either. Also I have slept one hundred times better since the cat has been gone :scratchin lately he had been waking me up in the middle of the night a lot wanting to be petted which was really sweet but super annoying. I have been trying to stay on the positive side of things, but it has been really hard this week. In fact, I would say I've been a bit depressed and it hit me the worst yesterday. I just wanted to crawl back in bed and stay there. I didn't though. That is when I took the 10 minute slow walk. I ended up finding a quiet spot in the woods and sitting for over an hour just thinking and kind of meditating. It usually makes me feel better to just sit and spend some time w/ whatever is bothering me. I think about the problem, the causes of the problem, and what my options are for dealing with it. I mostly thought about the job situation. It has been bothering me for the longest of the issues. Still not sure exactly how I will go about finding something, but I resolved to really give it my all next week and try to get my resume out there to as many people as possible.
I am unsure what has happened to my cat. I cried about it for 2 nights straight and DH got kind of mad at me. He is not usually insensitive, but he says that we don't even know that the cat is gone so I shouldn't be getting So upset over it. The thing is that even though I want to believe that he is just out wandering around, I don't. He doesn't sleep outside, and I don't know what he would do about food. If someone Catnapped him, he could be trapped in their house, but it would be REALLY hard for a stranger to catch him cause he is Super Scared of strangers. Unless he was hurt and they picked him up. I think he is either dead, or he was hurt and a stranger is taking care of him. Those are the only options that make any sense to me. DH says we can get another cat if he doesn't come home in a week, but I don't think I am ready for that. :(

On the weight loss, I am going to try to get back on track w/ my eating and stay on track w/ my exercise. I am also going to work on intensity in my workouts. I like the jog/walk thing, but I only do it when I am working out by myself, cause noone else will commit to doing it with me. I actually think I push myself harder when I am alone :confused3 I would have never guessed that would be the case.
Amber, what kind of job are you looking for? It seems like you may be trying to do do many things at once. Find a job, exercise, lose weight, get a house built , all while living with relatives. That is just HARD. Maybe you should try to find some type of interim job just to get out of the house? Maybe even volunteer somewhere? You know, to get your mind off everything else for a bit? Just a thought. Keep up the good exercising, that seems to be going really well too, and it will work, besides just making you feel better. (I have been stuck several times, not able to lose, sometimes you just gotta shake it up, change something).
Just wanted to add...since you are doing the jog/walk thing. I did that last year. Its good to get yourself a stopwatch and actually time yourself. I did this program where you run for one minute, walk for 2 mins, etc for 30 mins. As time goes by you increase you running mins and decrease your walking. It really works. You'd be surprised how the stopwatch helps.
Thanks Linda for your support. I am trying to get a job as a social worker. I finished my bachelor degree in May of last year and worked part time at the place that I interned until we moved. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out what to do about the job situation. One of the biggest factors is that I want to try to start a family in a year or so and I feel that I need to work for a while first. For 2 reasons: 1. to gain experience in my career and get some experience, and 2. to build up our finances some again after being in school and buying the house.
I also want to keep on my weight loss goals because I want to be in a healthier place before trying to get pregnant. The exercise actually makes me feel better too, I think.
On the upside, there was another job listed in the paper this week. I put my application in and hopefully that will turn out to be good for me. I am trying not to get my hopes up on this one. :smooth: It would be really neat though because it is at a group home and my mother grew up there. So I have an in sort of, but that doesn't really make me more or less qualified for the job. We will see.
If that doesn't come through I will continue to put in for jobs, but do my Very best not to get stressed over them. I think that is the key here. I have been letting everything get to me. I have to relax and know that everything will happen in its own time.
I went to the pound today to see if they by chance had my cat, but alas they did not. I feel that he is gone for sure at this point. I have been upset and still am, but I realize that I can not continue to dwell on the sadness. I am just trying to get ok with the fact that he is gone. I am also debating if I want a new kitty. Dh says we can get a new 1 or 2 or 3 as soon as I'm ready :teeth: At the pound today I saw a mommy cat and her 2 kittens :thumbsup2 but I don't think we really need 3 cats in my grandma's house :scratchin
Also, Linda, thanks for the stopwatch idea. Dh has an old watch that has that feature and I had completely forgotten about it. I knew I was gonna need a new way to measure my jog/walk if I kept at it, but I had not thought about a stopwatch yet. :wave:
So, now for the diet/exercise thing:
Saturday we did not exercise. I ate:
Lunch - small portion of Shepard's Pie and tomato soup w/ rice in it
Dinner - Dh made: Pork loin chops, cauliflower/potato dish w/ an indian flavor, couscous, and corn on the cob
Snack - popcorn

Sunday -
Dh and I walked for 30 minutes at a good pace.
Lunch - Chicken breast, butter beans, glazed carrots, and a small portion of broccoli flavored rice a roni
Dinner was pretty much the same thing. :scared: we probably shouldn't have eaten it twice, but we did anyway.
Snack - instant oatmeal w/ peanut butter, and milk (since I didn't have breakfast)

Today I didn't get in any exercise. I knew that DH wasn't gonna exercise today because it is Monday, but I could not convince myself to get up and get moving. It is cold and rainy today and that made me lazy.
Breakfast - cheerios w/ milk, coffee
Lunch - chicken sandwich
Snack - apple
Dinner - leftover chili w/ cheese and oyster crackers. I just couldn't resist a little cheese :blush:
I didn't feel full after dinner so I will probably have a small snack tonight too.

I haven't been keeping the best track of the actual calories and fat each day. It is harder to get good figures when things are homemade, but on the other hand we have better control of what goes into it that way. I think I have done ok today and Saturday, but not so sure about yesterday. I am going to be working on finding ways to have less fat in my daily intake. I am also gonna be eating salad a Bunch in the next week or so, because Dh and I bought a 2 lb bag Sat. and then my grandma bought another one today :eek: That's a LOT of salad! So we have to eat it up before it goes bad, which will be good, cause it has no long as I don't get excessive w/ the dressing. ;)
I just want to thank everyone who is sticking w/ me through all of this. :hug: I know that my posts can be long and off topic. It is just that I have so much on my mind and nobody really to talk to besides Dh and my mom. I haven't really maintained many friendships since DH and I started dating almost 8 years ago. Most of the time it doesn't bother me, but I guess I didn't realize how much stuff I have built up that needs to come out. These boards are so wonderful and I feel so supported here. When I sit down to journal I always say I'm gonna keep it short this time, but then everything just comes flowing out. :hyper2: So thanks! :sunny:
Just thought I give you another useful source, , you can search just about any food and it even lets you adjust the portion to give you a pretty good idea of the calories and fat. I use it a lot. one rambles more than me!! don't worry about long's about you and your goals and your struggles and achievements. Who cares if you get off's YOUR JOURNAL!! I enjoy reading them! Keep up the good work on your excercise and walking. I'm sorry Pippen hasn't come home yet. I can relate there and my heart goes out to you. I had part of my fence collapse during a storm and my female Rottie got out. Never did find her. Looked for weeks. She was very friendly, and I'm sure someone found her and fell in love with her....wasn't hard to do. hang in there!!
good luck on the job search....the right one will come along!

later tater!
marie :sunny: (yes, i'm in a good mood today!! :confused3 )
Thanks, Marie! It is good to see you are in a good mood :sunny: I have been doing better yesterday and today myself.

Yesterday I was lounging around being lazy and I got a phone call from DFCS. I have had my resume in w/ them since November! :confused3 But they finally called and said they wanted to do a brief phone interview. So I did it and I guess I did pretty good, cause they said they want me to come in March 2nd for an in person interview. :cool1: So that is good. I have my resume in at one place and an interview at another, so I feel pretty good about that. :woohoo:

I also have determined that the scales in this house are not working properly. If I move around on them it changes 5 pounds or more. So I am going to start weighing myself at my parent's house until I can find my scales in the storage shed.

We are making progress on the house as well. I Finally got the new plat from the surveyor and it should be finalized next week. Then we are only waiting for the final house plans which should be ready by then also. :banana: I am so ready to get this started! :banana:

Thanks, Linda for the nutrition site! :wave: I had been there before, but I didn't really look around and thought it looked pretty useless. But when you mentioned it I went back and actually read some :idea: and it is Really cool. I was able to figure up the info for my soup last night pretty easy and it will be even easier in the future since it keeps the list! :cool1: I had been calculating things in a much more labor intensive way and had pretty much given up, So I Really appreciate it! :banana:

So yesterday I ate:
Breakfast - lowfat granola cereal (K, this is NOT lowfat :eek: , but stupid me I didn't even look! Just looked at the fiber content) w/ milk C - 315, F- 6! that includes the milk, but the cereal is 3!! not the end of the world but not that great.
Lunch - big Salad w/ flax seed, almonds, boiled egg, croutons, & light ranch (I was trying to be good here and was getting in some different nuts, etc that I don't usually eat much, but when I added it up it was pretty Bad esp. to be a salad) then I couldn't resist the pimento cheese that my parents brought home from Florida. It was REALLY bad, so I decided to have half a sandwich and did my best to measure out 1 oz. so that it wouldn't be any worse.
Dinner - I made Minestrone, but I got Really heavy handed when adding the macaroni noodles. It didn't look like there were ANY in it so I kept adding more :confused3 I knew they would expand, but I wasn't expecting it to expand as much as it did! I came back and it was like how bout a little soup w/ your macaroni noodles :rotfl2: My DH is so sweet though, he complimented it several times and said that he thought it was real good anyway :love: Not to mention I used dry beans and, despite soaking them, some of them didn't get fully cooked. What can I say, I try. :blush: Anyway, we each had a bowl for dinner and were hungry later so we each had another bowl.
Snacks - banana
Totals: Calories - 1318, Fat - 39 So I managed to not do too bad despite my fat heavy lunch. I also think the fat is a little high because I didn't have as many almonds and flax seeds as the servings listed.

:yay: Exercise - My cousin & her 3 girls came over just before I was going to head out w/ mom and sis to exercise. So while my cousin cut my grandma's hair we recruited the kids to walk w/ us. The oldest is 12 and they walked slower than our usual pace, so I lagged behind w/ them while mom & sis went ahead. After a lap or 2 the kids were like, hey we are way behind, so they decided we should run to catch up. We jogged and walked off and on for most of the time. I took my stopwatch, but didn't keep good track. We did walk for 30 minutes total and most of our jogging was only about 30 seconds at a time. We probably did 3 minutes of jogging total. Then Dh came home and we went out to walk. I had maybe 5 minutes in between. We walk a different route, because it is dark when he comes home. We also did some jogging. We did 30 second stints 3 or 4 times and our last one was a minute. :crazy2: I thought I was going to DIE on that last one since I had done so much already! We spent a total of 30 minutes as well.
SO my total yesterday was :yay: 60 minutes jog/walking!! :cheer2:

Today so far, I have done the stationary bike for 11 minutes. I hate that thing it makes my knees hurt! And I walked for 10 minutes at a kind of leisurely pace. I just wanted to make sure I didn't get too sore after all that jogging last night.

Breakfast - lowfat granola cereal (today is when i realized how fat it is) w/ milk
Lunch - small serving of Shepard's Pie, Salad w/ almond, flax, egg, croutons, dressing. Today I put fewer toppings and I decided to mix the light dressing w/ the fat free to bring it down some. I don't like the ff by itself, but this was tolerable.

Dinner is going to be pork loin, couscous, and a cauliflower, potato, and lentil dish. mostly leftovers from Sat.

Dh & I will walk again this afternoon, but he says not as vigerous :teeth: But on the plus side, mom and sis were jogging some yesterday too, so maybe they will take up the jog/walk plan w/ me, too. :thumbsup2

I think it is so Cool how because Dh and I started to diet and exercise we have been able to get my mom and sis to exercise, my dad on occasion too. Then Dh's best friend has started trying to eat better also. :sunny: I am SO happy that we are being able to influence them in a positive way! And you guys are doing that too! We keep spreading these get healthy :goodvibes and soon everybody will be doing it! ;)
Wow Amber, sounds like you are doing great! Good Luck on the interview, this one is probably the one youve been waiting for. Keep up the great work on your exercising too. One have sheperds pie alot...what is that?
Linda - Shepard's Pie is something we have always had growing up. Other families call it that too but I always thought it was cool cause that was my family name. ;) I make it a little different every time but I'll give the basics.

Shepard's Pie

1lb ground meat, I use ground turkey
1 bag of mixed veggies
1 can cream of mushroom soup, or any of the cream soups
mashed potatoes
shredded cheese

Preheat the oven to 375. Brown the meat. then stir in the veggies and soup. I usually heat it through just a bit before putting it in the oven but that is optional. Spread it in a 9x13 pan and put it in the oven for about 30 minutes. Make your mashed potatoes while it is cooking. Then take the meat mixture out of the oven and spread the mashed potatoes over the meat. Sprinkle the cheese over the top and return to the oven for about 15 minutes. Makes 6 or 8 servings.

Since we have been eating healthier I usually add some onion, celery, bell pepper while browning the meat. I also have been using extra corn, lima beans, or green beans or some combination of them to make it more heavy on the veggies. the mashed potatoes can be however much you want to put. We like a lot. I used to always use instant, but DH has requested that I mash the potatoes from scratch to be healthier and that has worked well. Also pre-diet we went Really heavy on the cheese, but now I try to go easy on it. I make it once and we eat on it for awhile. :) That is my favorite kind of recipe. :teeth: It is probably not the Most healthy recipe in the world but it isn't too bad and it is easy and tasty.
It was raining Wed. night, so mom and I did her Yoga/Pilates tape. DH refused to participate :confused3 . We did two of the 3 sessions on the tape and that was an hour total. It was hard in places but not too bad. I can still feel it in my arms, wrists, and ankles though. Oh, I also had done the exercise earlier in the day, so my total for Wed. was 80 minutes! :cheer2:

Yesterday, I had a Really busy day. I was getting some things done regarding our land and construction loan. I also went to the book sale that our library is holding. I ended up being out of the house for lunch so I had a Zaxby's fried chicken salad :blush: It was very yummy, but probably pretty bad. My estimate for it is 25 fat grams :crazy2: Oh, well. I have to remember that when I think to myself that it is a salad so it can't be Too bad. Uh, yeah, it can :rolleyes: So yesterday I had:
Breakfast - granola cereal w/ milk
Lunch - Zaxby's fried chicken salad w/ coke
Dinner - "Macastroni" soup
My totals were Calories - 1275, Fat - 34 That is not too bad considering how bad my lunch was. Dinner was almost no fat so it balanced out.
Dh and I walked for 25 minutes when he got home yesterday.

Today I intended to do the yoga/pilates tape by myself during the day, but things didn't go the way I planned. That was ok though, cause my mom and sis came over to walk today. We did 2 miles total. We started out walking and then they wanted to Jog :cheer2: the thing is we walk around our pond, one lap is 1/4 of a mile, but most of it is dirt w/ holes and roots, etc, that make it difficult to jog safely on. So we jog the paved part, but it is only about 30 seconds worth of jogging. That is ok to start w/ though, because we are all Seriously out of shape. So we ended up doing 3 minutes total of jogging w/ about 3 minutes in between each jog session. Then a couple of laps to cool down. It took us 35 minutes, so that is a mile in 17.5 minutes :cool1: :cool1: We had been doing 20 minute miles.

Breakfast - Cheerios w/ milk
Lunch - salad w/ .25 oz of cheese, egg, flax seed, almonds, & 1/2 fat ranch. I wanted cheese, so I measured how much I wanted in my salad and it wasn't too much, I expected it to end up being a whole oz.
Dinner - We went out for Chinese :cool2: I had Moo goo gai pan w/ steamed rice, an eggroll, and chicken & corn soup. :scared: I did bring home half of my moo goo & rice.
My totals are Calories - 932, Fat - 36 Not that bad considering I ate so much junk when we were out tonight.

Ok, the big weight issue.... I had been weighing in on my grandma's scale and it has not changed, I think it is not working right. Yesterday I went to my parent's house to weigh on their scales. It said that I was down 8 pounds to 192 :woohoo: I was seriously excited about that and couldn't wait to tell everyone! Then my dad said that a digital scale would be better to use. So he bought one last night. I weighed myself this afternoon and :eek: it says I am 203 :confused3 :mad: NO, I like the other one better! So, now I don't know if I had lost or not. I guess we are going to start going by the new digital scale. I am not going to count it as a gain. I will just start from here w/ a weight of 203 and count losses from that point using the new scale. I was soo much happier about all of this yesterday. I was feeling validated and that all of my efforts were paying off after all, then to go back to being only 2 pounds down from my start weight, was not Cool. ARGH. I know it is just the difference in the scales but it is still very frustrating!

Ok, enough of the rant... I can move forward from here and it will all be ok.

Have a good weekend everybody! :sunny:
Had a kind of busy weekend. Spent most of Saturday w/ Dh and his friends at his mom's house playing games. We went out for lunch at Panera Bread before going over. We did not get any exercise in and ended up drinking late in the evening.
Lunch - Sierra Turkey sandwich 1/2, and lowfat black bean soup from Panera
Dinner - Healthy Choice grilled chicken caesar dinner
Snack - leftover Macastroni soup, 5 Smirnoff Ice beers
So w/ all that beer I was Way over on Calories - 2065 :eek: and not too bad on fat - 35

Yesterday we had a yummy but not incredibly healthy lunch. Meatloaf, boiled potatoes, salad, deviled eggs, rolls, english peas, and a 7 layer dip. Also my sis made these egg salad balls rolled in cheese. It was like the mix for an egg salad sandwich then lightly rolled in cheese. Yum. I really enjoy eggs, and ate 2 of the balls and a deviled egg half :scared: I didn't have much of the meatloaf cause it was Soaking in grease :crazy2: but I ate a good bit of the dip. It was made w/ ff refried beans and ff sour cream, so the only fattening things were the fresh avacado and the cheese sprinkled on top.
For dinner, Dh & I had our leftover Chinese from Friday. We made extra rice and boiled some broccoli to mix w/ it.
My totals yesterday were bad :guilty: calories - 1227, and fat - 55!!

We went for a walk right after lunch :confused3 all that extra food was really weighing me down and I was not able to walk as fast as Dh and my sis wanted us to go. But we did keep at it for 35 minutes.

So far today I have had my usual cereal w/ milk and 2 cups of coffee. I also had 2 tootsie rolls at the builder's office when I went to meet w/ them today. Before lunch time I was Really hungry, so I ended up eating a small amount of the leftover dip from yesterday. For lunch I had Macastroni soup and a mini whole wheat bagel.

I am thinking that I will try to get in some Yoga/Pilates before mom and sis come over to walk this afternoon. Then we will probably jog/walk. Dh will not want to exercise today, so I don't have to worry about over doing it.

I am also going to weigh myself again this evening on the new scales just to see if it is any different. I am hoping to be able to post at least a pound lost on the 5 for Feb. thread. pixiedust: I need it bad ;)
Amber....don't worry about Feb - I lost 2 , then gained 2....that's a big fat 0!!
I just got caught up on your posts and it sounds like you're doing great on the exercise! Running 30 seconds is better than not running at all! :thumbsup2

hang in there, don't let the scale beat you down! :badpc: (pretend it's a scale, not a computer!)

Thanks Marie. I do feel good about my exercise and I know that I am eating healthier now. I want the weight loss also, but I am improving my health and that is the most important thing.

I bought 2 new cookbooks at our library's annual book sale last week. One is diet recipes and the other is a vegetarian cookbook. I cooked a recipe from each each of the last 2 nights. The dishes were very yummy and my numbers were good both days :cool1:

Monday for dinner I made Chicken Romano which is breaded & baked. Then I made Roasted Lima Beans w/ garlic & olives. It had a lot of olive oil which made it a bit fattening, but it was Really Awesome! I don't really like olives and so I didn't know if I was gonna like it too much, but I can't wait to make it again! We also each had a salad to go w/ dinner. My totals were Calories=1015, fat=30. Pretty good :cool1:
Before I cooked dinner I did 30 minutes of the yoga/pilates tape. It is the first session and mostly just stretching. I find it to be really hard at times though, cause my legs are a lot tighter than I'd like. Then I miscalculated dinner cook time, so when DH came home we walked for 15 minutes while it finished cooking.

Yesterday I ate: Breakfast - granola cereal w/ milk
Lunch - Broccoli, cauliflower, & carrots in lowfat cheese sauce and couscous.
Dinner - Spoon Burgers on wheat bread, salad, and Potato soup.
The Spoon Burgers are similar to sloppy joes. I made it w/ ground turkey. Ground turkey is my default ground meat, I almost never use beef. I can't taste the difference. The Potato soup is pureed and has lots of garlic. I never add enough salt to anything, so it needed salt, but other than that it was good.
My totals were Calories- 1187, Fat- 27

We walked for 35 minutes last night. We did not jog any, but I was having a hard time. I felt really worn out and my feet were hurting a little. I knew that I really wanted to get at least 30 minutes in anyway though, cause it usually makes me feel better. I didn't feel better, but I didn't feel any worse.

Today I have been sitting at my computer all day :surfweb: I have been working on my application for the job interview that I have tomorrow. I have also been trying to prepare for the actual interview. I think that I will do better at this interview because they will probably have a list of specific questions that they have to ask. One of the things that really threw me off in the last interview was that the guy spent the whole time telling me about the company and then just asked me one question :confused3 I just wasn't expecting his approach. I just have to be careful not to do to many "uh" and "um's". I think I do that sometimes without even realizing it.

I'm going to make the lima bean dish again tonight, because I barely made enough for dinner monday night, and I have been Craving it ever since :teeth: We will have our leftover Chicken Romano in a salad also.
I had cereal for breakfast, and a chicken sandwich and apple for lunch.
party: I got the job w/ Dfcs that I interviewed for today!! :banana: :banana: I start on the 16th! :woohoo: I am so excited!

Now my biggest challenge is going to be staying on track w/ my eating and exercising once work starts. :scared: I know that it can be done, cause a lot of you guys do it. I just have never stuck with it this long before and I CAN'T and WON'T let starting work derail all my efforts.

I did make the lima bean dish last night and we had our leftover chicken on a salad to go w/ it. I also had a snack in the evening of Quakes potato stix and they were really good. My totals yesterday were: Cal - 1116, Fat - 38

I started walking w/ my mom before DH came home and then kept going once he got there. I ended up with 40 minutes of exercise. Not a bad start to the month.

Today has been the usual. Cereal for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch. I did have some of the potato soup I made with my lunch today. We may go out tonight to celebrate my getting the job, but we might not cause we usually go out on Friday.


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