Amber's Get Healthy Journal (Comments Welcome)

:woohoo: :cool1: :thumbsup2 :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:
CONGRATULATIONS AMBER!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Can ya tell I'm excited for you??!! Way to go on the job!! We knew the right one would come along!! YEAH!! (it's Friday...I get excited on Fridays!! :lmao: )

So, do you want me to call you in the morning so you can get used to getting up early and working out??!! Just say the word and I'll go
BBBBBBRRRIIINNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG (that's my alarm clock imitation!)

ok...dd6 is yelling at me...she wants to play Disney Scene It.

later tater and congrats!! :banana:
Thanks guys!! I'm really excited too! :woohoo: Now I just can't wait to get started.

Marie, thanks, but no thanks. ;) I don't know if I am yet ready for the early morning workouts. I may end up having to join you though, if I end up having to work late too often. Hopefully that won't be the case though. :goodvibes

I have had a really good weekend! :sunny: I can't believe I haven't written since Thursday :confused3 I don't remember being that busy on Friday.

Thursday night we went to Carrabba's to celebrate the job! :cheer2: We both got the Chicken Bryan which is Delicious, but fattening :rolleyes1 . I also had the lentil & sausage soup and a tomato based pasta side. My totals were Cal- 1326, Fat- 56 Bad :faint: It gets worse too as the weekend progresses. I did walk w/ mom and sis for about 20 minutes before dinner.

Friday -
Breakfast - granola cereal w/ milk
Lunch - leftover chicken bryan and potato soup
Snack - raisins
Dinner - Spoon burgers, bread, potato soup, & roasted beans (YUM, again :thumbsup2 )
Drinks - 3 margaritas :drinking1 ( I was pretty toasty after those!)
Totals = cal - 1748, fat - 49 the chicken bryan leftovers is what killed me on the fat, and the margaritas sent me over the top calorie-wise
I walked with my mom for 40 minutes. We did some jogging but not in any consistant training manner. My dad says that mom shouldn't jog w/ me because she has a bad back, but she says that she wants to. I told her just to be careful and stop if she feels Any pain.

Saturday - we had friends coming over to hang out and we wanted to grill out. dh and I got up sort of late. We pretty much spent the day getting ready. We cleaned up, went to the grocery store, and got dinner ready. We expected them around 3pm, but they didn't show until more like 5pm :confused3 Dh and I threw the frisbee around for about 30 minutes while we waited for them. It was such a beautiful day yesterday and today too. It was fun tossing the frisbee and a good exercise. I told our friends not to bring anything for dinner but they insisted and brought potato salad and cookies.
I ate: Lunch - Pimento cheese sandwich & roasted beans (ok, this was a bad lunch, but we were in a hurry and it was So good)
Snack - apple
Dinner - hamburger, light hotdog, baked beans, baked french fries, small serving of potato salad, 1 cookie (only because they stuck them in my face, literally), margarita
Total = cal - 1654, fat - 65 the worst thing was the pimento cheese

Today we got up and had lunch with the family. After lunch we all went outside to enjoy the weather. My aunt brought her horse over and was teaching my sister how to ride. My dad & uncle worked on the horse trailer. Grandma sat on the porch and read a book. Dh & I threw the frisbee around for a while. 2 neighbor kids came over and tossed the frisbee w/ my mom. After 30 minutes Dh & I took a break for a bit and he didn't want to play anymore. I decided to play with the kids. They each had a frisbee and would take turns throwing them to me. Needless to say that wore me out Quick. I only did that for about 6 minutes. Then Dh said lets go walking. We ended up walking at a good, but not fast, pace for 30 minutes. It was really nice to have everyone outside enjoying the outdoors today!

While we were all sitting around the porch my grandma asked me how much weight I've lost. This is a loaded question to me and she always asks me when a lot of other people are around :confused3 She knows that I tell people when I lose weight, so if I haven't said anything about it I probably don't have any loss to speak of. Anyway, I said I don't know and told her I think her scale doesn't work right. She insists that it does. My aunt came up and said that I just must not be dieting good enough. :mad: I know that I have not been doing good this weekend, but I have been working at this Very hard! I exercise almost everyday which is more than I have Ever done in the past. My food choices are better and I eat more vegetables than ever before. Now even when I eat bad things I am doing better than in the past. An example is the pimento cheese. In the past I would have put way more cheese and sometimes I would eat 2 sandwiches because they really aren't that filling. I have been thinking about my diet and exercise and I realize that I do need to watch my food better if i am going to lose this weight. It was just frustrating to me. I felt attacked to some degree and that I had to defend the fact that I have been working hard at this. The thing is that scale doesn't change ever it says I'm 200 pounds no matter the time of day or time of the month and it has said that since mid january. Nothing anyone says is going to ever convince me that I have been the exact same weight since then! I refuse to believe that. I may be in denial, but I've been working too hard for that to be the case. I am not counting any loss during that time, I just won't ever use that scale again.

Anyway, I am done with the rant it just got under my skin. Dh was sitting there when the discussion happened and we talked about it some afterward. I know that I these occasional bad days that I have can throw us off and that I have to have fewer of those bad days. Today's lunch was pretty bad and after all the diet talk I didn't want to have a bad dinner. Dh made chicken curry and broccoli & cauliflower curry and we put them over couscous. It was Delicious!! And there were only 4 fat grams in the Whole dinner and it was a Full plate of food! :cool1:
So for lunch I had - pork loin, lima beans, field peas, dirty rice w/ sausage, 1/2 a croissant, and a banana
My totals for today = cal - 1133, fat - 37 considering lunch was 33 fat grams, I would say I managed to pull the day off w/out being too bad. I also am planning to have a serving of raisins before the night is over to get my second serving of fruit for the day.

Dh suggested that we walk again after dinner so we did. This was more of a leisurely stroll than heavy exercise, but movement is movement. We did another 30 minutes :cool1:
That puts my total today at 96 minutes! :cheer2: :cheer2:

I can and will lose this weight while becoming a stronger and healthier person! :yay: :yay: :yay:
Amber,dont let other people saying the wrong thing get you down. I would just come up with a standard answer to those type questions. Something like " I'm working hard and DH is helping me stay on track" Even when the scale starts to move again, I would stick to that type of response, maybe add "thanks for noticing" :goodvibes

When you start your new job, things will probably start to kick in. Daily structure might help your metabolism to charge up a bit too. Hang in there girl...thats the most important part! I have been doing this diet for 16 months now! Lots of ups and downs, lots of changes to keep myself going. If one thing doesnt work, try something else, everyone is different! And keep moving...thats the best part! :cheer2:
Thanks, Linda! :hug: I also think that working again will be good for me. Dh mentioned that last night also. He said that everytime that I have lost weight in the past I have been working. In the past I have also had a lot of standing retail jobs. They really help you to burn more calories during the day. I am looking forward to starting work though! :cool1: :cool1: It is also possible that I may have to go out of town for a couple of weeks of training. I am hoping that if that is the case the hotel will have a workout room. :goodvibes That would be Really nice!

Off to read some other journals! Have a great day! :sunny:
:yay: :yay: :yay: I went out for a jog/walk session around 11:45. I was trying to do the jog one minute, walk 2 like it says to do on the cool running website. I did at least 2 of those, but I was having a hard time catching my breath enough in 2 minutes to go again. I tried my best to remember how many times I jogged and for how long each time, but I came in and tried to write it down and I can't remember exactly now :confused3 . I know that I did jog 1/walk 2 at least twice, then I think I did jog 1/walk 3. After that it gets hazy :rotfl: . At that point I think I went to jog .5/ walk 3, then jog .75/ walk 2.5, then my last jog was 1 minute. after that I walked 2 more laps. I did one lap to warm up, it took 4.5 minutes. Each lap around our lake is .25 mile. I did 8 laps in 34 minutes including the warm up and cool down laps! :cheer2: That is 17 minutes per mile! :cheer2: And if you don't include the first lap or the last lap, cause they were warming/cooling, I did 1.5 miles in 24.5 minutes, which is 16.33 minutes per mile! :woohoo: :woohoo:

This is gonna take a LOT of training if I want to be able to run any distance, but these little practice runs tell me that I can do it!! :cool1: :cool1:

I stretched some before going out and came back in and stretched another 5 minutes. So I have 39 minutes of exercise already today! Yippee! I am considering doing a new yoga video that I bought on Friday. I will wait and do that after lunch though, but not right after of course :teeth:

I am hot, sweaty, and tired, but Boy do I feel GOOD! :sunny:

Have a Fabulous day!
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

You are doing great! I know how hard it is to get started and you are on the right track!! Keep it up!
It's funny that you say it gets kinda hazy :lmao: hope you weren't ready to pass out!

doing great amber...let me know when you're ready for that EARLY MORNING workout!!

Ok. I was pretty stoked after my jog/walk session on Monday. I tried the new yoga tape that afternoon, but it was insanely hard! It said beginners :confused3 , but it should say Very advanced beginners. Mom and I ended up walking for 45 minutes that evening though. We did some light jogging but nothing worth counting. So my exercise total for Monday was 79 minutes! :woohoo:

Mondays food was : Breakfast - mini wheats w/ milk, coffee w/ sugar & ff creamer
Lunch - hotdog on wheat bread, field peas (rinsed to get the excess fat off), sweet tea
Dinner - leftover chicken curry, broccoli & cauliflower curry, & couscous, sweet tea
Snacks - raisins, apple
Totals - Cal - 1373, fat - 18 :woohoo: that is Great compared to my usual fat total!

I thought that I would be sore after monday's exercise, but I wasn't. I also had thought that it might be good to take a rest day because I had exercised 9 days in a row. But Dh usually is willing to exercise on Tuesday, because he takes mondays off. So when mom called I said sure, why not.

We did a warm up lap, then each lap we jogged some walked the rest. I will list the jog time for each lap.
lap 2 -.5 minute
lap 3 -.5
lap 4 -.75
lap 5 -1
lap 6 -1
lap 7 -.75
Then we did a last lap to cool down. our time was 35 minutes for 2 miles! Dh came home and met us on that last lap so he and I just continued & mom went home. So
lap 9 -.5
lap 10 -1
lap 11 -1
lap 12 -.75
By lap 12 I was Really struggling to jog anymore. In addition to the jogging Dh was pushing us to walk really fast. We did the 1st mile together in 15 minutes! :cool1: On lap 13 he jogged over a minute, but I could not do any. I got a stitch in my side just when it was time to jog :rolleyes1 , I really did. We did another lap as cool down.
My total time was 60 minutes and I did 3.5 miles in that time! :cheer2: Pretty good! That 15 minute mile was Hard and just about did me in, but the fact that I was able to do that after already doing 2 miles told me that I can go faster than I have been.

DH thinks that I am expecting too much in my training. I was telling him that I would like for us to sign up for a 5k in late April and then sign up for the Peachtree Road Race 10k on July 4th. He says that it may be too much to expect to be able to run that far in such a short amount of time. I told him that I am not too concerned about "running" the races, but more likely jogging some and walking some and just doing the best that I can. I don't think it is unreasonable.

Food for Yesterday:
Breakfast - granola cereal w/ raisins & milk, coffee w/ sugar & ff creamer
Lunch - Chicken sandwich, lima beans (rinsed the fat off)
Dinner - Zucchini Lasagna, salad w/ nuts, raisins, croutons, & dressing, sweet tea
Snack - Quakes potato stix
Totals - Cal - 1466, Fat - 34 I intended to have a banana as a snack, but never did, then Dh got out the potato stix and they smelled so good, so I caved. Didn't make my fruit goal. :guilty:

This morning, before getting out of bed, I promised myself that I was going to do my yoga/pilates tape first thing. When I got up I felt so lazy and all I wanted to do was lay on the couch. But I resisted the temptation and did the video. :yay: :yay: I did both sessions which total an hour. I am thinking that it may not be the Best thing to do first thing in the morning though cause there is so much laying down and I closed my eyes a lot. The workout felt good, but I did not feel that much more awake than when I had started. On the other hand, it is a nice transition into the day, I guess.

So I've had my cereal now, and am :surfweb: sitting w/ my coffee. I plan to walk/jog again tonight w/ mom and maybe Dh. He says he's not jogging today. No wonder he doesn't think we can train in time :sad2: cause he hardly wants to train. I do realize though that this is My goal and something that I decided I wanted to do and I am just trying to drag him along with me. If he is not ready then he will not do it no matter how I push. I am trying to keep that in mind and just make sure that I get in all the jogging that I need to in order to get myself ready and I realize that it may mean that I have to do the events by myself and that is ok too.

Have a wonderful day!
WOW!! Don't overdo it girl!! You do need to take a day every now and then to let your muscles rest!! You are doing great though!!
I agree w/ you on the running thing....if he doesn't want to, you can't force him to! When I signed up for my first 5k and started the training, he encouraged me, but never wanted to do he wants to do it with me and is encouraging me as well. Don't push him...when he sees how well you're doing and when you finish your first race, he will come around! Find out if there are any running clubs or groups in your area....maybe through one of the churches or something. Go online....I'll bet there are groups that meet once or twice a week to run and train. They should have a beginners group as well.

again, great job amber!! keep up the good work!!

Foxfiregrrl said:
DH thinks that I am expecting too much in my training. I was telling him that I would like for us to sign up for a 5k in late April and then sign up for the Peachtree Road Race 10k on July 4th. He says that it may be too much to expect to be able to run that far in such a short amount of time. I told him that I am not too concerned about "running" the races, but more likely jogging some and walking some and just doing the best that I can. I don't think it is unreasonable.

I agree with you. The object is not to run the entire thing, but to complete it! Getting to the starting line is your accomplishment and everything else is gravy after that! I think you should go for it!

Keep up the great work!!
Thanks guys! I am really getting excited about running! I have not been sore really at all which is good and bad. It is bad because then I want to keep doing more and more but my body really does need a rest.

Yesterday, I went out by myself to get started before Dh got home from work. I wanted to try to hit a 16 minute mile on my own. Some of this was me being competitive because Dh was able to push us to do a 15 minute mile and I wanted to be able to do that by myself w/out someone pushing me. I know that I started out too fast and too ambitious. I walked the first lap for warmup but I did it Fast (for me) in 4 minutes. Then I jogged for a minute. My left calf started to burn some. I walked around to the paved part again. I was having a hard time catching my breath plus I was still trying to make a good pace. So then when it was time to jog again I just couldn't do it. I did about 15 seconds and had to quit. My calf was really burning at this point. I stopped and stretched for a good bit and then continued walking. After about a minute my calf felt ok again. on the positive side, my first 2 laps were a total of 8 minutes which would have been a 16 minute mile if I could have kept going :smooth: I decided that maybe my body did need a break. So I just walked after that to total a mile.

When I was finishing my mile, mom & sis came out to walk. I told them I would, but no jogging for me. Dh joined us and we did a mile. My total time including a detour to mom's house was 40 minutes.

Yesterday I decided that I might take today completely off. This depends on whether Dh gets home on time or not. He had to go out of town today. If he gets home we will exercise, if not we will take today off and go tomorrow. I was leaning toward having the day off for recovery, but I have been over at the events board reading the posts and getting Really excited! I just want to go outside and Do It Now! I was so tempted to just get up and go walk for 3 or 4 miles. Then I reminded myself that I can't push too hard or I will hurt myself and not be able to reach my goal.

Yesterday to eat I had:
Breakfast - cheerios w/ milk, coffee w/ sugar & creamer ff
Lunch - Chicken sandwich, apple, handful of mixed nuts w/ raisins
Dinner - Zucchini lasagna, salad w/ nuts, raisins, croutons, dressing, Sweet tea
Snack - South Beach Cereal bar w/ milk (my chocolate fix!)
Totals - Cal - 1505, Fat - 40 I was doing better until I saw a chocolate bar in a magazine I was reading :rotfl: Then I just had to have something chocolate & I can't have chocolate w/out milk. It was between the south beach or a kudos bar. The kudos had less fat, but was empty calories, whereas the SB had carbs, protein, & vitamins.

I am going to go watch some tv now. It is funny to me how before I starting thinking about this half marathon I could sit around and do nothing and it did not really bother me, and now it is killing me not to go out and Do something! :cool1: I think that is a good thing! :teeth:

Have a good day!
I did take yesterday off from exercising. I kept saying I'm taking the day off, but I still think I'll go walk for a bit. But then I let it get dark and did not go. I think I really needed that day.

Yesterday I ate:
Breakfast - granola cereal w/ milk, coffee
Lunch - chicken sandwich, apple, 6 oz Sweet tea
Snacks - Banana, Kashi Tasty little crackers 1/2 serving
Dinner - Spaghetti & sweet tea
Nightcap ;) - 2 margaritas
Totals - Cal - 1479, Fat - 24 :woohoo: Keepin those fat grams down!

The spaghetti was something new I did. I used a marinara sauce recipe and added 1/2 a pound of ground turkey and a bag of Italian style frozen veggies. Usually I would use a whole pound of turkey, but I only had .5 thawed for a different dish that I had planned. It turned out Really good and we didn't miss the extra turkey at all. I had thought that we would have salad w/ it, but we opted to just have a good sized plate of spaghetti and it was plenty!

It is rainy here today and it is making me lazy. I am thinking about going to look for some good running shoes. I have a decent pair of tennis shoes, but they are a little old and not specifically running shoes. I can tell it when I run sometimes, too.

The weather is going to be Beautiful here tomorrow! Dh wants to grill out again this weekend. I am sure that we will spend a lot of outdoors time this weekend too which is good.

Hope everybody has a GREAt weekend!
I'm glad you took a day off from exercise....your muscles need time to relax. And yes, you do need a good pair of running/walking shoes! I spent $90 on mine and am glad I did!! I don't get the shin cramps or foot cramps that I used to. Find out if you have a store that specializes in shoes for runners. We have a FLEET FEET here and they are wonderful!! They watch you walk and run and then determine what type of shoe you need. Really good place!
I don't think you will get that kind of service from the places in the mall.
As for my weekend, DH and his buddy are putting tile in, so the kids and I will probably go to the zoo! I have to get them out of the house.... :confused3 we'll see!!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the weather!!
Well, the weekend started out good but today was not a good day. I woke up at 5:30am this morning w/ TOM cramps. Dh woke up when I got up and he was having severe pain in his left back. I ended up taking him to the ER at 7am. He has a kidney stone. He has been laying in the bed most of the day and is pretty miserable even w/ the pain meds they gave him. I have been cramping on and off all day and I am absolutely pooped. We went to bed at 2am, so I had only gotten a little more than 3 hours of sleep when we woke up. :crazy2: I did manage to get in a bit of a nap this afternoon, but I still just feel Blah.

Now to go backward and tell the better part of the weekend. :teeth:

Friday, Dh got off of work early. We went to exercise. I told him that I definitely needed to do a training run of run 1/ walk 2 at least 6 times. He did not want to run so i said that I would do it and just come back to him each time to continue on. Well, after my first run, he ended up joining me for the other 5. We did pretty good. It was Hard, but I didn't really expect it to be easy. We walked 2 laps after the running was done. We ended up spending 30 minutes total.

Food Friday was: Breakfast - None, got up late
Lunch - chicken sandwich, lima beans
Dinner - Chicken & chickpeas dish w/ rice, Salad w/ nuts, croutons & dressing
Snack - popcorn
Total - Cal - 1255, fat - 26

Saturday was a Beautiful day. We slept late (we do that almost every weekend ;) ). We had lunch then decided to go outside and enjoy the day. We walked for about 15 minutes and then played frisbee for 25 minutes. It was actually Hot so we stopped. We sat outside and read until dinner time. Dh grilled and my parents joined us for dinner. While we waited for the grill to be ready we Frisbee'd for another 20 minutes.

After dinner we went to the Academy sports store. My dad LOVES this place. I wanted to look for shoes. I went on Friday but they had So many and I was overwhelmed! Dh & I had discussed the shoes and he said that he didn't think that I should spend too much for a pair of shoes because they are all basically the same. SO, we go w/ my parents and split up girls & guys. I tried on several pairs and was not being impressed. Dh has HUGE feet :teeth: , really just Wide feet, but he has a hard time finding shoes that fit him good. Well, long story short, he found 2 pairs that he liked, 1 walking & for everyday, and the other for running. The store was ready to close and I was still looking. So, He bought 2 pairs of shoes for a total of $115 and I got none :lmao: I did try on the most expensive pair they had, Nike shox and I could Really feel a difference in those! they were cool! I told Dh that I might end up getting one of the cheaper pair of Shox that are like $80. He said Ok, he knew he couldn't argue when he just bought himself 2 pair. :woohoo: I just thought it was too funny. I am a slow shopper though, I like to take my time and compare everything and make sure I'm getting the best price, etc.

Anyway, yesterday food:
Lunch - leftover chicken w/ chickpeas, and rice
Dinner - grilled pork loin, grilled zucchini, potato salad, corn on the cob, and a sugar free cinnamon roll. I started to have a smirnoff ice, but I knocked it over and broke the bottle :smooth: & I wasn't even drunk :confused3 I made up for it later w/ 2 margaritas.... it was my last smirnoff :sad2:
Totals - Cal - 1211, Fat - 27 :cool1: Pretty good day!

Today there was NO exercising. I went and walked around the lake once very slowly w/ my mom and even that felt like a stretch today.

Breakfast - Oatmeal w/ milk
Lunch - pork loin, broccoli w/ cheese, rice & gravy, baked beans, biscuit (1.5), potato salad. Ok, these meals are always bad for me, but today I really didn't care. I did eat the oatmeal at like 11am when we got home from the hospital hoping that it would keep me from eating too much at dinner, but it only minimally helped.
Dinner - Salad w/ nuts, lowfat feta cheese, croutons, dressing; pork loin, broccoli w/ cheese, rice & gravy, english peas. I tried to do better for dinner :rolleyes1
Total - Cal - 1315, fat - 55 (the biscuit had a lot to do w/ that)

Hope you guys had a better weekend over all :goodvibes Have a good night!
Foxfiregrrl said:
I went on Friday but they had So many and I was overwhelmed! Dh & I had discussed the shoes and he said that he didn't think that I should spend too much for a pair of shoes because they are all basically the same.

Amber...I hate to say this, but your DH is wrong. Not all running shoes are the same. Do a GOOGLE search of "PRONATION"-Overpronation and Underpronation. Certain running shoes help to correct these problems and make running more "comfortable". In my case, Asics worked best for me, whereas for my DH, New Balance was best for him. Also, make sure you get at least a half to whole size larger than you normally wear. Your feet swell when you run. Do you have a store in your area that specializes in shoes for runners? You can go there and talk to them and have them "test" your feet without actually having to buy them there. I bought my first pair from FLEET FEET, but then went to e-bay and got another pair for about 1/2 the price.
Good luck with it! :thumbsup2

Also...big :grouphug: for your DH!! I hope he passes it quickly and feels better soon!! I've never had a kidney stone, but hear it hurts like a dickens!!

Have a great day and "talk" to you soon!
Today was somewhat better. Dh was home from work and has yet to pass the kidney stone. He is not too miserable, but not too happy either. I think he will be home w/ me again tomorrow.

Marie, thanks for the advice about the shoes. I looked up Fleet feet and they have one in Savannah. We are going there this coming weekend to see a concert and hang out. So I will make sure that we go to the Fleet feet. I would really like some professional help deciding which shoe to get. The first 4 pair of shoes that I tried on the other night honestly didn't feel any different from the pair of cross trainers that I have already. But I will say when I tried on that pair of shox they were Way cool! I can't spend $120 though. I will buy a nice pair and can see spending $80 or $90 just not much more than that.

Last night after I posted I ended up having a snack. I got some milk and was gonna have chocolate graham crackers, but they were bad. So instead I broke down and ate some leftover M&Ms that I have been resisting for a Long time. Oh well, at least they are gone now.

Today I ate:
Lunch - baked potato w/ ff sour cream, butter, & leftover spoon burger meat, Raisins
Snack - mini wheats cereal w/ milk
Dinner - Zucchini Lasagna, Salad w/ nuts, raisins, croutons, feta, dressing
Total - Cal - 1216, fat - 31 I'm feeling a bit snacky now, so I may still have a snack tonight.

I knew that I had to get out and do my jogging routine today. I went out about 3:30 which was only about 30 minutes after the cereal. I didn't feel all that energized but I went ahead and did it anyway. I did a warmup lap and then 6 run 1/ walk 2s, then 2 laps to cool down. It was Incredibly hard today and I jogged Really slow, but I kept pushing and I made it through! :yay: :yay: My total time was 30 minutes. I can do this! :cheer2: It will get easier! I know it will.

Have a good night!
Foxfiregrrl said:
Today was somewhat better. Dh was home from work and has yet to pass the kidney stone. He is not too miserable, but not too happy either. I think he will be home w/ me again tomorrow.
Foxfiregrrl said:
:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: pixiedust: hope it passes soon, and painlessly!!

Foxfiregrrl said:
I knew that I had to get out and do my jogging routine today. I went out about 3:30 which was only about 30 minutes after the cereal. I didn't feel all that energized but I went ahead and did it anyway. I did a warmup lap and then 6 run 1/ walk 2s, then 2 laps to cool down. It was Incredibly hard today and I jogged Really slow, but I kept pushing and I made it through! :yay: :yay: My total time was 30 minutes. I can do this! :cheer2: It will get easier! I know it will.
Foxfiregrrl said:
:cheer2: GOOD FOR YOU AMBER!! :cheer2: That's the key....even though you didn't feel like it, you did it!! You are doing awsome!! :cheer2: You say you were going really slow, and that's ok!! You did it!! (can you tell I get excited about these things?) The group of girls that I ran with all agreed on one's not about winning the race, it's about finishing it!! :thumbsup2 and you're will get easier, just keep it up!

good job and have a great day!!
You are making me think i want to start trying running again! You have really been doing great and staying focused! Keep it up girl!

Also I'm crossing my fingers that your DH is feeling better. :sick:
Keep up the great work and I hope your DH feels better soon. My father passed one a few months ago so I know how uncomforable it must be for him.

Keep us posted on the shoe search as well. I'm in the market for new shoes and want to hear about your experience at Fleet Feet.

good job!!
Hey....don't you start your new job tomorrow?? :confused3
Good're gonna do great!! :thumbsup2
How's hubby today?? Tell him we're pulling for him!! :grouphug:

Thanks everybody! :grouphug: Dh is feeling mostly better and is back at work today. He is not certain that it has passed and is having some minor lingering pain, but it is Much better than it had been.

Yes, Marie, I do start my new job tomorrow. I had been nervous because they said they would email me a confirmation & I had not gotten it. I emailed them today and they sent it. I was momentarily afraid that they had retracted their offer :crazy: , I know that sometimes assume the worst case scenario. I am excited now though! :banana:

Linda, you should join us and start running! :sunny: That would be cool! I keep myself on track by reading about how everybody else is doing more and faster. I say ok, they are doing way more, so I can at least do this little bit that I am starting with. You are doing really good on your exercise, too, though! You are the Stair Queen! :worship:

Scott, I will update on the shoe search after the weekend. There is a Fleet in Atlanta, too. I just was headed to Savannah and that worked out to be perfect timing.

Ok, so Yesterday, I knew it wasn't my day for running, but I didn't feel like doing any real cross training. I decided that I would just work on distance instead. So I walked 3 miles. I didn't jog any and I didn't have anyone with me. It felt like it took forever and I know that I wasn't at a fast pace. I did the 3 miles in almost exactly 1 hour. That is not bad. I was tired afterward though. Today I plan to do the jog 1/walk 2 again.

For food:
Breakfast - mini wheats w/ milk
Lunch - vegetable soup, whole wheat bread, banana
Snack - raisins, milk w/ ovaltine
Dinner - leftover spaghetti, sweet tea
Snack - chocolate graham crackers
I could have eaten all day long yesterday! I stayed hungry and nothing seemed to satisfy me. I think I managed to do ok considering.
Totals - Cal - 1334, Fat - 25

I went to the grocery store yesterday and while I was there I tried to pick up things that I could easily carry to work with me. I got some single serving applesauce, more raisins (individual boxes), granola bars, and gum (to help resist munching). I will probably take a sandwich and an apple for lunch and applesauce and granola bar for snacks in case I get hungry in between meals.

Well, Have a great day! I'll check in tomorrow and tell how my first day went! :sunny:


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