Amber's Get Healthy Journal (Comments Welcome)

Gaming sounds interesting. Sounds like there's a whole world out there that I know nothing about! LOL

How do you like zuchini lasagna? Sounds like a great way to get more vegetables in. :scratchin

You may not have done the eating you'd like, but I'm glad to see you can see that you're improving from choices of the past. Since this is a lifestyle change, that's great news!

Hope you enjoyed Taebo! I'm trying to motivate myself to do it tomorrow! Have a great Thursday!
Hang in there with the stress girl...don't let it get the best of you!
Bring grapes to munch on...helps me eat less when it comes to lunch!
That gaming stuff sounds way complicated! I think I am showing my age here, I was thinking bacgammon and scrabble!

As far as work goes, you have an end in sight! I think its a good way to look at it. Shucks I have a ticker for my retirement and I'm not even close! Is the place you get to transfer to going to be less workload? I hope so!

Hang in there!

Just catching up, Amber! Gaming sounds fun!

Just keep on, you'll get the kinks out & be back on track soon.

Hope you have a great weekend!

When will your house be done? Maybe I missed it, but so exciting!
Hi, guys! WOW! I feel so popular these days!! It is nice having everyone stopping by! Thanks for all the support!

Julie - they told us awhile back that the house would be done in about 60 days which would have been mid November, but I seriously doubt it will be done that soon. They are working on the interior paint. They still have lights, cabinets, plumbing, sewer lines, and flooring to do! Some of that could come together fast, but I think it will end up being December before we get into it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Mid-November though! :wizard:

Linda - It was your retirement countdown that inspired my transfer countdown! It helps alot! My transfer options SHOULD offer a lighter workload. If I can go back to where I trained at I would have around 10 cases (I have 43 now!) or if I transfer to the county I live in I would have between 15 and 20. That is as long as they stay well staffed and don't have the mass exodus that the county I'm currently in had. That is why I'm so overworked, cause everyone left at the same time. BTW, I am making it through this month a good bit better than last month. Keeping my fingers crossed that it stays that way!

CJK - It is good to see you here on my journal! I promise to come visit yours! I really like the zuchini lasagna alot! It takes some time to make it, but it makes 6 servings and there is just me and DH so it goes a long way. I got my recipe from the DASH diet. If you google it you will find it. I just add part skim ricotta cheese & extra tomato sauce to make it a bit yummier.
I really enjoy the taebo alot! It is about the only thing that motivates me to exercise these days. Our instructor is an old kickboxing champion! He is pretty cool. He is changing the name of the class now to "Hot Boxing". He has added disco lights, flame lights, strobe lights, etc and blacked out the windows. It really gives it a different feel. We wear 8 oz boxing gloves and we were doing our routine to the new Madonna album! He changed our music and it is ok but I really LOVED the Madonna stuff!

Marie - OK, so I Totally Stink at challenges!! I joined the no-chip challenge, then on Friday I went out for Mexican with friends from work. I was sitting there enjoying the chips and salsa and cheese dip, when I suddenly realized I was EATING CHIPS!! DUH!! It didn't even register at first! Then I had a few more with our california style burritos today. :sad2: I'm terrible!! I think when I tell myself that I can't do or have something, then it becomes something that I just can't resist! :crazy:

So food has been REALLY bad! DH & I ate fast food Wed. & Thurs. nights. I went out for lunch on Friday. Friday night DH & I went out and had drinks and appetizers, then went for pizza & a movie. (This is SO cool.. they remodeled an old theater downtown & they serve pizza & beer while you watch the movie!! popcorn:: My sister works there too!) That was nice, but LOADS of calories! Today we went out for lunch to a chinese buffet, then had california style burritos for dinner! We have just NOT been wanting to eat at home this week. :confused3 What makes it worse is that we actually have leftovers we could be eating, but just don't want them. Meh. I'll do better next week.

Exercise has been somewhat lacking also. I did go to Taebo on Wednesday. I was very determined and it was a very good class! I was SO worn out when I was done. I can tell that I haven't been going like I should! Thursday I walked up to the house twice and around the lake 3 times. I think it was about 20 minutes. I also was thinking that I should count some time for all the walking we did at the fair last Sunday! It was a lot of walking. I am thinking 45 minutes. So now I'm at 395/750. Not too great, but I'm getting somewhere at least.

Well, I guess that is about it for right now! Not that this isn't already a Super long post! :crazy: Can you tell I like to talk, ALOT! :teeth:

K, Time to visit you guys! Have a wonderful Sunday!
You need to post some new pics of your house! I am getting so excited for you! I wouldnt focus on the November thing, but wouldnt it be great if you could decorate for Christmas? I am really Griswold about decorating for Christmas, I spend scads of money on it.

On the chip challenge thing...It is waaaay harder than I thought too!

Keep up the Tae bo thing. Sounds like you really enjoy it. I wonder if they have it at my gym, I dont think so tho.

Have a nice weekend...oops it over now, have a nice week!

Hey Amber...YOU CAN DO this Chip Challenge!! If you need something crunchy...get some carrots or celery!! Hang in there....If I can do the tea, you can do the chips! (today didn't count on the tea!! :rolleyes1 )

Hope you're having a good week!
Ok, so I have been pretty slack this week again. I blame work :rolleyes1 :sad2: it is the end of the month and that is always super stress crunch time!

I can't remember everything since my last post. I can't believe it has been a whole week. I have dropped in for a minute or two during the week, but just haven't had time to post.

Sunday - I walked while DH showered - 20 minutes
Monday - taebo - 45 minutes
Tuesday - none
Wednesday - missed taebo but walked for 20 minutes
Thurs - Sat - none
Today - walked w/ DH - 20 minutes

I am REALLY upset!! Our taebo instructor called on Thursday to say that, due to a falling out that he has had w/ the owner of the gym, he will no longer be teaching at our gym!!! :furious: DUDE!! That was the ONLY thing that was keeping me motivated at the gym these days! ARGH! :furious: He said that if he finds somewhere else to teach then he will let us know, but I already have a paid membership at the gym. Oh, well. I will get over it I guess. I will have to go back to walking. They have a step aerobics class, but I just have never enjoyed that the way I enjoyed the taebo. PLUS I could really feel the results of the taebo.

Food- has just been so-so.

will come back later.... guests just arrived.
back now. Dh's great aunt and uncle are here from Pennsylvania and came over to see the new house. We knew that they would come today, just not when they would show up. We are supposed to go to DH's mom's house tonight to have dinner with them.

So, I was talking about my food intake.... :rolleyes1 not really good.

Tuesday I had chickfila for lunch, wednesday I went to O'Charleys for lunch & had mexican for dinner. I broke the chip challenge that night :blush: Oops.. I forget that chips & salsa= chips :confused3 I had a JUMBO margarita and got pretty drunk!! Thursday we had Cici's buffet pizza :rolleyes: Friday we said we weren't going to eat out but had soup & sandwiches from Panera anyway. Yesterday we went to Sonny's for lunch. Dh cooked stirfry for dinner though.

OK, SO I should rename my journal "What not to do when your on a 'diet' "! :rotfl: I know that we have been Truely terrible lately!!! I think it is partly because of stress and the other part is that we HATE cooking in this house!!! It is football season and my grandfather watches every game AND turns the tv up SO LOUD that I can't hear myself think. Last night I had my fingers in my ears and the tv was still too loud! The kitchen and living room are only seperated by a bar so there is no shutting it out. HOPEFULLY our house will be done in about 4 weeks. We got the new estimate this week. The cabinets should go in either tomorrow or tuesday! :Pinkbounc I keep bugging dh to update the house pics but he hasn't yet. I don't know how :confused3 or I would do it myself.

We are going to try to do better this week. We will have leftover stirfry one day. Dh will make this paella that we found in a cookbook one day. He is also gonna make a shrimp pasta dish one day. I may make chili, but he is planning to have it next weekend with his buddies, so I may not.

So dinners should be covered for the week. I don't know how much exercise I will get this week. I will most likely work late several days this week, so that usually ZAPS my energy. I will try to get a day or two in though.

Oh, yeah, I think that I am at 500/750 on my exercise challenge. That isn't very good, but at least I got some time in this month. There are days that I would have done Nothing if I hadn't had the challenge.

Also, I weighed at the gym on Monday and I was at 181!! :cheer2: That is pretty good considering I haven't been trying that hard lately! I need to update my siggie. I am almost at 25 lbs lost now, so I should at least move to the 20 lb marker! :cheer2: Gonna do that now!

Well, hope everyone has a good week!! :sunny:
OH no! I'm so sorry to hear about the Taebo instructor. Will anyone else come in??? Any hope of a reconciliation b/w your instructor and the gym owner? Maybe you could use some Taebo tapes in the meantime? That's what I do. Like you, I really find that I see results when I do Taebo regularly. I hope you can work something out!

Congrats on the weightloss!!! Definitely get a new clippie! :thumbsup2

Here's to a great and healthy eatin' week. I've been pretty lousy with the food myself, so I'm turning over a new leaf tomorrow (even with Halloween being this week. :rolleyes1 )!!!
Congrats on the loss....keep it up girlie!!!

That does suck about the taebo thing. I agree....find out if they are going to replace him w/ another instructor. Tell them that's why you joined that gym and see what they say. I'd be raising cain....but I raise cain alot... :confused3 :stir:

Hang in there....keep up the walking and hopefully another class that you enjoy will start up.

have a good week!
Ok...we're sending out a search party for Amber....she's fallen off the DIS....
if anyone has seen her, please tell her to call home....we miss her!!!

We also want to see house pictures!!!

Hope all is well Amber!!
Here I am! I popped in yesterday but was just too tired to post! Sorry!

I worked 9 hours of overtime this week and 6 of that was yesterday! I just have SO much work to do. I know that some of you guys work crazy shifts and two jobs etc. I used to be able to do that, but these days (and w/ this job) an hour or two extra just Drains me!

Wednesday we got a new employee who is fully trained, BUT they did not put her in my unit!!! :furious: :furious: :furious: They put her in the only unit that is...get this... FULLY STAFFED!!!!! :furious: :furious: They have ONE person out on maternity leave!! We are short 4 people in my unit and the 2 of us are DROWNING in work, but do we get help? NO!! :furious: :furious: Can you tell I was upset!! I was also trying to channel Marie on Wednesday to RAISE SOME CAIN! BUT my supervisor was in training and we are "not allowed" to speak w/ her supervisor w/out going through the "chain of command". I decided that I had better follow that rule, cause the things I would have said that day probably would have gotten me fired! Instead I ended up calling my husband and crying. Then my coworker busted in my office and caught me crying. She keeps telling me not to let them get to me and make me cry. I cry when I'm really frustrated though and I can't get much more frustrated. I did talk to my supervisor about it a little on Friday though. She said she doesn't know why they did that either and that she will talk to her supervisor about. I told her that what it says to me is that they don't think that my hard work matters and don't care that we are struggling.

I am trying to move forward and just do the best that I can. I worked for 6 hours yesterday and only got half way through the list that I had made of things that I needed to get done. I am behind on all of my paperwork because I have to make all of my monthly contacts and I can't do both in the time alloted.

Oh, yeah, I apparently was giving my supervisor down the country on Monday. I was standing in her doorway talking to her. She had given us an unreasonable deadline on our end of the month work when she knows that we are already struggling just to get to the end of the month. I told her that I wasn't going to be able to meet her deadline. It was to close some of my cases. She told me that I would have to keep them next month then. I said NO I will not! I told her that I was doing the best I can. I brought up the fact that it is Unacceptable to not make my contacts, but then they want me to do everything else. One of my friends was in the room across the hall and overheard us. She came into my office afterwards and was like, WHOA! you were letting her have it!! I was so frustrated that I was about to cry then until she came and said that :smooth: So I did channel Marie some this week. I figured after that outburst on Monday, if I had another one in the same week they might not take too kindly to it. :rolleyes1

Anyway, so needless to say it has been a LONG week and a very high emotion week. I have popped by a couple of times during the week, but when I considered posting I knew I wanted to tell you guys about work and I just didn't feel like going there. The DIS did help me alot at lunch on Wednesday. I really needed an escape so I read CJK's dining review. YUM!! I was transported away from he!! to HEAVEN for about half an hour. I love reading the trip reports and dining reports. It reminds me of the magic of our trip. I am REALLY longing to plan another trip after finishing her dining report!!

Well, on the WISH side of this journal..... I knew it was going to be a long hard week at work before it even got started, so I didn't really plan to get any exercise. I know that is bad and I know that squeezing in some exercise would probably help relieve some of the stress. I just didn't feel up to it. So I have had NO exercise since.... let's see...last Sunday. I know this is bad, but I don't really plan to do any today either :sad2: It is my only day off for the weekend, it is cold outside, and I already got my shower :rolleyes1

We didn't do too bad on food this week. We had paella two nights and leftover stirfry one night. On Wednesday we went out for mexican again and I had a medium margarita. Friday night we went out for Olive Garden with my parents. I had been craving some pasta! I had that new Chicken Roma that they have been advertising. It was pretty good, but not as good as it looked in the ad. We had calamari for an appetizer. THEN, our waiter gave us TWO deserts on the house!! I can't figure out why exactly he did that but it was AWESOME. He gave us a lemon creme cake and a chocolate cheesecake. YUM! Now, keep in mind that I just finished CJK's dining review this week. Well, this REALLY took me back to Disney!! :cloud9: I was talking up the dining plan again to my parents and DH. DH LOVED it when we went. I don't think that we could plan another trip to Disney without the dining plan! Anyway, with the house expenses and then wanting to try to concieve next year, I don't see us going back in the near future.... but a girl can dream can't she! :cloud9:

Today, my parents and grandma are eating at my parent's church, so Dh and I are going out to lunch. We are going to eat at this Vegetarian place downtown that is only open during the week (when we are at work) and on Sunday for lunch. So, we invited my vegetarian sis to go with us. I've been wanting to try it, but we usually have Sunday dinner with the family. This was a great chance to check it out. So, not sure if it will be low cal or not, but it should be fairly healthy. :smooth:

I have no idea what the coming week will bring EXCEPT that I have Friday OFF from work!!! :Pinkbounc :cheer2: (that's the only reason I was willing to work yesterday). I will try to get back to exercising at least some this week and do a little better on the diet. Oh, I am also gonna put some yoga dvds in my blockbuster que to try out. I think they might help w/ my stress levels some.

Ok, enough yapping. Have a good week!! I will try not to be AWOL all week this week! :thumbsup2
I HATE MONDAYS!!!!!!!!!! :crazy: :dance3: :rolleyes1

Sorry just had to get that off of my chest. I just can't get moving today. I have so much to do but I just don't want to do any of it. I knew I shouldnt' have worked Saturday.

I Have Friday off.. I Have Friday Off.. I have Friday off... I must hold onto that thought!! :hourglass :sad2:

I am STARVING too! I had breakfast, but I'm still starving! I may get some popcorn.

Well, at least 2.25 hours of my day are gone already :crazy:

I guess I should do something. Hope ya'lls mondays are going better! :sunny:
Hang in there Amber...don't stress is too short!!
You're goal for the what you can, and the rest will have to wait.
oh, and congrats on channeling me...I'm proud of you!! :grouphug:

Deep hell, what am I talking doesn't work for childbirth either!!

Again...hang in there....Monday is over....3 more days!!

I had a slightly better day today at work..... only two more days to get through.

Yesterday I came home and actually got home before dark!! :cheer2: I went to look at the house and they had put our kitchen and bathroom cabinets in!! :cheer2: :banana: :Pinkbounc :bounce: It is SO AWESOME!!! I am excited!! We still have probably close to a month though cause they keep pushing it back, but that's ok.

After the excitment of the house, I decided to walk some. I did 3 laps around the lake and one trip up to my parents house. It totalled about a mile. I also decided to do a little jogging during 2 of the laps. It felt good!! It has been awhile since I have attempted the jogging thing and I was able to go almost the whole paved distance. I thought that was awesome because when I started trying to jog I couldn't make it half that distance. It inspired me.

I plan to spend part of my day off Friday finding me a decent pair of tennis shoes!! YAY! It is about time that I break down and get some darn shoes!!

Eating.... not so good. One step at a time. I think that I am doing good not to stress binge at this point. :teeth: :rolleyes1

Today was a no exercise day. I came home put on some chili then did some documentation for work while it simmered. I have decided that it won't kill me to do little bits of work at home and it might actually help me feel a little less stressed. Hmm... we'll see. I was told today that we should be getting help in the middle of December and then more hopefully in January. I said that is still not soon enough! But it is something and that is better than nothing. Hopefully December will get here before I go completely insane!! OOPS it may already be to late for that :joker: :dance3: (to me those dancing things look Totally crazy!)

Anyway, I won't get home til late tomorrow so I'm not sure what my plans are for exercise.

Have a good night!
Hey Amber!

Good job on the walking, did you find some new shoes? I have the same problem as you, I have to keep trying to get the right ones. Maybe you could get some body glide too, that might help.

Your house sounds sooooo close. I am excited for you, it will make a huge difference in your life.

I see youre getting help in december at work....but isnt that about when you can transfer? (hehe, maybe its your replacement!)

I have had a very nice weekend so far! I am sad that today is the last day of the three day weekend. But I will enjoy today the best I can!!

Went shopping on Friday but did not get any shoes. I found a pair of asics that I think I like. I wanted to wait though to be sure. I will try on at some other stores first then go back to try them again.

I didn't really get any exercise in on Friday unless shopping counts. I went all over the place doing things that I just normally don't get around to cause I've been busy. We had a wedding to go to on Saturday, so I bought a wedding gift. I was kind of excited about what we ended up getting (I LOVE giving!!). I didn't know what colors she has in her house or what all she got at her showers, so we (mom & I) decided to get her Christmas decorations!! We bought a package of different types of red ornaments, a smaller pack of silver balls, a silver bead garland(there was a red bead garland w/ the red ornaments), and a set of lights. I think it will be a nice start for their tree! I know that she has never lived on her own before so she most likely did not have Anything for christmas and it adds up fast!

So, we had the wedding yesterday and I was volunteered to be the videographer. My cousin was the matron of honor and said I would be good at it! :confused3 My camcorder has been broken for like 4 years now! I rarely ever even used the thing. I had to use my cousin's camcorder. I think I did a decent job though. I did a lot of running back and forth and all around trying to make sure that I was getting everything. Then the battery went dead during the reception and I think we had another one, but I had already gone through ALL THREE tapes!! So I just gave up and she didn't get the garter toss and them getting in the car. Oh, well, hopefully she won't miss that too much.

We ate out for both meals yesterday plus wedding food and I had dinner out for the rehearsal dinner Friday. Not doing too great on the diet/exercise deal these days.

I just have not been really motivated lately. I did pop onto Scott's journal the other day and saw he did his 14 mile run!! WOW! You know if I had stayed dedicated to my half-marathon dreams I would still be working up to that distance! It made me want those new shoes that much more!! I will get my new shoes and I will get back to working on my health!!

At work, we are supposedly getting someone in December.... and Yes that is when I'm supposedly able to ask for a transfer. I am not eligible to transfer until the end of Dec. though. I have also heard that we will probably get more help in January. I am only relieved by this info because I was beginning to worry that if we did not get help then they would not allow me to transfer. They still may try to keep me from it, but hopefully they won't. I have to have permission from my county director in order to transfer. :crazy:

Well, we are going to mostly be lazy today. I may be able to convince DH to go on a leisurely stroll today, but I doubt we will do much more. I will however try to plan our meals for the week so that we don't eat too bad.

Well, have a good week!!
Sounds like such a great weekend! You're very nice to accept that videographer job at the wedding! I'd be too stressed to do it (I'd likely cut off the bride & groom's heads ;) ). I hope you get that transfer at work too. Lots going on with you it seems! How's the meal planning going this week? I find that always helps me stay on track too. I hope you have a great week ahead! :cool1:
Well. It was a busy week. I didn't really meal plan the way I should have either. I didn't get any exercise in.

DH made a chili stew on Monday and we had that Tuesday also. It was good and pretty healthy. Monday DH was off of work and I stayed out as well :rolleyes1 . We had lunch out. I ate Wendy's for lunch on Tuesday. Wednesday I had my leftovers from Mondays lunch. Wednesday night we went to this "Big Lebowski Fest" at the theater downtown. They serve pizza and beer while you watch movies. For the Fest they had trivia and free White Russians first then the movie. It was pretty cool. My sis went with us. We ended up leaving about an hour into the movie because it was 10:30 already and I was exhausted! Thursday DH made curry but w/ ground turkey instead of chicken breast. It was pretty good. We went out Friday for dinner & yesterday for lunch and dinner. I will admit that I have not been making the healthy choices when eating out either. :sad2: I know that we have been TERRIBLE about eating out. I know that we are just tired of cooking in someone elses kitchen though. Once we get into our own house it will be different!!

BTW, DH is working on a new webpage because his work moved the old one. He says he will put all of the pictures up today... We'll see. I don't think they did any work on the house this week!! Dh did talk w/ the builder at the beginning of the week. He said that they are having a hard time getting a contractor to do the sewer lines to the house :confused3 doesn't every house need sewer hookups?!?

So, Friday I took my car into the shop cause water is leaking pretty bad. My mechanic (who I've gone to forever) called and said it's leaking into the engine.. Get rid of the car NOW. He said that the only fix is a new engine which would cost about $4500!! So, DH & I went yesterday to find a car. We didn't want to spend a whole lot or finance, but I have been wanting a NEW car (not new-to-us-but-used) for forever! We considered a KIA because they have that 10 year/100,000 mile warranty, but we didn't want to go over $12000 even if we had to finance & they wanted $15000. We planned to look at All the dealerships and DH really wanted to get me an older model w/ not too many miles for under $6000. Well, the third place we went, they were like "we'll make you a deal if you like anything" blah, blah. We weren't seeing anything that really was working.... Then they showed us a 1998 Lumina with 19,000 miles on it!! They said that they are selling it for a friend & it was owned by an elderly woman who barely drove it. It looks brand new (except for one scratch on the trunk, but I don't care about that) the interior is in excellent condition and it runs Great! They said they would let us have it for $5000. We traded in my Saturn for $500 (we just wanted to get rid of it) and paid $4500. I am really pleased with it and I think that it is going to be a really good car for all of the traveling that I do!

Well, Thanksgiving is Thursday!! Need to do better for the beginning part of this week so that I don't end up gaining twenty pounds this week!! popcorn::

Oh, yeah, I bought a new pair of running shoes yesterday! I bought those Asics that I liked. I tried on about 4 more pair and none felt as good as those did, so I went with them. I will try them out today, even if it is just to walk half a mile.... DH is refusing to get out of bed to exercise :crazy: Which doesn't mean that I can't go it alone... In fact I think I'm gonna go do a little walking now before everyone shows up for lunch.

See ya later!! HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!


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