AmyT's Journal (Comments Definitely Welcome!)

Have a great vacation! Stay away from the evil snacks, but allow yourself one indulgence a day. It should keep you from binging! You can do this!

Keep safe, ride rides, etc. Have an awesome Independence Day!!!!!!! :goodvibes
Amy, have fun on vacation. Cedar Point is one of the first vacation destinations I remember going to as a child. :flower: Be careful of all those rollercoasters. A coworker of mine went to Cedar Point just to ride that really tall rollercoaster & it was closed the day he was there. He was really bummed. Have a great time & don't forget to check back in with us!
Thanks for the kudos on the cheat free day. I will make this another one! ;)
You made me cry when you talk about the positive attitude! I really do try here, at home, at work, etc. to be positive. This year was rough...I had some parents that gave me a hard time. It was really funny when I went back to school a week ago and even the custodian said I looked more relaxed! It confirmed how stressed I was, too. :( What's done is done and I decided this summer is all about me! (Yes, that is selfish, but who is going to argue with me?! ;))
Your kids sound like a lot of families I know. All have different needs and personalities so I hear ya on that! :)
Keep working hard!

Hi Amy- Welcome to the board! I've been out of town, but it looks like you've made a great start. The best thing about journaling is that after a few weeks of tracking everything you're eating, you can start to see trends and feel more in control of your cravings. It's helped me really re-think the types of things I snack on.

Have a great vacation and a happy 4th!
Hi amy,

I know that you are out of town and all but I just wanted to stop in to let you know that I hope you are doing well while on your trip.

Have a safe, happy and healthy rest of your trip. Look forward to hearing how things are going!
I'm back! And what can I say, it was a food free-for-all and I gained weight. :earseek: But OH WELL, I had a blast and I did get 345 minutes towards my July challenge by biking, walking around the lake and walking at Cedar Point (I only counted 60 min per day at CP since a lot of time was spent standing in line). But I know that a lot of the weight I gained is water weight and I know I will get back on track starting tomorrow (Mon). Thanks to everyone for the support, and I will be back to daily postings again. I don't have another vacation coming up for a while, so that will help kick up the motivation and help me stick to a routine. I also want to TRY to still make my 5 for July goal, although it may be difficult since I started out July with such a leap in the wrong direction! :sad2: So, I'm off to the grocery store to stock up on healthy foods for the week!
As I’ve already confessed, I managed to gain 6 lbs on my vacation! YIKES! I really don’t get it because I didn’t eat ALL THAT bad, and I walked quite a bit. I know I didn’t even come close to drinking enough water, so hopefully the extra lbs will slowly work their way off by the weekend. QUESTION: For the 5 for July challenge, do I count the vacation weight I plan on losing this week/next week or do I only count the weight I lost from my July 1st weight?!? Hmmm… I think I will only count the weight I’ve lost from my July 1st weight, because my current weight is just vacation fluff and will go away quickly (I hope!).

I am back to following the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid. It really does work, and it is not a diet, but the healthy way to eat. It’s all about portion control and having the right number of carbs and proteins, with unlimited veggies and fruits. For my size, my daily goal is 3 Proteins, 4 Carbs, 3+ Fruits, 4+ Veggies and 3 Fats, with 75 calories from “sweets”. I learned about it from my work, and if I can just stop snacking (which I can, with everyone’s support!) I will be good to go and be able to meet my goals! I have also added more of a snack in my weakest hour… Back on track starting today!!!

1 cup Fat Free Vanilla yogurt (1P)
½ cup Kashi GoLean granola (1C)
Fruit Salad (1F)
LUNCH (11am)
Romaine lettuce w/low fat Champagne dressing (2V, 1 Fat)
3 egg whites (1P)
Cherries (1F)
Diet Coke
SNACK (2pm)
Apple (1F)
SNACK (5pm)
Pineapple (2F)
100 calorie pack – cinnamon grahams (1C)
DINNER (6:30pm)
Lemon pepper chicken breast (1P)
1 cup Pasta Roni (2C)
Broccoli (1V)
3 Crème Savers (60 cal)
WORKOUT (3:30pm)
Elliptical (Level 4) for 40 minutes

My kids have swimming lessons from 5:30-6pm for the next 2 weeks, so that will help control snacking, since I will be TOO busy to even think about it! I am also going to start my Pilates and ball work back up, hopefully 3x a week. It really does firm the body.
Hi Amy!

Sounds like you are ready to go! :moped: Your menu and workout plan for today look good! :cool1:

Have a great day! :flower:
Amy, welcome back. How was Cedar Point? It sounds like you had a great time. Did you go to Lake Eerie? When I was a child we used to go swimming there, but as a teenager we couldn't - it was too polluted. Can you swim there now? You watch, those 6lbs will melt off in no time. You've gotten a great jump on your exercise minutes. Congrats!

As for Chili's, I'd never had their buffalo chix before. Once I start on wings, I don't quit. I love them. Thank God they were on his side of the table so I stopped after one! Forget meals - give me appetizers and I'm a happy camper.
WOOHOO!!!!!!! :cool1: :banana: :cheer2: Yesterday I did not cheat AT ALL!!!! Not one single unscheduled crumb of food went into my mouth the entire day!!!!!!!!!!! 2 vacation lbs gone, 4 to go!!

I got hooked on Nabisco 100 calorie snack packs while I was on vacation. They are SO GOOD and they are perfect to get rid of cravings (whether it’s sweet or salty or crunchy) and it makes you think you’re being naughty when you’re really not!! :p So I got a box of Cinnamon Grahams and Chips Ahoy. I plan to have one daily after work and hopefully this will keep me satisfied enough that I am not tempted to snack on things I shouldn’t be. It worked yesterday!

B-1 c. FF yogurt; ½ c. LF granola; Banana
L-Romaine Salad w/LF Dressing; 2 LF String Cheese Sticks; 15 Soy Crisps; Strawberries; Diet Coke
S#2-Cinnamon Pears; 100 Calorie Pack
D-Beef Roast; ½ Red Potato; Carrots; Sugar-free Pudding (70 cal)
Pilates DVD for 45 minutes
Weights (arms) for 15 minutes

Jane E - I LOVE Cedar Point, and my kids do too! My DD6 is 46" and she can't go on most of the big rides yet (48" is the magic height). So we told her she needs to be sure to drink her milk and eat her veggies so she can grow at least 2" by next summer! My DS9 is 55" so he can go on everything there. That boy is so tall, I think he will be as tall as me by the time he gets out of elementary school :sad2: I don't know if you can swim in Lake Erie or not. I didn't see anyone in the water, but there were lots of people on the beach :sunny:
Hey Amy! Glad you liked CP! What foods did you eat? I am addicted to their saltwater taffy. Awesome job losing the weight. Drink your water. What did you ride? What lines were long? This is vital info as I am going in a week from tomorrow with CP newbies.

And I don't think people are allowed to swim. There was such a problem with the well (Lake Erie) water last year from Put-In-Bay on South Bass Island that people got violently like on-their-deathbed sick. Put-In-Bay is on Lake Erie. They just don't want people getting sick.

A great day is on the horizon for you...I know it! I checked out the Mayo Clinic diet...very interesting. Thanks for that link.

Make this day a great one! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
TigerCheer - At CP the lines were pretty long. We waited 1.5 hrs for Raptor, 1.5 hrs for Millenium Force and 1 hr for Top Thrill Dragster. We walked onto Magnum in about 5 minutes, and Iron Dragon was about 15-20 minutes. MaXair was about 20 minutes. Wicked Twister was closed, I was so bummed because I love that ride! All of the smaller rides were about 10 minutes or so in line. We also spent a lot of time at the water park.

The first day we had hot dogs and smiley fries in Peanuts Playground. Then we ate dinner at Applebee's by the hotel at around 9pm. The next day we ate a big breakfast at the hotel and at the park I had a soft pretzel (yum) and later on a caramel apple w/nuts (DOUBLE yum!). And when we left around 8pm we ate pizza at Chet & Matt's (they had a billboard so we decided to try it). I hope you have fun when you go! There are healthy food choices (grilled chicken sandwiches, etc), you just have to look around.

You looked at the website I gave you right? Because there are some "Mayo Clinic Diet" scams out there. The Mayo Clinic doesn't do diets, but the healthy weight pyramid. I just wanted to make sure you don't find some cabbage soup and bananas plan or something strange like that!
Hi AmyT! I did check out the website and thought I could do the pyramid. I'm checking out SBD first, as my mom wants to know more about it. She battled breast cancer earlier this year, and she has to go on a lifestyle change (actually the deal was: 30 mins walk everyday or Tamoxifin.) She also has to exercise. Thanks for the recommendation!!!

Holy COW! You actually waited that long? Did they have the FreeWay passes out? (like FastPass) Whoa...and it'll only get worse from there. I'll have to check out the CP website again as I forget what they have there.
Wicked Twister was closed! I want to try that one...hopefully it will be open.

Thanks! Have a stellar day!
lovinaz said:
WOOHOO!!!!!!! :cool1: :banana: :cheer2: Yesterday I did not cheat AT ALL!!!! Not one single unscheduled crumb of food went into my mouth the entire day!!!!!!!!!!! 2 vacation lbs gone, 4 to go!!

I got hooked on Nabisco 100 calorie snack packs while I was on vacation. They are SO GOOD and they are perfect to get rid of cravings (whether it’s sweet or salty or crunchy) and it makes you think you’re being naughty when you’re really not!! :p So I got a box of Cinnamon Grahams and Chips Ahoy. I plan to have one daily after work and hopefully this will keep me satisfied enough that I am not tempted to snack on things I shouldn’t be. It worked yesterday!

B-1 c. FF yogurt; ½ c. LF granola; Banana
L-Romaine Salad w/LF Dressing; 2 LF String Cheese Sticks; 15 Soy Crisps; Strawberries; Diet Coke
S#2-Cinnamon Pears; 100 Calorie Pack
D-Beef Roast; ½ Red Potato; Carrots; Sugar-free Pudding (70 cal)
Pilates DVD for 45 minutes
Weights (arms) for 15 minutes

Jane E - I LOVE Cedar Point, and my kids do too! My DD6 is 46" and she can't go on most of the big rides yet (48" is the magic height). So we told her she needs to be sure to drink her milk and eat her veggies so she can grow at least 2" by next summer! My DS9 is 55" so he can go on everything there. That boy is so tall, I think he will be as tall as me by the time he gets out of elementary school :sad2: I don't know if you can swim in Lake Erie or not. I didn't see anyone in the water, but there were lots of people on the beach :sunny:

Way to go Amy!!! :goodvibes That is great cheating. Doesn't it feel great to not cheat!!!

You're meal plans look great for today too. Way to go!!!!! Keep itup
Hi Amy,
Welcome back, I know, I'm 2 days late, sorry. Sounds like you had a fun trip! And it sounds like you're back on the wagon, good job! Just curious, R U LDS? I know there's a lot of us down there in Mesa. Good luck with the heat, I lived in Phoenix for my senior year of HS, actually arrived out near Apache Junction on Aug. 15 to a mobile home with a swamp cooler. The swamp cooler took it from 110 and dry to 95 and humid LOL, not good! I do remember how nice the winter was, rode my motorcycle to school. Moved from the mobile home up to an apartment near Glendale, graduated from Washington HS, go Rams! (we sucked :teeth: ).
Have a great day!
:banana: :banana: :banana:
I took the kids to swim class last night. Can you say H :sunny: O :sunny: T :sunny: ?????? I thought I was going to melt right there on the bleachers. Ah, but it’s a dry heat… Good thing the class is only ½ hour long!

Another awesome day yesterday! That makes 2 in a row!!!! And another 1 lb of vacation weight evaporated – 3 down, 3 to go. I joined the 100 day cheat-free challenge. I’m not on WW, but I figure that I can count a cheat-free day as one without any unplanned, non-fruit/veggie snacking (I can eat fruits/veggies whenever I want). I am an engineer, and in case you haven’t noticed, I plan my whole day of meals, usually 2-3 days in advance… It is going to be SO HARD!!!!!!! Especially since towards the end (last weekend in Sept) we will be in Mexico and the chips-n-salsa will be flowing… But I really want to stick to it! I am so sick of not sticking to eating healthy. Something has to change! I will be devastated if I have to start counting all over again, so maybe that will be the motivation I need to stay on track! Today’s plan:

B-1 c. FF yogurt; ½ c. LF granola; Banana
L-Beef Roast; Carrots; 15 Soy Crisps; Strawberries; Diet Coke
S#2-Cantaloupe; 100 Calorie Pack
D-2 Tacos; Tomato Juice; Sugar-free Pudding (70 cal)
Elliptical – 40 min
DisDon – You are right, there are a lot of Mormons in Mesa, however I am not one of them. So you know all about the heat (and you lived to tell about it!!) I don’t think I could survive a summer in a mobile home with just a swamp cooler! Whoa, that had to have been an adventure in sweating! But I’ll take 3-4 months of sweltering heat for awesome weather the rest of the year!

TigerCheer – they did have Freeway, but the line for the Freeway stamp was SUPER long and we decided to just wait in line for the actual ride instead of waiting in line for a stamp we may or may not get. But it isn’t too bad, the only line that is painful is Millenium Force, because it just moves SOOO SLOW!!!
I’m doing great on my cheat-free challenge – 3 days now! Yay for me! :cheer2: :cool1: :teeth: It actually hasn’t been as hard as I anticipated – I wonder where all this extra motivation came from?!?! Probably from this board, thanks everyone! Unfortunately the scale didn’t budge this morning, so I still have 3 more vacation lbs to lose, PLUS I wanted to lose at least 1-2 lbs of “real” weight for my July Challenge. Not looking good considering there are only about 2 weeks left... :guilty: Oh well, at least I am doing great on the Exercise Challenge and the Cheat-Free Challenge, right?!? No 100 cal snack pack for me after work today, since I am eating up 2 carbs (tortilla) at lunch and already had 1 at breakfast. I need to save the 4th for dinner! The plan for today:

B-Yogurt; ½ c. LF granola; Banana
L-Egg Salad Wrap (1 egg, 2 egg whites, mustard, LF mayo, wheat tortilla); Cherries; Tom Juice; DC
S#2-Cantaloupe; Carrot
D-Sauteed Shrimp; Pasta Roni; Cauliflower; 3 Crème Savers (60 cal)
WORKOUT-Elliptical (40 min)
Hey, good job on the cheat-free challenge, you know what they say, "Cheetahs nevah prospah!"
How's the heat? It went over 100 yesterday here, my Weatherbug temperature down in the system tray turned RED! (bottom right corner of the screen, normally black).
:sunny: think of :cold: :umbrella: and don't :faint: and keep :drinking: that water!!
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Hi Amy,

Good Job on the no cheat challange. I really need to go check that out. I also need to check out the exercise challenges. I just get so busy here at work! But anyways, good for you. You are doing great. Any snacking cravings???
Congrats on those cheat free days. The Mayo Clinic pyramid sounds interesting. Sometimes it helps to mix things up a bit. Where are you going to in Mexico? About 19 years ago dh & I went with a group of friends & rented a house in Rosarita Beach for a weekend. We were right on the Ocean but the water was cold. We went to a small restaurant in town. They served only lobster & beans with rice. Everyone payed $9 apiece to get in and then we all had the same meal. It was delicious. I was expecting tacos or tamales but not lobster. We had such a great time. I'll never forget that trip.

Your braver than I am going on those rides at Cedar Point. Some of those rollercoasters are high! When younger ds started going on those big coasters I was scared to death. They look so little getting on those big rides. Hope your daughter meets the requirements next year. That must've been tough for her to sit out.


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