An Inconvenient Truth: happyhaunt Style! (New... pg. 113!)

Hay Mel!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for giving it another shot! Did we bug you enough? We know you can't reply to all of us, so catch us somewhere else! Ten days is alot of material for you woman!

I have a confession to make. I am afraid of needing a fanny pack for MS, so have avoided it. But I might go in October, if you and Tommy will come with me.

Keep it up and can't wait to here the adventures! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Your borg sista, me
I've been reading trip reports for months now and decided to finally reigster this month and i must say that this one, so far, is one of the best!!! Can't wait to read more!!!

P.S. - I'm scared as heck to ride MS, so i hope you change my mind about that

This is the first chance I've had to get over here! And I'm sooooo glad I did.

To steal a couple of phrases from friends I know won't mind, you are not just yellow. You are not just a gem.

You are a yellow gem!! Like a yellow diamond. 'Nuff said.

After fifteen minutes of sleep I awoke to the first OFFICIAL day of our Disney vacation. I woke up because Tommy was standing beside the bed silently staring down at me. It freaks me out a little. I much prefer the pouncing along with "MommyMommyMommyMommyMommy" etc. You get the picture. The silent staring thing is just plain scary. To me. It's also the reason he will never ever be allowed to be a clown for Hallowe'en. Although part of the blame for that rests squarely on Mr. Stephen King's shoulders, as well. For being so considerate as to write the tale "It" aka "The Book that Scared the Living Crap Outta Me". Twice. 'Cause I tried to WIN that war. And failed. Miserably. Pennywise. Shudder. Anyhow... it was around 7am on the first day of our Disney Festivus. And I was, actually, grateful for the solid quarter hour of sleep because it was something. At least. I admit to being more excited than my own children at the prospect of visiting the Mouse. Or "The Mousehole" as my DH likes to refer to it. In the sense that he feels he and his wallet gets sucked into a massive, cheery, candy-coloured maelstrom whenever we pass through those curved gates into The World. Yes... it's truly a battle for his wallet, you could say... but, still, he loves it. I think. I actually think he just loves me and the kids so much that it doesn't matter, in the end, how much it costs. To see us all so happy that we, actually, cry with excitement upon arriving. And, again, a little bit with sadness when we head back home. It's magical. Really. There's no other way to describe it. So the night before we leave I generally lie awake most, if not all, of the night. Thinking. Planning. Anticipating. Dreaming. I can't help it. Therefore... I really was thankful for at least a few minutes of rest.

Mellyman woke up right after I did. Took one look at me and knew that I hadn't slept much and laughed. He thinks it's funny. That I'm a Disney Freak. At least most of the time. Sometimes, though, when he actually thinks of all the things in our home emblazoned with Mickey and Friends... he is truly disturbed. At least that's what he claims. He turned to me and said, "Melly? Are you feeling sad?" I answered, "Yes". Because he knows that I am always a little sad as well as excited on Day 1. Always. I'm sad that it's FINALLY here. Our Disney vacation. Yep. Sad. Because that means that it's almost over, too. I know. It doesn't make a lot of sense but it's true.

We got up and woke up Calvin and Beth and started to pull all the rest of our stuff together. Took the back bench out of the smelly, old van and loaded it up. Suitcases(6), carry-on bags(6), dirty, peed on, immortal stroller with warped wheel(1 ~ unfortunately), stuffed animals(3), snacks for the road(check), house key for my Mother(check), coffee(check) and American money, map to airport and camera(check, check and double check). I took the 1st official picture of the vacation. Same one as always: Beth, Calvin and Tommy strapped into the van with their one favourite stuffed animal on their heads waving "Bye" to the house. We yell "Bye House!"... then "Driver... all clear!"... then Mellyman beeps the horn and we blast out of the driveway and down our street. Cheering and clapping 'cause we're on our way. Whooooo Hooooo!!!! Whooooo Hooooooooo!! Whooo...

And... then we screech to an abrupt halt. About seven houses down the street. Turn around. Drive back to our house. Wait while Mellyman gets out of the car and goes into the house. To turn off the water. In the house. Because we had... errrrrr... a flood a few months back and we're all a little nervous about going anywhere for the night without turning it off. In fact, my dear Mellyman would prefer I turn if off when I go to the grocery store or the kids' school, too. Anyway... he turned the water off and double checked that the house was locked and we, again, Driver All Cleared, beeped and drove away.

Our destination was the Buffalo Airport. But, first, we had a little side trip. Yep. To a place called West Point aka my childhood home. And to a person called The General aka my dear sweet old mighty powerful Mom. Who would, given the chance, scare the living crap outta 'ol Pennywise himself.

To be continued. Next up: The General makes Me(l) cry. Like a little baby.
Mel, I'm so happy you're back! I was literally stunned when I saw that your last trip report was being locked. It's like it all happened in slow motion. I didn't see it coming and didn't think anything was wrong with it. I just kept thinking "PMs must be flying all around the DIS" and I was so hurt that I couldn't get in on it :rotfl2:

Anyway! I'm happy things got sqared away and you didn't leave us hanging! I look forward to hearing the rest of your trips (and all of your asides).

Happy Writing!
You know what the cure for being sad your vaca is about to start is? To always have another in the works! :thumbsup2

So, inquiring minds want to know, does the immortal stroller live up to its name? Is it still lurking in the bowels of your house, just waiting for an opportunity to humiliate you? Or were you finally able to get the upper hand?
Hi - looking forward to reading more of the report. I have a question though...why was the previous report locked? Are there things we aren't allowed to say in our reports?

Curious and fairly new...
Glad you jumped back in the saddle. All ready for a wild ride!!!
Mel, so glad you're back with a new trip report. I do admit to laughing out loud at your family's antics (which is not the best thing to do in a law firm) and am so excited that you're back on the boards again.

Looking forward to a long read.
and ready for another happyhaunt ride!!!

So thrilled that you're giving it another go, Mel. I'm looking forward to hearing about the WHOLE 10 DAYS, and then some.

Thanks so much for doing this for us!!! :grouphug:
You never fail to disappoint! Even though you haven't even gotten to the airport yet, I'm hooked into this report. I loved your description of how you get sad before a trip because it means it's almost over. I do that too, but I thought I was the only one so pessimistic. My family starts a trip all excited becuase of what's ahead but I start it a little sad because it's almost over. Is there a word for people like us?

Why do you call your mom the general?
1000thhappyhaunt said:
He turned to me and said, "Melly? Are you feeling sad?" I answered, "Yes". Because he knows that I am always a little sad as well as excited on Day 1. Always. I'm sad that it's FINALLY here. Our Disney vacation. Yep. Sad. Because that means that it's almost over, too. I know. It doesn't make a lot of sense but it's true.

It makes perfect sense.

Great Installment! Thanks for sharing. :teeth:
The happyhaunts set off towards my hometown and West Point. Stopping only once to go through the Tim Horton's Drive-Thru. Because we HAVE to. It's a law here in Canada. Especially when one is headed for the USA. You must prove your alliegance to The Great White North by spending some coin at Tims. First. So we bought three donuts. For the kids. 'Cause we already had WAY better coffee from Starbucks to drink. Heh, heh. Blasphemy. A kick in the head. I know. So... apologies to my fellow Canucks. For that. We aka I chose the tunes for the ride. Because there's only so much of THE WHO I can take in one lifetime. Without killing myself. Shhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell DH. I pick Van Morrison and put it immediately to one of my favourite songs "Full Force Gale" and started to sing. DH immediately turned it down and suggested we "chat" instead. He remarked that he noticed that the packing situation hadn't really improved this trip. Despite my promises to the contrary. In fact, he said, it almost seems like we have MORE stuff this time. If at all humanly possible. Then he asked me how many bathing suits I brought...

Mellyman: So... how much of that luggage is bikinis?
Me: Uhhhhhh... I brought, like, five. I think.
Mellyman: Five?!
Me: Yeah. Five...teen. Fifteen. Yep. Fifteen.
Mellyman: Crap, Mel! You're kidding, right?! For ten days?
Me: Yeah... well.
Mellyman: Tell me how you plan to wear "five...teen" bathing suits in ten days? Please, my love, do tell? (with a certain TONE... I don't care for)
Me: Ok. Well. Sometimes you just don't KNOW beforehand which one you'll feel like wearing. So I bring lots. Just to be able to choose. 'Cause some days you feel all string bikinish. Some days you want a bandeau top. Others you feel like it's a boy shorts day. Sometimes the halter one calls. Sometimes I need the cute blue frilly one. Other times the racy black one that looks like leather. Sometimes the one with the little skirt...

At that point his eyes glazed over and HE looked like he was slipping into a coma of boredom. Kinda like I do when he tells me of the wacky things he and his banker cronies get up to with their managed funds. And stuff. Like that. Really I have NO IDEA what he does all day because he starts to tell me and then, suddenly, I wake up with my head on the coffee table and a stream of drool down my cheek. But... I'm sure it's fun. Anyway. So I bored him to death... which was actually good... because he forgot to ask about the 6th bag: The Bag of My Shoes. Whew. We chatted a bit more and before we knew it we were at my old house aka West Point.

The kids pile out of the car and race inside to salute The General. And visit our old cat. Whom The General stole from us. In the days of the Great Flood aka Severe Water Damage to the House Caused by Calvin Flushing Tommy's Toy Down the Toilet. And I've been afraid to try and get the cat back since. Because my Mother scares me. She is the original tough old broad. She's funny, fiesty, stubborn, independant and tough as nails. Thankfully. I can't imagine anyone else raising me. We have a special relationship. We talk everyday, we love each other madly and, yet, we LIVE to cut each other off at the knees. Go figure. Anyhow... I put her through a lot. Growing up. And it never seemed to slow her down. She's very special. To me. And I can tell I'm special to her, too, because when she saw me she said, "You're LATE! You said noon. Lunch is ready but the meat is probably already off. I can't promise you won't get sick." Then she turned to the three grandbabies and covered them in hugs and kisses. We sat down and ate. Well... I forced myself to. Because... I'll tell you all something. I'm not afraid of too many things. In this world. Number one is the fear of something happening to my children. As it probably is for any parent. The other things that round out my shortish list are: spiders, snakes, flying and The General's cooking. Not necessarily in that order. So I ate the... errrr... food. I think. Then The General barked an order to follow her upstairs for a private chat. We went into her bedroom, she closed the door and turned to me. And said, "Mel I know you're nervous about flying today and you look so tired but I just want you to have a wonderful time in Disney. Watch the kids. Make sure they're okay and call me a few times. Alright?" Then she pulled me into a big hug. And I started crying. A little bit at first but then more. Because she really surprised me. And I WAS tired. And worrying about the flight. But, also, I was crying because she felt so little and frail and old to me. When did my Mother become smaller than me? When was the last time I hugged her? Then suddenly she stepped back and looked sternly at me, "Melancholy Anne Blah Blah hyphen Blah" she said, " Smarten up! Do you want the kids to see you crying? Stop it!" And turned and walked out of the room. Ahhhhhh. Back to normal. Thank God.

So we said our good-byes and The General gave the kids each some American money to buy souveniers with in Disney. She barked some more orders at Mellyman and myself and we got back in the van and continued on to Buffalo. But first we sat diagonally in the middle of the street in front of West Point waiting for the blasted old smelly van to warm up, again, so we could switch it from "reverse" into "drive".

To be continued. Up next: The wonderful world of Duty Free!!!! And... the meat WAS off.

P.S. I just want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! To everyone who has posted comments on this trippy thread. I've read each and every one and appreciate it so much. It's what keeps Trip Reporters going. I just don't want to get too chatty yet. Until I get on a role. Heh, heh.

Cheers, Mel.
Aww I have tears in my eyes. What a special moment.

Love your report and keep it coming.

Gee, Mel, you are my idol! No, it's not that you're such a fun writer to read...although you are, but that's not why you're my idol. You're my idol because even after you got all carried away and had three children you can still wear a bikini proudly! OMG! I had to quit wearing bikinis after only one child! Of course the bikinis may have something to do with why you and Melly got all carried away....which leads to the question, Which came first the bikini or the getting carried away?
I can't believe I found this and its on page 4 already! Man have I been too busy at work! :badpc:

Thanks again for sharing your trip report with us Mel. I can't wait to read it all. :goodvibes
Yep, still reading here. It a nice end to my day of making everyone pretty for their vacations. ( I work in a spa----you know, facials, waxing, etc.)

Oh, BTW, I heard a phrase on a crazy commercial the other day--"easy peazy lemon squeezy"---have no clue what it means but thought to myself ~this is something melhh might say. So, you can use it if you so desire. If not, no offense taken. :yay: :yay: :yay:

Thanks for the laughs. Au revoir


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