Any Husbands here do all the planning?

That would be me. Wifey appreciates having things flow without a hitch, not that there aren't speed bumps sometimes, but my job as a computer programmer allows me to keep a window open so I can obsessively monitor airfare, rental cars and DIS of course. I'm the one up at midnight to snag FP+s and ADRs, about the only thing I run by her is flight times and whether we should drive straight to a distant airport or do a sleep 'n fly.

Bill From PA
I do virtually all the Disney planning, but my wife does all the packing. Basically, it's all me until the last two weeks, then I tell her "Okay, you're turn." Once we leave for the airport, I'm on point again.

It works out well because I LOVE the planning part. Sure, I love the trip it self the most, but I get a wave of job from picking out the hotel (even though I already know what it will be before I do the research!), the more waves when I prep for ADRs and FP+. The trip to me, is like watching the execution of a symphony that I've written. :)
I make the vast majority of our plans (when allowed). We have taken 4 trips as a family of 4 (before that, my last time was as a teenager), and all have included DW's parents as well. 2 were totally grandparent paid for and mostly planned (I gave as much input as I could). Both times they decided to go less than a month before we went. Needless to say, we did not get to have breakfast in the castle with the princesses like my MIL wanted. The two we paid for ourselves (and the one upcoming) were at least 6 months out as necessary for ultra planners. Have to have everything lined up to run perfectly so they all think we are being spontaneous.
Not only do I do all of the planning but apparently my wife follows blindly throughout the parks. Has done so for years unbeknownst to me! We own DVC and have taken many trips. Really not sure how many at this point but at one point on our last trip, my kids wanted to split up and my wife and daughter were going to head off on their own somewhere. I don't remember which attraction it was but she asked me how to get there! I was really shocked, "What do you mean you don't know how to get there?!? We've been coming here since 1998! Her response, "Oh I just pretty much follow you around. I have an idea of how to get there but don't know for sure!" Who knew??? :confused3:rotfl2:
In theory i wish my partner planned at least a lil in reality i like being in control and knowing everything is done right lol So I'd probably go nuts if I wasnt in charge, but a lil planning would be nice haha
I not only plan our trips now, but my wife has outsourced me to several of her friends to plan their vacations for them. I love planning Disney vacations!
Yep. Dave Ramsey says that in many marriages one person's the "nerd" and the other person's the "free spirit." In ours, I'm the nerd (planner) and DW is the free spirit. She prefers me to do the planning, run through it with her and she gives the final OK.

I am a Dave listener too. I am absolutely the NERD. Now if I could just get a little more of the gazelle intensity part....
I'll join the crowd here. I have always done all the planning and would just discuss things with my wife. She actually doesn't provide a lot of input, she would rather just go with the flow of whatever I decide. I try to include her in the discussion anyway. However, now that the kids are grown, my son will do the most of the planning for joint trips. He has all the apps, books, spreadsheets, crowd calendars, and everything else needed.
I am the husband, and I do every bit of the planning. Wife basically inputs zero, THEN, when we are there, she complains about every restaurant that I've chosen lol. Of course, then again, she has complained at one point or another about pretty much EVERY restaurant in Disney World, so if we went with just what she likes, we would eat at like 3 places for the whole 2 week trip.

To be honest, I don't mind doing the planning, I am pretty darned good at it, I know Disney inside out and backwards now, plus I always have the DIS to turn to in the event that a situation comes up that I'm not 100% certain about.
Not a husband, but I am the 21 year old son. My mom and I do most of the planning but I do all of the ADR and Fastpass scheduling on the website. The vacation is My mom, dad, brother, and I. My mom and I just ask the other two what restaurants they want and rides they want fastpasses for and they give us a couple and we take it from there.
I think you win the a Ultimate Planning Nerd award!

Haha...thanks. I'm not at the crazy stages or anything. It all started with my mom making calls to see if everyone would like to join them at WDW to celebrate their anniversary. The thought was we could all start saving money now. She decided Shades of Green is the way to go for pricing/etc. My mom, dad, one brother and a sister-in-law all qualify to get 3 rooms each there so we could have plenty of room for our family. However, after looking into things, I talked to my wife about not doing that but instead going with a suite at AoA or ASMu. Why? We will have 4 kids age 6 and under. SoG is pretty boring from what I recall. But also, transportation would be a nightmare! We would need to either rent a large vehicle, get a super cab, or charter a bus of some sort because there would be no Magical Express for SoG. All options seemed to spendy to start with and anything other than a bus requires car seats/boosters. We don't want to bring them and most companies only rent out one or two with their guarantee of availability. After looking at that I decided to start making some preliminary
Like most of the other husbands that have responded that they are the planners, I am as well as to all of our vacations. I like the response that said his wife calls it "focused". My wife is less politically correct and just calls it my OCD or says that if she planned it, I would just nitpick to death any itinerary. Either way though, I have always planned the trips. I do get input from my wife and my son (although he doesn't know about the trips in advance, we just ask him "so next time is there anything new you want to try") but then I research each of the ideas on here, tripadvisor, and other Disney sites before we do it.

Now, thankfully my wife does all of the packing. I would be lost if that was left to me. Also, my son would probably not have clothes for each day, etc.!

I think planning really is part of the fun... okay maybe I am nuts... Wouldn't have it any other way!
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I am definitely the planner between my wife and I. We have been 4 times in the past 4 years and I am habitually the crazy planner. Even before we book the trip I research the resort we want to stay at to the smallest detail. I ask her if she has any preferences as to where we stay but usually she knows that I enough knowledge to make the right decision for us. I always love a good planning challenge such ads a tough ADR to get or trying to hit multiple parks in the same day.

The new challenge will be planning a trip with a baby since we are due to have a boy in February :-)!!!! this also means we won't be going for another 3 or 4 years minimum. But who says that's to early to start planning :P
My husband is the one that finds the deal, this is his special super power.
We discuss when/where we are going then he takes on the task of finding the best deal.
Once he finds "the deal" it's up to me to book and reserve everything. It works well this way.
We all pack our own luggage. If someone forgets something then it's their own fault.
Husband here, and I do all of our planning for our Disney vacations! Hotels, reservations, events, schedule, spreadsheets, research, everything.

With some input from the family, of course. :D

Thankfully, DW enjoys having everything done so that all she has to do is relax. :-)
I'm the crazy one. I do all the planning and driving. I also plan for friends and family who go with us. It's a lot of work but i have had peolpe who have been before say they got so much more done sticking with us. I let them know ahead of time that I do not sleep much when i am at Disney.


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