Anyone at an UK University?

Hi Sarah! thats when my interview is!!!! i have to get the train from Leeds at 5.55!!!! argh!!! i dont do early mornings! lol! Have u filled in that thing where u have to put what jobs you want in order of preferance? (dont know how to spell!!!) lol! x
Have u filled in that thing where u have to put what jobs you want in order of preferance? (dont know how to spell!!!) lol! x

Not yet, but I have a pretty good idea of what order i will put them in.

5.55???? That's pretty brutal! (even by my standards - I'm commuting to Cardiff & 2 days a week I'm up at 6 to catch my train)

Are you starting to get nervous? :confused3
A little bit but i'm really excited too! it seems to be dragging over - god knows what i'll be like when we're waiting to hear from them! Where about are you living then? x
Sorry I haven't replied sooner! Uni has been crazy!

In response to your qn - I live about 45 mins away in a town called Neath.

Thank you for your good luck wish!!! How did your interview go?
i thought it went ok! did i meet you on mon? i must have done but i'm useless with names! lol! how did yours go?? x
I had Jeff - think i would have prefered kim tho! they didnt really ask a lot of questions tho did they? how did you have? what did you put down for your first choice of job? xx
Ok you guys!
You will have to tell me all about what its like to work at disney when you get jobs!
How did the interviews go?
I so hope i get a job! they said we'd know in 2-3 weeks and so next monday will be the two week counter! fingers crossed! i thought the interview went ok! they only asked about 5 questions and it was stuff like, have you ever lived away from home and why do you want to work at disneyworld (well duh! isnt it obvious?! lol!)

how are you anyway? x
I had Jeff - I thought he was really friendly and he made me feel so at ease! Didn't you think that it was over really quickly? My job choice was: Operations/Attractions, Character Attendant, FS F&B, Merch, Recreation, QS F&B... What was yours?
i put character attendant, merchandise, attractions, FS F&B, QS F&B! Wish they'd hurry up and get back in touch with us tho! what time was your interview? x

Thats me on the right! x
Yes!!!!! I remember you!!!!! Yayyyyy! Urmm I'm not sure if my post count is high enough to post a pic... I'll try....x
I remember you to!!! hello!!! lol! its nice to know who i'm talking to now! ha ha! u still not heard anything back off them then? x


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