Anyone Up for a 100 day Cheat-Free Challenge?

Lynn -- This is so weird! I typed you a welcome message this morning and it disappeared! :confused3
Welcome aboard! I added you to the front page. Be sure to check in and let us know how you are doing, so I can update your numbers.
Thanks for the welcome, Keenercam! I'm off right after this to add the little picture to my signature.
Sorry you had a stressful day in band, Tiger Cheer! What do you play? (I'm sorry someone probably already asked this. I didn't read the whole thread.)
I'm looking at 2/100! It's been hard with those cupcakes still in my kitchen. Can't wait until they are gone. Tomorrow is grocery day and I'm looking for some alternatives. Hope everyone had a great and successful day! :goodvibes

~~Lynn :flower: ~~
Good morning everyone! :goodvibes

Welcome Lynn :wave2: This challenge will really help you stay committed to being cheat free. There've been times when the only thing that got me throught the day without cheating was the committment that I'd made to the other WISHers and myself! Good luck, I know that you can do it!

Jen, sorry to hear that yesterday was a stressful time in band. Hope that today is better for you! :teeth:
Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone is still doing well! :flower:

Welcome to Lynn! :wave2:

I have added another 3 days and am trying to hang in there. :banana:
Good Morning!!!

Lynn-thanks for posting in my journal by the way!!! And I LOVE being asked questions!! I play clarinet. My squad leader has always been power hungry and decided to go a little bit power-trippish as in like commanding we do things and stating that all clarinets had to have Sweet Home Alabama memorized by Thursday AM practices (which I don't). You're doing absolutely spectacular!!!! Keep up the good work and I may just do the Bum-Bum dance! WELCOME! (And you can call me Jen, or TC2009...really, that's most of the main letters without the vowels!! And shorter to type!) :hug:

Catherine-Hi!! What does it feel like to be cheering us on? I know what it feels like to cheer, but with my other challenge there was nobody there to cheer me on! How does it feel like to complete 100 days? Today is definitely going to get better because I am going to spend MY day in "what-I-imagine-to-be-Disneyworld" so whenever she goes on a power trip, I'm going to MK! So at 2:41 today (when band starts), I'm going through those lovely gates to Main Street!

AWESOME job, JoshMom5!!!! Keep up the great work!

Can we pretty pretty PLEASE PLEASE with Splenda and Mickey Bars make this our best day YET! Yes we can and by all means I am going to do it!
Keep up the great work everyone. We are all doing a great job!!!!!

So Saturday is my birthday and work is doing a cake on Friday....I am going to plan a small, very small slice of cake. I think that will be okay!

So far I am at 57/100

WOW!!! That feels great!

You're talkin' to the newest Secretary-Floating VP-Student Council member!!! Whoohoo!!!

All went well today=no Disney=no MARCHING!!!!

Hey all!
Thanks for all the wonderful welcomes! This makes 4/100 for me and it was hard earned. I work in a bookstore which also has a sweet little coffee shop with lots of sweet little sweets right at my fingertips all day long. I have been starving all day and I was so tempted, but I did not want to have to tell you guys I had to start over! Thanks for your support even if you didn't know you were doing it! Keep it up , guys!

~~Lynn :flower: ~~

PS Jen, Congrats on your Student Council Secretaryship (not sure if that is a word.) !!!!
60/75..i must have miscounted wrong somewhere along the way--my last day was when i left for disney..but either way..14 days till disney :)
Hey, TC2009 -- CONGRATULATIONS on your election to student council! That is absolutely awesome and something that you will always be proud of! I know secretary/VP is a really responsible position, but we all know you are more than up for it!

Lynn -- congratulations on avoiding the temptation you live with all the time at work! That is something to be so proud of! :hug:

Jen -- can you believe your trip is less than 2 weeks away? I bet you feel like you've been waiting forever!

Hey, Paula -- How are you doing, kiddo? We miss you! I hope you are doing great. :cheer2:

eeyore25 -- Happy Birthday! :cake: I know it is not until tomorrow, but I hope you enjoy your celebration at work today. :hug:

Well, everyone -- here's WISHing us all a great, cheat-free weekend! Some of us (our blueeyed jen and, AHEM ;) , Jen :fish: A/K/A joelyfaithsmommy) are moving in to the home stretch! Let's cheer them on :cheer2: and hope they will soon be joining catherine in SUCCESS-land! :teeth:
Thanks guys!!! The last secretary they had didn't know Kalamazoo from a kazoo! I'm putting in "overtime" and fixing most of her mistakes.

Haven't had much time to snack as it has gotten VERY busy around the TC09 Household!

I did get 40 minutes of Marching Dancing. It was really wet and you can't play a clarinet in the rain so we got to practice without and I danced EXTRA EXTRA hard and fell on my bum and I LOVED every minute of it except the raincoats!

I wore jeans to school for the first time ever. They were a little big because I found that out as we were boxing up canned food in Personal Development (loved it!!) and I about tripped going down the stairs because I stepped on a pants leg! They got ABSOLUTE rave reviews!

(and I liked them)

Must dash!! I have a football game to get ready for against our second biggest rivals, Carey. We are adding a secret to our dance and I will tell you how it goes!

Hugs to all of you as it is Day 65!!
Hey everyone! How are you all doing?

Things have been crazy at work since our Fiscal year ends Sept 30th and the school year starting is also keeping me very busy and not spending enough time prepping good meals and doing a lot of grabbing on the run. This never works good for my weight loss efforts.

I have been doing okay, not great since I am using my extra flex points. Anyway, I am adding 2 more days since I haven't used all my flex points for the week yet.
Just checking in to send you all some PD for the weekend :wizard: *******
Hope that you all have a great cheat free weekend! :goodvibes

:bday: eeyore25 :cake: Hope that you have a brilliant day! :rose:

Congratulations Jen on your new role! :flower: It feels great to have reached the goal, but in some ways I think it's more difficult to keep going now that I'm past it!
hope you all are having a great weekend!!

cam-i cant believe my trip is so close! i have so much to do (this semester is a killer!) but itll allll be worth it--plus, i went shopping yesterday, and the size 10s were a bit loose!! not enough that i need 8s yet, but loose is good
Thanks, catherine!!! You can do it!!

Today was a good day, no-cheat wise but an ABSOLUTELY AWFUL day food-wise. It was rainy and cold and I had to stay in the house and I had no real "lunch".

65/75..10 more days till disney...still no cheating--im not doing the best on eating, but not starting to exercise more so maybe ill see more of a difference!
Jen -- I can't imagine wearing 10s! That in itself is exciting, but to have them big on you -- CONGRATS!!! :cheer2: This next week and a half is going to go soooo fast for you as you get ready for Disney! This is usually the point where I start feeling a little sad, knowing the planning is done and the time will fly leading up to the trip. :confused3

Hey, TC2009! You are doing so great! Keep up the awesome work!

Well, guys, if it weren't for flex points (and the APs I earned by doing a 5K yesterday), I would have crashed and burned this weekend. :( I have been such a disaster picking at food all the time. Not even large quantities or anything, just a nibble of this and a nibble of that. The only thing that kept me kind of on track was knowing we are all in this challenge together and I really wanted us all to continue to support each other! But all I kept thinking was "What the heck am I doing?!" I feel like I cheated, but I know that I didn't go over my points, so I am still in the challenge, but I am really turning over a new leaf today. I am only going to use my daily point allotment (and any APs I earn). That will force me to be very strict with myself and to exercise more if I want to eat more.

Thank you, everyone, for the motivation and support you provide!
keenercam said:

Well, guys, if it weren't for flex points (and the APs I earned by doing a 5K yesterday), I would have crashed and burned this weekend. :( I have been such a disaster picking at food all the time. Not even large quantities or anything, just a nibble of this and a nibble of that. The only thing that kept me kind of on track was knowing we are all in this challenge together and I really wanted us all to continue to support each other! But all I kept thinking was "What the heck am I doing?!" I feel like I cheated, but I know that I didn't go over my points, so I am still in the challenge, but I am really turning over a new leaf today. I am only going to use my daily point allotment (and any APs I earn). That will force me to be very strict with myself and to exercise more if I want to eat more.

Thank you, everyone, for the motivation and support you provide!
you can do it cam!!! i told myself i am going to start exercising a lot more this week, so last night i started!!! so we can do this together and well get it done!! have a great day


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