Anyone Up for a 100 day Cheat-Free Challenge?

Hey, Jen! Great job on starting an exercise plan! What did you do? Are you going to exercise tonight? Tonight is one of my very few free nights in the next couple of weeks, so I am going to head over to the Y and try to get in some relaxing biking/reading, some cross-trainer time, and maybe a mile or two on the TM at an incline. Hoping to do at least an hour. Be sure to check in and tell me how you did, and I will do the same! (of course, with your hectic schedule, I know it is hard for you to find time to exercise. I see a lot of law school students and college and high school students at our gym, with a book on the magazine holder doing the stepper or treadmill or bike -- kudos to them! and you !!!!! :teeth: )
keenercam said:
Hey, Jen! Great job on starting an exercise plan! What did you do? Are you going to exercise tonight? Tonight is one of my very few free nights in the next couple of weeks, so I am going to head over to the Y and try to get in some relaxing biking/reading, some cross-trainer time, and maybe a mile or two on the TM at an incline. Hoping to do at least an hour. Be sure to check in and tell me how you did, and I will do the same! (of course, with your hectic schedule, I know it is hard for you to find time to exercise. I see a lot of law school students and college and high school students at our gym, with a book on the magazine holder doing the stepper or treadmill or bike -- kudos to them! and you !!!!! :teeth: )
Cam--i got 45 minutes in today! i did the cario c ruiser, then on the treadmill for a bit, then just sit ups and felt great!! I had an apple and yogurt for lunch and have been drinking water all day long...i know once i start the school week (starst tomorrow for me ) its going to be harder to get it in..but im wishing away a few more pounds or inches before the trip!!
let me know how you do!!
still cheat free here, day 84...sorry i haven't been around for awhile, things are nuts at my house with me working two jobs and working on my thesis, but i'm still SWIMMING :fish: just wanted you all to know...

keep up the GREAT work guys!

Jen :)
Hi, Jen! Welcome back! We have missed you. Great to know you are still :fish:

Made it through yesterday with flying colors, so although I haven't fallen off the challenge due to FPs, NOW it feels like I am really living up to the commitment I have made.

Blueeyes101817 -- thanks for inspiring me to get back into the swing of exercising. That felt good last night.

Have a great, cheat-free day, everyone! :grouphug:

cam-no problem..its helping me too--im held accountable!! didnt get exercise in today, had a staff meeting and back to school night at work...but i did dance and jump a lot iwth the kids today so that counts :)
Hi, everyone! I am done another day!

How is everyone doing? Jen? How about you, Jen? And are you doing okay, Jen? ;)

Really -- I hope my challenge buddies -- :fish: jen, :cheer2: jen, and blue-eyed jen are all doing great!

Hey, Blueeyes101817 -- You are almost at 90%! Just have to get through today and tomorrow, kiddo! 15 days in July, 31 in August, and 20 so far in September -- 66/75 = 88%! Is that right? Is your last day the 29th? Or the 28th? If the 28th is your last day, I think we should have had your total days # at 74. :confused3 Just let me know, and I will fix the total! Keep up the great work!
So --- how is everyone doing? I did great yesterday, for the first time in a long time. I ate more than enough food to satisfy me and even had regular points and all my APs left at the end of the day. Looking forward to getting to 75%!
hmmm i think it was the 29th as my last day, but i meant to make it the 28th since i know i will be cheating in disney :)but still cheat free so far!
Blueeyes101817 said:
hmmm i think it was the 29th as my last day, but i meant to make it the 28th since i know i will be cheating in disney :)but still cheat free so far!

Okay, Jen! Check out your listing on page 1! WOOHOOO!!!!! :banana: :Pinkbounc As of last night you are at 68/74 and the GORGEOUS LIME GREEN!!! 92% OF THE WAY THERE, CHICKIE!!!!
Can you believe it? Aren't you proud of yourself?! You are in the home stretch, and I know this next week will be so crazy for you with trying to get ahead on schoolwork so that you don't have to take it with you, and packing, etc. But, don't lose sight of your goal, kiddo! I am sooo proud of you! :thewave: Here is some :wizard: for an easy, stress-free, cheat-free weekend! (And remember, if Dad brings you ice cream, just do some extra exercise to burn some of those calories! ;) )
keenercam said:
Okay, Jen! Check out your listing on page 1! WOOHOOO!!!!! :banana: :Pinkbounc As of last night you are at 68/74 and the GORGEOUS LIME GREEN!!! 92% OF THE WAY THERE, CHICKIE!!!!
Can you believe it? Aren't you proud of yourself?! You are in the home stretch, and I know this next week will be so crazy for you with trying to get ahead on schoolwork so that you don't have to take it with you, and packing, etc. But, don't lose sight of your goal, kiddo! I am sooo proud of you! :thewave: Here is some :wizard: for an easy, stress-free, cheat-free weekend! (And remember, if Dad brings you ice cream, just do some extra exercise to burn some of those calories! ;) )

woohoo!! i have to admit i am proud, even though i havent been exercising but i have cut out alot of junk--i dont even remember the last time i had soda! i MUST have a good weekend because cheating will happen starting next thursday hahaha..
I will definitely check in before i leave , and hopefully will be at goal and dont blow it in this last weekend!!
cam thanks so much for all of your support
Hi, Jen!
First of all -- you should be very proud of all the positive changes you have made, including whatever exercise you can get in!
Second -- Remember, at WDW, it is "treating" -- not "cheating"! ;)
Third -- You will be doing so much walking in "the World" that it will be as if you are continuing your commitment to exercise even while on vacation -- just a whole lot more fun setting! :banana:

You are welcome for the support. Right back atcha', too. I really appreciate all your encouragement!
Just checking in to WISH you all a great cheat free weekend! Here's some PD :wizard: ***** to help us all get over those temptations! :goodvibes

Everyone is doing such a good job of staying cheat free. I'm proud to belong to this challenge! :teeth:
Hi, catherine! Great to see you! I see you are still solidly on track! What a good role model you are :teeth:
Have a great weekend!

I am just popping in to give everyone a quick hello. I am glad you are still doing well.

I am having ups and downs. The current stress in my life is really killing my weight loss efforts.
DAY 74!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our enthusiasm is supposted to start flaggin' now, but it hasn't!!!!!!!

I have a large band festival today and there's about 6 hours when I will do nothin' but jammin'!! And we won our game last night!! And I had two bottles of water-yay!
Oops, i completely loss track off this tread. Just wanted to say that i've done allright so far, 13 days xD i've slipped but not gone off completely. Yeah! :cool1:

Congrats to everyone so far, i hope your all doing well.


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