April will be "Incredible"-y Fun!


Sharing the same birthday with my baby girl and Mi
Sep 9, 2005
Off to a late start this morning, ran 3 miles, then put the first coat of paint on the bathroom walls. While waiting for it to dry, we have to go out to find a new shower curtain and some other bathroom things.

So its a new month, spring is finally making its way to some of us in the north-we are looking at a high of 80 on Saturday! YAY!!!:banana:

This weeks inspirational quote:

"In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that."
--Fred Lebow

Always remember the WISH motto: Dead last finish beats did not finish which always trumps did not start. WISH gave me the courage to start.

And another though provoking question for my Incredible friends:

What are some of your non-running/racing/walking goals? Do you want to further your education, get a better job, buy a DVC (hehe)?

For me, I think it would be to get my house the way I really want it. My yard is a work in progress, and I try to do a bit each year. I really want it to be a showcase, but time and money seem to be lacking to make that a reality in a timely manner.

Here is our Incredible line-up

VernRDH~Veronica------11/18/70----------Disneyland Half
roomthreeseventeen~Amy-----3/24/80---------Wine and Dine Half
lisah0711~Lisa------7/11 ------------- Princess Half
Mickeys#1Fan4ever~Patsy------------Disneyland Half
ScubaMickey~Linda-----11/3 ---------Princess 5k
MickeyMomTo2~Lauren------ 3/12 ------------Princess Half
donac~Dona 5/29
escape~Susie Disneyland Half
ADPiSpaz16~Jess------4/16----------------Princess half
momof2minnies~Linda------------- Expedition Everest Challenge WDW 5k and Half 2011.
Always remember the WISH motto: Dead last finish beats did not finish which always trumps did not start. WISH gave me the courage to start.
I just wanted to say I'm absolutely in love with this quote. It was this quote that finalized my decision to run a Disney Half. There's no turning back now!

What are some of your non-running/racing/walking goals? Do you want to further your education, get a better job, buy a DVC (hehe)?
Well, DVC is definitely in the future but not overnight. We went thru a financial mess and went thru bankruptcy a while back so we're trying to get things on track financially, especially building up a savings with a minimum of $1500 saved in a year. We've also been remodeling our house for 4 years now and are almost done. That's a huge goal. Finally, I want to hit my long-term goal weight which will equal 113lbs lost. I lost 100lbs but some laziness and baby #2 and I'm at the 85lbs lost mark.

Veronica - Could you possibly put the team roster on this thread? I'm still learning names. Yay on the 3 miles! What kind of work are you doing to your house? We have a 2400 sq ft home on three acres we completely gutted and redid. We're working on the kitchen now (and landscaping outside soon) and after over four years of work, we'll finally be done!

Amy - Sorry to hear about your heel pain. I've had the same thing a long time ago but I'm of no help with what to do about it. Feel better soon... and kudos to your boyfriend for massaging it for you! I'd think my husband got some kind of brain damage if he ever did something like that for me.

Just got done with my run a while ago and I am feeling so great! I'll run again tomorrow and take advantage of DH being home to watch the kids for an hour!
Good Morning Team Incredibles! It looks like that Disney "magic" is working because we had NO rain yesterday :yay: and it looks like the rain has left today's forecast too!:yay: And crowds weren't bad at all yesterday....we'll see what today holds.

This weeks inspirational quote:

"In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that."
--Fred Lebow

Love the quote Veronica!

I think for me my non-running/walking goal for now is to continue to encourage my 2 boys(18-tomorrow & 15) to make the right choices (college/career goals) and not to sell themselves short. I want them to believe that no dream is too big....shoot for the stars! Walt Disney had a "dream" one day and look where it took him....

Have an Incredible Day!
Veronica- You can just keep painting all the way to my house! I so need to get on that project this summer. We bought our house new 15 years ago, and we while we have kept it up, we are reaching the point that we need to start really updating things. YAY! for spring reaching you. We finally got spring this week.

ADPi- Wowza!! on the weight loss! I have a lot of weight to lose and you inspire me!! I am sure that you and your husband can meet your other goals too.

Mickey's #1 Fan- So glad that your are having a rain free/ tolerable crowd trip to Disneyland! Happy Birthday to your son!!

I have not done my walking for the day yet. I am having a hard time getting motivated to move at all!! I think I am going to walk on a treadmill today instead of outside.

For non-running goals: I want to lose my extra weight for sure, and I think that I would like to get a job. I have been a stay at home mom for 11 years now, and I was a stay at home wife for a couple of years before that. I am finding that lately I am more interested in working. I got married and had children instead of finishing college- a decision that I have regretted for many years (the not finishing college part, I love my husband and children!:) LOL) so I am not sure which direction I should go. Maybe it will come to me about mile 10 or so of the half!

Have a great day all!
Mickeys#1Fan4ever, I'm loving the NO RAIN, too. Of course, today is even more beautiful than yesterday, but it's a non-run day. Off I go to the gym for weights.

ADPi, awesome on the weight loss. And yeah, my boyfriend is THE best. Of course, he gets foot massages from his girlfriend EVERY night, so he'd better reciprocate sometimes!
I put the roster in my first post, again if I have forgotten anyone, please speak up and I will gladly add you.

Patsy, glad the weather is holding and you are having a good time. Enjoy!!
This weeks inspirational quote:

"In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that."
--Fred Lebow

Always remember the WISH motto: Dead last finish beats did not finish which always trumps did not start.

And another though provoking question for my Incredible friends:

What are some of your non-running/racing/walking goals? Do you want to further your education, get a better job, buy a DVC (hehe)?

I just LOVE both of the quotes that you used today... the WISH motto motivated me to do either the WDW half or the Princess half I have not made up my mind on which one I want to do

As for my goals I would have to say help my DH find a job because after 20 years of military service he retires in 22 days... also to buy into DVC... I just LOVE being there in DW and if we buy into it I know I will be going back more often then what we are right now
What are some of your non-running/racing/walking goals? Do you want to further your education, get a better job, buy a DVC (hehe)?

One goal would be to finish my economics undergraduate degree, and then get accepted into a PhD program.

I finished strength training for the day earlier this afternoon. It went OK. I was there for about an hour, but when I left my body didn't really feel like it had done anything. I guess, I should look into more difficult exercises.
Veronica, I love the quote and the motto. Thanks for sharing both!

My goals: I would like to lose 10 pounds. I also want to really enjoy this spring and summer with my kids and soak up every moment. My youngest starts kindergarten this fall. I hate that children grow up so fast!
My non-running, non-fitness goal is to save enough $$$ for us to stay at the Polynesian or Grand Floridian next March, and pray for an upgrade to CL :)
Hi Everyone!

The quotes are great!

My short term goal would be to lose another 10 lbs before June 9th when DD and I go to WDW.Long term goals would be to get both DDs through college safe and sound- scary world out there.Once DD 16 leaves for school my DH and I would like to plan a trip.We have not done that since our honeymoon 20 yrs ago.

Finally the rain has stopped around here- time to get remotivated.

Could we make a list here of who is doing any of the Disney races in 2011 from our team? Is there one and I missed it in the posts?

Hey there Veronica could you add me to the list please?

Thanks Linda
Good morning everyone. The sun is shining here in jersey. I spent yesterday working on a quilting project. The morning was spent on the sewing machine and the afternoon was spent basting the quilt. Then over an hour spent on yoga. Needless to say I am very achy this morning. I am planning to take a walk this morning. I then have to do taxes and hope to put the first few stitches in the quilt.

What are some of your non-running/racing/walking goals? Do you want to further your education, get a better job, buy a DVC (hehe)?

I would love to buy a DVC but I haven't been able to talk dh into it and we haven't had the money since we are finishing up putting ds's through college. Only 2 more years and we are done:banana::banana:

We are also talking about retirement. Dh wants to go to DW for 2 full weeks. I plan to use some of my retirement money for 2 nights in BLT MK view.

Immediate plans is to get the basement cleaned and some projects done that have been sitting there too long.
Good morning, Incredibles! :goodvibes

Veronica, loved the quote and I always find the WISH motto to be inspiring. Just like I love my new mantra "I'm ready to be INCREDIBLE!" :cool1: They are all helpful for those days when I don't feel as incredible as I would like. ;)

And another though provoking question for my Incredible friends:

What are some of your non-running/racing/walking goals? Do you want to further your education, get a better job, buy a DVC (hehe)?

I'm just starting a nutrition class at our university to explore if I would like to become a registered dietician. This would be my so-called encore career. Let me tell you that my BA and JD degrees aren't too helpful in getting a BS degree -- I get to take college math again and chemistry 101! :laughing: It is fun to try something new although they have changed alot at college since I graduated from law school 18 years ago.

I'm always ready for more DVC points but my bank account is not right now!

Did W2D2 yesterday and and survived so I think I am making good progress on my running goal!

Have a great day everyone!
Hello everyone! Happy Good Friday!

Goals outside of Disney races? Good question. I have so many little goals. My immediate goal is to get through this semester. I teach at a local college and this semester has been rough...very stressful. Outside of that, I really, really need to lose some weight. I wonder if it's too late to join one of those WISH biggest loser teams? I also need to work on my house, yard, and I need to go through my clothes and other stuff and give a lot away. I need to simplify my life! :teeth:

As for Disney races - the only one I have planned besides the Goofy this past January is the Disneyland race in Sept. I'll probably skip the WDW marathon weekend next January (for shame!) I've been there four years in a row. I LOVE this weekend. However, I don't have any trees that grow money yet and I really need cut back a little in my spending. I want to go back in 2012 for the Donald 15th anniversary and then in 2013 for the 20th full anniversary and then probably in 2015 for the 10th anniversary of the Goofy. Whew! Somewhere in there I'd like to do the Princess and the Wine and Dine. Too many races, not enough $$$$.
Morning everyone! This Friday is off to a great start! I got on the scale and I’m down 3.2lbs this week. All it took was to seriously log all my food into my BodyBugg and running three times this week has helped I’m sure. I kinda lost my mojo for two weeks but I’m back on track!
My mom is taking my son for the night and is coming to get him in 3-4 hours. It’ll just be me and DH ad the baby so I’ll have him watch the little one later today so I can run again and then I think we’re going to Red Lobster for dinner (no meat for us on Good Friday).

Susie – Wow, you just keep going back for those races, huh? I don’t see how I’d be able to come back to run every year. We live in Indiana and money’s just tight. I guess I’ll be running the local races… at least my first will be at WDW. What do you teach? I’ve also been thinking about doing the Biggest Loser thing but I do a weight loss challenge on my Moms Losing Weight board and I’m captain so I think it’d be too much.

Lisa – Becoming a nutritionist sounds awesome! Kinda a stretch from law though! I think it’s great! Congrats on your run. Oh yeah, how to do you DVC? Is it really worth it? We’re thinking of getting in on it within the next five years.

Dona – Quilting sounds fantastic! I never could but I’d love to. I used to knit but with a 2.5 year old and six month old, there’s no more time for it. I have some half started blankets and suck laying around somewhere!

Linda – I think a list of who is doing what Disney race is a great idea. I’m doing the princess next year. I’d be nice to know who is doing what so we can all meet up. It’s so far away and I’m nervous about it already!

Amy – If you’ve never stayed at the Polynesian, you’re in for a real treat. Me and DH stayed there for our honeymoon and, maybe we’re missing out, but we won’t ever stay any place else again. It’s like a Hawaiian vacation at the same time you’re taking a Disney vacation!

Kelley – You can definitely lose the weight. It’s just a decision you have to make. There’s times where I slip up but I just think of the alternative. I can get up and start over again and work to a slimmer, healthier me, or I can go back to 268lbs. It’s not happening. Just a suggestion, I would get a BodyBugg (what they wear on Biggest Loser) if you can afford it. It makes everything soooo easy!

I know it was done a last month, or sorta done, but is there any way we can do like a question and answer thing to get to know each other better? It amazes me how many of you are talking about putting your kids through college and here I am with one just out of diapers and a six month old!

Sorry to everyone I missed! I’ll try to check back later.
Goals outside of Disney races? Good question. I have so many little goals. My immediate goal is to get through this semester. I teach at a local college and this semester has been rough...very stressful. Outside of that, I really, really need to lose some weight. I wonder if it's too late to join one of those WISH biggest loser teams?

It's never too late to join a BL challenge! :goodvibes Please come and join us on the BL 9 thread. Information about how the challenge works is in the first post and you can PM me if you have any questions. Today is weigh in day so it would be a great day to join! This challenge runs through 5/14 and may be extended another week and there will be a summer challenge, too.

Lisa – Becoming a nutritionist sounds awesome! Kinda a stretch from law though! I think it’s great! Congrats on your run. Oh yeah, how to do you DVC? Is it really worth it? We’re thinking of getting in on it within the next five years.

I figure that people will be healthier and happier after I've counseled them as a nutritionist -- people often don't feel so great after being a participant in the legal system. :scared:

We love our DVC. They say if you go to WDW every two years and always stay in a deluxe it will pay for itself. But since you love the Poly so much DVC might not be for you because there isn't a DVC there. When you are at WDW on your trip you should try and check out the Bay Lake Towers DVC -- you have little kids and might be hooked. :goodvibes PM me if you want to know more about it.
It's never too late to join a BL challenge! :goodvibes Please come and join us on the BL 9 thread. Information about how the challenge works is in the first post and you can PM me if you have any questions. Today is weigh in day so it would be a great day to join! This challenge runs through 5/14 and may be extended another week and there will be a summer challenge, too.

I figure that people will be healthier and happier after I've counseled them as a nutritionist -- people often don't feel so great after being a participant in the legal system. :scared:

We love our DVC. They say if you go to WDW every two years and always stay in a deluxe it will pay for itself. But since you love the Poly so much DVC might not be for you because there isn't a DVC there. When you are at WDW on your trip you should try and

check out the Bay Lake Towers DVC -- you have little kids and might be hooked. :goodvibes PM me if you want to know more about it.

I'm glad for the information about DVC. That is an interesting way to look at it. We have only stayed in deluxe at the Poly for our 10th anniv. We have stayed a night at AKL as a gift from my sister and her husband for our 30th anniv. we love the camp ground, Pop and POFQ so maybe DVC isn't for us.

Good luck with the college math and chem. It is nice to go back to school. I have a master's degree but on top of that I have 45 credits over the master's so you can say I have been a professional student for most of my life.

Just got home from a 55 minute walk with dh. The air is cool but it got pretty warm while we were walking

THis morning we went out to get cauliflower for Easter. I was able to get it in white, orange and purple. I wonder what they are going to look like when we roast them. Tomorrow I have to make an orange chiffon cake and bake some chocolate chip cookies.

Have to go ds2 just got home from colllege and we have to talk summer plans.
Hi Everyone!

Spent the week in Orlando at a conference. The weather was sunny and no rain to be found. Orlando was busy with the Easter Week visitors. I did not have the opportunity to visit Mickey or Minnie this time...so close, but yet so far.

I have set a goal of cruising on the Disney Dream in 2011 for our 25th Wedding Anniversary. We cruised on the Big Red Boat for our honeymoon...:scared1: so we would like to cruise with the best this time around.

A personal goal is to volunteer more hours during the year at the Castillo de San Marcos National Monument in St. Augustine. I have volunteered for six years, but my number of total hours are low.

Wow, it's been quiet on this thread this afternoon. Well, I didn't want to run tonight. I really really didn't. But I did. Me and DH and baby Krys went to Red Lobster for dinner and I overdid it. I had like 1013 calories (that is way too easy to do!) so I knew I had to run. I did, and I'm glad I did. I'm down with Week 3 of C210K! And I'm over on my calorie burn for the day so I'm a very happy camper!

Dona - Roasted cauliflower? Really? I've never heard of such a thing. I'm very interested. And orange chiffon and cookies... I'd about kill for that right now (I'll be sticking with my frozen blueberries!).

Lisa - We definitely love Poly but we'd survive without it. I'm really excited about the new Towers as part of DVC. We can't afford it until all the remodeling on the house is done, probably another two years before we buy, but it's a for sure thing. DH wants to take advantage of more than just the trips to Disney... I'd be happy with Disney every year for the rest of my life!

Not sure if I'll be on much this weekend. Probably once or twice so I hope everyone has a great weekend and happy Easter if you're celebrating!
Jess - YUM, Red Lobster. :) I'm about to make Sloppy Joes and green beans with rice for us.

Thanks for all the Poly advice, all. Not sure I can pry SO away from GF, though, LOL!


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