April will be "Incredible"-y Fun!

Could everyone send some PD to my son who just started his new job. He came home very upset. He is bored and he has no one to talk to like he did at his old job. At his old job he knew everyone and could talk to them all. They were like his family. He is now in new territory. THere is alot to learn before the person he is working with goes on vacation on the 9th of May and I know he is scared. It doesn't help that the person who is training him is from India and his only interest is cricket. TIA

Hope your son is doing better today!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful end of April. I was able to cut my 10k pace down 4 and a half minutes to 1:07. :) My Disney playlist rocks.
Hi everyone hope your all having a great day. I am thrilled because I have off tomorrow and its going to be 85 and sunny :cool1: I plan on spending the day with my two boys. We have kindergarten registration for my 5 year old and a check up at the pediatrician for my 3yr old but otherwise we will be outside. :banana:

I am so proud of how well I am eating this week. I have amazed myself....I knew having something disney as my motivation would work....so far so good. I actually have 7 points left that I need to find something good to eat. Not the greatest hour to be eating but I just got done running so I dont want to not eat the right amount of calories.

My running was good tonight. C25K w5d2. I did 2miles in 25:40. a little more than a minute faster than my last run. Its a start. One question I have for anyone.....does your treadmill smell like rubber burning after awhile. Im not sure if something is wrong or if its normal for it to do this. We have been using it for a year or two and I dont remember noticing it before. It made me a little nervous. Any thoughts?
Thanks for the PD. Ds came home happier than the night before. He even got to do something without someone accompaning him. He also found out he doesn't have to work every Sat like he thought the night before. He was feeling better about everything last night.
Hope everyone had a good day. I did good, ran faster on the TM than I have been, reached my 15 lbs lost milestone. Ate pretty well, only used 2 flex points for a treat.

:thumbsup2 Way to Go Veronica!!!! You are doing awesome and giving me lots of inspiration on the weight loss!

Dona Glad your son had a better day at work. It's no fun feeling overwhelmed with a new job.

Susie I like the half marathons where there's not pressure on the finish time.....I seem to finish those in a lot less pain and feeling a lot better!

Hubby and I are up at Squaw Valley (Lake Tahoe) for a couple of days so no running for me.....still a lot of snow and COLD! We don't ski but maybe I can convince him to do some hiking in the snow.

Happy Friday to All!
Another quote for you ladies:

"If I accept you as you are, I will make you worse; however if I treat you as though you are what you are capable of becoming, I will help you become that."
-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Hello Incredibles!

I've been absent from the boards recently - at least this side of them! - because I've been preoccupied with wedding planning. That's under control now, but we've decided on doing a Disneymoon (can you say YAY?!) so that's been my most recent obsession.

Now that things have calmed down, I can focus on running again! I've run sporadically this month, not as often as I'd wanted. Maybe once or twice a week. I did a nice 4.15 mile run today so I feel like I'm back in the game! Hope everyone is doing well, see you in the May thread!


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