Aug. 21, 2004 Eastern Magic check in list

I am concerned about our flight on Friday. I really DO NOT wan to go back to our original plan to drive! I was so excited about flying. I read somewhere that Southwest gates were damaged. How would I check on that?:eek:
Hi All,

The car is packed and we are getting ready to head out. We have very light rain falling and I did get a nap in this evening. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we hit the roadways.

See you all soon!!! :hyper: :wave2:
We're due to fly out of CA (Oakland) early Friday morning. I hadn't yet found out enough about the conditions of the airport/runways to know if I needed to worry. So, Alan, do I need to worry??? Needless to say, Driving is NOT an option for us. ~Jennifer
Jennifer -

Maybe I should stop reading about Charley (although there is a rather humorous thread about a guy named Charlie getting ribbed while staying at WDW on the community board).

Weather looks good for Friday morning here too, just a little jitters. Indeed, driving is NOT an option for us either. I think if we left Friday from L.A., when the Magic was leaving we'd be in Alabama or so.

I figure as long as we land SOMEWHERE in Florida, we could find a way to Port Canaveral. I spoke to SWA asking if we could move it up to Thursday (we still have a WDW park hopper day left), but we'd lose our special fare so that's out.

Oh well, safe (and delay-free) travel to all us CAers, not to mention everyone else.

OK everyone....I'm off to go get married! Wish me luck!

Andy, I hope you are having a safe drive.

From what I read on another board MCO sustained considerable damage - hopefully by the end of the week the airport will be more or less back to normal.

Driving wont be much of an option for us from NYC either if there is another storm - I have never driven more than 3 or 4 hours at a clip and even with switching off with my sister I don't think itis an option.

I guess we will keep an eye on Earl and see what they predict as the path for the next few days and decide what to do.

My friends daughter is flying into MCO on Wed from CA so I will let you know if her flight is delayed or cancelled.

I just checked the Weather Channel site; Hurricane Danielle is expected to stay out in the Atlantic and should not impact anything.

Tropical Storm Earl is another matter. It is expected to be upgraded to a hurricane; current projections have it out of our way but a possibly serious problem for Jamaica and Western Cuba.

Even if that does happen, it will likely impact us - some ships planning a Western Itinerary may go East instead, making for very crowded ports. That is, of course, quite a minor inconvenience, particularly when you consider that Charley's death toll in Fla. was measured (last I checked) at 13, with hundreds missing and thousands homeless.

It looks like it is going to be a very busy storm season.

I checked Southwest's site and they listed most flights as a go today into MCO. There were a few that could not go because the plane was at the wrong location. So hopefully that means all is or will be soon back to normal. As for Earl he needs to GO AWAY and NOT come again another day!::yes::

Someone on the transportation board was saying they would be allowed to fly out early IF the weather looked bad for their later flight. So I guess I will watch and be ready in case that is offered.

Our trip is THIS WEEK!!!:bounce: :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Gayle....thanks. I'll look forward to your input on Wednesday. think you'd be in Alabama by Saturday am??? With three kids, I probably wouldn't make it farther than Nevada!!! Do you So. Ca. people get a direct flight on SWA to MCO??? We have to transfer in Phoenix, then land in New Orleans..... at least that is where we visited last time. It's a VERY long day.... Still, I can't wait for Saturday to come. It's amazing how we get no less excited with each additional cruise.
Latest projection is that TS Earl is going to hit Yucatan peninsula south of Cozumel Wednesday night/Thursday morning; this is a somewhat southward adjustment to the projected course from this morning.
I just got a call from Andy who asked me to post for him. They're in South Carolina and will be at his mother's house early tomorrow morning. So far, he has had a very smooth drive.

Congrats Jennifer & Joe! Wow - was it only last year at this time when Joe proposed in Palo?!

Time to call the airlines to see if they are worried about flying to Orlando Friday and if DH needs to make alternate travel plans. See you all in a few days!
Thanks for the update.

I am so thankful that we are traveling next week instead of this past week.

My prayers are out to all that were struck by the huricane.

Good luck to all of you with your travels as well
Congrats Jennifer and Joe!!!

We arrived safe and sound at my mom's house at 5:25am today. This drive seemed longer than any of our previous drives down here. It must be the "old age" setting in!!! LOL!!!

It's now time to get some sleep. I think I've had about four hours sleep since Saturday night. See you all in a few days.

Safe Travels,

Congratulations, Jennifer and Joe!!!

Andy, glad you made it down safe. Get some rest, and enjoy your week.
Congrats Joe and Jennifer!!

Andy, glad you made it to FL safe and sound.

Mike, Any word on the train? I thought I heard that AMtrak suspended service....have you heard??
Denise, I think they started back up yesterday. I will check the web site and see if I can get any details.
Originally posted by denise5374
Congrats Joe and Jennifer!!

Andy, glad you made it to FL safe and sound.

Mike, Any word on the train? I thought I heard that AMtrak suspended service....have you heard??

I know that AMtrak ran the auto-train from Virginia yesterday. They seem to be getting things back on line. My friends son was on the train on his way back to school in Orlando. From what I heard, everything has been smooth so far.

Good luck


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