Baby and the Tramp...and a Pop (half) Century! Where Did It Go???

I'm so glad everyone is enjoying it. I hope to add pictures of everyone soon so you can put a face with the description. We are also planning our next Countdown to Disney party so we will definitely post pictures from that.

It'll be great to put faces with names - can't wait!

And EVERY DAY is "Count Down to Disney Day" for me! :lmao:
And EVERY DAY is "Count Down to Disney Day" for me! :lmao:

It is for us too. All my employees know how much longer I have until Disney. But we have parties periodically where my mom and I make Disney food, such as, tie dyed cheesecake and twinkie tiramasu and we all eat and play Disney Scene It. That is where we discovered Kristi needed this trip more than anyone since her answer was "Winnie AND the Pooh" Apparently they are two people not just one giant cuddly bear. We have been harrassing her about it ever since!
It's good to have you all along for our pre-trip activities. Hopefully, the real trip will be fun for everyone. If anyone hears the latest on lamagique, let me know. I was really enjoying her trip report before she was whisked away. I hope all is well with her, and I look forward to hearing more of her adventures. She seems like a real sweet young lady.

I've pm'ed with a couple of Disers who will also be at Pop while we're there, so if we cross paths, maybe they'll agree to be in our trip report, too. That would be kinda fun. One of them said she hadn't heard about decorating resort windows like we do, but now she's on a mission to find something to decorate her window with. I'm an early riser, so on my morning walks around Pop, I'll be on the lookout for window displays to share with all of you.
Avivasmom, the pic in your siggie is TOO CUTE! :cloud9:

BrooklynnsMommy and MeMom, we're all here, so let's get this show on the road! We're looking forward to hearing about the rest.

As for decorating windows: I did this for the first time last year when my Mother came with me. It wasnt as great as everyone's elses, but I did include ride photos as the week progressed. I'm sure passers by got a kick out of that! And "Scrap4U" left a Lime Green Mickey on our doorknob!

So limber-up those fingers Ladies! We're waiting! :surfweb:
There she is, burning the midnight oil, as usual! Glenda's posts normally cover the night shift on the Disboards. This is usually one of the times I'm asleep, but I'm up in this wee hour of the morning for a change. Usually, I sleep for about 3-4 hours, and although I set my alarm for 4:30, it never goes off. I'm always already up. I've been pulling up the den carpet tonight and scraping away a layer of old foam and glue, so I am an exhausted mess right now. So is my den. I'm trying to decide whether to just have it recarpeted, use floor paint on it, or put down vinyl or linoleum or whatever else is low maintenance. Since school is out now, I have time to deal with it. Anyway, somewhere out there in the dark of night is Glendamax, working, er, huh, Dising away!
There's not much to talk about yet, but I'll share a few things we've done to make our year long wait more bearable. After I booked last summer, we settled in for Brooklynn's arrival. In August, she made her appearance. In the delivery room, we watched Robin Hood on DVD, and we had three very menacing Pirates spending the day with us - Tigger, Pooh, and Eeyore. All the nurses commented about how cute they were as they came in and out, and of course that opened up our opportunity to talk about our Disney trip. Jill, if you have a picture of those guys INSERT HERE.

Brooklynn's first trip out into the world, besides to the doctor, was to the mall. Straight to the Disney Store. We put little Mouse ears on her, but she slept through the whole thing. Jill, if you have that picture, you may INSERT HERE!

I have the picture here on my dresser, but I'm not computer savvy enough to put it in a post, so that's gonna be up to you.
In October, we went to see Disney on Ice in Huntsville, and we loved it! There were six grown-ups and a tiny baby (who slept through it - see a pattern here?), but we didn't care. We got our Disney fix and some really good pictures. We also had our own MNSSHP. Again, Jill can INSERT, INSERT, when she gets the time.
I made the tie-dyed cheesecake, which was a big hit. We've had the AK theme/Flame Tree BBQ, too, and I'm really looking forward to the real Flame Tree meal when I get there. Every time I think of that place I can smell that wonderful BBQ. We did a Wilderness Lodge theme at Christmas, and I understand that yesterday the decision was made to have our next pre-Disney meal next Thursday. I think Jill has something up her sleeve for this one, so I'm just waiting for my assignment as to what to contribute.
With a bit over a month to go, I have already started a "pile" in the back room. The "pile" (I just noticed that's kind of a funny looking word when you type it) will grow bigger and bigger in the days ahead. So far it has only a cheap poncho leftover from the last trip, new socks for the boys, and a couple of t-shirts for me. I'm a very plain dresser, and I'll share more about my wardrobe later. Jill will make fun of me during that part. Jill will make fun of me on several parts, actually. It's okay. I still love her. And I even like her, too. So, "the pile" and an upcoming meal is about all we've got for now. Jill has good pictures from our 2005 trip she could show, and we've got Minnie's trip last year, so if she gets a chance this weekend, maybe she can post some of those. Her in-laws are coming to visit for the weekend, but when she's not entertaining them, maybe she can put something of interest on here. We know we're leaving on the evening of July 23rd, driving in two cars, and timing it so that we get to the Florida Welcome Center as soon as it opens. That's kind of a tradition with us, to stop and get the brochures, get the juice, take a potty break, and then settle in for the last leg of the trip. Since it is now almost 2 a.m., I'm going to try to get a few hours of slumber. I've got that important DDE call to make to Ms. R, you know. I'll really be glad when that's all settled and our DDE card is on its way. Good-night.
There she is, burning the midnight oil, as usual! Glenda's posts normally cover the night shift on the Disboards.

I'm trying to decide whether to just have it recarpeted, use floor paint on it, or put down vinyl or linoleum or whatever else is low maintenance. Since school is out now, I have time to deal with it. Anyway, somewhere out there in the dark of night is Glendamax, working, er, huh, Dising away!

1. Yes, I am the DISer designated to watch the boards at night. :sail: ::cop:

2. Unless you are really good at laying linoleum, I would use floor paint. With doing the linoleum yourself, you run the risk of that bump that you wish you could smooth out but cant :sad2:

3. So funny that SIX ADULTS went to the Disney on Ice show!:lmao: And you even had the nerve to take the baby as a cover! Trust me, it didnt work - I'm sure everyone knew that you all were more excited to be there than most kids! :hyper2: :hyper: :hyper2: :hyper:
3. So funny that SIX ADULTS went to the Disney on Ice show!:lmao: And you even had the nerve to take the baby as a cover! Trust me, it didnt work - I'm sure everyone knew that you all were more excited to be there than most kids! :hyper2: :hyper: :hyper2: :hyper:

They definitely knew that we were there for us not the baby. I was singing along. We were all grinning like idiots at each other. And at the end a sleeping two month old Brooklynn had her picture made with Jiminy Cricket which she will never remember. :rotfl2:

I am already at work, but I am running home to get my camera so I can post some pictures.
Okay, if the dining gods are shining favorably upon us, we have a DDE card on its way. After 27 minutes on long distance, we finally got things resolved. Ms. R was there, but with another guest, so I had the pleasure of working with Mr. D. He's a 28 year employee of Disney, but he's new to this particular job, so he was muddling through it all with me. He was a really nice gentleman who assured me that even though he could not find me anywhere in his system, he believed me when I said I had paid for two annual passes, and he was determined to find them even if he had to take his computer apart to do it. First we went by the obvious, my confirmation number. No luck. Then my name. Nothing. Unless I was William R____, but I am not William R____, and I didn't want to take Will's passes, because that would just not be Disney-friendly. I hope when William goes to get his AP's, they will be able to find him and not ask him if he is me. I'm not sure what he put in that finally worked, but somehow he finally said, "Aha!", and "Aha" was sounding really good to me. So, we made some progress. Then, I still had to call the DDE office directly and get the card, but at least I finally had a number. I wasn't on hold very long with DDE, but between all the long distance calls I've made to get all this situated, I am pretty sure I lost the six bucks I was trying to save in not having the AP's sent to me, plus more. You live and learn, and I learned that when I do this again, I will just have the passes sent to my residence.
And, for an update on my residence, the carpet continues to be ripped out in about twenty minute intervals. I rip a little and scrape a little. I went to Lowe's this morning and got hooked up with a deluxe scraper on the advice of a worker who looked every bit like Henry Gibson, if you're old enough to know who he is, or one of his very close relatives. He even talked just like him. I was working with an old metal spatula that was about two inches wide, but this bad boy is fourteen inches wide, so I'm flying now! My den is a m-e-s-s MESS! I keep telling myself it'll be worth it in the end. Just keep scraping, just keep scraping...
:sad2: Sounds like so much fun!!! We are re-doing our kitchen. Our house was built back in the 1940's so we have almost 70 years worth of paint! On top of that we have plaster walls with lots of cracks. So in between stripping paint we are mudding cracks. :headache: It feels like it will never be done.
Hi ladies!! I'm the one that will have the green pants at POP with you all in July and that has never heard of window decorating! So, happy to find this pre-trip report finally ;) Post pics so we can find you at POP or in the parks! I've gotten goosebumps and a little bit misty reading your thread so far! Looking forward to much, much more!

It's all magical from here on in!
:love: Wings/Kelly
That baby is too cute! Can't wait to see more pics of how she's grown and match faces to all your names.

I love the Disney party idea! That is so cool.
Beautiful baby!!! :cloud9:

We did a World Showcase birthday party for Meg a couple of years ago - 1 food from each land around the World Showcase... it was a lot of fun!
Very cute baby you have there! Are Trent and John aware that you have kept those pictures of them??? Trent looks likes he's about to take a bite out of something that's flying around in the air, and John...well, you could have consequences to pay if he sees that one of him.
Did I miss the picture of MeMom?! Well, that's okay if John will just wear that headlight at POP we'll be sure to know who he is ;)
HA and another HA! Two funny things. Thinking you were going to get a picture of me, and the thought of John in his headlight at Pop. Actually, if, while you are there, you see someone standing very still looking as if they are pondering how something works or how it was made, and he's still standing there pondering when you come back through after having spent the day at the park, that could be John. And if the ponderer has a measuring tape and/or a stopwatch, that is most assuredly John. He's a good guy, and he was made to be what he is - an engineer. If he puts something together, it is not going anywhere, ever. It is there for life. Your life and a few generations after you. We've tried to talk him into becoming an Imagineer. The possibilities are endless as to what this man could come up with. I'm hoping he's going to leave most of his work behind him and just relax and have a good time on this trip, but I do think he's going to have to work a little bit here and there, since we're going to be gone for so long. I think most of the work he'll be doing will be inside on the computer, however, and will not require his headlight. As for the picture of me, I will peek out from behind something occasionally, but for the most part, I hide from cameras. I have never taken a good picture, so I gave up long ago. If we get something halfway decent sometime during the trip, I may allow it to be shown, but don't hold your breath. We might could play Find the Hidden MeMom. That would be much more challenging than finding the Hidden Mickeys.
Awwwwwwwww, cutey patooty baby alert! That is one cutey pie! :goodvibes Makes me wish mine were little again for all of about a minute and a half! :laughing:

I'm loving the pre trip report so far, thanks to Gmax for turning me on to it! Hi Glenda :wave2:

And Glenda, you remind me of Main Street at night. All lit up and wonderful, with that warm fuzzy feeling that makes you think you're the only one, and the magic that makes others try to get back to see you again! :goodvibes

I can't wait to read more and see more baby pics! :cloud9:
For those of you who are now thinking Glenda is receiving a commission on all the readers she is gathering for our little ride, be assured she is not! I have absolutely nothing to give. You do remember that I am a teacher, correct? Every dollar I managed to save this year is a Disney Dollar, to be spent later in the summer. The only other thing I would have to offer is a box of leftover #2 pencils and assorted toys that I took up from my students during the year. I'm that mean teacher that takes up things (if they have them out at the wrong time) and doesn't give them back unless your parent comes to claim them. Therefore, on the last day of school, I have a nice little box of tattered YuGio cards, baseball caps, plastic action figures, lipsticks, etc. I'm sure they were very important at some point, but apparently not important enough that mom or dad needed to find out about them being taken up and knowing why they were taken. Anyway, we are glad to have all Glenda's posse along for our adventures, and I just wanted to let you know she is promoting us out of the kindness of her little lime green heart.

Now, having said that, there could be a small compensation for anyone who wanted to call 1-800-UtahMama and get her to come along. She is a Disboard favorite, of course, and Jill is quite a fan of hers. When she found her trip reports 'way back when', there was a period of time when I would call her to see what she was doing and her standard answer was, "Reading UtahMama." I got used to it. I think Jill's enjoyment of her reports was what made us both become Trip Report converts, and we have had many, many laughs and enjoyment of people's pictures ever since. Reading about the fun times and the good food and sharing in all the crazy Disney adventures, both the ups and the downs, has become a very special part of our lives. I personally have come to think that Disers are among some of the very nicest people on earth. I hope you all have a great Saturday!


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