BB6 Official thread - lets chat

any idea what the twist is for later on !! are they still 1 housemate too many !! should there only be 3 on friday evening :confused3
i was gonna watch silent witness but i cant miss bb now ;)
I don't know what it could be but it should be good. One of them has to make an expensive decision aparently. I guess we will find out in 15 minutes!
OMG!!!!! Eugine is £50,000 richer. To be honest I would probably have done the same. He will feel bad though when he finds out if he didn't take it the prize fund would have doubled. But it serves the others right, none of them wanted to go to the diary room when called as they thought whoever went would be evicted.

If you didn't see what happened a housemate was called to the diary room where £50,000 was placed in front of them and they were asked if they wanted it or if the wanted to keep the £100,000 prize fund together. What they did not know (but the other 3 housemates did) was if they refused it the prize fund would go to £200,000.
Well done Eugene- £50 000 richer for somebody who arrived midway isn't bad! The only thing is, he almost definately won't win now which is a shame.

Makosi said that she wouldn't have done the same thing- LIAR!
i was willing Eugene to take the money, at least now he comes out of it with something.
I too was shouting "take it" at the TV!!! I agree Makosi is such a liar, she would have taken it. But she thinks she is getting the other £50,000 anyway. I think not!! I'm glad Eugine is coming away with something though.
makosi is a big LIAR ( we already knew that of course ;) ) well done euge i would have taken the money !! :banana:
Glad to see Craig went last night :) I was wondering of the psychologists would let him out of the de-brief though or if they would be carting him away in a straight jacket :teeth: Anthony looked absolutely gutted, most probably at the thought of being stuck with Makosi for another 2 days ;)

I was surprised Eugene took the money, it was the right decision for him though. I think he deserves it far more than any of the others. :)

Makosi is now the most annoying housemate, I am starting to worry whether her head will fit out of the doors when she is evicted. It seems to have gotten really big over the last week :mad: She thinks an awful lot of herself!
But didnt you know she has a platinum personality?!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I feel really sorry for Eugine right now. Makosi and Anthony have said they wouldn't have taken the money (yea right!!) and now Eugine thinks the public will hate him for his decission. Anthony is claiming he wouldn't want the money anyway, he just came in the house to be on TV and have a laugh and the money doesn't interest him. He thinks Eugine did the wrong thing. I'm not so sure Anthony does deserve to win now. Perhaps Eugine should get the other £50,000.
We ll done Eugene! I was proud of him for taking it and I too was shouting at the tv! No matter what all the others said they all would have done the same. Im still going to continue voting for Eugene to win so who knows he might get the other 50 grand after all!
makosi really bugged me last night......she would have taken the money and then said oh well i KNEW i was going to win so i wanted to give someone else a chance ;)
I can't wait to see Craig's face if Eugene wins on friday night. After the way he was going on in the interview with Davina, I would advise him to seek medical help for his seething jealousy; he almost turned green.
It was funny to see how hesitant they all were to go to the diary room last night when Big Brother called for a housemate :)

Usually they all race each other for the privilige but following the eviction last night they were all strangely hesitant ;) Eugene was brave enough to get up and go and therefore deserves the £50,000. It also shows that despite what they all say they are mad keen to win!
Makosi has took the wig/weave off :eek: She is not a happy bunny either!!


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